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corpse house (twi x rob)

Jaron nodded. Then a woman that was carrying a baby and looked like she was pregnant with another came up and cursed under her breath. "You got the last one." Jaron looked at the crib and pushed the box over to her. "Here. Take it." The woman raised a eyebrow. "You sure?" Jaron nodded. "Don't worry. We're getting onr for someone else." The woman nodded. "Thank you." And she carried the box to the register.
Jaron smiled and nodded. "Gotta do a good deed a day." He looked around. "There's gonna be another good one. One thing I want for sure is that it plays music."
Jaron was trying to pick some good outfits. Which he was doing pretty well. "I'm gonna have one devilishly dressed niece in-law."
Jaron got a cart to carry the clothes and made his way to the stuffed animals. "How the hell did we get to shop for the opposite sex?"

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