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Fantasy Corigamy High


The Girls with no Face



Appearance- (picture, realistic or anime)

School year- (Senior,junior Etc.)



Sexual orientation-

Relationships if any-


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  • Lilliana Freya Maxwell

    Appearance- (picture, realistic or anime)




  • Purple aura people are highly psychic, familiar to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a purple aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.

    The purple aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and spontaneous mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. They tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.

    The purple aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a purple aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate they are loyal and loving for life.

    Purple aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away.



    Sexual orientation-


    Relationships if any-






    Occupation-(School captain, choir Captain, Dance captain, None etc.)

    School captain

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Bernard L. Creston






Bernard 'Bar' as his friends might call him, is quick tempered and loud. He's the jump to a conclusion type and tends to think a lot of himself.

Loyal, tends not to be a word most would think to use with him, but if Bar calls you a friend he hold up to that...Good luck getting there though.


Growing up in a halfway-house for orphans, He tends to be a stand offish kind of guy, sleeping in class as he works nights to help the house, he is the oldest of all the kids in the house and stands up for them. this leads to trouble, but nothing major yet. He's got a knight complex because of the orphans looking to him for help. It was this vary complex that lead him to learning of his gift for fire, as he was heading home from the shop with food for the house. He ran across a couple of guys strong arming a old man for his wallet. Being himself and having to step in, one thing lead to another and when one of them swung on him with a knife he panicked and as his hands shot up to block the attack he glimmered crimson and set the thugs sleeve alight...Now's his headed for Corigany.




Sweet bread, Sleeping, Swimming, Sweet bread.


Bullies and Punks. Tea, cream and honey. Most of all he hates those not willing to help themselves.
Name- Marlene/Marley Annabel Fletcher

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance- (picture, realistic or anime)


School year- Junior

Personality- Quite, Logical, Wry, Out There, Curious

History- Marlene has always been curious. She would often run off when she was little to figure out the mysteries of the world. Her mother and father always warned her. They would tell her her curiosity would get her killed and it did. Marlene doesn't remember how she died completely. If she does something that reminds her of when she was killed she gets a brief flash of it. She has yet to see her whole death. Marlene's parents were anything, but thrilled when they found out there daughter was still alive. They quickly disowned Marlene leaving her on her own. Marlene then started to go by Marley as she stayed at a close friends house. Marley still has the curious spark and her. She is often found watching and listening. She doesn't like to talk much because it brings her pain. She often writes, but if need be with speak. She soon found out after her parents disowned her that she could control shadows. When she get's very upset her one eye disappears and the other one clouds over. A wound also forms on her head that slowly leaks black goo. Her checks visibly pale and her checks shallow. When this happens anyone who touches her will feel as if their being chocked. It could be related to her death, but she's not sure. Somewhere along in her life she picked up the nickname Dead Girl. She doesn't like this nickname, but puts up with it.

Sexual orientation-Curious

Relationships if any-N/A

Likes- She love's mysteries and is often found reading mystery novels

Dislikes- Not knowing the answer, being called dead girl
Ealdgyth said:
Bernard L. Creston





Bernard 'Bar' as his friends might call him, is quick tempered and loud. He's the jump to a conclusion type and tends to think a lot of himself.

Loyal, tends not to be a word most would think to use with him, but if Bar calls you a friend he hold up to that...Good luck getting there though.


Growing up in a halfway-house for orphans, He tends to be a stand offish kind of guy, sleeping in class as he works nights to help the house, he is the oldest of all the kids in the house and stands up for them. this leads to trouble, but nothing major yet. He's got a knight complex because of the orphans looking to him for help. It was this vary complex that lead him to learning of his gift for fire, as he was heading home from the shop with food for the house. He ran across a couple of guys strong arming a old man for his wallet. Being himself and having to step in, one thing lead to another and when one of them swung on him with a knife he panicked and as his hands shot up to block the attack he glimmered crimson and set the thugs sleeve alight...Now's his headed for Corigany.




Sweet bread, Sleeping, Swimming, Sweet bread.


Bullies and Punks. Tea, cream and honey. Most of all he hates those not willing to help themselves.

Honey said:
Name- Marlene/Marley Annabel Fletcher
Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance- (picture, realistic or anime)


School year- Junior

Personality- Quite, Logical, Wry, Out There, Curious

History- Marlene has always been curious. She would often run off when she was little to figure out the mysteries of the world. Her mother and father always warned her. They would tell her her curiosity would get her killed and it did. Marlene doesn't remember how she died completely. If she does something that reminds her of when she was killed she gets a brief flash of it. She has yet to see her whole death. Marlene's parents were anything, but thrilled when they found out there daughter was still alive. They quickly disowned Marlene leaving her on her own. Marlene then started to go by Marley as she stayed at a close friends house. Marley still has the curious spark and her. She is often found watching and listening. She doesn't like to talk much because it brings her pain. She often writes, but if need be with speak. She soon found out after her parents disowned her that she could control shadows. When she get's very upset her one eye disappears and the other one clouds over. A wound also forms on her head that slowly leaks black goo. Her checks visibly pale and her checks shallow. When this happens anyone who touches her will feel as if their being chocked. It could be related to her death, but she's not sure. Somewhere along in her life she picked up the nickname Dead Girl. She doesn't like this nickname, but puts up with it.

Sexual orientation-Curious

Relationships if any-N/A

Likes- She love's mysteries and is often found reading mystery novels

Dislikes- Not knowing the answer, being called dead girl


Ana Williams





School year



If you're looking for the one who pulled that prank on you the other day, don't let her fool you. She's probably the one who did it.

Needless to say, 'mischievous' describes Ana's personality perfectly. 'Lazy' is another, preferring to play video games rather than complete her homework or study for that test that's next week. She often ends up rushing to complete her work last minute, or staying up all night to study.

She's not a bad person by any means though. She's a very talkative, loud person that loves company.


Ana's had a rather normal life for a while, living with her parents and twin brother in a small town. It wasn't until about a year ago that things changed, when she tripped and ended up going through her bedroom wall. That was when she first discovered her ghost-like abilities.

As her parents were the kind to jump to conclusions- often bad ones- Ana decided to keep her new powers to herself. Unfortunately, her mother discovered her secret when she came home early from work one day, just to see her daughter floating in the middle of the living room. Deciding that she must be some sort of demon, her parents decided to get rid of her as soon as possible. Fortunately for Ana, they received the letter the next day, so they didn't go through the drastic measures they had been planning.

Needless to say, she's nervous about the new school, but also happy to be away from the drama back home.

Sexual orientation


Relationships if any

N/A for now


+ Spicy Food

+ Jokes & Pranks

+ Coffee (With a lot of cream and sugar)

+ Dogs and Cats

+ Action Movies

+ Video games


- Anything Bitter (including coffee without cream and sugar)

- People who can't take a joke

- Birds, especially parrots

- Romance Movies

- Homework or upcoming tests

- Being nagged​
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Pancake said:


Ana Williams





School year



If you're looking for the one who pulled that prank on you the other day, don't let her fool you. She's probably the one who did it.

Needless to say, 'mischievous' describes Ana's personality perfectly. 'Lazy' is another, preferring to play video games rather than complete her homework or study for that test that's next week. She often ends up rushing to complete her work last minute, or staying up all night to study.

She's not a bad person by any means though. She's a very talkative, loud person that loves company.


Ana's had a rather normal life for a while, living with her parents and twin brother in a small town. It wasn't until about a year ago that things changed, when she tripped and ended up going through her bedroom wall. That was when she first discovered her ghost-like abilities.

As her parents were the kind to jump to conclusions- often bad ones- Ana decided to keep her new powers to herself. Unfortunately, her mother discovered her secret when she came home early from work one day, just to see her daughter floating in the middle of the living room. Deciding that she must be some sort of demon, her parents decided to get rid of her as soon as possible. Fortunately for Ana, they received the letter the next day, so they didn't go through the drastic measures they had been planning.

Needless to say, she's nervous about the new school, but also happy to be away from the drama back home.

Sexual orientation


Relationships if any

N/A for now


+ Spicy Food

+ Jokes & Pranks

+ Coffee (With a lot of cream and sugar)

+ Dogs and Cats

+ Action Movies

+ Video games


- Anything Bitter (including coffee without cream and sugar)

- People who can't take a joke

- Birds, especially parrots

- Romance Movies

- Homework or upcoming tests

- Being nagged​
Name- Malkavian Veilborn

Age- 17


Appearance- (picture, realistic or anime)


School year- (Senior,junior Etc.)

Personality-Malkavian is a calculative person, and generally sticks to himself. He understand almost everything thrown at him. Generally he will give off a cold calm demeanor, but on occasion can be seen expressing joy or happiness. Does not take kindly to aggressive or rude behavior, and will aid those if he wants too.

History-Malkavian does not like to talk about his past, and if questioned will not give a answer.(Will be revealed in rp.)

Sexual orientation-Straight

Relationships if any-None at the moment

Likes-Rarely he is seen enjoying anything, however he does express joy in playing violin. Also likes hunting or learning new sciences. Also he likes death and tea

Dislikes- Rude people, people who are too kind, any drink aside from tea and those that plot against him. If anyone takes something precious from him he will hunt those involved till they are all punished in whatever way he sees fit.


Nether Manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Nether is most known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on. Nether is very similar to Aether “the Celestial Element” in that is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Nether is neither of these things.

Despite being often considered "Death-Force" Nether is more than the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts. It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul's connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the after life. It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased. Users of this power acknowledge that Nether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. Nether exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur.

Like Aether, Nether is a Spiritual Element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. The only way Nether can be seen is if it were mixed with an Element of the Physical Realm (Most often Darkness, Fire, or Earth).

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