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Fandom Coming Ruin Character Sheet


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Code Name



Second awakening

Weapon (weapons)

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Name: Esther Himura
Code Name: Ivy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
School: Shujin Academy
Class: 2-A
Arcana: Priestess
Nationality: Half Irish / Half Japanese
D.O.B: May 28th

Height: 4'8
Weight: 79 lbs
Build: Very small and somewhat frail

Persona: Veleda
Second Awakening: Frigg
Element: Wind
Ranged Weapon: Shotgun
Melee Weapon: Mace
Strengths: Support, Buffs, Strategy
Weakness: Damage, Short ranged, Very timid
Extra: Esther isn't an overly strong persona user and has very few attack skills to prove it. She is a support user focusing primarily in buffing her teammates which goes along with the arcana she falls in to. Despite being lackluster in terms of attack power in her persona, she does pack a punch with her melee weapon and dishes out more damage that way, though she herself isn't a very adept fighter. Her gun of choice does lack a bit of range despite being her ranged weapon, but she gets by. She is more focused on assuring that her teammates are equipped to fight than focused on her ability to fight anyways. Her persona, Veleda, is based on the Germanic priestess and prophet with such name. She is best known for correctly predicting the initial successes of the rebels against Roman Legions and for her loyalty to a singular tribe. This ties into Esther's own sense of loyalty and her strategic mind

Personality: Esther is sweet and has an innocence to her that makes her easy to trust. She often shows compassion and is extremely forgiving. She has a strong sense of justice and is obedient to her beliefs, which will lead her to trying everything in her power to follow them. However, she may be easily swayed. She is also noted to have low self esteem and often looks down upon herself, even though she has a natural talent for what she does. This makes her easy to manipulate and make her think she may be in the wrong. Esther is pretty closed off from most and keeps most of her personal life to herself though by no means is she not all that social. She loves talking with others and it isn't rare for her to be out and about, but finding a sense of comfort and acceptance from others is difficult for her. Esther is free spirited and charming all in her own while still being stubborn and fierce when she needs to be. In many ways she fears what she is capable of doing and holds that fear within herself rather than expressing it to others. Her gentle nature never quite fit in with the others around her and most look at her as too passive. she is very patient with others and is extremely caring while still being meek. It is quite easy to embarrass her and she easily gets awkward during these times. This is especially true when she is facing someone she might have feelings for. Overall, she is a kind soul who is simply trying to find her place in the world and put her abilities to good use to protect those who might not be able to protect themselves though sometimes her emotions can get the best of her. Although she is driven by emotions, Esther is still a strategic mind and highly intelligent. She also has an inferiority complex and struggles with finding self worth after living under her elder brother.

Brief Backstory: The younger of the two Himura children, Esther has always lived in the shadow of her older brother and always had the pressures of living up to the standard he put forth for her to follow. She has lived in constant comparison to him which has led her to becoming who she is today. She strives for a level of perfection which is unobtainable. She has always found herself partaking in things she hasn't enjoyed to appease her family rather than herself. Unlike her brother though, who inherited more of their father's looks, Esther has always had the struggle of looking like a foreigner among her peers and being a bit of an outcast because of it. Standing out like a sore thumb led her to having very few friends, but she has always tried not to let it bother her

Other: -She is quite experienced in the world of plants and gardening. Sometimes helps with the plants at Shujin
-Her favorite flowers are sunflowers and she often wears clothing and/or colors relating to them Her persona is even designed around this
-She can usually be found studying or keeping up on her school work. She is a very driven student and is near the top of her class to boot
-She also has a real sweet tooth and especially loves red velvet cake
Name: Aiko Enomoto
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Aiko Enomoto is known as Shujin's most cheerful busybody. A constantly positive prescence who's tendency to stick her nose in everything is only somewhat explained by her role as an amateur detective. Not that anyone really takes that seriously, Aiko is just too ditzy to really manage much. Or at least that's how she seems. Aiko's a much more serious much more alert individual than she lets on. Her clumsy forgetfulness is merely a ruse, meant to make people underestimate her. Something which can be very useful, no matter how much it grates on her.
When not trying to put on a cute facade Aiko can become quite mercenary. She's analytical to a fault and holds quite the grudge. Once her mind is set on something god help you if you try to stop her. On top of that a lover of crime thrillers has given her somewhat of a macabre side.
Strengths: Analytical, near eidetic memory, determined
Weaknesses: Physically weak, stubborn, secretive

Code Name: Witch
Arcana: Death
Persona: La Voisin
Second awakening: Morgan Le Fay
Role: Navigator
Skills: Identifying Weaknesses, Debuffing, Causing Status conditions
Extra: Aiko serves mostly as support for the rest of the phantom thieves, weakening their enemies and setting up technicals. She has little in the way of healing though, mostly focusing on making shadows easier to kill. Her initial persona La Voisin takes the form of a famous poisoner and rumored sorcerer who was said to have helped kill hundreds. This ties into Aiko eventually decision to take justice into her own hands as well as her deceptive nature.

Backstory: Aiko Enomoto is a strange character. A cheerful girl who was taken in by the local Police Commissioner after the death of both her parents. A ditsy detective who keeps up with all of the gossip in school. While general consensus is that she's harmless, few can forget how cold and closed off she was in her first year... Or the vitriol she holds for any kind of criminal.
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Name: Setsuko "Sarah" Kyousen

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Doesn't think a lot about it

Code Name: Senkou

Arcana: The Tower

Persona: Chiyome, the ninja noblewoman. Capable of utilizing physical attacks and psychic abilities. Weak to fire-based attacks.

Weapons: Primarily kusarigama and kunai, alongside other ninja tools

Strengths: Physical combat, mobility, self-sufficiency

Weaknesses: Supportive tactics, cooperation

In many parts of the country, there are no few businesses and companies that deal with the yakuza, paying them for "protection", taking their investments, or dispatching them against business rivals.

One of the most influential alliances across the nation was the Hamaguchi-gumi, and one of the many families who served their interests in Tokyo was the Kyousen family.

The Kyousen family was far from the richest or the most powerful, operating a portion of the businesses and smuggling trade in the Akibahara district. But it was enough for Riki Kyousen, the head of the family, to live like a highly-successful small business owner. But like many a small business owner, he wanted more.

More for himself and his subordinates. More for his precious little princess. This is not a story where Setsuko is trained as a successor; who ever heard of a woman calling the shots in the yakuza?

Even so Riki loved his daughter, wanted to give her the best. Wanted to send her overseas, far away from the life of crime he was immersed in. A rival had gotten complacent with his wealth. Riki could seize his territories, drive off his men, take his head and all he was worth.

Alas, it turned out that the rival's complacency was a facade. He knew of Riki's every move. Before the Kyousen men could be sent to "negotiate" with their targets, they found themselves cut off...and cut up. Now offended and justified, their rivals came down hard, burning the Kyousen head office to the ground, mercilessly eliminating any survivors. And Riki's dear daughter could expect to share their fate...or worse.

Thankfully, she was able to give them the slip, fleeing to a church in Tsukiji where she found shelter, and a way to hide her identity.

Hearing the story, the deaconess allowed her to begin work at the church after transferring to Shujin Academy, cleaning the building and altar, hearing confessions, and helping the proceedings of Mass.

Originally a gentle but apathetic person, Setsuko has become conflicted after the destruction of her old life. Her disgust at a life of crime has surfaced: while she grieves her father, she realizes that such criminals are fated to destroy one another or be consumed by their own desires. Her guilt at her own benefit from blood money drives her devotion to her new duties and her new life, as if searching for a way to atone. Even if she does not believe in God, her work must surely be the most she can do.

When the Metaverse and the duties of the Phantom Thieves reveal themselves, she is sure to throw herself into battle, aiming to defeat those with the same hearts as her father and his peers, or worse.

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Name: Hanamaru (Called Hana mostly)
Code Name: Grim
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Role: Mascot
Breed: Lab mix
Arcana: Strength
D.O.B: March 4th

Persona: Kyrkogrim
Second Awakening: Fenrir
Element: Physical (minor curse skills)
Ranged Weapon: Crossbow
Melee Weapon: Sickle
Strengths: Strong physical fighter, Loyal, Strong sense of smell, Good survival skills, Transformations
Weaknesses: Low magic, Reckless, Short tempered, Poor navigation, Bad tactics
Extra: Despite her innocent appearance and older age (for a dog), Hana is a physical force to be reckoned with. She excels in dishing out damage and keeping the pressure up. While her attack stat is high, she does suffer in terms of magic thus opting against using it all too much. She relies heavily on her persona to dish out damage though can make great use of her ranged and melee weapons giving her overall strength. Her persona, Kyrkogrim, is based on the church grims in English and Scandinavian folklore. These beasts were said to protect the churchyard from anyone who was profane or tried to commit sacrilege against it. Such a persona is fitting for one like Hana giving her willingness to protect those around her and keep them safe from those who seek to harm them. Her element, curse, comes directly from her persona being based on an ominous lore and the grims being spectral beings. Hana herself has no ties to the element, but stronger ties to what her persona is. It is quite fitting that a black lab like herself would get a persona based on a black dog as well.

Personality: Hanamaru is a loyal dog who sticks close with those she trusts. She is protective when things start to go bad and will step in to assure the safety of those she cares about even at the cost of her own well being. She is a fiery spirit who won't back down from a fight if she has to, but also knows how to pick her own battles. She is stubborn and a bit hot headed at times, but she usually means well. While she can hold grudges on those that have given bad impressions, she can warm up to them eventually if they gain her trust. Hana is also known to have quite the attitude one her. To those that can hear her speak, she can be quite sassy towards and even make fun of though more times than not she doesn't mean it. Given her older age, she also tends to be a bit on the grumpy side and doesn't like to be messed with thus will lash out at anyone who gets on her nerves. Most times, she is a gentle dog if all things are going right and she enjoys the attention of those around her. She is also known to be quite spoiled which has caused her to act in the manner she does. At times she thinks she can get whatever she wants no matter what though that is not the case. Despite some draw backs to her personality, Hana is a worthy ally to have and a strong one as well. While she is not the best at navigation or creating plans, she does make up for it in terms of strength and ability to be a distraction. She hates to be used as bait, she accepts whatever role she must take on in a team and aims to help in anyway she can. She always strives to prove herself on all fronts to show her worth. A fear she holds is that her age will hold her back one day and prevent her from being of any use to those she cares about. That is why she fights with everything she has and even is a bit reckless at times. Her goal is to see that she makes use of her life to the fullest and to prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Brief Backstory: Once a stray on the streets of a small residential area of Tokyo after being abandoned by her previous owner, Hanamaru lived on her own for several years as a young dog. She remained near the home where she was abandoned believing that her former owner would one day return for her even though they never did. Being a street dog, she learned to survive on her own, albeit in a reckless manner. Eventually, she would be taken in a given a true home where she could live happily in rather than fighting to survive on scraps and whatever she could find laying around.
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Name: Yuzusawa Ayato
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual, Heterosexual
Occupations: Actor, Student (Shujin Academy)

Ayato is known to be a suave and charming individual among peers and in public alike, earning him the nickname “Prince”. Aware of the reputation given to him, he takes care not to abuse it so as to avoid tarnishing the image that others have of him. Unbeknownst to many, Ayato’s emotions are often muted. He rarely experiences more than a twinge of emotion, and so watches others very carefully to emulate them and their mannerisms. It is for this reason that Ayato is so skilled in front of a camera, wherein he has acted a wide variety of roles. It is only on the ice rink can Ayato properly experience enjoyment, although his schedule rarely permits it. Towards close friends, Ayato consciously takes on a more playful nature. Much of what he does is for the sake of theatrics, though he often relegates himself to the sidelines, preferring instead to watch others’ antics and let them take the “spotlight”.

Strengths: Adaptable, observant, proficient in numerous things
Weaknesses: Emotional blunting, Dishonest, Deprives himself of agency
Likes: Ice skating
Dislikes: Hot weather (slightly)

Height: 175cm
Build: Lean, with a healthy amount of musculature
Image Credits: (remove the space between ‘https’ and the colon)
  • https ://www.pinterest.com/pin/855472891747032531/
  • https ://www.zerochan.net/3391094
  • https ://m.weibo.cn/status/LDhYQxCk1?jumpfrom=weibocom

Code Name: Eidolon
Arcana: Lovers
Persona: Nuckelavee
  • A tall, crooked, and thin rendition of a horse, with the upper body of a woman atop its back. The woman’s hair flies behind it like a thin curtain, and her face is covered by her hands, as if weeping. A cloud of cold mist surrounds its orichalcum carapace, although through the armour’s gaps lies blue, frozen flesh.
Second Awakening: Sea Mither
Weapon: A musket rifle with bayonet

Yuzusawa Ayato was born to a poor family in a small town in Akita. During his infantile years, he rarely, if at all, cried, and was frequently found staring at blank space for hours on end. His parents were worried for his lack of expression, to the point where they took him to doctors and shrines in hopes that they could “fix” him. Ayato was unsure of when he started smiling to relieve his parents’ worries, but speculated that he started doing so at a very young age.

His first time experiencing emotions stronger than a slight twinge was when his parents took him to the prefectural ice rink at the age of two. Since then, he developed an attachment to ice skating and often spent his free time on the rink.

A few years after his younger sister’s birth, his father received a job posting that demanded he and his family move to Tokyo. There, Ayato continued ice skating and eventually took on figure skating. His popularity due to his looks soon had him scouted for a minor role in a television show, starting his career in the acting industry. Due to having to juggle acting and studies, he was forced to drop his figure skating. His seeming natural aptitude for anything he comes across further cemented his station as a prodigal actor, although he has not been able to touch his ice skates since. Even now, his schedule keeps him away from his schooling at Shujin Academy, although his reputation pervades the school all the same.


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Name: Yuzusawa Junko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupations: Student (Shujin Academy)

A whirlwind of a girl, Junko seems to act on whatever spontaneous thought pops into her head. Although this emphasises her energetic attitude, it also has her move too fast for others to properly follow along with her. In addition, she is awfully strong-headed. Her staunch beliefs in most matters makes her a stubborn foe in any argument, and she is not afraid to show her dislike for things, at times almost childishly. Following recent events, however, she has become more polite, and certainly less of an independently-led figure. Her sudden manners are uncharacteristic of her, and her only answer to this change is that she wants to ‘clean up her act’. Oddly, she has suddenly expressed a lifetime passion for photography.

Strengths: Quick-footed, Empathetic, Strong-hearted
Weaknesses: Quick-tempered, Impulsive, Easy to read
Likes: Photography, skateboarding, rollerskating, sweets, martial arts (kickboxing, taekwondo)
Dislikes: Insects, anything with scales

Height: 157cm
Build: Fit
Image Credit: halloween

Code Name: Gambol
Arcana: Wheel of Fortune
Persona: Chang’e
  • A tall and beautiful woman in a shining white hanfu. She is equipped with two large fans that act as reflectors for the camera in place of her head. In truth, she is composed of a literal swarm of tiny rabbits, each barely a few centimeters in height and adorned with ivory horns and wings.
Second Awakening: (??)
Weapon: Her hands and feet, a hand cannon

Yuzusawa Junko was born into a poor family, with an elder brother of two years. Shortly after her birth, they moved from her birthplace of Akita to Tokyo. As the years passed, she picked up physical activities, such as skateboarding, rollerskating, and martial arts, with the necessary gear being paid for by her hours working part-time. However, no matter her passions, she knew she could not compare herself to the prodigy that was her older brother despite her efforts to follow in his footsteps, which even included enrolling in the same school he was in, despite his frequent absence.

Half a year ago, her family received dire news: her father’s tendency to overwork resulted in a relapse of a serious medical condition, resulting in his hospitalisation. Junko did not take this news well, and underwent several changes in her person soon after.


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Name: Taro Takahashi

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Taro is hot-blooded, reckless, carefree, and nonchalant. He's a good person who always fights for what's right and cares deeply about others. He's known for his trademark mischievous grin and occasional vulgarity, sometimes giving him the demeanor of a delinquent.

Strengths: Taro is determined, inspiring, and fiercely loyal to his friends. He always stands up for the underdog.

Weaknesses: His recklessness can lead him into trouble or risky situations. He sometimes struggles with authority figures and acts without thinking.

Code Name: Phoenix

Arcana: Magician

Persona: Suzaku


Second awakening: Vermillion Bird

Element: Fire

Melee Weapon: Dual katanas

Ranged Weapon: Long-barreled revolver

Backstory: Taro grew up in a lively, working-class neighborhood with his single mother. His upbringing in a close-knit community taught him resilience and the importance of standing up for what's right. Taro's mother instilled strong values in him, leading him to fight for justice and protect those he cares about.
Name: Rei Suzuki

Age: 16 (soon to be 17)

Gender: Female (Will initially present as male)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Rei is a cold and aloof, yet intelligent individual. She is primarily a logical thinker, focusing on her head and not her heart. This can often lead others to see her as cold and unfeeling. This appearance is true to a degree, as Rei is aloof and somewhat prickly towards those who have yet to earn her trust. However, her drive for efficiency and logic also applies towards what is best for the people around her, as she will use her logic to make the best choices for everyone, not just herself. She pretends to be a male out of a misconception driven by her abuse which causes her to see women as naturally weak and prone to victimization. Not wanting to be weak, she reinvented herself in a masculine persona. She still loves singing and music, even though it hurts her.

Strengths: Highly intelligent and objective, great hearing and sense of tone, strong sense of justice.

Weaknesses: Slow to warm up to people, cold and somewhat prickly, somewhat chauvinistic and secretive.

Code Name: Enforcer

Arcana: Justice

Persona: Marfisa

Second awakening: ??? (Undecided)

Weapons: Dual-headed Axe, Sniper Rifle

Backstory: Rei is the eldest child (having a younger sister named Mariko, age 11) of the Suzuki family, a middle-to-upper-middle class family. From a young age she was highly skilled in music and singing. She loved watching idols on television, and eventually got it into her head to become one herself. She managed to get into training and performing, until her manager 'had his way' with her on multiple occasions. Unable to take it after a few years, she left, telling no one of what happened out of shame (mistakenly believing it was her fault). Rei reinvented herself as a male public identity so she wouldn't be seen as weak in the future. Her parents didn't say anything, not knowing how to broach the topic, even if they knew something was wrong.
personarptwin.pngAkinari and Akira Fujiokapersonarptwin2.png

Code Name


Both Male

Undecided| Bisexual


Phobos and Deimos

I should mention that their hair is normally black, and the metaverse changes Akira's to white when in disguise. Their masks are very masquerade-like, being black with trims of their respective color. Think of it like alternate versions of Joker and Kasumi.

Appearance outside of Metaverse
Akinari generally dresses wearing mostly baggy outfits, having biases for things like hoodies and cargo pants. On days when he has practice, he wears sportswear underneath like compression shirts and whatever else he could find while thrifting that was comfortable.

Outside of school, Akira wears mostly casual fits like jeans and hoodies, but is most interested in wearing things like skirts and other cute outfits that he finds while thrifting. Because of this, his outfits tend to be pretty bland in school, though he does try to give his flare to things.

Akinari is the more extroverted one of the two, usually speaking on behalf of them both. Despite being the same age, he has a more protective, almost big brother nature over his brother due to the way they were raised. He refuses to let his circumstances get him down and does his best to cheer up Akira when he can, having a mostly optimistic perspective on life, despite everything (this also makes him a bit of a people pleaser but we don't talk about it). Because of this, he struggles with his bottled emotions, feeling that he's not allowed to show his weaknesses. He's strong willed and lives for his passions, like basketball.

Akira is the more reserved twin, generally keeping to himself. He struggles with insecurities that he built from his father, but the reassurement from Akinari helps him get through. While gloomy, he's contempt living his life with his brother, at least compared to their prior arrangement. Once he's familiar with someone, his personality begins to flourish, showing his more comedic and at times sarcastic side. He keeps his passions and interests close to his chest.

They can both be kind of control freaks at times and value their autonomy over everything, choosing to live their life as they please and intentionally living in a way that can let them keep that.

Strong Physical Skills (Slash Variant), electric damage, speed buff(s), ailment boosting. Their gameplan is built around inflicting people with ailments, usually their own being shock. Then, finishing it with a strong physical attack. Being two people sharing a persona, it allows them to look out for eachother's back.

Being split up. Their personas are literally incomplete without each other, and while alone, Akinari and Akira can only use electric and physical skills respectively. They lose access to any buff skill when split up. Being together also will occasionally make them overconfident and can lead them to taking fights they may not be able to finish.

Second Awakening

Laser Sword & Pistol|Rapier and Deck of Cards
Can use most bladed weapons proficiently

After their mother's passing, their father joined a religous group that would help him support what at the time were two twin babies. Over time, the religous group would slowly become more and more cult-like. By that time, their father was a very respected and high ranking member in the group, and the restrictions of that group began to weigh on the twins, who enjoyed watching television, movies, and games more than anything. Both twins loved shows like pheonix featherman, and the kaiju shows that would play once in a while. Though, it would all be soon gone thanks to their father.

Akinari began to center his life around being the kind of hero he would watch on television, which would eventually flourish into his love for sports, more specifically soccer.

Akira would begin to create his own worlds based on the things he would see on television, spending his time day dreaming and writing his stories that he wanted to one day make his own shows about. This would spark his passion for writing and aspirations to one day be a film director. However, there was one passion that awoke in Akira that their father, who was not the head of the cult, did not like. Akira, who had found some of his mother's old clothes, had begun wearing them in secret.

He managed to hide his new interest a secret thanks to the help from his brother, but it wouldn't be too long before the father would connect the dots...

While their father was already a stern and verbally "firm" man, this was the beginning of a new hell for the twins. Fueled partially by the grief of seeing his wives clothes, and the teachings of the cult that he led, it made him snap. He knew what could happen. He was the leader after all, how could it happen to him? Of all people? For the next year, the twins would both deal with constant verbal and emotional torment from their father, which was always more directed towards Akira. It reached the point that, on their 16th birthday they would make an escape.

It was short lived, as the police would eventually track them down. However, thanks to this, they were able to plead their case and not return home. The arrangement they arrived at since they were 16, is that the father would pay rent for them to live alone until they turned 18, where they will then be alone. Their father, wanting nothing to do with them, agreed. From that point, they lived in their own apartment in Shinjuku, and soon, much to their surprise, were given a part time job at crossroads.
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Name: Asa Adachi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Arcana: Priestess
Personality: Asa is a really social person and enjoys talking to people to hide her sadistic side who enjoys hurting people. Perhaps, the most violent one of the mercs, Asa likes to hear her enemy's scream in pain. She enjoys the Phantom Thieves as a challenge and always pouts when they leave or the mercs retreat. But Asa is shown to be an ally sometimes when she doesn't want someone else killing the thieves
Persona: Aja
Element: Garu
Code Name- Countess
Asa is the daughter of Korean immigrants that moved to Japan. She grew up poor and a restatement for the rich, plus her parents for being weak. Her life changed when she discovered the Metaverse and was approached by a man who offered a chance to get out of poverty but in exchange she would be on his team and carry out contracts and banish certain people in Government.


Name: Sasuke Ogawa
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Sasuke is a merc through and through and will abandon his allies at a moment's notice. He has no loyalty to anyone but yen and the palace users that pay him. He is good at masking his emotions to other people as shown as he fooled everyone at Karma that thought he was on their side. He is shown to have mercy as he will spare someone because he feels pity.
Arcana: Magician
Element: Agi
Persona: Svagerog
Code Name- Flamer

Sasuke was the son of rich parents who spoiled him and raised him to be a shallow coward who loved money. He soon discovered the metaverse and got an offer from a man that would change his life. The man had him and Asa infiltrate the group Karma and take them down from the inside.


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