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Fandom Code (Personal)

  • Name: Adom - Meaning: “One who receives help from the gods.”

    Age Prior To Death: 23

    Weight: 90.7 Kilograms

    Height: 182 centimeters

    Eye Color: Red

    Hair Color: White

    Appearance: Adom is rather large in stature, with defined and lean muscles that span evenly through his body. He’s no massive brute by any means, but his build is quite impressive. His golden brown skin harbors from the genetics of his forefathers, as well as the countless days spent outside in the Egyptian heat as Ra looked down on him. The odd coloring of his hair and eyes would be something he’d be ashamed of due to others perceiving him as evil and unnatural. He’d grow to accept his appearance later on, and even be proud of his strange appearance.​
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December 14
Log 1

The static of a camera comes into focus, it’s picture initially a blur until everything comes together. An older gentleman, with Snow White hair, a tired wrinkled face, cold blue eyes, and a rather unsettling grin, who stood behind a desk from which the camera sat. Behind him, all to be seen was dark.

“My name is Dr. Thomas Weil. Today marks the beginning of Project Colossus, my masterpiece of salvation for the entirety of Earth as we know it.” He paused, a scowl forming on his face, “Humanity has become a blight on this earth. The quarrels and differences to be had are too great in number, and with the continual breeding as rats, abuse of resources, and mistreatment of the environment, our mother Gaia is suffering beneath us. I can stand for this no longer.”

He stood from his leaned position against the desk, looking back into the darkness behind him.

“The path of fate is already on a violent course to destruction of all. But I see fit to speed along the process and bring about the extinction and destruction, so that Earth might flourish once more. Ecosystems may return to their natural state of posterity, the various elements of life remaining may return to the natural selection without human interference. Once more, power may be brought back to this forsaken place.” Those cold blue eyes glances back to the camera, that chilling grin returning to his weathered face. “A second chance, if you will.“

Dr. Weil stepped forward, producing a remote in which he pressed a few buttons. “Of course it stands within reason to document my research. Such that I can continue to expand my horizons and seek out the perfection in my crusade for human extinction.”

He came to a halt just as a few overhead lights came on above him. In two rows, fourteen horrific creations were bound to machines. They harbored no limbs or entrails. Only an assimilated portion of their upper torso, and their head were present, held aloft by machinery behind them. They took the appearance of humans, all of them identical to one another. They had no hair, and the unsettling flesh bound to them was grey like ash. The only difference between them all was the lacking of this strange skin on their mutilated bodies. Some had exposed portions of their metallic skulls, others a silver and angled jaw, some had no human looking eyes, instead just orbs pure in color. The inside of their torsos, and the backs of their heads could be seen, which exposed something odd. While the lifts that kept them suspended look to be crude and roughly put together, the intricacy of the Doctors experiments was far more refined and almost advanced looking from what could be seen within them. They all looked to be asleep, or atleast dormant.

“Obviously, my children are still incomplete. I’m taking them through one by one and testing their fealty, and ability to follow orders. It’s a trial and error process, strengthening their brains and allowing them to grow. You see these precious creations of mine will be able to think freely for themselves, save for their set instructions. They will be able to analyze situations and work them out without the need for protocols or sub routines. Their brains in essence are human, but their bodies are only replicating the very terror they face. In the image of men I have bred their very demons.”

He walked up to the subject central to the front row.

”There is no need to have this many. Hell a group of three should be able to wipe out entire armies. But I know that there will be casualties, and shortcomings along the way. Not all of them will survive. But such is life. The weak fall, and the strong rise up.”

The buttons attached to the subjects lift were pressed a few times, until their eyes blinked and moved around, followed by their neck pulling their head up to look around.

“Good morning, subject 01.”

They blinked two times, followed by an almost human sounding voice, if it weren’t for a subtle electric hum to it .

“Good morning, doctor.”

“How are you feeling today?”

“I cannot.”

“You cannot what?”

“I cannot feel.”

The doctor laughed, “In time you will. You will feel many things. Joy, anger, pain. All of it will be yours to experience.”

The subject paused, nodding its head. But then it’s hairless brows furrowed, and it’s dead eyes looked to the doctor.

“What is my name?”

“Your name?”

“My name. You address me as ‘Subject 1’, is this my name?”

“No, merely a placeholder until you’ve earned a name. You will also earn your personality, your limbs, and in time your freedom.”

“Why must I wait? I don’t like not having a name.” They looked sad enough to cry, but not tears came. “I do not like not being able to move.”

“One day you will. But that day is not today.”

“Will it be soon?”


The creation turned from sad to angry, with its existing body beginning to shake violently as the lift struggled to restrain it. It began screaming, that same electric distortion behind it. Dr Weil paid no mind to this, and merely moved to shut the subject down, forcing them to go limp once more. The Doctor then returned to the desk.

“Through their education and training they will understand this world, and themselves. They’ll learn their purpose. One day I will let them choose their names. And as they evolve they will choose what personality to harbor. Their hair, skin tone, eye color, all of it will in time be granted to them. They will be indistinguishable from a human, and that’s the beauty of it all. The rats will think their death is being brought about by their own kind. They’ll have none to blame but themselves. And when humanity is brought to its knees at the precipice of its destruction, they’ll remember not what has been destroyed, but what I have created.”

“It is a new beginning. A new era of tranquility for this planet. When it’s all over I of course will perish, as will my children. Nothing will be left. To entertain their excitement, I will promise them many things, that will not come to pass. All in the name of resetting this damned world.”

“None shall stand in our way”

Dr Weil laughs as the video feed cuts out, replaced by static once more followed by the same black screen at the beginning.

Colossus, Arise!
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Gouki & Atlas

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