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One x One Competing Against The Odds (FreeMustang + cattamer)

-flips out of chair-

Noooo thankssss

Do not ask me or dare me to do that irl


I think I'd rather jump off a perfectly good horse onto a cow.

Which good luck getting me to do xD

I'll stick to gaming, chasing cows, and jumping and whatnot.
LOL!!! No, I don't suggest doing ANY of this in real life! xD Just Riley in the role play! =P

I've done ONE of those stunts in real life

With the first horse I had, you had to have good balance, and be able to go off the side

She would run full speed at the fence and then stop or turn, trying to send you flying. She never did send me over.

Then she started going under trees.

I did get knocked off once, but usually I just slipped off the side, hang on, and then get back on after the tree was passed.

Thanks to her, I'm a good rider who can stay on anything short of a bucking bronco :P

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