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Coffee x Gawkloni


This is a 1 x 1 between Dethbycoffee (me) and @Gawkloni

This is a M x M pairing. If you don't like Yaoi, I suggest you find a different RP to follow.

This will also contain mature actions. (NOT sexual though! That (if it occurs) will always follow site rules.) We're talking blood, and torture, and things with dark themes. Nothing against Site Rules though.

The Pairing:

Vampire Prince (Gawkloni)

Human Captive (Dethbycoffee)

We know our plot. Hope you enjoy the story!


Maddox hung limp against the wall, arms and legs chained to the wall so that he couldn't honestly move that much. He had spent much of his energy struggling against the chains, and the evidence was clear. His wrists and ankles were raw from the chaffing metal, dried blood in lines down his feet and hands. Clean lines down his dirt covered cheeks showed evidence that he had been crying, but his tears had long since dried, leaving his skin feeling tight and almost sticky with the salty residue. He held his eyes closed as he listened to his surroundings. Moans, whimpering, and even some nearly intelligible begging could be heard all around him in muted levels. There were even a few fresh screams still echoing around the dungeon.

He took a deep breath, his dirty blonde hair matted to his head and dirty from his struggle against his captors. His nightclothes were dirty, and torn in places, continued evidence that he hadn't been captured easily. His feet were muddy from the chase he had given, and one knee was scraped from a fall, which had been his undoing. He lifted his head from his chest as he heard the tell tale echoing of steps. Someone was coming into this level of the dungeon, and he was sure it wasn't for any of his prison mates. They all seemed to be long forgotten about. His smooth, chocolate brown eyes met the man who had come to fetch him, and he glared at him, though it was weak compared to when he had first arrived here. He stood still, almost defeated, as the man removed the chains from his arms, and legs, then detached the one that lead to the metal collar around his neck. He had no choice but to follow this creature, knowing it would be a lost cause to attempt escape. He'd only be caught easily again, and from the appearence of it, someone wished him to remain alive.

He winced as the man lead him up into the castle, the brighter light making his pupils dilate almost painfully as they tried to adjust to the brighter lighting. He stumbled as the man tugged the chain that was connected to the collar, and Maddox realized he had stopped walking. He winced, whimpering softly, as he regained his balance and began to follow after the man again. Through the castle they went, until they entered the chambers of some vampire that Maddox didn't recognize at first. His chain was then attached to a ring that was embedded in the floor. He clearly wasn't going to be given the chance to get away. He looked up at the vampire that he now stood before, his chocolate eyes hidden beneath thick lashes.

He shot a pained glare at the man who sat on what appeared to be a throne, and a shiver passed down his spine as the man who had lead him here began to speak. "You're highness, my prince, I come bearing you a gift, sire." the man crooned softly, dipping himself into a deep bow. "We discovered him last night, writing letters to an unknown rebellion that we've been hunting for sometime. We thought to have him killed on the spot, but I recalled how your excellency was in need of a new slave." he purred softly, clearly searching for praise. Maddox scoffed softly, rolling his eyes at how pathetic this man seemed. The man hissed softly, and shot a glare at the human, "Do you not enjoy the opportunity to serve the crown prince?" the man asked darkly, licking his lips as he looked at the human man as though he were looking at a succulent meal. He considered how to answer him for what seemed like hours, though in reality it was only moments before his mouth opened and he regretted his words the minute he'd uttered them.

"Not as much as I'd enjoy watching you and your like burn in this castle until it stands nothing but dust."
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