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Realistic or Modern [closed] unravel [1x1]

local cryptid

i put the cry in cryptid
The last couple of people from the small party the night before were on their way out, and Ruka was quietly trying to gather up the last of the trash and game cords from the night before. The two roommates who were mostly responsible for gathering were hungover and sleeping, and the other two were already away at work. He picked up the last couple of glasses in his right hand, and shuffled on over to the kitchen to deposit them quietly into the sink. He poured himself a second cup of coffee with no fixings and took a moment to survey the living room from behind the counter.

The late morning sun coming in through the bay window made the dust glimmer in the air, and reflected off the glass coffee table. Their single black house cat, Lucifer, stretched happily into the light. The large cat was usually invisible against the worn leather of the couch, nested in the pile of blankets and quirky throw pillows. By no means was this historic house fancy or nice, but it was comfortable and safe. His roommates didn't realize how good they had it. He would take these creaky wooden floors, unreliable hot water, and dishwasher-less house any day compared to what he had grown up with. Had he known such luxury would be in his future, he would have made a few different choices in his life.

He took a long drink of his bitter coffee, and pulled his phone out of his back pocket and set it on the kitchen table. His friend's friend was on her way, apparently. He sighed through his nose, wishing he was a little more awake before having to interact with people. He heard a roommate move around upstairs, and decided it was time to head into the garage. He grabbed his phone and mug and stepped into some slippers before leaving out the side door. It was a little chilly for some worn down jeans and just a plain, dark blue long sleeved t-shirt.

With a bit of effort, he unlocked the gates on the driveway so Luna could bring her bike straight to the garage. It wasn't the best neighborhood by any means, but it was near campus and the neighborhood wasn't blighted with arson and empty houses. He opened the old, rusty garage door, letting the sunlight spill inside. One car was parked in there, along with his mounted motorcycle that was being fixed up, and several street bikes. The other half of the garage was dedicated to a large workbench, full of tools and bins for bits and parts. He groaned and looked at the mess on his work bench, and then around the floor, looking for the things he would realistically need today.

As an afterthought, he cleared off an old chair in the corner that was piled with a few different things he set on the floor next to the bench. He dusted it off with a stained rag and set it off to the side for the stranger, confident that he would be able to fix her problem in under an hour. He didn't exactly want to invite her inside and leave her alone, or at the mercy of his roommates. Nor did he want her to feel uncomfortable by any oddities around his house that likely appeared to be very out of context or worrying to mainstream people. Hopefully she would find him capable, even if he didn't quite specialize in bikes. Lucifer came trotting out around back and hopped up on the chair to supervise Ruka's work in the meantime.

Chordling Chordling
Evergreen University was a common dream destination for many ambitious minds. Luna Jaeger knew she wanted to become an astronaut from a young age, back to when her mother was still alive, and it wasn't until the final piece of furniture settled when that moment of relief struck her. She was officially a scholarship student and varsity track athlete at her dream school. The bottom of Luna's white converse clicked against the stone stairs as she descended from her second-floor room to meet with her RA and longtime friend from her own hometown, Addison. The pair embraced each other. They remained in touch often over the past year but it had been too long since they last saw each other in person. Addison's wild red hair and energetic smile brought Luna a strong sense of comfort. Luna's father waited for his daughter in the lobby of the dorm to say goodbye. It was clear that he had made a valent effort to keep the tears at bay but the waterworks could not be stopped, no matter how hard he tried to, once the first tear had been released. What would he do without her back at home? Luna teased her father with a giggle but the cracking tone admitted that she also struggled to let her father leave. Addison assured Mr. Jaeger that Luna would be taken care of. Evergreen was a University of respectful students and professors alike. Plus, she only lived an hour away. Dad could come to visit the campus whenever he liked.

"Classes don't start until next week," Adisson smiled moments after Luna's father departed. "You should explore the campus! Did you get to bring your bike with you?"

"I certainly did,"
Luna nodded. "It's a perfect day for a ride, too." The light branches of the birch trees swayed in the gentle autumn wind and there was still plenty of light left in the day. Luna slipped into the new baseball jacket she bought at the campus merch store and retrieved the bike helmet from her room. Her long stride carried her with mini skips and jumps to the back of the dorm where students were allowed to lock her bikes. The shinning red bicycle waited for her in the fourth row. Luna unfastened the security lock with excitement and fit the bike helmet around her head. Misplaced strands of her mars black hair were pushed back into place by nimble fingers. Her small hands wrapped around the handlebars and she flipped the kickstand up in a single motion with the toe of her shoes. Luna straddled over the bike and gave a gentle push off of the ground. Suddenly, she stabilized herself back on her feet when the bike wobbled beneath her. One of her feet was pushing on the pedal but the rest of the bike was motionless. Luna's mouth gaped as she inspected her bicycle and realized that the chain was broken. It limped, helpless, from the gears.

"Back so soon? That was a fast bike ride. Are you trying to break some sort of record?" Alison noticed when Luna walked back into the dorm building.

"I wasn't able to ride, actually," Luna said shaking her head with an obvious frown. "The chain is broken. I'll have to get it fixed next week. Dad and I noticed the bike shop downtown but I won't be able to afford the repair until my next check."

Addison looked up for a moment as she tapped her chin in thought. "Oh, not to worry!" she smiled. "A close friend of mine has a repair garage and he could easily fix your bike for you. He's just a hobbyist so it won't be as expensive and the chain on your can get fixed." Luna attempted to decline the offer in a hesitant manner but Addison was already waiting for Luna by the door to leave the building. The pair walked along a maze of sidewalks as Addison boasted about each of the campus features they passed while they made their way to the bike garage. "I'll have to tell you about Professor Hawkins when we walk back to the dorm. Here is where my friend lives," Addison concluded when they reached the gates of the driveway. Luna stood by the end of the driveway and immediately noticed Lucifer. Cats' were one of the world's purest forms of cuteness, but as much as it pained her, it was best for Luna to avoid them due to her allergies. Then she noticed the young man wearing a blue long sleeve standing inside the garage. Luna's mind tumbled with all sorts of thoughts as she stared at his face. Something seemed familiar about him but she scrunched her face and struggled to think of any previous connections.

"Raku, hi!" Addison waved when Luna took a pause. "My friend is here with her bike. She just moved into the dorms. How are you doing?" she continued to ramble excitedly. Luna's eyebrow twitched. Even the name sounded familiar.
Lucifer stood up, his back arching in a stretch as he saw the two women approach. His tail twitched a few times, slightly irritated, but not totally unfriendly, and he jumped off the chair to slip under the car inside. Raku shifted his weight off the workbench and smiled, friendly, but more reserved than enthusiastic like Addison was. His kindness was almost a practiced niceness, one that could put people who didn't take the time to talk to him on edge. "Good morning, Addison," he said sweetly, only really using her name because she used his. His amber eyes moved over to Luna and he gave her a once over, committing her to memory. She was undoubtedly someone he knew, but he couldn't place from where--or when, and that wasn't like him.

"Hello friend," he said, taking note that the gears in Luna's head seemed to be turning too. Curious as to see if she would ask if she knew him first, or recognized him, he opted not to jump to say anything about their possible acquaintance just yet.

"I'm good, as always. The roommates are a bit hung over, I'm sure. No surprise there," Raku was always present at parties and social gatherings, but he never seemed to stay at them for as long as others did. He also rarely ever had a drink, and remarkably this oddness about him (by comparison to the people he hung around, that is), widely went unnoticed. "Does this friend here have a name?" he asked, taking a couple steps to the side as he took notice of limp chain.
"Oh, silly me," Addison smiled as she struck her palm against her forehead. "I almost forgot to introduce you to each other. Raku, this is Luna. She moved into my hometown when we were in sixth grade. She always tells me that the astrophysics program was the reason why she always wanted to come to Evergreen but I think I had some influence on that decision, too," Addison winked. Luna returned a cringe filled smile. "And Luna, this is Raku," Addison continued as she gestured to her other friend. "He and I are in the same graduating class. We had the same liberal arts professor. Raku has had this little garage rig set up for a while now and some of my friends swear that he will put that downtown repair shop out of business." Addison was still smiling.

Luna rolled her bike towards Raku with just a bit of caution. It still bothered her that she couldn't think of who this person was in her life. There were so many people that she lost touch with when she moved during middle school. Raku might be the first person from that childhood past that she would run into after all of those years. Her eyes turned down as she thought of asking him about the middle school he went to. Suddenly, she could feel her cheeks starting to blush. Her eyes widened as she looked back towards Raku. It was probably better to keep the conversation minimal. Luna explained the problem with her bike but it was simple enough to see with the naked eye. The chain needed to be fixed. It was something that Luna could do herself in minutes if she thought of bringing her own tools with her, but even then, her own work would only be a temporary solution. The bike would still need to be taken in for a stronger repair.

"I hope you don't mind if I pay with cash," Luna expressed.
Luna. Raku instantly recognized her, and the name. He felt a tight apprehension, if not guilt grip his chest for a moment, and he visibly hesitated for only a moment. He kept his eyes on the bike, pretending to be focused on the broken chain. "That's pretty generous of you," he said to Addison. He reached out and took the bike from Luna carefully, still keeping his eyes a little low, not sure if he could quite look back at Luna right now.

The reasons he had done the things that he had as a kid and young teenager were understandable, but it didn't make them right either. There was no doubt that Luna was a victim of some of the more terrible things he had done to others back then. Even now, he felt terrible about his actions, especially now that he had an understanding of how severely bullying could effect kids as they grew up. Even if he hadn't been as awful as the others were to her, he had still been part of the problem.

"That's fine," he reassured, "Don't even worry about it, it's a quick fix. Take a seat." Now she would likely think he was flirting with her, but he didn't mind so as long as it didn't go anywhere. It was quite literally the least he could do. He rolled the bike into the garage, finding the moment to collect himself as he flipped the bike over. His shoulder complained as he did so, but it was weirdly grounding in this scenario, rather than distracting. There were far worse things in life to get emotionally caught up in. Middle school was many years ago now, and the past could never change.

"Luna... in astrophysics, huh?" he mused, although somewhat sympathetically, "I'm sure that you're tired of hearing people tease you for that." He dipped into the back to grab a box of parts and set it down next to the bike. He pushed his sleeves up, the back side of his forearm speckled with some scars that just poked out past the elbow.
Luna allowed Raku to inspect her bike further and she scooted the spare stool underneath her to sit down. The bottom of her white converse rested on the rod just above the ground and both of her hands clung to the edge of the seat. Luna couldn't help but roll her eyes when Ruka spoke. That question worked its way into every conversation she had with someone new like clockwork.

"Yeah, it's a pretty overworn joke," she tried to smile. Her gaze was attracted to the scarring on Ruka's arm. She figured that, much like the jokes people used associated with her name and profession of interest, he was also tired of people asking about an old injury. "What are you studying?" she asked instead as a safe default. Her eyes drifted to the workbench closest to her where a small radio sat. Luna's expression brightened in regards to the refreshing and rare sight. Listening to what the radio had to say was one of her many old fashioned hobbies. She leaned closer to it and examined the nobs to figure out which ones needed to be maneuvered in order to make the machine work. One nob turned clockwise in one direction to increase the volume and the dial was set to her favorite oldies rock station.

"So predictable," Addison jabbed with a grin as she leaned against the entrance of the garage.
Ruka looked over at Luna as she fiddled with the radio, and almost smiling to himself at the fact that she seemed to know just what station to turn to. He continued to busy himself with the bike, disassembling what he needed to in order to replace the chain. "Oh, I'm just trying to be a certified mechanic," he said. Unfortunately, such a privilege wasn't something he wanted to risk pursuing. He simply didn't have the financial stability for it, and didn't see that changing in the near future.

Even though he was a firm believer that every profession and job had value to it, part of him did wish he could go and have one of those fancy degrees. He was smart, there was no doubt about that, he could be an engineer, or do something with computer tech or coding if he wanted to, but his unfortunate upbringing excluded him from the scholarships and grants he would need in order to pursue a higher education. For now, trade school would be enough. As long as he didn't end up homeless, he would be happy.

Lucifer came out from underneath the car and circled over to Ruka, his tail twitching cautiously as he looked at the two strangers. The cat sniffed the box on the floor, clearly debating jumping in with the rest of the parts. Ruka let out a little frustrated sigh that had traces of fondness in it as he reached inside and grabbed the new chain, ignoring the cat as he swatted at the hand, and again at the chain being drawn out, attempting to bite it. "Alright Lucy, bug off please," he said, mounting the new chain. "He might come up to you but I actually wouldn't suggest petting him," he warned.
Luna idled on the small stool while Ruka rummaged with his tools to fix the broken chain on her bike. There was a commercial break on the radio. It was the ad about the car dealership. Luna knew it well enough by this point to tune it out so she could listen to Ruka speak to her instead. Becoming a certified mechanic was not an easy journey. Her father had considered becoming a mechanic at one point in his life but he settled for repairing shoes. In the end, he told Luna that he was still happy because what he really wanted to do was fix things.

Cold as Ice - Foreigner

The next song began to play a Luna felt tense all of the sudden. She was still facing Ruka while the song played in the background. Her eyebrows dropped and her back slouched. It no longer bothered her that she could not remember who he was anymore. Instead, Luna's childhood anxieties resurfaced to the front of her thoughts. All of the chants they sang because of the glasses she wore echoed through her mind. Freak. Four eyes. Nerd. Geek. Loser. Some of the labels became compliments over time but more of them still remained as burns. Luna wanted to believe that Ruka had become a better person than he was in those childhood memories but her trauma wouldn't allow her trust to budge.

Both of her temples rested on her raised fingertips as she lost herself in the past. Lucy's soft mew made her suddenly realize that the feline had made his way over to her just like Ruka had predicted. Luna's feet flew outward from the stool aiming to push the cat far, far away. Addison had lost herself somewhere in the music. Her eyes shot wide open when she saw her friend's limbs flailing in the direction of the cat and the redhead scurried over to rescue Lucy from any potential damage.
Ruka busied himself with the chain, and turned towards the box to get just a couple more minor tools to finish up the job. He didn't think much of the radio, or of his friend chatting or humming as she usually did. He was polite enough to respond to her, but truthfully he just wanted to stay busy with the task at hand.

He eyed Lucy for a moment as the cat set eyes on Luna, as though knowing that she was the last person who wanted attention from a cat. Luna's reaction though, was unexpected. Lucy was quick to scurry off and he reflexively reached over, grabbing Luna by the knee to steady her in place.

"Hey, hey," he said, firmly but gently, "Don't kick my cat please, he's not actually Lucifer. You alright?" He pulled his hand back and looked over his shoulder to see where his cat had run off to, but the feline was long gone now. He felt bad for the creature too now, in addition to Luna as before.
"I got you, Lucy, don't worry," Addison comforted. Her arms scooped the scurrying feline from the ground and into her freckled arms. The redhead nuzzled her face against the cat's furry body. Lucy's eyes had widened and his small ears were pressed against the top of his head. His whiskers twitched. Luna rebalanced herself on the stool when Ruka grabbed her by the knee. She swung her leg out just one more time hoping he would release her.

"I have a cat allergy," Luna confessed under frustrated breath. Her allergy turned into legitimate fear over the years. One simple mistake and Luna would have to spend the next two weeks in the hospital. That was not the way that she intended to spend the beginning of her first year in college if she could help it. Luna let out a sigh and withdrew some of the spice and anger in her tone. "But I will be fine. You could say that I am more of a dog person." Addison couldn't help but giggle. Luna rolled her eyes but also couldn't help to crack a smile. The priority of her words were meant as a fact but she supposed it was okay to see the humor behind them as well.

Suddenly, that awkward feeling started building back inside of her as the the radio filled the background with crackling ads. Memories of the way Ruka and the others bullied her filled her mind. Yet, here he was fixing her bike right before her own eyes. She flexed her eyebrows wondering whether she should mention anything. No, it was probably best to keep quiet. At least about those past situations. She tucked her bottom lip beneath her teeth and promised that the bike repair would be the only interaction with Ruka she would limit herself to.
"It's alright," Ruka said, although still a little bit stiffly as he pulled away from Luna. A little on edge, he looked at her, wondering if there was something else that was going through her mind right now. There had to be, having a reaction like that to nothing more than a cat.

"Ah, Addison, come on," he reminded lightly, "She's going to seriously get at you if you pick her up." He moved over to her and picked Lucy out of her arms, putting her back on the ground so she could run away. The last thing they needed was for Addison's face to get scratched or bitten.

He moved back over to the bike, and dusted some of the fur off his shirt. He didn't say anything for a few beats, listening to the radio commercials, and noting how much they've changed since he was a kid, and then finishing up putting the new chain on. Luna was still looking at him like that, and it was a look different from that look when nervous people, usually women, who were attracted to him and staring at him. She had to know. "Hey Luna, we went to middle school together, didn't we?" he finally asked, not looking up at her as he worked.
Addison frowned at Lucifer, who scuttled away from her and the rest of the people in the garage. The feline had experienced enough human interaction for the day and it was clear that it was time for another nap. Lucifer would have to remind Ruka to bring out dinner later. Addison turned her attention to Luna and noticed that distressed look she had. Luna nodded her head in response to Ruka's question.

"Middle school? I didn't know you guys knew each other already," Addison smiled.

"Yeah, I lived in the same town as Ruka before my father and I moved," Luna said with an awkward tone of voice. "I thought I recognized you before I came into the garage but I second-guessed myself." Her feet shuffled as she spoke. The noise from the radio was no longer enough to distract her from the situation at hand. A part of her tugged and begged her to walk away but there was the curious part of her that resisted and wanted to stay. Looking at Ruka was difficult now that they revealed the elephant in the room between them but it no longer gave her an overwhelming amount of anxiety the way it used to before. "Did anyone miss me when I moved?" she asked with her brown eyes turned towards him. She also tried to smile but her lips barely lifted themselves past her cheeks.
Ruka looked back at Addison as well for a moment, but his typical, defensive charm was put aside for the moment. It felt wrong to go about being his usual self, when Luna knew such a dramatically different version of him. He didn't want to seem disingenuous, and make her more uncomfortable. "I wasn't going to say anything, but I noticed that you had noticed," he said.

He cycled the pedals a few times to make sure everything was in order. He wasn't expecting her following question, and couldn't quite imagine why she would care at this point. Then again, he could only imagine what scum like him did to her self esteem growing up. "Well, yeah, I'm sure. You were sweet." He stood up and wheeled the bike over to her, holding it out for her to take herself. The mechanisms continued to click as normal, and he was confident the simple repair would get good to go from here. Typically doing little things for people made his day, but now he felt like it was a cheap compensation prize.

"I'm probably the wrong person to ask though," he said, almost apologetically, looking down at the bike rather than at her for longer than a glance.

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