• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Coldblood





Please remember to read all of the rules, lore and overview before applying! The amount of characters is limited to 2 CHARACTERS PER PERSON, the mods of this RP are excluded from this rule.

Please be as detailed as possible, and please take your time to make these character sheets. We are looking for detail and well thought out submissions!

Post your submissions on this thread!

Once you are accepted, we will put your character's name in the list in the "Overview" tab.

IN CASE OF APPROVAL: If you were approved: good for you! Congrats and welcome to hell!

IN CASE OF DENIAL:: If one of your characters has been denied from the roleplay, however you are permitted to re-apply with another character.

IF ASKED TO REVISE: You may also be asked to revise your application, after which it will either be denied or accepted.

IMAGE(S):[/b] out of respect for people with slow internet, links only please
EXTRA:[/b] tattoos, piercings, etc
[b]BIRTHDAY:[/b] month and day only
HEIGHT:[/b] in feet and inches
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] in pounds
VOICE CLAIM:[/b][/tab][/font]
[tab=Personal][font=Verdana][b]MENTAL HEALTH:[/b] any mental illnesses, etc.
[b]PHYSICAL HEALTH:[/b] any physical illnesses/disabilities, etc.
CLOTHING THEY WEAR:[/b] clothes they wear outside of the uniform[/font]
[tab=Genetics][font=Verdana][b]SPECIES:[/b] pureblood, half or human (please note that one cannot make pureblood characters without approval)
ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS:[/b] depending on if genetic or forced. examples are: snake eyes, scales, fangs, etc.
[tab=Writing Sample]Minimum 2 paragraphs.[/font]
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Please don't look!​

  • NAME:

    Asarxel Karmen


    Czar or Cell "The Ghost of the Academy"






    Two small piercings in the middle of the earlobe on each ear.


    12 / 2


    2nd of December




    5 ft. 1 in.


    119 lbs.






    • Demi-biromantic

    • Asexual


    Being plagued by her residual schizophrenia, the depth of her personality has been hard to assimilate over the years. She's nearly mute and will only offer replies in certain situations. Ironically wears bright colors despite being pessimistic and her eerie appearances. Will often float around soundlessly and will surprise people with her presence as it's easy to lose note of her. She's rather smart and up-to-date when it comes to social customs or parties despite being nearly mute. Passive collection of knowledge through reading really adds up and she definitely shows this.


    • Boston accent - (New York, USA)

    • Pronounces X's like K's ex: "Asar


The economy is bad.
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  • NAME: Alexander Gabriela Ebenezer Manyakin

    NICKNAMES: Gabby, Brielle, Bri

    IMAGE(S): 1# / 2# (on the right)


    Upon first glance, Gabriela is rather petite, miniature, squat in size, but in mass he is muscly, defined, and quite sturdily built. All though, his height is particularly hard to look past for most, it would be best to not adhere his strength to just his size alone. Gabby's face shape is rather round, but his jaw-line is so sharp and square, that it could chisel granite. He has a rugged, shadowy, unshaven, and bisque complexion. Gabriela possesses a pair of slanted, deep, rich, chocolate-brown, long-lashed, piercing, and expressive set of eyes. Gabby's eyebrows rest quite low on his face, dark, thick, and with slight arch in the inner half of his brows. His nose is relatively small-boned, delicate, and up-turned as well. Gabby's nose is not very prominent on his face, making it appear relatively cute and playful, like a child's. His mouth is moderately small and narrow, but his lip's remain full, with a defined pouted lower lip. Gabriela's hair is a natural black color, it's lustrous and full, almost resembling that of a mane--being as untamed as it is--with tight, almost curly, waves.


    Brielle has both his ears pierced with two, tiny, simple, silver hoop earrings, and one, silver, industrial bar in his right ear.




    Unknown (appears to be mid 20's)




    5'4" / 64 inches


    125 lbs


    Bigender (Nonbinary / Demigirl)


    He/him/himself, she/her/herself, or they/them/themself


    Polyamorous Biromantic Demisexual


    Gabriela is a very quiet, reserved, and cautious. He's extremely introverted and is often, if not always seen with a throughtful expression. He’s very observant and good with facts.. he often knows something about everything, and his internal encyclopedia often proves to be very useful in challenging situations. He is a very patient and determined individual, making him strong-willed and dutiful. A promise means everything to Gabby. He would rather work overtime and lose sleep than fail to deliver the result that someone else is expecting. He’s extremely loyal, putting their duties above everything else.

    Gabby loathes chaos and always seeks to come up with some kind of structure or a set or rules, regardless of what he does. He also does not shy away from enforcing the existing regulations and has zero tolerance for rule breakers. Gabriela very rarely loses his temper, always approaching things from a calm and rational perspective. Even though he has a relatively short temper, he is very sound at masking it.

    He believes that emotions should not be part of the decision-making process and always has his feet firmly on the ground. Brielle’s very honest and direct, he never minces his words. He’s not very affectionate or talkative at all, but he is very trustworthy and loyal. Although he struggles to show emotion, he is quite sensitive and easily disrupted. Sharp words and criticism affect him personally, and this can very easily throw him into a pit of turmoil. Gabby is not naturally in tune with his own feelings and the feelings of others. He may have difficulty picking up on emotional needs immediately, as they are presented. Being a perfectionists himself, Gabby has a tendency to take other people's efforts for granted, like they take their own efforts for granted. He cares deeply about those close to him, although Gabby usually is not comfortable with expressing their love. Gabriela is likely to express his affection through actions, rather than through words.

    Under stress, or when he’s pushed to his limit, he tends to blow up or go into “catastrophe mode”, where he sees nothing but all of the possibilities of what could go wrong. Gabby will lose his ability to see things calmly and reasonably, and will depress themselves with his visions of doom. His sensitive emotions, repulsive decisions, and childish aspects are often drawn here. Although he may come off cold hearted, he is rather maternal in his mannerisms. Gabriela is caring, kind hearted, and sensitive amongst the ones he cares for, but regardless.. still has a very hard time showing it.


    Kieran Culkin


  • NAME:

    Sorel Artur Barnabas Neshika


    Pup, Pupa (Only Hatchee uses these)




    Sorel has rather heart shaped face with full, plump, and rosy cheeks. He has a fair, silky, and baby-smooth complexion that glows with a hint of pink. Sorel's set of long lashed, round, doe eyes, the color is a rich, dark, crimson red, that are shaped like a new-born fawn. His eyebrows are quite messy, dark, and have little to no arch. Sorel has a rather up-turned, pinched, nose that almost appear's crinkled when he's experiences distaste. His hair is a natural black, it's thick, and silky smooth, that rests past his shoulders, touching the middle of his back, fashioned into a messy, unforgettable, hime cut. Sorel is extremely tiny in height and size, with a petite, slim boned, and little knock knees, who appears to look close to the ages of a child of five or six years. From being so squat in size, he takes up minimal room in any spaces he happens upon.


    Sorel has a small burn mark on the inside of his hand, placed directly in the center of his palm. Besides that, he has both his ear lobes pierced, with a set of diamond, studs.




    Unknown (Appears to be 5-6 years of age)




    3'2" and 38 inches


    30 lbs






    Aromantic Asexual


    Sorel is a rather indifferent, hypersensitive, and sheepish. He’s very hyper aware of his surroundings, making him seem quite cautious, but also curious. Sorel is naturally very outgoing and skittish when he feels the most comfortable, which happens to be strictly around the people he is the most familiar with. Sorel seems to be in his own world, aloof and detached from others. He’s known to not make eye contact with someone he’s not accustomed too, rarely even giving them the light of day to build up to him, as well. Sorel is very clingy, and of course, attached to Ashmuel. This correlating with his shyness, making him much more dependent upon Ashmuel to give him a constant sense of stability, affection, and validation. Sorel usually appears to be disinterested and unaware of other people or what’s going on around him, instead, he usually just chatters and shrieks to his Ashmuel to gain, or regain his attention. Due to this, in public setting he is only ever soundless or just plain fussy, but he is always soothed by the external stimulation.

    Sorel gets very upset when spoken to or touched by a stranger, sense he becomes overwhelmed with too much verbal direction and physical stimulations. When Sorel does speak, it sounds like he ends every sentence as if asking a question, in a high pitched tone of voice, rather than a relaxed one. Sorel is mostly perceived by others because he happens to be put in more public settings, rather than private ones. His social skills lack because of this, and it becomes very obvious to others how unwilling and unresponsive he may be even if the person happens to be kindhearted and good-natured. As much as Ashmuel tries to bring Sorel out of his bubble, it is with little to no success. When in fact Sorel opens up, he is seen as relatively playful, hyperactive, and rather animated. He's known to be dramatic in his presence amongst the ones he's comfortable with, never shying away from pursuing his true thoughts and emotions through frivolous methods. Among other things, Sorel is highly intelligent, but wistful in his mannerisms that it is carefully hidden behind his mysterious, childish presence. This of course, all being what little is known about one of Sorel's alters.

    (More to be revealed later!)


    Asa Butterfield (during his role in Hugo)

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  • NAME:

    Ashmuel Daskal


    Mule (By sorel)




    Ashmuel has heart shaped face, with a sharp jaw line, and a rather pointy, well defined, chin. His skin tone is olive, along with a smooth and spotless complexion. He has full, plump, wide, long lips that resemble those of a fox, always appearing to have a smug presence due to this. Ashmuel's nose is short strong, but refined, with a pair of piercing bronze colored eyes, and long, full, eye lashes. He has straight, thick, distinguished eyebrows that give him a perpetual expression of nonchalance. Ashmuel has auburn blonde, rather untamed, lustrous hair. He rarely finds time to properly style his hair, so it's always in a constant state of carelessness. Ashmuel, being as towering in size as he is, has a very slender, lean, defined, body type. He stands tall with certitude, with a self assured confidence.


    The only visible characteristic feature Ashmuel has, is a small scar above his left eyebrow. Besides that, he is known to wear a pair of light brown, garamond light, glasses.








    6'2" / 74 inches


    150-155 lbs








    Ashmuel's primary mode of living is focused internally, where he takes things in through his five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. His secondary mode is external, where he deals with things according to how he feels about them, or how they fit into his personal value system. Ashmuel lives in a world that is concrete and kind. He is truly warm and kind-hearted, and want to believe the best of people. He values harmony and cooperation, and is likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings.

    People value the Ashmuel for his consideration and awareness, and his ability to bring out the best in others by their firm desire to believe the best. He has a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers, he constantly takes in information about people and situations that is personally important to him, and store it away. With his tremendous store of information thats usually startlingly accurate, because he has an exceptional memory about things that are important to his value systems.

    It would not be uncommon for him to remember a particular facial expression or conversation in precise detail years after the event occured, if the situation made an impression on him. Ashmuel feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. He takes his responsibilities very seriously, and can be counted on to follow through. For this reason, people naturally tend to rely on him. Ashmuel is not likely to express his feelings, leaving him in a constant shade of mystery, but while still remaining to be as kind, patient, considerate, and caring.


    Tom Hiddleston

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  • NAME:

    Erich (Seung-min) Walter Lee-Grioux


    Eri, Lee, Gyro




    Erich is rather tall, standing at a full 5'11" despite slouching. His posture is generally slack, with one knee always half-bent and shoulders down. His hair is naturally black, however he often dyes it light-brown (often he neglects the dye-job, leading to noticeable roots). Erich wears zir hair short, usually parting it at the left. Occasionally, when his hair gets a bit long, he puts it up in a short ponytail. Conversely, after he cuts his bangs, he prefers to slick them back.

    His eyes are thin, with thick eyelashes covering the olive iris. Despite needing glasses, ze resorts to contacts, as the former may restrict zir ability in battle. However Erich often forgets to put the contacts in during his morning routine, leading to him developing the habit of squinting. It's rarely that he's seen without the prominent dark circles under his eyes, which give out his (poor) sleeping habits.

    EXTRA: Both ears are pierced, however he doesn't usually wear anything in them.

    BIRTHDAY: 12/12

    ZODIAC: Sagittarius

    AGE: 23

    HEIGHT: 5'11"

    WEIGHT: 143 lbs.

    GENDER: Nonbinary

    PRONOUNS: He/him or ze/zir

    SEXUAL AND ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Pansexual grey-aromantic polyamorous


    He is a natural-born, instinctive leader. By nature, he takes hold of the situation no matter what and guides it towards the direction that he thinks is best. Erich, in addition, is very socially aware and observant, quickly picking up on other people's personalities and quirks. He is very quick to judge and jump to conclusions, which however change often and rapidly. Ze is very forceful and may come off as aggressive due to zir decisiveness. Due to being extremely goal-oriented, he often takes everything down with him on the way to that goal.

    Erich is very clever and upbeat, always somehow knowing how to keep the conversation going and gain smiles from its participants. His jokes tend to cross the line and he rarely knows when to stop, however takes any implication of that he should change his manner of behavior around others offensively.

    Despite being rather extroverted and socially observant, Erich is very distant and impersonal when it comes to others and tends to approach emotional situations with a calculating intent. Ze often redirects attention to zirself in situations with zir peers, when ze deems that ze isn't being given enough spotlight. In addition, he can be very flirtatious and pursue people in short bursts before finding another target to lock in on. He often subconsciously exaggerates his perception of what others think of him, leading him to crave and expect attention from most of the previously mentioned people. However, despite his strange standing on human relationships and etc., he loves being around people and interacting with them. Erich often tries to come off as nice and understanding as possible to the students and members of the team force, trying to leave most of his uncomfortable social habits out of his relationship with his students.


    Steve Blum's Spike Spiegel

The economy is bad. It is so bad.
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  • NAME:

    Kei Matsushima






    Kei has angular, sharp features, with defined shoulders and narrow hips. He is pale and slim, and is often compared to a pole due to his height. They usually slouch into themself, unused to their own height. Kei's hair is a natural black with slight blue undertones. His hair is trimmed sort in the back, with both bangs and the sides long. He often pins his bangs up so that they do not get in the way. His eyes are pale blue - a result of his albinism - with short, curly eyelashes. They also wear corrective red-rimmed, rounded glasses.

    EXTRA: As mentioned previously, Kei wears red-rimmed glasses.

    BIRTHDAY: 9/2

    ZODIAC: Virgo

    AGE: 16

    HEIGHT: 5'10"

    WEIGHT: 132 lbs.

    GENDER: Demiboy

    PRONOUNS: He/him or they/them

    SEXUAL AND ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Asexual panromantic polyamorous


    Kei is usually quiet, preferring to keep to himself and observe the situation around him. He's rather soft-spoken, often making him unable to stand up for himself and take his own. He pays a lot of attention to details, trying to notice the pattern in everything around him. However despite all his observational effort, he is too lethargic and unmotivated to act upon anything he notices. They prefer to sit back and watch everyone else do all the work for them, as they rarely finds the strength or motivation to do anything other than read. He avoids striving for anything as it's the only way to avoid getting hurt and/or disappointed, and rarely invests in personal relationships. In addition, they're also very private, often keeping to themself and putting a distance between them and everyone else.


    Johnny Young Bosch's Adachi Tohru

The economy is still very bad.
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  • NAME:

    Hatchee Elenora Liliana Neshika


    Hatch, Ellie, Lili




    Hatchee has a heart shaped head with a wide forehead and a dainty pointed chin. She has high and wide cheekbones, giving the impression of rosy apple cheeks, along with a fair and smooth complexion that glows with a hint of pink. Hatchee has wide-set, round, long lashed, burgundy brown eyes that give the appeal of pure innocence, as well as thick, slightly rounded brows, giving her a look of slight surprise and continuous interest. She has a long and soft nose with a slightly upturned point, with full, pouty, tinged red lips. Hatchee has a elongated neck that appears to be rather graceful and elegant, and vivacious, extremely thick and full, wavy, copper red hair that touches the end of her torso. Her body is long and leggy, lean but athletic, with a strong hour glass shape and muscular, sturdy, thighs.


    Hatchee has a pair of standard lobe piercings with small diamond stubs, a forward helix and a traqus on her right ear, with just simple, snug, silver hoops in each of the piercings.

    She is always seen with bandaids on various parts of her body, mostly on her lower forearm, and her knees.






    Unknown (Appears to be early 20's)


    5'11" and 71 inches


    150 lbs




    She/her/herself or it/its/itself


    Panromantic Hypersexual


    Hatchee presents a calm and serene face to the world, and can seem shy, even distant around others. But inside she is anything but serene, having a capacity for personal caring, and cares deeply about the inner life of a few special persons. Her great passion is to heal the conflicts that trouble individuals, or that divide groups, and thus to bring wholeness.

    Hatchee is sensitive, caring, and compassionate, and is always deeply concerned with the personal growth of themselves and others. Individualistic and nonjudgmental, she believes that each person must find their own path. Hatchee enjoys spending time exploring their own ideas and values, and are gently encouraging to others to do the same. She is creative and artistic; enjoys finding new outlets for self-expression. Hatchee may initially seem cool, as she reserves her most authentic thoughts and feelings for people they know well. Curious and open-minded, passionate about her ideals, but private as well.

    Hatchee is adaptable, and welcome to new ideas and new information, is patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. She is keenly aware of people and their feelings, and relate well with most others. Because of her deep-seated reserve, however, she can work quite happily alone. When making decisions, she follows her heart not her head, which means she can make errors of fact, but seldom of feeling.


    Keria Knightley

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  • NAME:

    Nano Abikhzer






    Nano is of slim, non-threatening build, often coming off as frail and weak. Their curly dark hair is cropped into a bob, with bangs falling just above their thick, short eyebrows. Their skin is tan and their eyes are a golden-brown (however, they occasionally choose to wear coloured contacts).

    EXTRA: They have very mild freckles, which only appear after they've been outside enough.

    BIRTHDAY: 8/5

    ZODIAC: Leo

    AGE: 16

    HEIGHT: 5'6"

    WEIGHT: 120 lbs.

    GENDER: Bigender (boy and demigirl)

    PRONOUNS: They/them, he/him, she/her (main preference is they/them, but they don't mind other pronouns)

    SEXUAL AND ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Pansexual panromantic polyamorous


    Nano is very active and energetic, often making them seem like they're up for anything. They bravely confront everything head-on, trying to view everything as an adventure. They're full of life and zest and enjoy new experiences and meeting new people. However, while confronted about something that they had once done, they usually try to escape the situation or pin the blame on someone else. They're incapable of taking responsibility for their actions and avoid any sort of long-term commitment because of this. Despite that, they're very understanding and forgiving of other people, while themself they can carry the guilt of something for a very long time. Nano enjoys helping people, while they can rarely help themself.


    Isaac Hempstead-Wright
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  • This is a big old WIP... will add the rest in a bit


    Joelle Dulcibella Aedan Montgomery


    Joel, Dulci, Bella


    1# / 2#


    • Deep olive skin tone
    • Rosy, freckled, complexion
    • Long heart shaped face
    • High cheek bones
    • Round ears that slightly stick out, resembling a mouse
    • Thick, wavy, mahogany brown hair
    • Hair reaches the middle of her back
    • Long, graceful neck
    • Slightly slanted, cat like, long lashed, expressive, hazel nut eyes
    • Thick, but tamed, slightly rounded arch, eye brows
    • Dainty, soft, and straight nose
    • Full, small in length, doll like lips
    • Slender and petite body type
    • High waist and nubby knees
    • Thin, gangly, "piano" fingers


    • A pair of diamond stud lobe piercings on each ear
    • Small, nude colored, behind the ear and inside the canal, hearing aid, in right ear
    • Long, jagged scar on her left thigh
    • Is known to always has bruises and scraps on her knees and legs








    5'8" and 69 inches


    125 lbs


    Nonbinary girl


    She/her/herself or they/them/themself


    Polyamorous Panromantic Demisexual


    Joel is a rather feeble, childish, blundering, and humble. She is known to speak her mind regardless of the circumstances and can always be counted on to tell the truth. Joel is a good listener, and she usually very self confident. She is equally difficult to understand in their need for personal space, which in turn has an impact on her relationships with others. She needs to be able to “spread out”—both physically and psychologically—which generally implies encroaching to some degree on others, especially if she decides that something of someone else’s is going to become their next project.

    Joel’s communication also tends to be a key issue, since she generally expresses themselves non-verbally. When she does actually verbalize, she mastered the one-liner, often showing flashes of humor in the most tense situations… making Joel seem thick-skinned or tasteless. Joel loves to explore with her hands and eyes, touching and examining the world around her with cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. She enjoys having other people take an interest in her projects and sometimes doesn’t even mind them getting into her space, so long as those people don’t interfere with their principles and freedom.

    Joel may seem very loyal and steady, ever rational, but she can also build up a store of impulsive energy that can explode without warning. She’s like a river, calmly going with the flow until enough seismic energy builds up to shift the valleys that guide it. Joel lives in the present and often simply go with the flow, this is one of the main reasons she rarely gets anxious. She can be very stubborn when dealing with conflicts, making her become very blunt and irritated if someone tries to criticize their life style. Joel’s mostly very private and reserved about her thoughts and ideas and prefers to keep things to herself, especially when it comes to sensitive matters. She gets bored very easily and finds it very difficult to remain focused on one thing for a extended amount of time. Joel’s a big risk taker and may often do certain things simply for the sake of having fun. For instance, she may escalate a conflict with a colleague just to see how they react. Joel is not very emotional and tries hard to conceal and protect her emotions, mostly because she is not really sure how to handle it. Despite this, she’s a very well rounded and interesting.


    Kate Micucci




    Braeden Osbert Fitz Montgomery


    Fitz, Ozzy




    Fitz has a heart-shaped face with a long forehead, and a small, pointed chin. With a light, smooth, olive skin tone, and high, wide cheekbones with the impression of apple cheeks and, thus, they always have a lingering smile. Fitz deep set, slightly slanted, cat like, murky hazel eyes that usually change between a lighter brown to a more rich green in the sunlight. They have very long eyelashes along with a set of dark, thick, messy, and groomed straight, eyebrows. Fitz has a rather pointy, straight nose with a pair of circle lens glasses always seen perched on their nose. He has full, long, curved lips with a tinge of red from his habit of biting or chewing on his lip. They have a thick, slightly wavy, mostly straight, bob hairstyle, that is a matte, natural black color. He has straight across bangs, that rest gently on their face. Their body type is very gaunt and scrawny due to their height, with nubby, sharp, knees.


    • Standard lobe piercings on both ears with a snug, simple silver hoop
    • A two helix piercings on each ear
    • Mole underneath left eye














    He/him/himself or they/them/themself


    Polyamorous Biromantic Asexual


    Will be added


    Charlyne Yi


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