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Realistic or Modern common room


faerie sightings


be nice???

@Lutalica is my co-gm and i'll fight you if you're mean to her


main - x

characters - x

extra - x
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TFW you and your OC are total opposites; it's gonna be a blast playing as him.  :lenny:

I'll be open to any plotting once I finish up Ezra's CS!
hey btw i forgot to mention all characters but the bakker triplets should think it's an actual college !!
Sorry guys, I'm still here. It's just taking me longer than expected to make up a new bio for Ezra. 

I'll try and complete his CS by tomorrow. <3  
that reminds me, due to the update being sooner than anticipated, i'm gonna extend the due date until the site comes back up! i'll do early admissions if you guys get done early tho!

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