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Fantasy Come Winter's Light

Anne looks at Kip, plainly annoyed at his course of action. "I think you're going to get yourself killed maybe. And maybe take the rest of us with you. But if you want to go it alone, I'm not prepared to beat the shit out of you and make you come with us right now. All I can do is appeal to your sense of reason; you lose nothing by coming with us and taking a few hours to figure this shit out. You could lose out big time by just...leaping into whatever you plan to do next. But whatever. You don't have any reason to trust us anymore than you trust him. I get it. But this is me, walking away, letting you do whatever you're going to do. No bets on if the next person who sees you will do the same."

Irritated, Anne shakes her head to clear it as she pulls out her cell phone as it vibrates in her pocket.

Caw caw MFs
You enjoying getting out of the house for once? Told you it would be fun! :P Sorry I couldn't meet you there but shit came up I had to deal with. I'll make it up with oh, I dunno. How about dinner at the Red Dragon's? See ya.
Block party, motherfucker, do you speak it? I should say yes to dinner and not show up, see how you like it. But it's cool, you my bitches and I always got your back. Might have a friend to introduce you to, if you're good, I'll make sure she's cute too. I'll text you a time later.

Anne rubs her own caste mark like it itches. "Alright, people, if the boys are splitting off to get their shit, we can probably do the same. Who's got cars? I'm good for heading right to the meet up spot and I can drive three of you. Who wants with me and who else has a car for getting there?"

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Morena raises her hand. "I came with a friend, so I lack a vehicle at the moment."
Kosche looked visibly shaken as she walked with the group. "I git an old paddywagon. It's a hand-me-down but it runs and has three rows of seats. It's pretty well cared-for, it should be parked nearby." She took out her wallet, hands steady. She dug out a stub for a nearby parking garage. "Huh. That's weird, my license is gone. I should have a backup in the dash storage with the paperwork." She sounded confused bit shrugged it off. "Anyone else lose anything?"

==================] The Star

Recalls had gone out in a panic to this Sidereal and the other yet not to him. As far as anyone knew, there was sensitive work he was doing.

And if he had planned well, that would be all any of them ever knew.

Meanwhile, Anne's phone went off again.

Caw caw MFs
You enjoying getting out of the house for once? Told you it would be fun! :P Sorry I couldn't meet you there but shit came up I had to deal with. I'll make it up with oh, I dunno. How about dinner at the Red Dragon's? See ya.
Block party, motherfucker, do you speak it? I should say yes to dinner and not show up, see how you like it. But it's cool, you my bitches and I always got your back. Might have a friend to introduce you to, if you're good, I'll make sure she's cute too. I'll text you a time later.
Aw, you'd bring naughty me a present? How about putting a bow around your own pretty self and I'll charm that bow off and dance your pants off, too. :D
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"I don't have a car either," says Trina. Her voice sounds slightly less unhappy, though. As if it's just beginning to sink in that she is finally a part of something big and world-changing, instead of a random wage slave at the bottom of the ladder.

"Look, should be be doing something besides hiding? Will we need supplies, weapons, an out-of-town destination to flee too?
"Supplies?" Anne blinks at the question, then shakes her head. "We need to discuss all those things, yes. But we need somewhere safe and at least semi-secure. It's tempting to try doing everything at once while we're still out but if we have anyone on our asses, it could give them a chance to separate us and pick some of us off. Let's get to cover first, assess the situation, come up with a list of needs and go get them in an organized manner. Hopefully by then we'll know if any of what happened here has made it out to the press or the public."

As Anne fishes her cell phone out when it vibrates again, she slows slightly. Takes a few experimental breaths. And looks down at the collapsible cane she'd been using for the past two months, but isn't using now. "That's..."

Shaking her head at the bizarre situation, she thumbs a quick reply back.

Caw caw MFs
You enjoying getting out of the house for once? Told you it would be fun! :P Sorry I couldn't meet you there but shit came up I had to deal with. I'll make it up with oh, I dunno. How about dinner at the Red Dragon's? See ya.
Block party, motherfucker, do you speak it? I should say yes to dinner and not show up, see how you like it. But it's cool, you my bitches and I always got your back. Might have a friend to introduce you to, if you're good, I'll make sure she's cute too. I'll text you a time later.
Aw, you'd bring naughty me a present? How about putting a bow around your own pretty self and I'll charm that bow off and dance your pants off, too. :D
Unwrapping girls is my specialty. But I might be up for dancing if my energy lasts into the evening. In the meantime, shave. No one likes sandpaper.

"Dancing at your age," Anne chuckles to herself. And she keeps walking with the group, incredulous that she's somehow keeping pace.
Singhit scowls contemplatively. He had been carried away, at first, on the rush of enlightenment, but now the nervousness of the conversations flowing around him has begun to settle in, and he looks ill at ease with the transition.

"Everyone is talking as though they expect to die. Even the man with the Purple Forks, and he smoked enough he shouldn't be able to worry about anything. Have we fallen into so deep a trap? Why would it be baited for, well..." Here he gestures vaguely at the eight of them. "We are hodge and podge, with no connections in common. Aren't we? Or perhaps that is what we should be trying to sort out, once we will not be overheard."
"We have no idea about what, if any, danger we are in. And in situations like that, it's better to overestimate that danger than ignore it and hope it goes away," Sophia says with a slight shrug, "at least that's what my copious experience from reading tells me. I've never really been in anything remotely like this before."
"Ignoring potential danger is a mistake I'm not makings again." Morena adds as she looks towards the man over her shoulder. With a long sigh, she runs her hand along the back of her neck. "I've been shot before because I ignored caution."
"My personal apartment is within walking distance, so I left my motorcycle there." She shrugs as she checks her own pockets to see if her wallet and ID were still there. "that said, I can have the bike delivered. That won't be even an issue." She shrugs. "And I know of at least one of you." She eyes up Kip. "Or at least, I know some of your customers." She frowns. "My Club Zero card is gone... That's going to be annoying to explain."

@ Annie situation

"I will be fine, you will see don't worry" He smiles, stops letting group to move on, as they pass he adds:

"Just something for all of you to chew on .. this guy want us or you to release imprisoned Sun .. you know what it implies? War we know or , war we heard form legends .. war between Sun god and Black Emperor most likely will reignite. How damaging this will be to humans or Creation do you think? Do you think it's good price to pay to bust some shiny dude with powers from slammer? Or eventual better future is worth death and suffering in such war? And last who gave you right to make such decision?" Kip strongly accented word eventual to stress his his point

As Singhit passes steps close to him gives all his money except sum needed to pay for taxi.

"Keep it you will need it on the run. You will pay me back when we meet again. Good luck."

Then walks acting as someone impaired by drugs or alcohol into place with nearby taxi car where he can sniff big dose of crystal (and throw out rest) . Then walks to taxi car asking for lit to his home.

OOC1: spending WP to resist, just not to waste time.

OOC2: it's relatively small sum , allowing to rent in passably good hotel room for day or two and buy good dinner for two or three not much more.

OOC3 @Annie thanks for trying to save Kip form Kip but this PC is his worst enemy, or not we will see :)
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You may have found some things of yours missing. It isn't all that has been wiped away. Do not allow the other with you to call home. As soon as you can arrive, much will be explained.

===================] The Alchemist

Kip on his way off from getting high is intercepted by a familiar face. "Oh, hey Kip. You look like you're in a rush. Where you going? The party has just started, you know. I gotta ask... where did you go while I stepped out on business?" Heck is smiling almost gently.

"You know, if you really gotta go? I've got my truck. I can give you a ride."

((@Kip: roll Wits+Awareness.))
Nothing about Heck seems to be out of the ordinary. He even seems well, earnest and eager to help. He seems kind of young but he's smart enough and funny. He seems trustworthy enough for now.

Yet a niggling doubt remains. Something you just aren't seeing.
Kip's parting words reawaken Trina's doubts. Her hand goes to the silver medallion at her throat -- the one that reads ST. CECILIA PRAY FOR US.

Kip decides to act as being on acid, wobbles and says overemphasizing doubts in his voice.

"Are you there for real? What is with this glow in your eyes ... glow in red .. whole you glow! Man you have alien bug .. you must wash out this thing or alien in your kidney takes over! I was glowing to but washed away it too so .. I'll help you"

Then he pulls out tissue from his pocket and attempt to clean Heck.
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Mizu frowns at her phone as it goes off... she raises an eyebrow as she just reads the message. She reads it twice. "... Oh that's just special. And a little late. but special." She mutters, then a bit louder so the group can clearly hear her. "We've been requested to not call home just yet. And I might just make another attempt at smacking that metal mask off of the Old Man's face when we get there." Mizu's tone shows she's fond, if a bit wary, of the mentor she refers to. "This is just weird even for him though."
Morena raises a brow at Mizu. Well, not that anyone could quite see it. "You have some very suspect friends if they wear masks."
"I never said he was anything but suspicious." Mizu notes as if someone was telling her the sky was blue. "Honestly, I'd love to know what his game is, but so far I've had little luck figuring it out." She shrugs. "Still, sometimes a gift is a gift to be taken and used, no matter how crazy it seems."
Sophia looks at Kip's departing form with a frown. She doesn't put much stock in his parting words, but religion has never been the subject of her interest. It's more her inherent resistance to splitting up. There is no way this can end well, but she has no call to make him stay.

"And sometimes it's a trap. But from what I understand, he's apparently aware of Professor Steven's activities, so I don't think we'd be walking further into a trap by following him," she replies to Mizu's words.
Singhit eyes Trina sharply for a moment, then glances down at his hand before he responds.

"A house may be built by a wicked carpenter, if the foreman is scrupulous."
"But can the carpenter build well, if the directions given by the foreman are twisted or the tools defective? And what if the foreman seeks to create a structure for evil purposes?"

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