Come Winter's Light - Character Sign Up I'll keep my up to date copy of Mizu's sheet at this address.

Edit: Adding backstory here so I can find it again.

Mizu was a child of immigrants whose parents vanished while working on a project near Lord's Crossing. A young girl who slipped through the cracks of the system, she became street smart. She wasn't the fastest, or strongest on the streets... but she knew who to talk to, and how to talk to them, to get things done. Something low-level corporate scum and those on the street like herself both could appreciate. From about ages 6 to 14, this was her life.

Shortly after what was her eight year of living on the streets, she was approached by a mysterious man, his face hidden behind a mask. He made her an offer. Accept him as a teacher, learn what he had to offer, and she would have a roof over her head, a steady job, and only the occasional request to do things from her teacher. Refuse, and her contacts would one by one dry up and turn on her. Mizu was not a fool, and given this person had found her in one of the better hiding holes she had found for herself without her being tipped off to it being compromised, she agreed.

Her mentor refined her people skills, teaching her how to use her ability to know who to talk to, and how, with an audience she never dreamed of: the figures in the media. Those who decide what will be reported in the news, who will be shown as a rising star... the people who make the people. He also taught her the basics of self defense. In her spare time, she took up studying how the organizations she was mingling with worked, and the use of an old-fashioned bow and quiver of arrows, having seen quite well that firearms can become quite unusable in some areas around Lord's Crossing, though she no longer lived there. She had a home, as promised... a nice apartment in Eagle's Launch, the heart of Meruiva's media empire. However, something bothered her. Her mentor rarely asked much of her, or interacted much with her beyond occasional lessons or the sudden appearance of a tutor, but when he did, he seemed to be looking for something in the patterns of what she had done, or caused with her directed (or sometimes not directed) interactions. No matter how she asked, Mizu could not get an answer from him. So she started observing what he observed, when she could, and started digging...


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  • Name: Sophia Isabella Alexandra Beufort III

    Caste: Twilight

    Anima: Several robotic copies of her, each with individual traits come into existence around her.

    Supernal Ability: Lore


    Sophia tries hard not to be a rich, spoiled child prodigy, but she is, and there is only so much she can do about that. She doesn't look down at people for being poor or having trouble understanding things, she just doesn't get it either. This leads her to be generally pleasant company, but she sometimes says very inconsiderate things.

    When she works, Sophia has a distinct tendency to become absorbed in it, almost to the point where she forgets about the outside world, until she either hits a roadblock or finishes a project. This leads to a brief period of remembering that there is an outside world too and that she should deal with it and its requirements before she either goes back to the roadblock or picks up a new project. She is very bad at just relaxing and doing nothing. She enjoys chess, reading and conversing, but small talk or doing nothing bore her and are likely to make her pull out her tablet start writing or reading.

    She is not often given to bouts of irritation or anger, but her frustration at being treated too nicely or not given enough opposition is one of the few things that will push her over the edge. She feels betrayed if a friend agrees with her point of view without actually having been convinced that she is in the right.


    Sophia is undeniably beautiful, she has long, flowing golden hair and fair, unblemished skin. Her intelligent grey eyes are as suited for laughter as they are to deep thought and draw others to them as a magnet does a piece of simple iron. Her wardrobe includes everything gowns fit for a queen to shapeless t-shirts with inscriptions like "/Everybody stand back/ I know regular expressions". Most mornings, she spends only a few moments brushing her hair, washing her face and throwing on a light dress.


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Johannes Alexander Beufort II, duke of Exeta, earl of Dorset and baron of Gaunell, (born John Jameson), her father, was an eternal student at the local community college. Like many people down on their luck, he played the lottery, unlike much such he actually won, and won big. He took this as his cue to drop out and spend his new money making the world better. Realizing that he had no useful skills of his own, he sat up a funding firm for poor investors and entrepreneurs, giving them one million Cheraki Pounds, demanding no guarantee other than their enthusiasm and good ideas. In exchange for this initial funding, he claimed ten percent of their net income from the idea. Against all reason and probability, this turned out to be aan extraordinarily profitable venture and before long he had more money than he knew what to do with. He got someone else to run the startup firm in the same spirit and started looking around for something else to do with his time.

Isabel Anne Marie Beufort, duchess of Exeta, countess of Dorset and baroness of Gaunell, her mother, was born in the ancient and hallowed halls of Dorset. But though she was noble, the spoon in her mouth was pewter, not silver, and though her clothes were made of silk, they were tattered, patched had been worn by her mother and grandmother before her. House Beufort, while both most noble and ancient, had fallen on hard times decades before. Dorset was a leaky manor house, far too large to heat up in the winter or cool down in the summer whilst Gaunell was an actual ruin, at best a shelter from the wind, at worst a deathtrap. When she was 21, her mother joined her father in death and she was left the countess of ruin and baroness of poverty. Where most women would have left their heritage behind, Isabel went to a venture capitalist by the name John Jameson with the idea of turning her ancestral homes into tourist attractions.

Jameson not only liked the idea, he liked her. She was hesitant at first, but it took him less than a month to well and truly woo her. He threw his considerable capital and personal energy into the restoration of her homes, but even that was not enough to restore them in a timely manner. Eager to get married in a place of fitting magnificence, John bought himself the duchy of Exeta, the duke of which had recently died without an heir. The new duke and duchess were married on a beautiful summer day in Exeta's chapel with the king and queen in attendance, and eight short months later, Isabel gave birth to a little girl.

Sophia's childhood was one millions of children around the world would have killed to have. She literally lived like a princess in a castle. She had parents who loved her and each other. She had every luxury that money could buy, from a pony called Sparkle and jewels fit for a queen to high tech gadgets and personal concerts with her favorite bands. She had private tutors who taught her whatever caught her fancy, from playing rock music and dancing ballet to playing chess and the secrets of the spirit world. But Sophia always felt there was something missing in her life. When she had friends over, her parents were nice and not embarrassingly parent-like at all. When she wanted to sleep over with a friend, her parents allowed it, and once even talked her friend's parents into allowing it. When she came home with her pretty, pink dress torn to shreds from playing in the forest, her parents smiled lovingly and gave her a bath. She was thirteen before she figured out what was wrong. Her parents were too nice. Nothing she did could upset them.

She stayed up way past her bedtime, they told her it was a valuable skill she would need when she started university. She read banned books about the evils of the nobility and left them where they would be found, they told her how important it is to know what people who disagree with you think. She took up smoking, they had the tutors teach her the psychological and physiological consequences, told her that knowing this it was of course her own choice and bought a hugely expensive Essence-based air cleaner for the castle. She smuggled a bottle of decades old whisky out of her father's liquor cabinet, drank it and was sick all over her room, her parents tenderly nursed her back to health and told her how much they loved her.

One of her more elaborate ideas was to go against how she had been treated as a princess all her life. She threw out all her dresses and replaced them with sweatpants, hoodies and formless t-shirts. She abandoned Sparkle to its own devices and started learning computer hacking. To her imminent frustration, they smiled and told her how it was her life and they would support her and love her no matter what. However, to her surprise and relief, she found great satisfaction in immersing herself in the computer. Online, she found a world where she could be anyone she wanted to be, where people would shout at her and call her stupid for no reason at all. She found out that not everyone in the world is reasonable and loving, some are completely insane and full of nothing but hate.

Her greatest joy, however, came not from online discussion boards and blogs, but from the act of programming. Here was a place constrained only by her considerable imagination and skill. She could create create anything, from a miniature simulation of the world to games and tools that made the rest of her life easier and more enjoyable. It was a hobby at first, making simple programs, making them better, making them in a cleverer way, making them interact with each other, and just finding out what she could do and the computer could do. It moved a bit further when she found the Open Source movement online and started contributing to software not only for herself, but for everyone everywhere. But the thing that turned it into an lifestyle was when she began trying to teach her computer to learn.

Lifestyle or no, Sophia was never one to let herself get stuck on only one thing. So when she hit a roadblock and needed time to think, or when she had finished a project and could take some time to breathe, she shut down her computer and turned to other things. Of course, like most people who are even mildly obsessed, Sophia did not abandon her ambition even momentarily just because she had taught her computer to beat her at chess, she simply pursued it in other ways.

Exeta has an old workshop. Long ago, even years before John Jameson became duke Johannes, it was used for maintaining the many farming vehicles that then brought in the estate's wealth. Those days are long since passed and Sophia has turned the old workshop into something similar, and yet completely different. In her study, by her computer, she is building a mind that can live and learn without her and beyond her. In here, she is building its body. She is not actually making a concrete body for this concrete mind, rather she is fiddling with robotic forms in general. What works, what doesn't, what is practical and what is simply too awesome to not do. It is mostly an enjoyable past time for her, because like so many bright young people she believes that one's life is truly lived inside the mind and that the world of flesh is, if not an illusion, then an inconvenience.

Sophia's other great not-quite-distraction is with words. She is fascinated by them. How they develop, how the same words are found in different languages with the same meaning, or with almost opposite meanings but coming from a shared root. The greatest thing about words, though, is that they can be put together, forming sentences that in turn can be made into paragraphs, pages and entire stories. She is not yet able to build a living, thinking mind in the cradle of her computer, but she can create them on the page. To keep the pre-nascent personality separate from the ones that live only as extensions of herself, she never writes fiction on on the keyboard that she spends so much of her time at. Some stories are written the old fashioned way with pen and paper, or even feather, ink and parchment (but only very short ones), but more and more she has taken to writing on her tablet and making the separation not one of the medium in which she writes so much as where she does her writing.

And then of course there is Words of Wisdom. Her blog is named for her primary online handle which in turn is taken from the literal meaning of her name. She writes about many different things, new pieces of etymological trivia she discovered, her ongoing quest for creating artificial intelligence, her writing and sometimes even uses it as a place to rant about things she feel are wrong in the world, both in meatspace and in cyberspace. She doesn't take it very seriously and mostly writes it for herself, but it has attracted a decent following.


When she was old enough to leave her tutors behind and start university on more or less equal footing with young people from all around the world, her frustration with her parents had receded to a mild, constant annoyance. She was happy to leave Cherak behind for the Heptagram, happy to just be 'Sophia' rather than 'Countess Sophia Isabella Alexandra Beufort III' and happy to go somewhere she could really learn.
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Not without fire can any workman mould

The iron to his preconceived design,

Nor can the artist without fire refine

And purify from all its dross the gold;

Nor can revive the phoenix, we are told,

Except by fire...

Name: Catriona Hayes

Concept: Silk Hiding Steel

Motivation: Create something so beautiful it changes the world forever. Notable Intimacies include art, music, Leah, her mother, her younger sister (this is a negative Intimacy), St. Cecilia's College, her job (negative) and Professor Okonkwo/Amalion.

Caste: Twilight



Theme Song:


The Past

Catriona Hayes spent the years after her graduation trying to figure out where she screwed up.

She was the daughter of upper-middle-class parents, a product of a progressive education, raised to believe that any dream she had could come true. Accepted to a prestigious university, she borrowed an enormous amount of money to pay for her tuition, certain that it would all be worth while. With her intelligence and a degree from one of the best colleges in Meruvia, she expected to soar on wings of glory, easily finding a good-paying job that would allow her the leisure to pursue a second career in the arts.

Instead, Trina ended up just barely earning enough to scrape by while paying off her enormous debts. Instead of a picture-perfect artist’s life in Tuchara, she found herself in Eagle’s Launch, in a job she found on a jobs board when desperation had made her willing to try anything. Worst of all, she was hundreds of miles away from the one person who would make poverty and drudgery worthwhile.

Trina could feel all her dreams and plans dissolving. The world was not turning out to be the place of infinite possibility she had believed...

The Present

On the way home from her job, she suddenly burst into tears.

Nobody noticed. Crowded in the bus, people tired from work and dulled by the long rocking sat in indifferent silence.

On the long climb up the stairs to her apartment, she wept again. There was no reason to cry. There had to be a reason. She must be sick. The misery she felt was fear, a wretched panic of fear. She had been crazy to think she could stay here after graduation and build a life for herself. Mother was right: she was too fragile, could never handle it. She sat down at her computer to type a formal letter of resignation to her employers, and an e-mail to her mother admitting her mistake and asking for her forgiveness.

But the words, the words admitting defeat, just refused to come.

Her head ached. She got up to find something to eat. There was nothing in the kitchen cupboards, nothing at all. When had she last eaten? Not at lunchtime. Not in the morning before going to work. Not after getting home last night.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” she said to the ceiling. No wonder her head hurt. She had never in her life forgotten to eat. Even during that last summer...after Leah had left...and she couldn’t find a job in the city and her rent was due and she kept getting sick and having to go to the emergency room -- even then she had cooked food and eaten it, forcing it down her throat day after day.

She went back down the stairs, walked ten blocks to the nearest Star-Mart. All the foods were packaged, processed, pre-frozen, convenient. Nothing to cook. The sight of those wrapped rows made her tears break out again. Furious and humiliated, she bought a couple of hot dogs. The man serving was too busy to look at her face.

She stood outside the convenience store, turned away from the cars passing by, and crammed the food in her mouth, forcing herself to swallow, just like before. She would not go back, Trina knew. She was tougher than that. She would go on.

But right now, she was late for her fencing class...

Character Sheet

Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4; Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw: Ascetic Withdrawal

Abilities: Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Craft (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood) 5 (Painting +2, Sculpture +1), Dodge 1, Integrity 3, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1 (Native: Meruvian; Other: Old Realm), Lore 4, Martial Arts 2 (Unarmed +1), Melee 4 (Conjured Weapons +1), Occult 5, Performance 3, Presence 1, Resistance 4, Ride 2 (Supernatural Mounts +1), Stealth 1

Backgrounds: Ally 5/Mentor 5 (Amalion), Artifact 5 (The Dancing Brushes) Contacts 2 (Fellow university grads), Manse 5 (Shining Star Ascendant), Resources 1


Excellencies: Craft (1st, 2nd, 3rd), Integrity (3rd), Melee (1st, 2nd, 3rd), Occult (1st, 2nd, 3rd), Resistance (2nd, 3rd)

Craft: Crack-Mending Technique, Craftsman Needs No Tools, Peerless Paragon of Air, World Within a Picture Style

Integrity: Integrity-Protecting Prana

Melee: Bulwark Stance, Call the Blade, Dipping Swallow Defense, Glorious Solar Saber, Iron Raptor Technique, Protection of Celestial Bliss

Occult: All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, Spirit-Cutting Attack, Spirit-Detecting Glance, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Resistance: Body-Mending Meditation, Glorious Solar Plate, Ox-Body Technique, Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana


Emerald Circle: Burning Eyes of the Offender, Demon of the First Circle, Flight of the Brilliant Raptor, Hound of the Five Winds, Raising the Earth’s Bones, Ritual of Elemental Empowerment, Summon Elemental, Thunder Wolf's Howl, Unbreakable Bones of Stone


Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 1B, Defense 9, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 4B, Defense 4, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 1B, Defense - , Rate 1

Glorious Solar Saber (as needle daiklave): Speed 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 4L/2, Defense 13, Rate 4, Tags: O, Th

Soak: 1L/2B

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Dodge DV: 4

Willpower: 6/6

Essence: 3

Personal: 15/15

Peripheral: 36/36

Committed: 0

Merit: Past Life 2

BPs: Charisma 3 (4), Wits 4 (4), Awareness 3 (2), Craft 4 (1), Integrity 3 (1), Occult 3 (1), Melee 4 (1), Performance 3 (1), Willpower 6 (1), Past Life Merit (2)

XP: Essence 3 (16), Ally +1 (3), Mentor +1 (3), Occult 4 (5), Ride 1 (3), Spirit-Detecting Glance (8), Ride 2 (2), Craft 5 (7), World Within a Picture Style (8), Occult 5 (7), All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight (8), Lore 4 (5), Craftsman Needs No Tools (8), Ally +1 (3), Mentor +1 (3), Resistance 3 (3), Integrity-Protecting Prana (8), Hound of the Five Winds (8), Unbreakable Bones of Stone, (8), Raising the Earth’s Bones (8), Flight of the Brilliant Raptor (8), Burning Eyes of the Offender (8), Crack-Mending Technique (8), Ritual of Elemental Empowerment (8), Bulwark Stance (8), Protection of Celestial Bliss (8), Iron Raptor Technique (8), Ride Specialty (3), Spirit-Cutting Attack (8), Resistance 4 (5), Whirlwind Armor-Donning (8), Solar Plate (8), 212 spent, 3 banked








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Name: Kipnam Cessej friends/family call him Kip

Street name: Nike(name comes from expensive shoes he likes to wear) or Dandy

Concept: drug dealer and addict

Location: Meruvia some big city where other PCs are.

Exaltation: Infernal (Scourge or Fiend) /Solar (Night/Eclipse)

I live in GMT+2 (it's summer time so it will change to GMT+1 during winter/autumn), wednesdays is unacceptable right now (I play tabletop games in that day) .. unless I manage to change my week schedule (it depends on other people .. I may ask) . Other days of the week are acceptable (well sunday/saturday will be tricky I can't guarantee to be available). I'm usualy avaliable online from 15.30 GMT till 22.00 GMT (it's midnight local time and my brain stops working around that time) in wintertime (winter/autumn) it's 16.30 GMT and 23.00 GMT.

Kip was born as any other human, grow up started learning in the school. Nothing remarkable, though he was fulfilling family expectations as good student and kid. Trouble started in the middle of High School .. he discovered alcohol, partying then sex and along the way drugs. It was harmless at first, parents even welcomed it since kid developed normal social life and his grades were good .. for a time. At the end of high school despite his lies parents learnt about his drug use and try help him .. unsuccessfully(a lot of lies about not doing it anymore etc.). Still Kip finishes high school (mostly trough inertia and being in good graces with most of the teachers) he ends up in the local university (parents wanted to keep him on leash) studying Information technology.

It was disaster, during first year before Kip dropped out (and took tuition money) he barely attended , it was all about partying or seeking money. During that time Kip stole and sold father's car and part of mother's jewelery and tuition .. those were his worst offenses but there were many more smaller ones, he also become known to police mainly for disorderly behavior(he was high) or petty theft (fortunately no charges were pressed) . Finally his father had enough and confronted Kip either he goes to rehabilitation or have to get out of home (he was offering small stipend for half year). Kip refused and started to live on his own.

During that time Kip was introduced to drug trade despite danger (jail, violence) need of easy money keeps him in. Now Kip sells drugs in nightclub - it's good place with rich clients (or soon to be rich .. anyway it's place for kids/young adults form upper levels of society), he is there because he know personally most of his clients and they prefer do deal with him and so far nobody tried to take his turf, mainly because of gang 'Spirit junkies' who protect him (they also sell him drugs). Kip is terrified of this gang believing them to be ruthless killers, and his handler (man who gives him drugs and takes his share) is sadistic killer ..according to Kip in any case this man named Alt is very mean to Kip.


They still love him but it's impossible help someone who don't want to be helped, all they could do is to avoid to get drawn into trouble

Father: Good corporate lawyer, not the best but good enough to afford lifestyle of rich middle class. Strict man, he is good natured, honest (but nothing extreme he is capable of hypocrisy), very legalistic (if he wants to do something he considers bad he uses law as excuse). It was him who pushed to abandon PC. Currently in his late 40s. He is married since his early 20s.

Mother: Animal doctor, leads small clinic (up to 5 doctors) serving rich clients. She earns more than her husband. Clinic only recently became really popular among rich clients witch now causes some friction in the family (father have difficulty to accept this) . She refuses to talk about Kip (she considers her son as greatest failure in life and doesn't want to face it in any way)

Older sister: Just finished law school, have job but seeks better one. Before Kip's addiction they had very good relationship. Now she tries to prove something and engages in helping addicts (in immaculate charities). Regularly tries to confront him (he avoids her and feels shame because of this). Lives along with parents. She is 2-3 years older than Kip.

Grandfather: just recently died of cancer. Former lawyer , really tough man(and demanding) he was son of factory worker, worked really hard to learn and earn money for education. Very rarely complained about anything and was really proud of Kip's Father.

Grandmother: Now in bad emotional shape, rich (thanks from her husband's money ). Never worked, always took care of home and children. Her favorite grandchildren is Kip's older sister.

Rest of the family: They know at least about some stunts Kip pulled out, and treat him as radioactive – given up and avoid as much as they can (they still try to be polite).


- Family(mother, father, sister,grandmother,grandfather) especially Sister (love mixed with shame)

- drugs (fondness)

- Alt (fear)

- Police (dislike)

- expensive things (likes)

Motivation: show his family that he isn't looser

[3] Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 2

[4] Charisma 1 Manipulation 5 Appearance 3

[3] Perception 3 Intelligence 2 Wits 2



Martial Arts 1




Athletics 1

Awareness 2



Stealth 1

Integrity 1


Presence 2

Resistance 1

(Drug abuse +2


Bureaucracy 1




Socialize 3

Drive 1


Investigation 1

Lore 1

(Hacking +2)

Medicine 1

Occult 2

Willpower 10 Compassion 5 Conviction 1 Temperance 2 Valor 1


Resources 2 -> it's from drug selling in the nightclub

Contacts(criminals related to drug trade) 2

1 Point is unspent

Bonus points (18)

[6] Willpower +3 7->10

[12] 3xAtribute (1xApperance,1xPerception,1xManipulation)


- Family(mother, father, sister,grandmother,grandfather) especially Sister (love mixed with shame)

- drugs (fondness)

- Alt (fear)

- Police (dislike)

- expensive things (likes)

Motivation: show his family that he isn't looser

[4] Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3

[8] Charisma 1 Manipulation 5 Appearance 5

[6] Perception 5 Intelligence 3 Wits 2



Martial Arts 1




Athletics 1

Awareness 2


(*)Larceny 5

(*)Stealth 5

(*)Integrity 4

Performance 1

(*)Presence 3

Resistance 1

(Drug abuse +2)


(*)Bureaucracy 1




(*)Socialize 5

(Lying +3)

(*)Drive 1


(*)Investigation 1

Lore 1

(Hacking +2)

Medicine 1

(Drugs +2)

Occult 2

Willpower 10/9 Compassion 5/5 Conviction 1/1 Temperance 2/2 Valor 1/1

Limit 0/10 : Compassionate martyrdom

Essence 3 Personal 21/21 Peripheral 40/40


Resources 2 -> it's from drug selling in the nightclub

Contacts(criminals related to drug trade) 2

1 Point is unspent



Excellency I

Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise (Ex. 227)


Easily Overlooked Presence Method(Ex. 230)

Mental Invisibility technique (Ex. 230)


Mastery of Small Manners


Excellency I

Temptation Resisting Stance (Ex. 200)

Elusive Dream Defense (Ex. 200)


Excellency I


Excellency I

Bonus points (18)

+1 -> 3xspcecialities

+5 -> Willpower +5 (5->10)

+4 -> Stealth (1->4)

+4 -> Integrity (1->5)

+4 -> +1 Atribute (inteligence)

XP points (16)

16 -> Esence (2->3)
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  • Name: Anne Cavanaugh

    Concept: Righteous soldier

    Exaltation: Zenith Caste Solar

    Motivation: Heal the land and set its captives free.


    Anne is loyal. She's dedicated. She's patriotic. More than words, these are defining characteristics. They're things personally important to her and concepts she thinks about a great deal. For her family, serving their country on the battlefield is a proud tradition and she's proud of how she lived up to it. Protecting those who can't protect themselves is an honorable profession and one she always enjoyed.

    Anne's health was shattered by toxic chemicals and the love of her life killed, before her Exaltation, and she struggled with melancholy for a time. There was a core of steel that death and damage couldn't break, though, and Exaltation has restored her spirits. More than ever, Anne's a butterfly coming out of her cocoon, still discovering what she can be.

    Anne is a natural leader, a good organizer and a solid team player. She doesn't have a lot of patience for selfish agendas or arguing that takes a group off task. Anne is quick to praise, slow to anger and utterly relentless in accomplishing what's put before her.


    Anne's a pretty face who could have done well as a cheerleader in school and an outgoing customer service position professionally. While she spent the last few years coloring her hair green, getting a piercing and such, her recent Exaltation has changed some priorities and she's gone back to her natural hair color. Out of uniform, she favors t-shirts and denim for casual wear or a nice blouse with skirt if dressing up.


    Anne Cavanaugh was a Private First Class in the 14th Cerulean Legion, 11th Dragon, 2nd Wing, 2nd Talon, 5th Scale, 1st Fang. Everything she'd been raised to be led up to that proud statement of fact. Anne was the oldest of five children, the rest of them all boys, and she grew up in a rowdy household as a result. Her father, Tom Cavaungh, was a career Master Sergeant and all Anne had ever wanted was to follow in her father's footsteps.

    She grew up like other children. Anne attended school and managed good marks, more from hard work than actual academic ability. A natural athlete, Anne played competitive basketball and girls rugby until she graduated. She and her high school sweetheart, Christine Williams, signed up for the Meruvian Military the day after they graduated and put each other through basic training. Both received infantry assignments and, after basic training, both pursued advanced tactical courses while on assignment to support the Cerulean Legion operations in the Southeast.

    Everything changed two months ago when her Scale pulled a suppression assignment. Ordered to assist a Southeastern militia in putting down an illegal drug operation, a miscommunication led to an airstrike dusting the entire area with classified chemical weapons. Out of her Scale of twenty five, Anne was one of three survivors. Waking up in a military hospital, the traumatized soldier discovered her girlfriend of six years had died...and that her own health was ruined, her immune system permanently compromised.

    Now Anne's back home to recover. She's technically on medical leave pending a three-month followup in a month but she knows they're likely to discharge her. She's able to get out of bed now, even move faster than a snail, but she's out of breath, weak, and seems to catch something every week. At least she has her friends to lean on while she gets back on her feet and figures out what to do with her life...

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I'm pretty sure in our application thread we clarified this already: Willpower errata is for Exalts, not mortals. But I am not a ST so I could be wrong.
  • Name: Rama Singhit, following patronym-first convention

    Concept: Anti-proliferation sciencetivist

    Exaltation: Twilight

    Motivation: Master the flow of Essence through the natural world


    Singhit is uncomfortable with many things: risk, romance, other people's emotions generally, and spiders top the list. Fortunately, his intellectual gifts have always afforded him the luxury of retreating from these things into deeper studies. He has little concrete attachment to the people and places around him, but prizes abstract notions of propriety and loyalty very highly. It's a pattern for him, really—pulling back from reality into models and patterns and things he can depend on not to surprise him.

    He has no problem sacrificing for his high principles, which is probably for the best, given how they damage his social aptitude. The prestige he gave up for the sake of moral uprightness is a point of overweening pride, and he quietly looks down his nose at anyone who hasn't shown a similar willingness to martyr themselves. He'd never say it to their faces, of course; that would be rude, which is unacceptable. Within very rigid and narrow limits, Singhit is possessed of consummate etiquette. On the other hand, he can be frighteningly ruthless, if largely unimaginative, in sabotaging people he disapproves of.


    Singhit has the light skin, sort of a raw sienna, common to high-caste Varangians, and particularly dark brown hair, just shy of black. His jaw is light and thin, and displays no five-o'clock shadow even after days without shaving. His high cheekbones and large, golden-brown eyes afford him a fey sort of beauty that cannot be exchanged with handsome. His hands draw attention to themselves with constant motion, and have long, graceful fingers a pianist would envy, to match his limbs generally—Singhit is quite a tall young man, for a Varangian, and lanky as anything. He wouldn't have made it as a haut couture model, but then, his temperament made no allowances for such a frivolous life, anyway. All the same, if he weren't abominably prone to dressing in last week's faded slacks and last year's worn-out suit coat, he could actually be a remarkably attractive youth, in his own way.


    (*booru edit, original artist unlisted there)



    A proud (and privileged) citizen of Varangia, Singhit made superb use of the focused education reserved for the scholarly caste. His primary schooling was over almost before it had begun, and secondary education gave way to more advanced studies before puberty had even finished speckling his face. With a natural aptitude for figures and formulae, and a tendency to abstract away the chaos of the world around him, he found a natural niche in nuclear physics.

    His parents' enthusiasm, not to mention the attention he was getting from the secret $DEMIURGE rulers of the world, evaporated one hot summer day in his late teens, though. Singhit's university campus was unusually busy that day. Anti-proliferation activists were staging a protest, and the graphic images of radiation poisoning and deformed orphans from neighboring Delzhan left a deep impression on the the normally aloof young man. He would go on to finish his degree, but withdrew his applications to more advanced research positions. Varangia was on a clear course to developing The Bomb, and the thought of contributing to such devastation left him indignant and shame-filled.

    Instead, he threw himself into the study of alternative energy technologies, ultimately settling on geomantic reactors as the One True Solution to the growing power needs of the nation's enormous population. Happy to have his testimonial for marketing purposes, the Geomantic Academy of Hlasa extended a luxurious stipend to encourage his studies, an expense marginally justified, at best, in light of the official disinterest in his research results.

    Undeterred, Singhit continues to refine and explore the impact of his techniques, often travelling hundreds of miles to investigate reports of epinormal phenomena that could offer new insight into the principles guiding Ley Line Entanglement, or new avenues for harnessing the resulting motonic turbulence. While his own Essence is not enlightened, the GAH is aggressively recruiting lab partners for him who can offer that rare insight into what's going on under the hood, so to speak. To date, their efforts have required only minor Sidereal involvement to squelch, and Researcher Rama—Doctor is a title reserved for another caste entirely, and the GAH is not an accredited university in the first place—is widely perceived as an eccentric kook by those who bother to perceive him at all.
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  • Name: Morena Angelo

    Concept: Street "Kid"

    Exaltation: Solar Zenith

    Motivation: End senseless street violence

    Theme Song



    by Les Friction

    The stars are blind my love

    You will learn to crawl under oceans above

    That force will fuel its hate

    When it drains your soul it will flood the gate

    Fear is a device

    So quiet and precise

    It’s not what I allow

    Not in my world now

    Deep beneath the light

    A spark will now ignite

    And you will see me now

    This is my world now

    They come to your dreams with illusion

    They come to bring shape to your mind

    You know how to stop the intrusion

    We all have to fight for our lives

    This force is in love with you

    It wants you safe

    It wants you well

    This force knows what you can do

    And what you can make

    With your tattered shell

    Faith in your device

    So quiet and precise

    Just when, not how

    You can feel it now

    Deep beneath the light

    A spark will now ignite

    And you will see me now

    This is our world now

    They come to your dreams with illusion

    They come to bring shape to your mind

    You know how to stop the intrusion

    We all have to fight for our lives


    Everyone hear the call to the firewall

    Everyone has to fall at the firewall








    Morena's a bit rough around the edges, but she's gentle deep down. She's protective, even if it ends up scaring those close to her. All that matters is that the people close to her are safe.


    Not everyone in Versino is a privileged student at the Heptagram. No, not at all, many are the now poor people that worked in the defunct auto factories and many other urban dream jobs of yesteryear. Morena Angelo grew up here, and she grew up here poor. And not because her family was one of those former factory workers, but because said family abandoned her. Yup, Morena was left at The Home before she was three years old.

    She had spunk, though. A lot of it, too. Maybe too much, as many other kids at The Home were terrified at her aggressiveness that occasionally became genuine beat downs against some of the less docile children (ie, the douchebag boys in Morena's words). She was taller than most of the other girls, and some of the boys as well, so her reputation as the house bully kind of was a thing among the adults that took care of them. But she wasn't all that bad, she only hit people that deserved it. She only gave Evan that broken nose because he broke one of Keran's favorite toys. She only dislocated Kyle's arm when he pushed Tina down the stairs. There's plenty more stories that get twisted to make her look like she was fully at fault. They weren't going to protect the other kids, so she took it up herself.

    She loved her house siblings as if they were her own. And she was protective of every single one of them, even the douchey ones. That meant when a couple of the younger boys tried to join a gang, she was pretty furious. But, her involvement is one of the things she now regrets most. Gangs don't like quitters and the sure as hell don't like people who pry. One day, they drove by when Morena and her two younger brothers were hanging out in front of the apartment building across the street from The Home. It's the same old story that tends to run in Versino newspapers; drive-by shooting, two boys dead. Morena was lucky enough to survive the shot she got, she was only hit in the shoulder.

    After recovering, Morena began to take her grief out at the local gym. She tried boxing, kick-boxing, wrestling, you name the martial art that gave classes there and Morena took at least a class in it. She was scouted there for a semi-professional MMA league, there was prize money. But she never would keep it all, half would go to anti-gang violence organizations.
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Contact 1: Leah Browne, a poet, would-be novelist and Trina's former lover. She now works as a park ranger in Dragon's Nest National Park while seeking inspiration for her writing.

Contact 2: Tom Kalinides, younger brother of renowned actress Alexandra Kalle. He's a curator at the Tuchara Museum of Ancient History. Brother and sister are preoccupied with hiding their part-Haltan heritage.

Mentor: Professor Okonkwo is a tall, honey-skinned woman who lectures from behind a enveloping black garment and veil. She never unveils in public -- supposedly for religious reasons -- and none of her students or colleagues can claim to have seen more of her face than her eyes. A registered God-Blood, Okonkwo's fame as an expert in Southern art and architecture won her this teaching position, but spiteful people whisper her real reason for hiding her face is to conceal her "unnatural" features.


In fact, as Trina has recently discovered, "Professor Okonkwo" is really Amalion, the Manse of Echoes Ascending, fifth soul of Malfeas and the spouse of Trina's former incarnation Five Moons. The ancient demon and the young Solar now seek to rekindle their love...but what that will mean for Creation, not to mention the rest of the Circle, remains to be seen.

Update: Seeking an escape from Malfeas' domination, and from those who would seek to destroy her in order to change her Primordial's nature, Amalion recently submitted to the Greater Astrological Charm: An End to Darkness. She is now a goddess of architecture, engineering and craftsmanship, purviews left empty since the Reclamation. The effect of her removal from Malfeas' soul hierarchy, as well as any changes wrought on her own component souls, is still a mystery.
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Edit: Sheet should be reflecting mostly accurate end result numbers. XP tracking follows

+17 XP Gained for: Starting Stories

- 4 XP Spent on Bureaucracy 2->3

-10 XP Spent on Underling Invisibility Practice

+15 XP for Week 2 Stuff

- 8 XP for Second Integrity Excellency

- 8 XP for Duck Fate

=2 XP Banked

+7 XP for Week 3

+10 XP Week 4

+15 XP week 5


34 XP banked

-16 XP For Cash And Murder Games and Shun The Smiling Lady


18 XP Banked.

+35 XP For postages and what not

+4 XP For the aftermath


57 XP

-16xp: Essense 2->3

-8xp :Duck Fate

-8xp Any Direction Arrow

-8xp Mark of Exaltation

-3xp Larceny 2->3

-7xp Occult 0->3

-3xp Archery 2->3

-3xp Stealth 2->3

-1zp Guardians 1->2


0 XP banked (for the first time in a while!)

+17 XP Gained for: Starting Stories

- 4 XP Spent on Bureaucracy 2->3

-10 XP Spent on Underling Invisibility Practice

+15 XP for Week 2 Stuff

- 8 XP for Second Integrity Excellency

- 8 XP for Duck Fate

=2 XP Banked

+7 XP for Week 3

+10 XP Week 4

+15 XP week 5


34 XP banked

-16 XP For Cash And Murder Games and Shun The Smiling Lady


18 XP Banked.

+35 XP For postages and what not

+4 XP For the aftermath


57 XP

-16xp: Essense 2->3

-8xp :Duck Fate

-8xp Any Direction Arrow

-8xp Mark of Exaltation

-3xp Larceny 2->3

-7xp Occult 0->3

-3xp Archery 2->3

-3xp Stealth 2->3

-1zp Guardians 1->2


0 XP banked (for the first time in a while!)

+55 XP

-24 Essense 3->4

-8 Telltale Symphony

-8 Opportune Shot

-8 Incite Decorum

-5 Archery 3->4

-1 Mask 1->2

-1 Key 1->2


0 XP banked
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Pretty sure that starting at E4 is still disallowed in errata. And it's xp, not bp, that you have 16 of. They're not interchangeable. For instance, E3 costs 16xp,but 7bp.

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