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Competing Against The Odds (FreeMustang + cattamer)

"HEY!" Anna yelped as the cold water hit her "RILEY!" she moved to the other side of memory so he couldn't just sneak up on here and as soon as he tried it again st was ready, spraying him right back in the face.

Memory on the other hand didn't like water hitting her so close to her face and took off.
"Well, now we have a horse to go catch." Riley stuck his tongue out at her, not sorry in the least bit for spraying Anna with water, but headed out after Memory.
Anna sprayed Riley with the hose "You mean you do" she laughed, going to get dried off and get Flight ready

Sweet Memory didn't make it easy for Riley to catch her, bolting off every time he got close.
By the time Riley did succeed in catching Memory, he was about ready to drop. He handed Anna the lead rope, out of breath, and leaned against the nearest wall to catch his breath. He now regretted spraying her with the hose. That was a bad idea to start with. He hadn't bargained to catch a keep away horse!
"Now next time.... You're not going to spray me, right?" Anna laughed, cooling down Memory before putting her away and going back to working on Flight "Well, you going to go get Miles all ready?"

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