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Realistic or Modern College in South Korea


gogo dancer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.f098dacf0bfe2aa6b82b795613c62071.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.f098dacf0bfe2aa6b82b795613c62071.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Seoul, South Korea is where you are right now. You'll be starting your junior year of college soon. This college doesn't provide any dorms for students... You better have your own place. What time do you have to get to school?

7am... Don't be late.

(I don't feel like making the schedule so... Let's just say everyone is in the same classes.)

Of course there's study time and break time through out the day.

There are vacation days; spring break, winter break, etc etc.

(There will be limited spots!)

(Also there will be a waiting list)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.9b4ef4ed739bf75e617af2682ed84828.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.9b4ef4ed739bf75e617af2682ed84828.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.cc38eafe9584d64334f92c3f62df73c5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.cc38eafe9584d64334f92c3f62df73c5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Lmao I decided not to use polyvore for him!

Jisoo sat on the cushion at the desk and happily eating instant noodles, otherwise known as ramyeon noodles. The night before held an endless amount of work. He had to finish writing this stupid essay... Luckily, he finished his work. It was only 2 weeks into college and his teacher was already giving class papers to write... Was that normal? Jisoo didn't know and he didn't really care to find out. He was quite pleased with how his paper turned out. He had only gotten a few hours of sleep. "Geez... I'm so tired... It's early? I could get some sleep in before classes start." He finished his noodles quickly. "I need to eat something healthier, but instant noodles are so cheap." He stood up with the bowl and chopsticks in hand. He lazily made his way into the kitchen. He put the bowl and chopsticks into the sink, thinking he'd clean it later.

As he entered back into the main room, his phone alarm on his went off. He groaned and picked up his phone to turn off that annoying alarm noise. "I still have time to sleep... Right?" He shook his head quickly. "Nope. You should just get ready now... Don't want to end up being late."

Jisoo grabbed an outfit that looked presentable. He entered the bathroom. After 30 minutes of getting ready, he looked into the mirror that was in the bathroom. He made sure he looked good and smelt good. Once he was pleased with the way he looked, he grabbed his bag and left his apartment and the building all together. He began to walk down the street. He would drive a car, but he couldn't afford it now. He didn't trust Uber, so that was off the table. So walking felt like the only reasonable thing to do.

Jisoo looked down at his phone. The screen was cracked. He had dropped it on the kitchen floor of his apartment the previous day. It had landed on its face (aka screen) causing the screen to crack. He rubbed his thumb over the cracks in the screen. "Ow!" He almost dropped the phone. He had cut his finger. He stopped abruptly and shoved his phone into his pocket. The male stuck his cut finger into his mouth. He used the free hand to fish a band aid out of his pocket. He kept band aids just incase he ended getting hurt. He took his finger out of of his mouth, opened the band aid and wrapped it around his finger.

He was planning on introducing two of his pretty good friends, he could even consider them best friends. It was odd how they had never met each other. Maybe because Jisoo was worried that they wouldn't like each other, seeing as they were totally opposites. Hopefully, they ended up liking each other because he didn't know what he'd do if they didn't like each other. He frowned as his finger basically throbbed. It was like he could feel his pulse through his finger. He grumbled lowly.

@Koala @Imagination

(Min-Woo's post is coming up shortly! Xxx. Btw it's fine if you haven't finished your CS, just try to finish a majority of it.)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.0f367cdafa573916131740db75ecb54d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.0f367cdafa573916131740db75ecb54d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Min-woo xxx

Min-woo smiled as he looked into the mirror. "You have to tell her soon..." He whispered to himself before messing with his hair to give him that messy look. "It's not that hard," He sighed sadly. He was about to leave, but then he remembered. "Wait..." He backed up into the bathroom. After a few moments of making himself smell better, even though he smelt pretty nice already, he left the bathroom. He smelt sweet, yet spicy. He usually smelt like that. He grabbed his bag off of his couch and left his apartment.

Min-woo walked in the direction towards Seon-Ok's house. He was planning to ask her if she wanted to walk to campus with her. They use to walk together to school when they were younger. Maybe during the whole lunch break they could go out to eat. Maybe they could go out and get some street food. Bungeoppang! That's what they should get. He smiled at his smart mind for coming up with that.

He eventually made it to Seon-Ok's apartment. He decided to call her and see if she was even awake. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed in her number. He put the phone up to his ear and waited patiently for his friend to respond. He smiled at the thought of her. He knew it would be hard to confess to her, but he knew he had to even if it did ruin their friendship. He fiddled with the trim of his jacket as he waited for her to respond.



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Seong Kusado

Seo woke up to the bright sun in his face shining through the blinds. He sat up to see crumbs scattered across his bed and pajamas along with empty bags of chips and his laptop in his lap. I should really stop staying up this late, he thought as he stood out of bed trying to avoid making more of a mess. Looking in the mirror he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He did his normal weekday routine and put on a white graphic t-shirt along with a pair of black jeans, a large hoodie, and a pair of simple white converse. The hoodie was a camo green with long black sleeves that covered his hands. He didn't really bother to fix his hair in any way. He grabbed a granola bar and headed out the door with his earbuds in. He was listening to a sort of 'motivational speech' about art. He hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with any drama for the day.

(Sorry I for my cringy writing skills. ;-


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Song Seok-Ok Song Seok-Ok groaned as her alarm rang her hand reaching out to turn it off only to remember it was half way across the room. She got up with a groan throwing the pillow at it knocking it off her dresser. When she was about to curl up in her blankets her phone rang, she sighed ignoring it hoping whoever it was would stop calling, however when her phone kept pestering her with its ringing she was half tempted to smash it or chuck it out the window. Instead she sighed sitting up picking it up off the floor to read who the caller was.

She nearly fell out of her bed when she read the name on the phone "Min-Woo! Aish! What time is it even?!" she looked around her bedroom seeing all the soju and through her mirror broken on the floor she seen her reflection. She looked like a panda with how dark the circles under her eyes were. She sighed answering the phone "Yeboseyo! Min-Woo why did you call?" she spoke as she walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth, as she entered she noticed her calendar her eyes widening "Min-woo.." she trailed off her eyes landing on the alarm clock a small curse escaped her lips "Ah I'm just getting ready and No I didn't sleep in! ..Well okay maybe a little! Ah just let yourself in. I changed the hiding spot of the key its now under the flowerpot instead of taped under the mailbox!"

As she spoke she rushed around cleaning up the Soju bottles and tissues. It had been another of those nights, one of those lonely nights filled with painful memories and desperate longing. Usually she wouldn't have hid it from Min-woo but after the sixth time she started to so that he would not worry.

Gyo Myung-Soo Gyo Myung-Soo sighed as slivers of light shimmered through his blinds. The night before he flew back in from America. He had gotten accepted into the college he and his ex friend and ex girlfriend planned to get into together. He sat up slowly looking at the picture of his ex "Did you keep our promise? Did you get into that college Seok-Ok? You never left Korea did you?" He smiled sadly at the picture walking into his bathroom to brush his teeth.

As he spit out the toothpaste his eyes caught his reflection leaning against the sink he stared at it thinking of her "I have come back for you. This time I won't leave again unless you're by my side... Seok-Ok" He quickly got dressed and left his house walking the familiar paths to her old house. He knew she probably moved after. But he couldn't help but hope.
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When a certain set of alarms went off, a male groaned slightly while shifting on his large bed. His long limbs were sprawled out across the span of the mattress, his head buried underneath the mound of pillows. Broad shoulders and an exposed back were greeted by the early morning sun that peeked in through his white curtains. Honestly his room was quite interesting. Unlike him who was so attractive in appearance, his room was very simple, mostly consisting of white decor. But the male didn't mind. What he did mind was the loudness of his various alarms. After a few minutes of silent pitying, he crawled out from underneath the pillows and sat up, squinting as he looked around his room.

Running his fingers through his messy light brown hair, Ki-tae sigh and stretched his arms above his head, waking himself up in one go. The shirtless man was soon off of his bed and was making it, fluffing the pillows and arranging his bed the way it always looks. Perfect. After making his bed, Ki-tae headed to the bathroom to take a nice shower. Like a good kid he woke up early enough to take his time with showering and getting ready for college. His shower was quite long as he washed not only his body and hair, but he also brushed his teeth and washed his face twice. When he got out of the shower Ki-tae wrapped a towel around his waist and went to work on his hair. Grabbing his hair dryer, he began to dry his thick hair and ran product through it as he dried it. His hair always looked nice and had a very clean and attractive scent to it, perks of Ki-tae knowing his way with shampoos and such. Ki-tae soft brown hair was soon styled in its usual style and then the broad shoulder student set to work on his face.

Moisturizers and various beauty products were applied to his soft and clear skin, much to the happiness of Ki-tae. The cool creams and sprays soothed him and really woke him up. Makeup wasn't applied to his skin as he didn't have any blemishes but he did apply a small amount of BB Cream to his eyes in order to hide the dark circles that had begun to form due to multiple late night homework sessions. Reaching for his contacts, Ki-tae looked around and failed to find any. Furrowing his eyebrows he tried to think of where they were. Ah that's right, somehow a certain someone had knocked them out of his hand when he was taking them out the other night. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Ki-tae exhaled deeply and opened a drawer to look at man, many cases of glasses. Selecting his round framed pair, the nearly blind Ki-tae put on the glasses and sighed, fixing his bangs to accommodate the glasses better. He is pretty much blind and has to wear contacts or else he has to wear very strong prescription glasses much to his annoyance.

After staring at his reflection for a minute, Ki-tae continued with the rest of his morning. He got
dressed in a simple outfit, one that made him look casual and handsome. The white shirt hung on his body, showing off his broad shoulders nicely. Then he proceeded to make himself a rather large and healthy smoothie, one he had recently started drinking for his breakfast. Once he poured his smoothie into his bottle, Ki-tae began to shove everything he would need for the day into his backpack. He didn't feel like running back to his apartment to grab something. Of course he has before, but recently he's been getting better. After pushing his glasses up a bit, Ki-tae put on his backpack, grabbed his keys and smoothie, then left his apartment. Locking the door behind him, Ki-tae walked down the small stair case that led to the main floor. Exiting the apartment complex, the handsome man greeted South Korea's morning with a charismatic eye smile and a sip of his breakfast smoothie. He felt like it would be a good day, for him at least.
Eun-soo Day One

It was times like this that Shim Eun-Soo hated the sun. The rays, golden and trickling through his window seemed like vile yellow snakes, and Eun-Soo's form of defense was pulling his pillow tightly over his head.

"Noooooooooo," he mumbled into the lump of fluff. But it was of no use. He was already awake, and worse yet-- the apartment was so humid that he couldn't stand it, and the pillow certainly wasn't helping. At all.

Eun-Soo gasped and whipped the pillow across the room, knocking over a mini bamboo plant. He didn't care too much though, for he was busy fanning himself and panting. Initially, the sound of a roof-top apartment seemed ideal: the cheapest thing he could find, nice view, close to college and everything else.

The downside?

THE. HEAT. THE MISERABLE HEAT. AND THE STAIRS. AND THE HEAT. There were many other downsides but HEAT was the number one.

Eun-Soo rolled out of bed and tumbled onto the floor, sweating. Since he was already out of bed, he might as well get ready and then out of the apartment as soon as possible, right?

Lazily, he rolled on the floor to gaze up at the alarm clock next to his bed.

He'd slept in for a whole hour.

And just like that Eun-Soo was whirling about in his apartment, washing his face here, pulling a shirt over his head as he brushed his teeth there, snatching a hat and a jacket because why not, grabbing uncooked ramyeon from the counter, and a few hard-boiled eggs from the fridge--!

Boom, clap, out the door.

Eun-Soo nearly tumbled down the stairs as he hurried and burst outside into the fresh sunny morning air.

Eun-Soo looked down.

"PANTS, PANTS, PANTS...!" he whisper-shrieked as he scurried back into his apartment.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.d2f462003f4c9275a2c5e5bef33e3f9a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143941" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.d2f462003f4c9275a2c5e5bef33e3f9a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Min-woo rolled his eyes at the girl on the other end of the phone. "Geez. Seon-Ok... If you keep sleeping in, we're gonna be late every class. Alright! I'll be in soon." He hung up the phone before shaking his head. He lifted up the flower pot and grabbed the key. "If you keep hiding things in such obvious places you're going to get robbed," he mumbled before unlocking the door. He opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind himself. "Should I lock the door?" He called to Seon-Ok. He just shrugged and didn't wait for a response. He locked the door for no reason and set the key down on the small end table thing by the door.

He walked into the living room area and sat down on the couch. He sighed and glanced around. He stood up and looked out the window. He thought he saw someone he knew... No. Couldn't be. He went back to the couch and took a seat.

"Are you ready yet? We don't have that much time... Ms. Lee will kill us if we're late. Anyway take your time." Sitting down on the couch was getting boring. He stood up quickly and began to admire the decor. He nibbled on the inside of his lip. "During the whole lunch break... We should go out and get some Bungeoppang. The red bean paste ones because they're better." He paused for a moment. "Pleaseeeeeee."



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Park Seo-hyeon


@NWO + whoever at the cafe.


Seo-hyeon groaned at the sound of her alarm, burying her head further into her pillow as she scrambled to find her phone-turned-alarm-clock. She sighed, allowing herself five more minutes before stretching and wriggling around under the duvet cover; as she always did, every single morning. After the usual twenty-five minutes extra of browsing her various social media accounts, Seo-hyeon jumped up out of bed with a smile on her face and lightly, jogged into the bathroom. She loved mornings. Despite disliking the initial waking up, Seo-hyeon loved the brisk air and quiet but severely chaotic atmosphere of city-mornings. Her mornings in Busan were much different to the mornings in Seoul; they were much less free and differing, in Busan she had the automated routine of waking up for school at the exact same time every day, her mother would greet her as she came downstairs and after breakfast it was the exact same bus ride to school every single day. But in Seoul, Seo-hyeon woke up whenever she needed to be awake for class, sometimes earlier so that she could slip a coffee in before hand - like today - and each day was different in certain respects. Nonetheless, Seo-hyeon never failed to smile on a morning, her bubbly attitude making her somewhat annoying to others in the early morning, though today it was 10:20am by the time she awoke.

An hour later, Seo-hyeon was relatively ready for the day; make-up and hair done, breakfast made but not eaten, yet, and outfit laid out. She had a habit of procrastinating in the morning, it was one thing she discovered with living on her own and not having many morning classes at college, whether it was getting dressed or actually leaving the house to go to class, Seo-hyeon would procrastinate. And this morning, it was by texting her friend, Jaehyun. They had arranged to meet up at 11:30am for coffee at the cafe they had become regulars at. Seo-hyeon smiled at the thought of seeing her friend, she was practically bouncing up and down in excitement; socialising was one of her favourite things to do, especially when coffee was involved.

To: Jaehyun

Good morningggg~

Coffee, usual place?

She pressed send, double checking that Jaehyun was still okay with meeting up, before finishing off a glass of water and placing her phone down on the counter. With a smile, Seo-hyeon sauntered off back into her bedroom, she had already laid an outfit out and so all there was left to do was get dressed and sort her bag out. Both of which were relatively easy. Today, she opted for
a comfortable choice of outfit, something she wore regularly. Grabbing her bag, Seo-hyeon walked past the kitchen, remembering to pick her phone up off the side of the counter before exiting the apartment. She was eternally grateful to her parents, they'd picked her apartment and only considered ones within walking distance to the college campus when picking. Seo-hyeon greeted the city air with a smile, popping her earphones in and slinging her jacket over her arm as she set off towards her favourite coffee shop on campus with fifteen minutes to spare before half-past eleven.
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Song Seon-Ok Seon-Ok sighed as Min-woo entered the house hoping she hadn't forgotten any bottles. She quickly took her garbage bag our of the trash can and tied it up she'd have to put it on the curb later. She popped her head out to look at Min-woo her hair half still in a mess but she was dressed atleast. A comb hung from the other half of her hair her mascara and lip gloss in her hands. She smiled at his question "Alright, but your buying. I got fired from my part time job and am looking again remember?" She quickly finished up her makeup and came out hair combed. She slipped her shoes on as she addressed Min-Woo "So shall we go?" She picked up the key opening the door. "Lets grab some breakfast on the way.. I forgot to buy groceries last week. Of course you're paying" she smiled She always would pay him back whenever she got her payment from her part time jobs so he usually payed for food as she often forgets to buy groceries.


Unlike the majority of the students at university, Kyuhyun was up before his alarm clock even went off. What was he doing up at such an ungodly hour? Taking pictures of course! Photography is his passion alongside art and honestly he has a hard time sleeping when he has the urge to take pictures. Which is why he woke up around four in the morning and was out in the crisp morning air, taking pictures of everything that caught his special attention. Even though it was horribly early, the young man didn't feel tired. He was wired off of the hype that came with photography.

He barely noticed people looking at him with curious and attracted gazes. Hell, he barely noticed that his favorite cafe and bakery was open. That's how focused he was on photography. Hours passed and one would think that Kyuhyun would have been satisfied with his pictures. No, no he was not. He spent a good fifteen minutes deleting pictures at an insane pace. The pictures would disappear from the camera, creating more space and more opportunities for a perfect picture that needed to go in his portfolio.

If a person ever sees Kyuhyun acting serious it's when he's doing something he loves. And that thing is probably photography. He will literally spend all day taking pictures. He takes pictures of literally everything he finds aesthetic and appealing to him. On more than one occasion he's asked a pretty girl to take a bunch of pictures of her for his portfolio. It's no surprise that he started his own little business. It's amazing that he's actual able to focus on one project for such a long time considering he suffers from ADHD. It's gotten much better considering when he was a child he couldn't sit still for more than five minutes.

This caused him to have a really hard time making friends as well as working in school. So he got involved with sports and anything that would make him burn off some of his energy. However after getting better medication, once his family could afford it, things mellowed out considerably. Now in college Kyuhyun is much better at actually handling his ADHD even with the medication, and he's able to do better in school. Not to mention his relationships with people got better. He was able to really become a social butterfly with just a bit of help medically.

So it was quite amazing that he was able to focus on photography for such long periods of time. Of course with medication it was easier for him to focus, however Kyuhyun's lower dosage of medication makes him more wired in the mornings and sometimes afternoons. Then again it wasn't like he was sitting still. He was always moving around. However Kyuhyun stopped for a moment in order to turn off his camera and check his watch. His alarm would've gone off by this time and so he knew that he needed to head to somewhere to get something to eat.

He had brought a million granola bars with him and a bottle of water, but that's it. Upon realizing he had the snacks in his black backpack, Kyuhyun moved over to a bench to sit down.
His outfit made him sort of stand out despite being very simple. He looked charismatic and handsome, and when he put his thick black sunglasses on, he looked handsome and mysterious. His cute and childish eyes weren't visible which meant he looked more mature and not so cutesy and childish. Not that he cared. Kyuhyun enjoyed looking masculine since it meant people saw him as a man rather than an aegyo filled young man.

Sighing and putting his camera in it's case then in his backpack, Kyuhyun took a deep breath and grabbed a granola bar and his water. He could feel his wired body relaxing considerably. It was hard being Kyuhyun. Despite suffering from ADHD, he was already a very wired and hyper male to begin with. He was always a bit hyper even with his medication. But he knew that it would be okay. It wasn't something he couldn't handle. He was getting better and it was tolerable. He could handle things better and didn't get as worked up as he used to. In high school he forgot his medication once and got into a fight because of it. It had ended in a one day suspension because the fight had been rather severe, but once he was back on his medication he was better.

Kyuhyun knew he was different. From his interest in people to his brain and even his personality. He wasn't like the rest. He was unique. Taking a bite of the food, Kyuhyun hummed happily and crossed his long legs before silently watching the people walk around, some of them heading to the cafes that were opening, and others heading straight to work or school. Kyuhyun of course was going to mess around before getting something to eat.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e69389ffee32e9331ae125c4c63e3aa7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.e69389ffee32e9331ae125c4c63e3aa7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jisoo glanced around for second. He decided it was best to get to campus instead of standing there like he had no sense of direction. He began his 'journey' to the campus. Shortly after, he was at his destination. Here really didn't know what to do. He had plenty of time to spare and he didn't see his best friends around. He sighed and stood on the bridge. He leaned back on the railing and decided it would be best to text at least one of his friends. He took his phone out of his pocket. He used his secret code to get into his phone.

He stood there deciding what to write to his friends. "Hm..." He tilted his head slightly.

To: Seo Boi X

-I killed a bug for you

To: Ki-Tae Boi X

- I dropped my phone and now the screen cracked. I did that for you

He actually did kill a bug and he actually did drop his phone and crack the screen, but he didn't do it for his friends. This was Jisoo's weird sense of humor. Most of his friends would get these odd jokes. He put his phone back in his pocket and turned around so he was facing the water. He took his phone out of his pocket to look at his home screen, which was a picture of his hairless cat named Bummy. His sister called Bummy a rat and Jisoo didn't appreciate that on behalf of his cat. He loved his cat a lot. The cat seemed to love him too.



@A C E



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The decision had been quickly made, yet Eun-Soo deeply regretted it; Eun-Soo had taken the bus. It was that, or risk being really late and being a step closer to losing his scholarship. And that certainly wasn't happening.

But what had happened was the nauseating feeling rising up to his throat. Eun-Soo whimpered and bit his lip as the motion sickness crept up on him. He forced himself to look out the window to distract himself, watching the buildings flash by, a photographer closely inspecting his camera, a young man standing with his coffee and ready to face the world...

And then they were there. Thank. Goodness. Eun-soo jumped to his feet and darted off the bus, not quite sure where he was running, but running as far as he could before he lost his stomach entirely. At least he was on campus now, right?

His feet pounded halfway across a bridge before he collapsed and vomited onto....onto someone's shoes!?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.33019c6b3e138b11017667f3079bc335.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143973" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.gif.33019c6b3e138b11017667f3079bc335.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Min-woo laughed, "Fine fine. I'll pay for everything. Let's go." He grabbed the extra key he had left on the table and handed it to her. He unlocked the door and pulled Seon-Ok out of the house (of course gently). He closed the door behind them. "What do you want to eat? I'll pay for anything. Just make sure it's not too expensive... I don't want to go broke. Let's go to the little cafe that practically on campus." He pulled her along the road, towards the cafe.

He stopped his rambling and stopped all together when he saw a familiar face. This wasn't a good familiar face. It was basically an enemy. What the hell was he doing her? Myung-soo? Min-woo furrowed his brow and just stood there. He readjusted his backpack. He didn't know what to say or do. He hadn't seen Myung-soo for a while and he sure as hell hated him. He was pretty sure Myung-soo hated him too.

(Idk I saw you wrote that Myung-soo going down the path towards Seon-Ok's house so
xD )




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(Putting a pic later. Too lazy)

Seong Kusado

After walking for at least 20 minutes, Seo had arrived on campus to see his Jisoo. He took out his phone seeing the text he sent him. "What the hell is going on in his head?" he said to himself. He didn't exactly understand Jisoo's humor. Sometimes he would find his weird and radon jokes to be funny but other times he thought of them to be confusing. He sat down at a random bench and rested for a bit seeing as he was surprisingly early.

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Song Seon-ok and Gyo Myung-Soo Seon-Ok smiled intertwining her fingers with his swinging his arm with hers back and forth as they walked a ways away from the house a bright smile on her face. "Mmm the cafe would be nice. I'd kill for a cup of coffee right now!" she looked at him curiously as he stopped. "whats wrong?" her eyes followed his gaze and she froze taking a small step back in shock holding Min-woo's hand tighter. "M..Myung-soo?"

Myung-soo hadn't really expected for Seon-Ok to be there especially with Min-woo, He glared as he saw them walking holding hands. Min-woo noticed him and stopped. Myung-soo stopped glaring when he heard her voice, his Seon-Ok's voice say his name. God how he missed that beautiful voice of hers like a bunch of bells twinkling as she spoke, so pleasant to the ear no matter what tone of voice she always sounded wonderful.

Myung-soo took a step forward his eyes fixated on her "Seon-Ok..." her eyes widened and she backed a bit behind Min-woo this couldn't be happening she was just crying over him again the previous night, there was no way he was real. Her heart hurt she knew he was. When Myung-soo seen her move a bit behind Min-woo he noticed once again their hands his anger came back.

Finally he couldn't contain his anger any longer. He walked up swiftly and punched Min-woo across the face. A screech of horror escaped Seon-Ok's lips.

Myung-soo glared down at Min-woo a hand on his shoulder made him turn around and he almost got slapped by Seon-Ok he managed to catch her wrist "Are you crazy?! let go!" she hissed

Myung-soo glared at the two of them addressing Min-woo "You know you really have some nerve" Seon-Ok glared "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Seon-Ok tried to get out of his grasp but couldn't Myung-soo glared "Keeping whats mine away from other guys" Seon-ok scoffed "Whats yours?! I haven't been yours for a year now!"

Myung-soo froze she was right his grip loosened, as soon as she was free she rushed over to Min-woo "are you alright?" she asked her eyes on Min-woo as she ignored Myung-soo. Myung-Soo snapped out of whatever daze he was in and tried to talk to Seon-ok "Seon-Ok..." only for her to ignore him. He got closer and put his hand on her shoulder. Seon-Ok's eyes were shaded from Myung-soo only min-woo could see them and the tears held in them threatening to fall. She just wanted Myung-soo to dissapear again, it hurt too much to see his face and he hadn't really changed.


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Jisoo's eyes widened when the boy threw up on his feet. "Oh... Ok." The next thing you know, he's hunched over vomitting. The stench of the vomit was sinking into pours. "You..." He vomited one more time before regaining control over himself. He wiped his mouth as he glanced over at the boy.

"You owe me..." He paused, knowing he couldn't spend the day like this. "When I come back, you better still be here." He ran as fast as he could to his house. He unlocked the door to his house, quickly took of his shoes and put them in a plastic bag. He pulled on whatever other pair of shoes he could find. He hurried into the bathroom and brushed his teeth twice. He popped God knows how many mints into his mouth. He made sure before he left to spray the bag of puke shoes with air freshener. He hurried out the door, but not before locking his apartment door. Then, he was running as fast as he could back to campus.

Jisoo was there. He had made it with time to spare. His house wasn't that far from the campus which was great in this situation. He spotted the kid who had puked on his shoes. He walked over to him. "You owe me an americano (a type of coffee) and a talk because those shoes were expensive. Though no one else could smell the puke on him, that's all he could smell. "Let's go." He grabbed the vomit kid's wrist and pulled him towards the cafe. He opened the cafe door and walked in, pulling vomit boy with him. "I'm not mad. I understand it was a mistake."

@Prankster Pi @ whoever else is in the cafe lolzor



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As Ki-tae walked down the sidewalk, his empty bottle in his backpack, he stretched his arms above his head once again. He didn't know what time it was so he pulled out his phone and looked at the time. When he pulled out his phone he noticed that he had more comments on his YouTube channel. Smiling the surprisingly popular YouTuber opened the app and began to scroll through the various comments. He had started his account back in 2013 and was enjoying it so far. He mainly did vlogs and posted his short films and other things to show everyone what he was doing. From the quality of his videos to the actual content, it wasn't a surprise that he became quite the popular man. Smiling at the comments, he decided to go a little fanservice. So he closed his YouTube app and pulled up his Instagram. He then took a video to show that he was on his way to school and just said it was really nice outside. Instagram videos aren't the longest as many of you know, so it wasn't some crazy long video. But his caption was pretty long. He made a couple shout-outs to some of the comments that really made him smile. Ki-tae was a simple man. He didn't do much and his fans still adored him.

After posting, likes and comments started to flood in much to his delight. Looking around, Ki-tae seated himself on a bench and began to scroll through all the comments and praise. Some people commented about his outfit, how he was wearing glasses and all of these other things. Since he had time to kill and was near the school, he began to reply to the comments. A girl commented about his shoulders made her heart flutter and replied with a simple 'I know'. Another girl said that she adored his glasses and that he looked like Harry Potter which Ki-tae responded with a 'Thank you! Someone lost my contacts so I thought my wizarding self could be exposed for today'. Ki-tae is someone who really liked to connect with his fans as he knows it makes their days. When he used to have Twitter, he would try and reply to some the tweets he was tagged in. But it got to be too much to handle alongside his blog, Instagram, YouTube, and SnapChat. So his SnapChat was revamped and he got it added to his YouTube account so his fans began to add him after his Twitter was removed.

Trying to be close with fans was hard, but Ki-tae managed. Plus it wasn't like they were saesangs or anything of that sort. They were pretty relaxed and enjoyed the live streams they had with him. The fans and Ki-tae had gotten quite close considering they were the only ones there for him when he was going through his parent's divorce. Unlike usual, he was able to open up to them about how he felt about the whole thing and it really helped him get through the divorce. He is someone who often hides what he feels behind a bright smile, but he's an open book with his fans for some reason. Ki-tae turned off his phone and ran his fingers back through his hair before he realized he got a text. Reading it he raised an eyebrow and smiled before rolling his eyes.

To: Clumsy

I don't think you should do that on a regular basis Jisoo.

What did you do, drop it in the kitchen?


Smiling at the text for a moment longer, Ki-tae pocketed his phone and stood up, situating his backpack into a more comfortable position on his shoulders. It was kind of uncomfortable to have broad shoulders at times. It proved to be a bit awkward to wear certain backpacks since they didn't always sit correctly on his shoulders. But his current one was working just fine for the most part. As long as he kept it away from Jisoo he knew that it wouldn't have any problems. He had already lost his contacts, he didn't need to lose his backpack as well. Fixing his circular glasses, Ki-tae stood up and began walking again, this time to a small bakery that opens quite early and closes at around three in the afternoon. It's a place that Ki-tae enjoys going to whenever he needs to look at what he's filmed or taken pictures of. Plus it's close to the cafe which he works at.


..........................minako fujikawa


tag ;; n/a

mood ;; happy, tired

location ;; college

slowly awaking from her slumber, the blonde haired girl yawned and opened her delicate eyelids. her eyes were always sensitive on a morning, and because the window was positioned right over her bed, it was almost impossible to escape the light which made getting up a little bit harder for her.

minako stretched her arms out and felt the warm bedsheets slowly slide off of her. she let out a sigh, and although she didn't want to go to college she figured that was the best thing to do instead of staying inside all day watching korean dramas.

walking downstairs, the girl made herself a cup of strawberry tea and took the bread out of the bread tin, popping it in the toaster and turning the radio to a low volume so it wouldn't wake up her parents. being a live-at-home student, it wasn't very practical to get up an hour earlier than everyone else just to make some toast.

POP! sounded the toaster. the girl's eyes quickly averted to the noise, running over and removing the toasted pieces of bread from the machine. she took a knife out of the drawer, as well as the marmalade from the quartz-coloured fridge.

after she had ate, minako walked up to her bedroom and put on her
clothes, making her way to school and looking around for someone to talk to.



After eating three granola bars and drinking most of his water, Kyuhyun was walking around again, this time just observing his surroundings. He was the type who really enjoyed going for walks and just enjoying the beauty of the world. However he either never has time or he's too busy taking pictures of the beauty to really take it in. The tall and lanky 21 year old crossed the street and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking up at the big and fluffy clouds that were accumulating in the morning sky. Believe it or not, he had wanted to live in a cloud since he was a child.

Even as an adult his absolute dream house is a house in the clouds. If he could live anywhere he wanted, literally anywhere, it'd be in a huge cloud. But obviously that wasn't possible much to the disappointment of Kyuhyun. Shifting his bag to one shoulder, he continued to walk, observing everything that he could behind his black sunglasses. You would think someone as observant as Kyuhyun would notice a bench that was in the way if you were as clumsy as him. But alas, he did not notice the bench. Or at least he didn't until it was too late.

His foot just caught on the edge of the benches leg and it sent Kyuhyun stumbling forward, various languages spewing from his mouth like a translator on the fritz. He sort of stumbled until he grabbed onto a tree and steadied himself. It was sort of interesting and honestly it looked like a penguin trying to fly. His arms had awkwardly flailed about and he almost tumbled a few times before barely grabbing the tree. His glasses threatened to fall and his hat was crooked as he held onto the tree with a startled look.

Turning around with an annoyed expression, prepared to yell at the bench - like that'll do much good -, but stopped short when he saw the person occupying the bench. Shutting his mouth, Kyuhyun awkwardly shuffled over to the male and bowed before apologizing. Straightening up, he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry about that, I didn't notice the bench. It kind of like popped out of nowhere. I was honestly more interested in the flowers than looking where I was going" Taking off his sunglasses to properly look at the man, Kyuhyun's eyes widened ever so slightly. The man had a unique appearance that was practically begging Kyuhyun to take a picture of, or maybe even sketch it. Blinking blankly at the man, he sort of just mulled over the idea of sketching him. His features were unlike any other Kyuhyun had ever seen. They were just unique and honestly unique was something Kyuhyun's attracted to. Realizing that he was being quite rude, he cleared his throat and stuck out a hand.

"My name's Kyuhyun. I want to introduce myself so you know, I can see you around campus. You do attend this college right? I mean that'd be really cool if you did" He sort of rambles when he's in awe of something so the man was making hims ramble like no other. All that was running through Kyuhyun's brain was using him as a model for either photography or his art. Just thinking about it made his heart flutter and butterflies to form in his stomach. He loved his hobbies with a passion and he was feeling very inspired by the man he could've flattened.

"But class...!" The door to the cafe slammed shut behind them with a jangle. "Okay."

Eun-Soo shuffled behind the taller boy sheepishly as the latter pulled him to the counter. He wasn't really sure why he'd stayed on the bridge when his vomit victim fled. Maybe he felt he might throw up again--after all he'd stepped in the other guy's vomit--but maybe he did feel a little guilty about the whole thing. And that outweighed his urge to run away and hide.

"One americano," the boy said nervously to the young man behind the counter. "Annnnnnd a hazelnut latte...and milk tea boba....OOH that bread looks good, can we have two of those? Ah, and those two cupcakes right there!" Eun-Soo smiled happily at the prospect of all this food, and when everything was ready, he handed over the won, grabbed everything, and hobbled over with it to an empty table near a window. Carefully, he set everything on the table, and turned around to present their little cafe feast. "TA-DA~" He grinned hopefully at the taller boy.



Seong Kusado

Seo couldn't help but laugh at how clumsy this man was. After he was able to contain his laughter he cleared hi throat and looked up at him. The dark circles around his eyes were visible from his perspective. He was surprised at how baby faced he looked. He had to cover his mouth with his arm to stop himself. "Seong. Honestly you looked like a small bird attempting to fly," he said.
@A C E

(Can't think of much ;n;)

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Min-woo was caught off guard when Myung-soo punched him. He put his hand on his cheek where his enemy had punched him. His eyes darted from place to place. He never excepted someone he use to be so close to (when they were younger) would just punch him. He stood there, planning on leaving and not fighting back, but when he saw that Seon-ok was about to cry...that was the last straw. He frowned at her. "Sorry," he whispered softly.

He got up off the ground quickly. Out of anger, he grabbed Myung-soo my the shirt color and punched him. He let go of his collar and backed up. He decided to make a go for. He grabbed Seon-Ok's hand and pulled her along, away from Myung-soo.

Once far enough away, he turned to Seon-Ok. "Are you ok?" His voice was full of concern. He began to feel bad for dragging her away. Maybe she wanted to talk to Myung-soo. Min-woo sighed. How could he be so selfish. He looked down. "Sorry..." He trailed off. "We should probably get to campus." His face hurt pretty bad from the punch.

(I felt like I needed to post this now!!!! I went with the third choice)



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Jisoo stared in awe at the boy as he ordered tons of food. How was he going to eat this all? When the shorter boy turned around and said 'Tada,' Jisoo was still in awe. "We have less than 15 minutes till class and you bought a feast. Geez... I just wanted coffee, but I'm not complaining,"He smiled. As they sat down, Jisoo just took his coffee thankfully. He felt his phone buzz. He fished his phone out of his pocket and checked it. 1 new message. For some reason Jisoo always got excited when he got new text messages.

To: Ki-Tae Boi X

:) you should appreciate that. I cracked my phone screen for you. I would joke some more, but some kid vomitted on my shoes :/ I got a free coffee and a few snacks out of it though.

Jisoo set his phone on the table, so he would be able to get it quickly when he got another text. He sipped some of his coffee. "You realize we probably won't finish that... Right?" He decided that he wasn't going to have vomit boy pay for the damaged done to his shoes. "Vomit boy, I'm Park Jisoo. Nice to meet you."

@Prankster Pi @A C E



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Upon hearing the laugh of the man, Kyuhyun sort of smiled and tilted his head slightly at him. He had a really nice smile in his opinion. Ah the possibilities of pictures of that smile were overwhelming. But his kept his hands still to resist the urge of taking pictures of him. Then the other spoke. Eyes widening slightly, Kyuhyun started to laughing, backing up in order to turn around in a circle with a red face and a big smile. "Really? I looked like a bird? Oh God that's a great way to make a first impression" He stated with his big smile that caused his nose to scrunch up ever so slightly.

He sort of just stood there for a minute, staring at Seong. He didn't lose his smile nor his cute little eye smile that only showed when Kyuhyun really started to smile.
"Ah, sorry for staring again. But again, I'm sorry for almost flattening you, but I'm happy I was able to make you laugh. Even if it was at the expense of my pride" Raising his hands to rub his face he then looked sort of awkward for a few seconds. "Oh yeah, are you waiting for someone? I mean that's fine if you are, just it seems like it'd be sort of lonely, sitting here all alone. But I-I'm not judging or saying your choices are wrong or anything like that! Just expressing general concern I guess? Or an observation?"

Laughing again, Kyuhyun sort of crouched down slightly and hid his face behind his hands.
"Usually I'm not this awkward. I usually hold conversation pretty easily. I guess I'm just embarrassed that I made a fool out of myself to someone I've never meet before" Licking his lips, the taller stood up again and just looked around with red ears, a sign that he was still totally flustered. "Um so yeah. If you are doing something I was wondering if I could just you know hang around to take some pictures of the scenery. I won't be too loud or clumsy. But if you aren't busy, I mean company is the best thing before school right? Way to start the day off right?"

He felt like he was about to start stuttering again. Feeling even more flustered because he was so embarrassed, Kyuhyun squeezed his hands into tight fists and just started to feel flustered. His hands traveled to his hat which he removed to run his fingers through his brown hair, messing it up as he did so.
"I'm really sorry, I have no clue w-why I'm starting to stutter. This usually doesn't happen unless I'm really embarrassed or shy. Honestly I-I'm a really normal person. This isn't helping though" Kyuhyun let out a defeat laugh and finally just shifted from foot to foot and smiled, slightly laughing at his own stupidity.

Honestly the Korean knew why he was so flustered. He knew that he was just dying to ask Seong to be a model for him. He was internally dying because of how much he really wanted to ask him everything. But obviously that was off the table. Unlike most people, Seong seemed like the type who was more reserved and would get bothered if Kyuhyun asked him to model. Of course Kyuhyun couldn't be for sure, but he didn't want to screw up his chances with befriending the guy in the beginning. And you know he was someone who easily got embarrassed no matter how much he denied it. Oh well. It was just part of Kyuhyun's charm.


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