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Fantasy Commence Heroism

DragonBanner said:
Basically they're just so we don't have to go over everyone acquiring the normal stuff

-Rations (7days)

-Water skin



-Torches (3)
Alright, just as expected then. Thanks!
Totes fine Dragon, such things can happen to anybody, the worry only comes once you disappear for almost a week.

I'll be a bit busy for a while, but I'll respond once I am all finished.
Kencen said:
Marco saw the large golem in the distance, and wondered if he would allow Marco to ride on his shoulders.
Knew this was coming. Just didn't know who was going to think of it first.
Did we lose our dragonborn?

And I forgot to tag people, blegh... This happens when you attempt to make peace between folk in another chat.
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By the way, so everyone knows, every NPC in the game that I deem important, or anyone likes or wants to remember will turn into an 'Important NPC' or people I will keep notes about and you will have a reputation with and will have a relationship with. Just to add flavor to the game. :)

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