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Fandom CORPSE-PARTY: Hollow Hearts




The asylum where the characters reside was once a place of torture, patients were mistreated and tested on and even those who knew ignored the pain and deaths of the residents and continued testing. After the passing of a law that outlawed ill treatment of mentally unstable patients, and after the residents were removed there was a string of mysterious deaths, the one person who survived going insane himself. Eventually the asylum was demolished, a new building was built on top of the ruins, locking the souls of the dead in an eternal loop with no escape. In the new building, patients have started mysteriously disappearing with absolutely no trace, most never returning while the very few that return no longer seen like their original self, as if they're just an empty shell.


As CORPSE-PARTY started as a game series, this RP will follow a game-like system.

Each message posted by FROSTWOLF will describe each person's surroundings, hinting at anything that could be suspicious. Each person will then describe what they do within the area (such as taking a key or smashing a cabinet)

For instances in the games that would not translate well into an RP such as trying to run from a masochistic ghost, die rolling will be used.


~If you have an item capable of doing so, you may choose to try & kill one of your companions (If you are with another person)

~The Darkening will be in this RP but not as severe.


This RP, as it plays out like a game, can be "beaten" but can also be "Lost"

To "Win", at least one person that should intentionally live needs to escape.

To "Lose" all people have to die.

The reason that "Win" and "Lose" are in quotes is for reasons.

Come join us.


(Please sign up with the Character Sign-Up tab)
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The car came to a slow stop as the two sisters approached the Mental institution. They would finally be visiting their uncle who was just recovering from a recent incident he had with his nurse, no one was hurt, of course He just took an overdoes on medication and things happened. The doctors just needed to keep a close eye on him for the mean time. Lucy liked her uncle though, he was kind, loving and she sometimes couldn't even tell the difference between him and the average person. He was much more fun then her boring father. However walking into a new place did flare up her anxiety, just slightly. Her mother wouldn't be there for her, just her sister, Lanette. Once the car drove away and her mother bid her farewell's she ran over to her sister, reaching for her hand.

"D-do you mind?" Lucy asked innocently as she cuddled her hand into hers. Lanette was practically her best friend, she liked no other person more. Every bad thing that happened to her, also happened to her sister. Making Lanette very close and relatable. It also helped a lot that she had known her since they were just born.

@FrostWolf (hope this is okay for a starter. I'm sorry that it's short, I couldn't think of much else. I'm okay with making changes.)

(And just in case people haven't been watching the thread: @Fallen from Heaven @L u n a)
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Lanette smiled softly at her sister and clasped their hands together tightly. She smoothed Lucy's blond hair down with her other hand to calm her. "You know I never mind with you, Luce." Gently tugging on her sister's hand, she led her up the front steps and into the building.

Their shoes clacked loudly on the tile floors as they approached the front desk. The reception woman looked up at them with sunken eyes and chewed lips. She looked like someone who belonged there, unlike Lanette's uncle. "We're here to see Roland Summers," Lanette said firmly. This was her normal attitude with strangers: strong, almost brusque in tone. It didn't match her small stature and thin physique. She stared down the receptionist until the woman croaked out, "Room 302" and pointed down the left hallway. Lanette nodded once and set off, pulling Lucy along. She didn't want either of them to be around the strange woman any longer than needed.
She wasn't really that scared, but holding her sisters just felt so... right. She wanted to hold it everyday and every night, like a warm mitten right out of the washing machine. Lucy never felt this way with anyone else, even the boys or other girls, no matter how pretty or handsome. Her hand belonged with her sister and her sister alone.

Once they reached the door Lucy decided to take the initiative, since Lanette asked and all, to open the door to her uncle's room. However upon entering it an echoed creakiness cracked in their ears, it was clear the door had not been oiled recently. When Lucy peered through the opening she could see no one, just a messy bed but once she entered the room furthermore she could hear a slight ruffling coming from the right. It was his nurse. She seemed to be in a chip mood, chirping a tranquil tune. Upon exchanging gazes the nurse removed her head phones and gave her a friendly smile.
"Oh, you must be Roland's nieces he speaks so fondly of. My, you are just as lovely as he described." The nurse greeted in an ecstatic tone and moved towards the girls with a pile of dirtied clothing. "I'm really sorry, but your uncle just went out for a walk with the other patients. He'll be back in an hour. I'm sure you girls could just wait in his room and surprise him. He'd love that." She chirped and left the room.

'Perfect,' Lucy thought perversely at the thought of having a whole entire room all to their selves. It was probably sound proof too!

*creeeeak* *slam*

Once the door sounded Lucy lightly giggled and pulled Lanette over to the bed. That was actually surprisingly soft.
"Let's play a game while we wait, 'kay?" She asked and slowly let go of her hand."

"Mister Rokkishima? Mister Borraio is here to see you, are you awake?"

[Enter] Patient #1102, Sorayo Rokkishima

With that, Sorayo's silver eyes snapped open and he was wide awake, though it took a moment to fend off the previous day's nightmare of blood and agony he was quickly in his usual state of unknowing, his expression momentarily eerily blank, "Ere?" He mumbled, eyes rolling about before he sat up, rubbing the dried tears off of his face and muttering something odd to himself before he kicked the sheets off and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Y-Yeah, I'm awake, come on in if you want..." He yawned and stretched, his bright eyes catching on the depressed-looking man that was his best friend, "Hey... Ere..." Sorayo said, a smile crossing his youthful face and glowing in the slightly dimmed room.

[Enter] Assistant Caretaker, Ererari Borraio

With a shy wave Ererari entered the room, bangs dangling in front of his face, which was dotted with sweat due to his current attire, though the staff at the asylum had begun to consider this normal, seeing as he wore clothing like this more than anything else since Sorayo's admittance into the asylum, and his apparent mental breakdown. "How are you feeling today, Sora?" He spoke timidly, walking over and pulling the cord attached to the set of white blinds that kept the light from filling the room, making their existence obsolete when they were pulled away from the window and let the sunlight in, and allowing more room for him to open the window and let in the fresh air, taking in a deep breath that washed out the chemical odor that plagued the facility.

"As I was yesterday, well enough, thank you, Ere, for asking... I mean, no one wants to greet a murderer except for you, I don't understand why you still visit me, even when you know what I do... To you, specifically..." Sorayo spoke, hands together between his knees, his eyes on his friend, who's focus remained on the outside, even when he leaned on his arms, gripping the windowsill as Rokkishima spoke, the wood cracking in his grasp.

"No one else will... I can't let that happen, Sora, I'm not that kind of person..." He pushed off of the sill and pulled the scarf off of his neck, relieved without the extra heat on his body, though he knew that if the nurse saw- "What kind of friend would that make me?" Ererari gave a frail grin and set his scarf on a table, unfortunately this one happened to be in front of a mirror, where the dark bruise was more than visible, it was prominent on the side of his neck, I really shouldn't let this happen... He brought his hand to the injury, quickly pulling away instinctively at the pain, and as he reached to touch it again he noticed Sorayo standing from his place on his bed.

"Mm, sorry about that... I kinda lost it, I'm trying to control it..." He said, eyes drifting up to see Ererari's shy violet eyes a moment before he lowered his head, hiding them from view. This didn't irritate Sorayo, but he'd rather see people's eyes when he spoke to them so he knew how they felt and how to respond.

"I-I-It's fine... I understand, Sora... Don't worry about it, alright?" He spoke concern clear on his face as he looked up at the mirror, deeply into the silver eyes reflected, and he could've sworn someone else was-

"Mister Borra... Ah... Oh, am I interrupting something?" The nurse spoke, and by the way Ererari looked at her she felt very much like she had, her usual friendly smile pasted on her face.

The nineteen year old turned red at this, he'd never been great with these situations and now was no exception, "No, no, nothing at all... W-What business do you have with me, ma'am?" He flung his scarf back over his neck, adjusting it as he approached the woman.

"There are visitors today so... I'd suggest you keep Mister Rokkishima, you know, keep him busy, play a board game or something... We wouldn't want a repeat of... The 'incident'..."

"Ah, okay, I will, see you later, Caroll!" He said with a meek smile, closing the door behind her and sighing with relief, glad she hadn't seen anything he'd regret her seeing later on, a bruise, maybe a somewhat extended hug that he'd be paranoid about months later, which he didn't want to deal with it. "I get the strange feeling that we won't be hearing anything more from them... Oddly enough ." The boy sighed, once more he removed his scarf, soon followed by his jacket, the chilled air from outside causing his arm hairs to stand on end, "Not a bit cold but it's... Still so chilly..."

"I'd say to wear a jacket, but that's just your problem, isn't it?" He looked at his friend's arms, "Sorry..." Sorayo said with shy eyes, walking over to one of the small bookshelves and pulling out the least dusty one, opening it and plopping back down onto the bed.

"Whatcha got there?"

"A book."

"Agh! I know that's a book! Which book, which book?!"



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Lanette sat on the bed and gave Lucy a puzzled glance. The blonde sounded how she did when she was around the many boys who hung on her. Everyone was infatuated with Lucy. She had an infectious personality that got under people's skin in the best kind of way. Lanette was no exception. Her heart beat faster when she thought of her sister. Especially when she thought of her in that way. She didn't see it as sick, though. Lucy was her other half. Why should she not be with her? They were practically made to love each other.

Her fingers twined through her long black hair. It reached below her waist. It was her pride and joy, and she took meticulous care of it. It was one of the only physical features she had that she liked better than Lucy's. Yes, Lucy's pale blond hair was gorgeous. But it didn't fit Lanette. Not at all.

"What sort of game?" she asked carefully. There was no telling with her sister. It could be anything. And Lanette didn't know if she'd like the results.
Lucy smiled at lanette as her grin began to grow ever more twisted. She clapped Lanette's hand together and leaned over her, sprawling out her legs in the process.. The sisters stood face to face, body on top of body, with just a little space between them. Lucy gazed into her sister's eyes. "This game of course. My favourite game." She flirted, followed by a wink. To be a little suggestive, she reached for her sister's left arm and light rubbed it lightly with her soft hand.

However she did not want to make her sister feel too uncomfortable or forced, so instead of acting any further, she waited her reaction. If she pushed her off, like she probably expected, she'd just rub it off as a joke and things would probably be fine. But if things went through, she'd be very happy, ecstatic even.

(don't worry, I won't go very far.)
Lanette's chest tightened and her heart sped up at Lucy's touch. Her blank red eyes were hiding panic and a strange lust for her sister. But here wasn't the time or place to engage in unspeakable acts with her twin. Not in their uncle's room at the mental asylum. With this thought affirmed in her mind, she slithered out from beneath Lucy and stood at the foot of the bed. "Not here," she murmured before turning away.

With red cheeks, she approached the door. She wanted to explore and get out of the room. The air was heavy inside. While it wasn't much better in the rest of the building, at least it wasn't filled with tension and sisterly lust.

"Come on, Lucy."
Lucy lightly sighed. "But the setting is what makes this so much fun." She mindlessly scoffed and turned away from Lanette for a moment. However her sister, was probably correct. This wasn't the place to do it. She should probably aplogize. "....Your right. Maybe doing it here isn't the right thing to do... I'm sorry." She continued. Lucy was certainly disappointed, but holding a grudge on her sister was pointless, especially for something like this. But she really wanted to get closer with her twin, on a different level. But if she was not okay with that, then she would have to get over it.

"Come on, Lucy."

Her words interrupted her complaining mind and she tilted her head, questioning what she had in mind. "Huh... Where do you want to go?" she asked curiously and got off the bed.
Lanette's mind roiled with thoughts of Lucy and of continuing where she'd stopped. But she held her position. This would happen when the time was right. That wasn't now.

She threw open the door and stepped out into the hallway. It seemed to go on forever. A spark of curiosity flared inside her chest. Normally she was more content in herself when alone, but with Lucy around, she wanted to know everything. Her twin brought out her desire for knowledge, among other things. So with that in mind, she faced the infinite hallway with its many labeled white doors. They went on from 302, and she couldn't even see the end. She could, however, hear voices. Some were wailing in the agony that plagues those whose minds have betrayed them, while some were murmuring in tongues to themselves.

Lanette beckoned to her sister with one small hand. "Let's see what we can find, Luce. I bet there's someone interesting. Maybe we'll find a murderer wandering the halls." She wiggled her fingers and make playful ghost noises. "Oooooh, so scaaaryyyy."
Lucy continued to follow her sister down the hallway. She wasn't showing it, but she was sort of scared... With each scream she jumped slightly, even if they were of laughter or happiness. She just had never been here before, it would've been the same for any other building with older men and women. When they came to a stop and Lanette fixed her eyes on her she too, came to a halt.

"Let's see what we can find, Luce. I bet there's someone interesting. Maybe we'll find a murderer wandering the halls."

Following her sister's words with a giggle, she felt a little more secure. "Let's hope not, I am not letting you wear my skirt if yours gets wet! So you better hope nothing scary happens." She countered, stifling up a little bit of laughter.

Ketsueki dragged his feet at he walked along the hall, muttering to himself
"Why the f%@$ am I even here? All I did was stab someone. He was going to cut my head off." He continued to grumble as he walked past the numbered doors, growing more impatient by the second.
"Haaah..." Hayate sighed, looking up at the tall building. Why did he have to get stuck here...

The inside of the asylum was so spacious. It almost felt claustrophobic is some weird, ironic way... He approached the lady at the front desk, only just a bit nervous. "Aaah umm... I'm here to visit..." he blanked on the name again. Ah... what a terrible friend he was. The small slip of paper in his grip read 'Jun Ushio-Room 310.' "To visit.... umm... to visit Jun Ushio."


Third floor, first door to the right... okay. Shouldn't be too much of a big deal. Considering how many stories it looked from the outside, he felt grateful he only had to climb three sets of stairs.

Though, (as he was already heaving and exhausted first set) he heard the voice of someone walking down the hallway. He couldn't quite catch what the other said. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to make some conversation while Hayate caught his breath. "Hey!" he called out to the other, walking closer. Huh, he kind of looked similar patients here. Not that it really... mattered, or anything.

"Can you show me around?" Hayate basically already knew where to go, the directions weren't that hard. But, it's always good to start off with something simple when meeting new people.


R i a


It is morning.

The red-haired girl needed not to open her eyes or go past the boundary of the first spark of consciousness. Before she became fully aware, she already knew. New days like these were, for her, one of those things, those moments, that one would want to catch before seeing. Ria never bothered to speak of her very deep thoughts to anyone else. Just like this day, just like every day,in this isolated yet crowded place she was in, Ria just did everything for her contentment.

Her eyes opened, different tints of green awakening with the girl. Ria hopped off from her bed just as wordlessly as she walked towards the door leading out a hallway. She paid no attention to the glow of the sunlight. She had observed the sun all her life, with eyes which never blinked to the light that burned the sight of all the others. Now, despite its beauty, she was off to quench her curiosity's thirst with much more things.

"Takanashi-san," a voice croaked from the chair whom sat the nurse. She tried to stand. "Where are you going?"

The most invisible of smiles was the only thing that Ria gave as a response. Before the weak lady could say anything else, she had already turned the knob of the well-protected and now unlocked door, and left.

One could just say that they played a lot last night.

But just like the sun, the red-haired girl became tired of the nurse's hair.

Ketsueki looked at the man and said "Room 310? It's right behind you." then walked off, continuing to drag his feet.

Thursday was sat in the back of her mom's car as they zig zagged along the road- her mom was an awful driver. She would've been fine walking but her mom had insisted upon driving her. Humming softly to herself, Thursday crossed one leg over the other and smoothed out her skirt. She was a little more nervous then she'd like to admit.

"I'm proud of you, Thursday."

Her mom said, glancing at her in the mirror. She smiled at the sight of her daughter sat bolt upright in her seat.

"I'm just glad that I get the chance to help people, Mom."

Thursday replied, turning her head to look out of the window. She liked to help people, especially those less fortunate than herself. But she couldn't help wondering if today was a mistake. The asylum didn't look particularly inviting as they drove up to it.

"Here we are. What time should I pick you up?"

Her mom asked, as Thursday clambered out of the car. She looked up at the imposing building for a few minutes before turning back to her mom. She chewed her lip for a second, thinking.

"I'll call you when I need picking up."

Thursday decided. Her fingers brushed against the cellphone in her pocket.

"Okay, sweetheart. Have a good time. Be kind."

Her mom said. Thursday waved as her mom drove away and kept waving long after the car vanished into the distance. She was just putting off the inevitable; she was more than a little worried to be hanging around crazy people. No, not crazy people, she told herself firmly. Mentally challenged people.

With that, she turned and headed into the building. She tried her best to hold her head high and look unafraid, swinging her arms back and forth. Instead, she looked more like a child playing make believe that they were an adult. She approached the receptionist, her pace slowing a little.


She spoke so quietly that the woman at the desk didn't even hear her. Coughing a little to get the women's attention, Thursday tried again.

"Konnichiwa. I'm Thursday Fabala. I'm a volunteer from the local high school?"

The woman at the desk just looked at her for a moment. Then, she pointed to one of the seats in the lobby.

"Go and sit down until I figure out what to do with you."

Tucking a lock of her long blue hair behind her ear, Thursday walked over and sat down. Odd that the woman seemed irritated to see her. You'd think she'd appreciate some help. Quietly, Thursday sat with her hands in her lap and her eyes focused on the floor.

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