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Fantasy Commence Heroism

@ShurikenPhoenix @Primal Conundrum @Sigismund @Dutchmann

You may now Make a character if you wish. I will be online later, so Pm/message me (in OOC) if you have any questions/comments/or if you told to in Character creation. Keep in mind this is still a W.I.P and wont launch for a bit still, but I'd like to include everyone, so I will be talking to everyone personally, and together.
Let the spooking begin.

*queue spooking dance*



Also, @DragonBanner: you mentioned Levels in the Mage-class applications, so should that be included on our CS's? If so, around what level range should our characters be within?
Naturally we'll all start at level 99, in some cinematic, after it ends we are back at level 1, common JRPG gameplay!
Ensig said:
Let the spooking begin.

*queue spooking dance*



Also, @DragonBanner: you mentioned Levels in the Mage-class applications, so should that be included on our CS's? If so, around what level range should our characters be within?
All of you start at level 1, you are beginner adventurers, and so will start at the bottom, making your fame, and fortune.
DragonBanner said:
He looks awesome, HOWEVER you may not be that huge. Too big. He's meant to be in cities, villages, and exploring, he also was meant to be exploring with human sized people. He can be at most 10ft, and weigh around 300lbs. Sorry.
I was hoping since he was a Guard Golem he could be a Bigger and Heavier. Also Tungsten is heavy, about one foot of it is over 1.2 thousand pounds.
Do we require all the CSS to start the RP? Or just enough?

Or is it like "Okay, I've waited three days, we're starting with or without you." ?
Windows98 said:
Do we require all the CSS to start the RP? Or just enough?
Or is it like "Okay, I've waited three days, we're starting with or without you." ?
We'll be starting once more people are in. I'm also still not finished on my end, so it may be a bit, but hopefully not too much longer.
Now I imagine a few normal sized Rucksacks, some smaller than others. Then there's Nozuri's and Archais' Rucksack.


Windows98 said:
Now I imagine a few normal sized Rucksacks, some smaller than others. Then there's Nozuri's and Archais' Rucksack.


Considering the fact that the packs are nub-nub gifts, I thought they might just all be the same though. Unless whoever made them had a lot of time on their hands...

Also, to save space: @DragonBanner, are we going to keep this pace without waiting for the others (@Kencen @Sigismund @Quinlan63 @ThaDruid)?

I would love to reply but timezone difference, it's half seven in the morning here in Denmark and I am getting ready for work. ( :( ) Will only get back around mid day. Writing on the phone isn't going to work in the long run..

(Stupid timezones making me look lazy)
Let's wait until everyone has had a chance to respond before exiting the guild.

(And all of the packs are specifically small, medium or large, they give away a lot of them, being the main place for all wannabe heroes, and they are used to having different races come in.)
DragonBanner said:
Let's wait until everyone has had a chance to respond before exiting the guild.
(And all of the packs are specifically small, medium or large, they give away a lot of them, being the main place for all wannabe heroes, and they are used to having different races come in.)
Fufu... I just came up with a good idea for Nozuri's next action.

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