Conversation [PGZA]

I'm happy to play my characters as well. I'm really looking forward to the plans I have with Shane, and pissing people off with Bee.
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Super glad you guys are hyped. We will definitely start today after some minkr discussion and announcements.

Also excuse me if I don't fully trust dudes named Shane during a zombie apocalypse

minismurf said:
HI GUYS! I'm here! Sorry, I was with IRL friends (I know, I can hardly believe it myself) sorry for not telling, anyway, I'll finish my CS today.
Eyyy Mini :D

SirBlazeALot said:
Nah, not yet. But we'll start today once I give all the characters a once over and put them in their proper places.
Also when @PlaguedWithInsanity and @minismurf have finished their propros. I'll be in class this morning though.
My CS's are almost done. I've also been busy with irl stuff.
SpookySableye said:
I will have the history up for Beatrice when I'm done with chores. ugh.
No rush jefe. I am officially home though. Im gonna read through everyone once over just to make sure everythings. Consistent and then we can get this show on the road
@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @PlaguedWithInsanity

What's up guys. So I noticed some things, and also had some questions that needed to be answered, just to get all of our lore straight and make sure we're all on the same page.

1. As stated in the overview, in this world, there never were any humans. Pokemon are the sole humanoid race inhabiting this planet. Some of them have animal like body parts, such as ears and tails, but for the most part, they have none of their abilities. No fire breathing, or anything of that bullshit. Think of their type as more of something that attributes to their personality, and not special powers. Like maybe a grass type might have a green thumb. Ya feel?

I went back and forth on this because I thoooought it might be cool if they had their powers, but I saw it getting very messy, and very god moddy. Super powers and zombies just don't go very well.

On the topic of wings, I'm gonna have to say, even if your faceclaim has wings, we're gonna pretend like they don't.

2. So like, people don't make any distinctions between legendary Pokemon and regular pokemon, WITH THE EXCEPTION: of Arceus. Now, you can still play an Arceus gijinka if you want, but the actual Pokemon, "Arceus" is the equivalent of "God" in this world. Meaning some people believe Arceus created the universe, and others do not.

I bet you're wondering about other actual pokemon. Because pokemon are weird as fuck, and it'd be difficult to determine which ones can and cannot practically fit in this environment, we're just gonna go with reguuuuularrrrr animals.

3. Uh. I think this is it. So if you have to make changes to your pro pros based off of this, DO IT NAO. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THIS ENTIRE THING TO PREVENT CONFUSION AND WHAT NOT.

Ok, now, for personal things,

@PlaguedWithInsanity @explosiveKitten

Make sure you guys place yourselves in a position to where you can run into either the NCMT OR the Black Smoke Gang. Whichever one you choose is fine, just make sure you're not TOTALLY ISOLATED from everyone else. And I know you guys probably weren't gonna do that, but I'm just making sure. The last zombie apocalypse RP I was in, motherfuckers were MILES AWAY from each other, so I just wanna make sure everyone's nearby. Same for you @RiddleWrappedEnigma when it comes to Samuel. Make sure everyone is nearby.

Next, and this goes for everybody I feel like I need to emphasize that characters will die. Who will die? Well that depends on you guys. I'm counting on you guys to tell me which characters you think would logically die in a given situation. Death adds weight to a story! Makes it awesome. You should always consider this with your own characters first, but don't be afraid to toss out death ideas for other characters. As the group moves on, you will want to make more characters and you will have to kill off others. If you're not sure if you want them totally dead, they can also go MIA and come back later! But you can only have 3 characters active in the main group at once. Villains? Go nuts, make as many as you want.

However, I'm gonna be totally honest and discuss who I think should die to guide the narrative AND simultaneously keep things clean and lean. Right now, I see a LOT of doctors. And the ones I'm looking at that might be seeing Arceus soon are Max and Ellie.

As for children, neither of them are armed so, they are also at risk. Not to mention, the BSG is more likely than not, going to kill somebody. I'm sure you guys already understand this, I just wanna make it clear when the time comes: I don't hate your character, I just think it would be excellent writing if they died xD

All that said, I'm gonna start the first post. If there's anything, anything at all you guys don't understand or have questions about, please feel free to ask.
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Realistically I think Sam might die fairly quickly, what with the fact that he's alone and mostly 'armless and all.
Your character does have connections to the BSG though, which could extend his lifetime. I honestly don't know how long Shane will survive though. Hopefully a long time :)
(My last sentence for tonight) An idea that I had would be that Sylvauns would go out for a pleasant everyday stroll, since he gives no fucks about the world ending, and then he might meet one, or a few, of the younger characters and bring them back to the camp. what do you think?

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