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Fantasy Come Winter's Light - OOC (Planning & Scheduling)

I was going to say that, but I don't know when (or if) we'll be allowed to learn sorcery in this setting...

I don't want do be disruptive by wanting to stay as Kip (not going into hiding or revealing himself) but it's preferable option for Kip (I could go into detail why if you wish), so I'm asking if it's viable option.

Those bonus we were awarded .. are they regular XP or should be spend as Bonus points used during character construction
Regarding our Exaltation. Exactly how do we "level up" as it were? The book says

[QUOTE="Exalted 2nd Edition]

To transform a heroic mortal into an Exalt, add four dots to Attributes and two to Abilities and Backgrounds; mark down Caste Abilities, select four more Favored Abilities, choose 10 Charms, increase Essence to 2, choose a Virtue Flaw, and adjust the character’s health levels accordingly.

Though people who Favored a Caste Ability should probably grab 5 rather than just 4.

Is this how we're doing it too?
Everyone will raise their stats in accord to being up to snuff for an Exalted. I know this isn't what's in the book but it makes a lesser Exalt, I think.

The bonus points will continue to be given out, if much less lavishly. Consider it a token of gratitude to you all!
FeMChara said:
Everyone will raise their stats in accord to being up to snuff for an Exalted. I know this isn't what's in the book but it makes a lesser Exalt, I think.
And what exactly does that mean? Forgive me if I appear slow, but I really like these things to be specified so people aren't guessing and making unfounded assumptions.
You will basically redo your character as Exalted with the dots you already committed where they are. Those cannot be changed but can be added to. The bonus BP adds to what is there, you do not have to buy them again.

I hope that is clearer.
FeMChara said:
You will basically redo your character as Exalted with the dots you already committed where they are. Those cannot be changed but can be added to. The bonus BP adds to what is there, you do not have to buy them again.
I hope that is clearer.
It is! Thanks.
Just as a long term question: Will the lone sidereal be paying sidereal rates in XP for things? Not a problem if so, just want to be able to take it all into consideration as I go :)
Probably the wrong thread for it, but this is just to let everybody know that I'm going on vacation to the mountains tomorrow. I have no idea if the place where I'm staying has wifi, and anyway, HOLIDAY! means I'm not going to be on much until this coming Sunday.

Merry Christmas,

Happy Hanukkah

and a bright and joyous Yule to you all!
@FeMChara - Your game has been successfully converted to the thread system!

If you have any other requests or questions, just let us know in the private message.
Arynne said:
Hey, it's Tux! Yaaaaay! (^.^) *waves arms around like Kermit the Frog*
*blinks* Um... This Tux?

[QUOTE="Magical Uni]for no reason I will hehehehe for no reason at all here

I would rather have an explaination.
I was relativily in a hurry since, I have to post 10 times to start a conversation.

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