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Fantasy Commence Heroism

Sorry for not being able to post, but i went to sleep immediately after posting the character sheet.

Also, i fixed it and put the password @DragonBanner
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Wasn't entirely sure how the rucksacks looked like so.. Going on a wing and prayer they are sorta like our own but leather/fabric..-ish?
Sigismund said:
Wasn't entirely sure how the rucksacks looked like so.. Going on a wing and prayer they are sorta like our own but leather/fabric..-ish?
I assume that they're either leather or cloth. But they do come in different sizes.
Yeah, I mean like how do they look like.. Like this? I'm mostly just curious, while size wouldn't matter much-ish (Of course room for standard stuff.) Caeda does have a quiver and bow which she isn't just holding in her hands, knowing how these sorta look like would help with moving the quiver as required...


I mean.. I guess I am also just overthinking this, eh!
Well, I do like second one the most out of those two.

Anyway, it's late, Im gonna be sleeping, stupid timezone not letting me see what is gonna happen when everyone else is awake and here. *Grumble grumble*
Sigismund said:
Well, I do like second one the most out of those two.
Anyway, it's late, Im gonna be sleeping, stupid timezone not letting me see what is gonna happen when everyone else is awake and here. *Grumble grumble*
Sigismund said:
Yeah, I mean like how do they look like.. Like this? I'm mostly just curious, while size wouldn't matter much-ish (Of course room for standard stuff.) Caeda does have a quiver and bow which she isn't just holding in her hands, knowing how these sorta look like would help with moving the quiver as required...

I mean.. I guess I am also just overthinking this, eh!
I was thinking along these lines, but it doesn't really matter, if you wanna say yours was a different style. :P
I've been awake for a while now. We're supposed to wait for everyone who hasn't responded yet, so I haven't made a new post for a response though.
If you guys want to continue on I might not have anything until tomorrow. I've had some stuff irl to deal with.

@Quinlan63 and @ThaDruid

We'll be moving on, seeing as you're taking a long time getting back into this. As such, I will have to make the executive decision that only the five that responded will be included in this mission, as such we'll be going on as those characters were never introduced.

(We'll bring them in later as new recruits.)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-20-12.jpeg.425a5d2da7daa510f197c8eab355b027.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-20-12.jpeg.425a5d2da7daa510f197c8eab355b027.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> yis



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