• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy [CLOSED] Vehemen Academy - Academy of Hunters

Okies, that explanation seems clear enough. And certainly I will add that section. One quick final question though, is it normal for a student to start with one weapon and acquire others later? Or is it expected they will stay with that weapon throughout their career?

Edit: Update version posted.

I haven’t checked your updated CS yet and will do so after I’m done traveling. But to answer your question, they can change their weapon down the road if they want but they will stay with only one type/wields one type of weapon throughout the career.
Uhh I have a question concerning Dependency vs Free Reign in regards to my character's ability. So you could technically say that her ability is dependent considering that she requires an "anchor" in order to set up a "boundary," and the most effective anchor is usually her weapon due to how her power works. However, the anchors don't necessarily have to be her weapon or a weapon at all, and it can even be a person. Would this count as Dependency or Free Reign? If you need more info on it first, I can give a basic rundown of the ability.
Uhh I have a question concerning Dependency vs Free Reign in regards to my character's ability. So you could technically say that her ability is dependent considering that she requires an "anchor" in order to set up a "boundary," and the most effective anchor is usually her weapon due to how her power works. However, the anchors don't necessarily have to be her weapon or a weapon at all, and it can even be a person. Would this count as Dependency or Free Reign? If you need more info on it first, I can give a basic rundown of the ability.

Considering dependency doesn’t really require a “weapon,” just something exterior in general to unleash the power, as opposed to being able to use the power without relying on anything, I’d still say she is dependent. However, having an actual weapon allows the user to be able to unleash the power conveniently to its fullest extent and advantage. It’s kind of like saying a person holding a stick is better than him not having anything, but when that stick upgrades to a sword it’d be a lot better, if you get what I mean.
Guys Imma make the Discord chat first and include people who are confirmed that they’d be interested in the RP since it has been too quiet and I’m getting nervous aaaaa

Does everyone have discord? Here is the link:

(Will update the prof pic as soon as I get my laptop as this is just a random pic quickest for it to find on my phone)

OldTurtle OldTurtle xXx.lovely.xXx xXx.lovely.xXx Nano Nano mindheist mindheist PixelSymphony PixelSymphony StaidFoal StaidFoal Dawnsx Dawnsx

Tagging you guys specifically since you guys either showed definite interest or already posted your characters

Donut Fret Donut Fret You’re working on your character right? Just double checking your interests.

Anyone else who wants to join and is interested, feel free!
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Guys Imma make the Discord chat first and include people who are confirmed that they’d be interested in the RP since it has been too quiet and I’m getting nervous aaaaa

Does everyone have discord? Here is the link:

(Will update the prof pic as soon as I get my laptop as this is just a random pic quickest for it to find on my phone)

OldTurtle OldTurtle xXx.lovely.xXx xXx.lovely.xXx Nano Nano mindheist mindheist PixelSymphony PixelSymphony StaidFoal StaidFoal Dawnsx Dawnsx

Tagging you guys specifically since you guys either showed definite interest or already posted your characters

Donut Fret Donut Fret You’re working on your character right? Just double checking your interests.

Anyone else who wants to join and is interested, feel free!

Yes, I'm working on my character. I have more free time on the weekends, so it should be done on Saturday or before then.
PixelSymphony PixelSymphony Nano Nano Dawnsx Dawnsx accepted!

xXx.lovely.xXx xXx.lovely.xXx that’s okay. There’s just a small part about your sheet that you might need to fix again. Do you mind editing it a little?
xXx.lovely.xXx xXx.lovely.xXx I'd be removing your first CS created to prevent doubling. I like the improvements! The only thing that still needs to be fixed with your CS is your supernatural powers. I understand that yes, over training, your character will be more able to fling things and people around. To prevent the issue of godmoddling still, and to weave the supernatural power better to show possible space of improvements with that power, it may be better if you include certain requirements that need to be met to be able to control other living things. After all, living things should not be easy for you to fling. It's also unlikely that that, no matter how powerful she eventually gets, a battle will end because she flings a Poex away, if you get what I mean. Perhaps, in order to fling living things, they need to be mentally and physically exhausted already or defeated to a certain extent? Perhaps it will only work on living things with very low cognitive abilities and weak willpower? Also, it is very important that down in the roleplay, if you would like to fling another character, be it one of my NPCs or other roleplayer's character, that you ask for their permission OOC first if he or she will allow that first. This is to prevent godmoddling and controlling of another character without permission. :) Everything else about her is fine.

^ This is what I mentioned earlier about what still needs editing! I have had too much experience in the past with godmoddling and overstepping limit on this site, so I just wanted to prevent that from happening. After this you are good!!
Sorry, I meant to fix that earlier. When I wrote it, I meant like 15-25 feet at max (that's how I've always done it in the past. I also need to write down the things in my head because I can't transfer my thoughts to the computer via osmosis .-. sorry I'm tired). I'll add that and that the 'fling-ee' has to be mentally and physically exhausted.
Sorry, I meant to fix that earlier. When I wrote it, I meant like 15-25 feet at max (that's how I've always done it in the past. I also need to write down the things in my head because I can't transfer my thoughts to the computer via osmosis .-. sorry I'm tired). I'll add that and that the 'fling-ee' has to be mentally and physically exhausted.

Okay! Take your time and rest first. Looking forward to see the full character! :)
Nessi Nessi Interesting character! (Love her pic.) Though there may be a couple things that might need to be fixed.
1) The backstory isn’t complete! I would love to see the whole story!
2) Would you mind fixing your grammar a little for the CS? Capitalize your sentences for the most parts. I enjoy your writing style though! Can’t wait to see her in the RP.
3) You may need to expand on your superpowers. Note that she just got her powers before she entered Lumen, so she’s still very new to it and may only have partial control over it. However, you’re free to write up on how powerful she can become and her the abilities she will gain. Just make sure to clarify that in the CS!
A couple of things that you can mention in her superpowers, preferably also mention the limitations to her powers, include:

- To what extent can she control flames? Since she just got her powers before being transported to Lumen, it’d be realistic if she only has partial control over it

- How big can she make her flames? Is she like a literal flamethrower? Or does she need to create a small ember first before working towards bigger flames? And can she control the temperature of her fire?

- Is there any limitations to her abilities? For example, difficulty using flames in the rain

- Can she control flames that were not created by herself? Also, does this include the ability to extinguish flames as well?

After you fix these points, your cs would be good to go!
I don't bother searching for character images, so feel free to choose one for me. However, I'm going to use the writing description of my character over any image you provide for the actual roleplay.

Okay! Thanks for letting me know. Character pic is merely for me to be able to visualize it in my head well, you are free to follow your description. I’ll try to find a picture that looks as close as your description and will edit it in for you.
Okay! Thanks for letting me know. Character pic is merely for me to be able to visualize it in my head well, you are free to follow your description. I’ll try to find a picture that looks as close as your description and will edit it in for you.

Works for me. Can't wait to start roleplaying.
vxnilla vxnilla Dawnsx Dawnsx Nano Nano xXx.lovely.xXx xXx.lovely.xXx StaidFoal StaidFoal PixelSymphony PixelSymphony Donut Fret Donut Fret Kitt Kitt LoliCowboy LoliCowboy OldTurtle OldTurtle mindheist mindheist

Hello everyone! I'm happy to say that the opening post is now up!

Please keep in mind this when you post your reply:

1. Whoever replies first is the person that the monster looks to.

2. Third Gen otherworlders, you have just entered Lumen and whatever you are carrying on you will be brought along into this new world as well. However, your phone will not be working.

3. This will mainly only apply to this intro post unless stated otherwise. However, I would prefer if at least a couple of third gen Otherworlders reply first before the rest interferes. This is so the order of events can make the most sense. In the future, a need for posting order like this will probably not be as necessary and you may post whenever you believe suitable.

4. Regarding replying pace, I am expecting at least a minimum of a reply per week (but of course if you want more go ahead.) If you can't make it, please inform me otherwise! Without any notices and replies, we'll give a 2 days notice. If during that time a major plot post will be made, it is likely your character's actions will be taken over for a bit in order for the plot to advance. By the second or third plot post, if you continue to be absent without saying anything, you may be removed from the roleplay.

5. Me and Dawnsx Dawnsx are co-admins. Sometimes, she'll take over the plot and control for me. This roleplay will also be supervised by her. Just letting you all know.

6. For those who have yet to post their characters, please make sure to do so before the roleplay starts getting ahead!

7. That's it. Have fun and enjoy the roleplay! We'll do our best to keep it entertaining and ongoing! ><
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