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Fantasy [Closed] Phoenix Academy: School for the gifted

Liam's brow arched, his laughter dying down to a chuckle n though a wide smile still stuck around on his face. "Touché."
"That's fine, I don't mind if Caleb comes along since I can trick him since he won't know the difference between me and my clone now." Layla watched Kane and she tilted her head slightly since he wasn't looking at her and she looked over at the wall opposite of her bed when she felt her cheeks heat up. Stop staring Layla, he may look good in blue but he is a friend and nothing more, although he is the only person to get my heart racing like that in a long time. Layla felt her cheeks decrease in temperature and she looked back over at Kane before plugging in her own phone.

Kane laughed. "Now that's better. He has always been a prankster since our first birthday. It's time that he tasted his own medicine." Kane laid onto his bed and huffed. 


"Tooshie. As in, let me touch your tooshie, cutie." He teasted, before sliding off of Liam's bed and onto the side of it.
Kane laughed. "Now that's better. He has always been a prankster since our first birthday. It's time that he tasted his own medicine." Kane laid onto his bed and huffed. 


"Tooshie. As in, let me touch your tooshie, cutie." He teasted, before sliding off of Liam's bed and onto the side of it.

"I'll take away the thing that I put on my clone so he won't know that he is talking to a clone but what should we do to him?" Layla pretended to put on her thinking cap and she made a big motion like she was thinking hard about something. "And don't worry, I'll make sure that my clone's makeup is perfect for tomorrow." Layla giggled and she looked down at bed with a genuine smile, something that her mother said made her look cute, although Layla always disagreed.
"Tooshie. As in, let me touch your tooshie, cutie." He teasted, before sliding off of Liam's bed and onto the side of it.

Liam blushed slightly at that as he watched him slide off the bed. "Tooshie tooshie~" He chuckled, shaking his head before glancing to the ceiling. "SO!.. Now what?"
"I'll take away the thing that I put on my clone so he won't know that he is talking to a clone but what should we do to him?" Layla pretended to put on her thinking cap and she made a big motion like she was thinking hard about something. "And don't worry, I'll make sure that my clone's makeup is perfect for tomorrow." Layla giggled and she looked down at bed with a genuine smile, something that her mother said made her look cute, although Layla always disagreed.

Liam blushed slightly at that as he watched him slide off the bed. "Tooshie tooshie~" He chuckled, shaking his head before glancing to the ceiling. "SO!.. Now what?"

"I really do not know. That's why i was never able to prank him. My brother is hard to embarrass." Kane watched Layla's smile brighten her whole face, making her seem younger and more alive than she actually was. He smiled then as well.

"Sleep? I could use sleep."
"I really do not know. That's why i was never able to prank him. My brother is hard to embarrass." Kane watched Layla's smile brighten her whole face, making her seem younger and more alive than she actually was. He smiled then as well.

Layla looked back over at Kane and she had an immediate blush on her cheeks and she looked away. "Stop looking at me like that, it's embarrassing." Layla then started thinking again and she looked at the wall. "Well, we could always ask for Liam's help but we would have to get him away from Caleb and we have my clone to work with so let's see, hmm."  
"Alright, sleep it is then."

Layla looked back over at Kane and she had an immediate blush on her cheeks and she looked away. "Stop looking at me like that, it's embarrassing." Layla then started thinking again and she looked at the wall. "Well, we could always ask for Liam's help but we would have to get him away from Caleb and we have my clone to work with so let's see, hmm."  

(Sorry, i've been sick today and needed a nap. Curse you, weak immune system!) 

Caleb hopped into Liam's bed and cuddled his side, not waiting for Liam's permission as he snuggled close, resting his head on Liam's chest.

Kane quirked his eyebrows. "Looking at you like what? This is my usual facial expressions." He then shrugged, not knowing what plan they could come up with. "We could always ask Liam what he thinks. If we're going to add him to our plan."
(Sorry, i've been sick today and needed a nap. Curse you, weak immune system!) 

Caleb hopped into Liam's bed and cuddled his side, not waiting for Liam's permission as he snuggled close, resting his head on Liam's chest.

Kane quirked his eyebrows. "Looking at you like what? This is my usual facial expressions." He then shrugged, not knowing what plan they could come up with. "We could always ask Liam what he thinks. If we're going to add him to our plan."

(I've been sick since Wednesday, welcome to the sick people party.)

"That is the same look my parents gave me when I smiled like that, my mom said it made me look cute and my dad said I look more like a little ball of sunshine than I usually did but I don't believe them, it's not that pretty of a smile." Layla just nodded and stared at the wall that separated them from Caleb and Liam's room. "Let's add Liam, we'll need to be discreet though since we don't want Caleb finding out our evil plans."
Caleb hopped into Liam's bed and cuddled his side, not waiting for Liam's permission as he snuggled close, resting his head on Liam's chest.

Liam lifted his brows, but grinned and softly brought an arm around him as he both happily sighed and relaxed.
(I've been sick since Wednesday, welcome to the sick people party.)

"That is the same look my parents gave me when I smiled like that, my mom said it made me look cute and my dad said I look more like a little ball of sunshine than I usually did but I don't believe them, it's not that pretty of a smile." Layla just nodded and stared at the wall that separated them from Caleb and Liam's room. "Let's add Liam, we'll need to be discreet though since we don't want Caleb finding out our evil plans."

Liam lifted his brows, but grinned and softly brought an arm around him as he both happily sighed and relaxed.

Kane sat up, looking to Layla and dropping the subject of the prank all together. "Not to sound anything else, but you do have a cute smile. Not that i'm hitting on you or anything! Just saying . . . you're . . . beautiful. Whoever else told you that you're not is wrong. Sorry, if that sounds weird, coming from a dude that you barely know, but it's true." Kane rubbed the back of his head, looking to the ground.

Caleb closed his eyes, slowly began to doze off.
Kane sat up, looking to Layla and dropping the subject of the prank all together. "Not to sound anything else, but you do have a cute smile. Not that i'm hitting on you or anything! Just saying . . . you're . . . beautiful. Whoever else told you that you're not is wrong. Sorry, if that sounds weird, coming from a dude that you barely know, but it's true." Kane rubbed the back of his head, looking to the ground.

Caleb closed his eyes, slowly began to doze off.

Layla scoffed and she rolled her eyes before she laid down and stared at the ceiling. "That's what everyone tells me, I'm the only person that ever said that I'm not beautiful or that I don't have a pretty smile." She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing and quickly fell asleep but she also felt bad at the tone that she gave Kane. What is wrong with you, he just complimented you and you blew him off but I am right about all of that, no matter how much people deny it.
Layla scoffed and she rolled her eyes before she laid down and stared at the ceiling. "That's what everyone tells me, I'm the only person that ever said that I'm not beautiful or that I don't have a pretty smile." She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing and quickly fell asleep but she also felt bad at the tone that she gave Kane. What is wrong with you, he just complimented you and you blew him off but I am right about all of that, no matter how much people deny it.

Liam slipped into slumber right beside him. Breathing softly as his free hand would remain tucked under the pillow.

Kane smiled as he watched her fall asleep. "Whatever you say, Layla. Don't worry, i'll show you. I'll show you that you're one in a million." He mumbled to himself as he laid down, and waited for sleep to take him. He tried his best not to be noisy, so instead of playing his guitar like he normally did, Kane just stared at the ceiling. After an hour had passed, Kane finally fell asleep.


(Sleepy babies.)

He smiled and awkwardly watched the movie in silence.
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(Assuming the time skip has happened.)

Liam gripped the underside of his pillow, his teeth having grit while his head would toss and turn against the pillow. During this current dream upset, he'd release a barely audible, temporary growl. His ears and tail appearing in this process.

@Forever J
(Assuming the time skip has happened.)

Liam gripped the underside of his pillow, his teeth having grit while his head would toss and turn against the pillow. During this current dream upset, he'd release a barely audible, temporary growl. His ears and tail appearing in this process.

@Forever J

Caleb's eyes shot wide up from the sound, thinking that it was Kane's nightmares again. He was still worried when it was Liam instead. He kissed Liam's forehead, and did what he used to do for Kane. He gently closed the blinds of the sun, forgetting everything about going to school and turned so that Liam's head gently rested on his own chest. He controlled his heart rate to release a steady beat to put Liam at ease. 
Caleb's eyes shot wide up from the sound, thinking that it was Kane's nightmares again. He was still worried when it was Liam instead. He kissed Liam's forehead, and did what he used to do for Kane. He gently closed the blinds of the sun, forgetting everything about going to school and turned so that Liam's head gently rested on his own chest. He controlled his heart rate to release a steady beat to put Liam at ease. 

Slowly, Liam would calm. Just enough to cease his restless stirring, so he could keep his ear pressed against Caleb's chest. It was almost hypnotic, the heartbeat, as it managed to keep him relatively calm. Having followed the move, he'd release the slightly torn pillow as his hand moved in front of himself to enter a more relaxed, comfortable state.

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