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Fantasy [Closed] Phoenix Academy: School for the gifted

Duke of Doge

Professional disappointment.
Everyone dreams of having powers as a kid; flight, heat vision, teleportation, etc. Everyone wanted to be extraordinary. Turns out, life isn't that cool. So we all settle with being “ordinary”, besides, superpowers are impossible. Right?

Well one day, the impossible, became possible.

The day is October 12, 2007. Asteroid 20156 TC4 will arrive, it was a debate as to whether or not it would hit us. Luckily, it didn't. Disaster averted. Bing bam boom, go back to living your lives. Unknown to everyone, the asteroid had unknown properties. Dark matter, radiation, a strange material, magic? No one knows… because it's kinda… in space, we will never truly know. But what people all around the world are finding out is that it gave a couple thousand the impossible. Powers, ripped right out of a comic book or tv show. Everyone affected, has no idea they were. Until their powers manifest, often without warning, at any time. Imagine waking up invisible, lighting your car on fire, suddenly being able to hear thoughts, or moving at incredible speed. Or imagine going to click on this RP and crushing the mouse in your hand, (or phone). Ordinary people, just living life, are suddenly granted abilities. That they have no idea how to really control. People are scared of what they can do, yet some are excited. How will this change things in the world?


It's been almost 10 years since that day.

The government's of the world were unsure how to deal with it. However. Scientists discovered a genetic marker in the gene sequence that marks the people who have, or will get powers. So they made a list.

The UN dealt with these so called “meta-humans” appropriately… BY SENDING THEM TO SCHOOL OF COURSE. I mean, what else would you do?!?

The Academy:

The main building with all the classrooms and such.


The dorm, where students live when class is not in session. Includes a café, and several small businesses nearby for ease of access.


The basic dorm, feel free to decorate to your liking.


The training grounds, self explanatory


Extra: There is a large city just a few miles away that students can visit when they want.

Character sheet:


Also I'm open for ideas about plot! 
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Rp starts now. Yayyyy!

Raven stood at the front gate, staring in awe at the school. "we don' ave this back 'ome, we 'ave rain and bad traffic" she said to herself with a chuckle picking up her belongings, and walking down the main path to the school. Flanked on either side by great oaks and rolling green hills. The occasional path splitting off to go to alternative destinations. 

Pulling out her 1st day pamphlet she read the instructions. "Report to front desk and receive your dorm number, aswell as your class schedule" underneath was a map, and various school rules.

She looked up to see another student doing the same, only to have a gust of wind blow the useful information out of their hands, and across the field. Raven cringed "sorry..." she said quietly, knowing her power had most likely cause that to happen to the poor kid. 

(Raven is open for interaction, feel free to intro your characters, or be the student Raven made loose their pamphlet)

Forever J@xXLittleLokiXx@TokumeiNoJorogumo@Wick,@CrystalYoshi
Liam's hands interlaced behind his head as he'd set foot on the school grounds. Emerald irises silently running over the different buildings as he softly would inhale, and then tilt his head while observing the different students. A very... very small part of him wanted to actually try and make friends this year, but... he held himself back. His eyes soon closing as he soon freed his hands, just to slip them into his pockets. "Wouldn't work out, anyhow... too many people leave your side. Best to stay the lone wolf, eh, Liam?" He would then chuckle to himself, giving a shake of his head as he looked to the sky and continued his walking.

(Open to anyone!)
Layla had arrived at the school a little bit earlier than some of the other students but most of the time she had was being used to look around at the different spots for her photography skills. She thankfully brought her camera but it was in her bag and she didn't want to take pictures right then since there was other things to attend to, like getting her room number. 

Of course sending in her clone day one would be entirely anti-social so Layla opted to leave the spot she was at and make her way towards the school. She pulled out the pamphlet that told her what to do and,of course, she was so busy reading the thing that she ran into another solid mass and fell onto the ground with a solid thud. "Oww, that hurt a little."

(Open to anyone who wants to be bumped into!)
Layla had arrived at the school a little bit earlier than some of the other students but most of the time she had was being used to look around at the different spots for her photography skills. She thankfully brought her camera but it was in her bag and she didn't want to take pictures right then since there was other things to attend to, like getting her room number. 

Of course sending in her clone day one would be entirely anti-social so Layla opted to leave the spot she was at and make her way towards the school. She pulled out the pamphlet that told her what to do and,of course, she was so busy reading the thing that she ran into another solid mass and fell onto the ground with a solid thud. "Oww, that hurt a little."

(Open to anyone who wants to be bumped into!)

The twins, Caleb and Kane, turned towards the fallen miss. Kane tsked, walking off, but Caleb offered a hand with a warm smile. "Sorry about that, my brother is a little grouchy in the mornin'. My name's Caleb." His bright greenish-blue eyes glinted from the sun. 

Zack Wells


There it went.


Zack watched as the only thing providing him with information about where to begin in the school, washed away within the wind. He didn't bother chasing it, simply stood and stared as it was whisked away into the treeline a few yards off.


"Well.. I suppose that figures. Why would everything go alright?" He glanced at his satchel and pondered bringing out his good luck charm, (a small crystal formation) but remembered the last time he had pulled it out. He shuddered at the thought of his fingernails digging against that chalkboard back in Fritzford. He still thought of the little rock as a symbol of luck, but perhaps it was not best to rely on it. Besides, he was sure the staff at the front office would be able to provide him with a new pamphlet.


He continued forward toward the Academy, glancing to his sides, and peering over his shoulder at other students. Some were already revealing that they had abilities of sorts, while others like him almost seemed nervous, like this whole thing was a bad idea. =The only way you can control this is if you proceed with the training to come.= Zack gave a deep sigh and moved along, wondering what might come next in this first day.


(Open to interaction ;3)
The twins, Caleb and Kane, turned towards the fallen miss. Kane tsked, walking off, but Caleb offered a hand with a warm smile. "Sorry about that, my brother is a little grouchy in the mornin'. My name's Caleb." His bright greenish-blue eyes glinted from the sun. 

Layla squinted her light blue eyes a little and she took his hand in order to stand up properly before giving him a small friendly smile. " I think a lot of people are grouchy in the morning, some choose to show it." She laughed at what she said and she gave Caleb a little bit of a warmer smile. "My name is Layla, Layla Bell, it's nice to meet you Caleb." She looked back at the direction Caleb's brother went before pushing back some of her blonde hair that had gotten in her eyes. " So since your brother left you behind, do you want to walk with me to go get everything?" Layla just wanted to make a friend and Caleb seemed nice, maybe that could go well in the way of friendship and maybe they had some things in common so that they could do friend stuff or something. 
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Raven made her way to the front desk, careful to keep her distance from everyone, she walked quickly with her head low, and books to her chest. "ok Raven just got-ah get mah room aaand...." she facepalmed, with the realization "there is no way I could 'ave a roommate. That would be like condeming them t' death." she whined. "awwww maaaan" she huffed and sat on a bench just outside the main office, nervously tapping her foot.

@Whoever is at the office
Layla squinted her light blue eyes a little and she took his hand in order to stand up properly before giving him a small friendly smile. " I think a lot of people are grouchy in the morning, some choose to show it." She laughed at what she said and she gave Caleb a little bit of a warmer smile. "My name is Layla, Layla Bell, it's nice to meet you Caleb." She looked back at the direction Caleb's brother went before pushing back some of her blonde hair that had gotten in her eyes. " So since your brother left you behind, do you want to walk with me to go get everything?" Layla just wanted to make a friend and Caleb seemed nice, maybe that could go well in the way of friendship and maybe they had some things in common so that they could do friend stuff or something. 

"True . . . Left behind?" Caleb looked foward, not seeing his brother, but felt him there. "He'll be back. Twins are always metaphorically or physically connected at the hip, anyways." Caleb nodded, his smile growing bigger. "But sure, i can walk with you." Caleb stood up straight once more and walked towards the office, making sure that Layla was by him so she didn't get lost. 

Zack Wells


There it went.


Zack watched as the only thing providing him with information about where to begin in the school, washed away within the wind. He didn't bother chasing it, simply stood and stared as it was whisked away into the treeline a few yards off.


"Well.. I suppose that figures. Why would everything go alright?" He glanced at his satchel and pondered bringing out his good luck charm, (a small crystal formation) but remembered the last time he had pulled it out. He shuddered at the thought of his fingernails digging against that chalkboard back in Fritzford. He still thought of the little rock as a symbol of luck, but perhaps it was not best to rely on it. Besides, he was sure the staff at the front office would be able to provide him with a new pamphlet.


He continued forward toward the Academy, glancing to his sides, and peering over his shoulder at other students. Some were already revealing that they had abilities of sorts, while others like him almost seemed nervous, like this whole thing was a bad idea. =The only way you can control this is if you proceed with the training to come.= Zack gave a deep sigh and moved along, wondering what might come next in this first day.


(Open to interaction ;3)

Liam would soon cease his walking as his emerald gaze would catch site of the paper above. With a tilted head, he'd inhale and grin as his form turned to that of an actual-sized raven - taking flight as he'd follow the paper into the tree. And, when he caught up to it, he would land in said tree, shift back to his normal form and read over the paper. His brow lifting. "Seems a bit important t' just be left behind." he would then take a glance around for the owner of the paper - tracing the direction it came from before climbing down from the tree. A shrug soon being given. "May as well hang ont' this and see if I can find the owner later in the day." 

Zack Wells


As Zack approached the Academy, he then realized just how massive it was. It was shaped as a castle, with forts and spires mirroring each other on either side. The walls were covered in tall, arching, blue tinted windows, and two large wooden doors were pushed open as the front entrance to the place. A surprising amount of young meta-humans; (that is, that's what the agents had called him when they took him away) were all gathered by the entrance, talking excitedly to each other. By the looks of things, some of them knew each other, while others were already making friends. Zack had always had a bad experience with making friends. Nobody ever seemed to want to be around him, though he was usually the center of attention; at least to jerks he was.


He scanned the crowd, catching different expressions and faces. It wasn't like he was going to be changing from this school anytime soon, so perhaps if he managed to make a friend after all, he wouldn't need to worry about saying goodbye to them so soon. His gaze moved along, and he noticed a few other rather panicked looking people on the outside of the group. Some were looking at their pamphlets and grasping their heads in a stressful gesture, others seemed to just be avoiding all contact with anyone, giving the crowd a wide berth.


Zack's eyes finally rested on a girl sitting over on a bench. She had a streak of red hair running down on the right side, and wore a checkered skirt and white shirt, similar to a school uniform. Zack wondered if he would need to wear a uniform himself, as he looked down at his own clothing. He looked back up at her; she looked as though she were waiting for someone to rush her with a knife. Even from where he stood, Zack could see a slight tremble running through her. He decided he might as well approach and see if she needed help; after all, he certainly did, and perhaps they could work together to figure out what they needed to do. 


He spoke up. "Er, how goes there?" His insides shriveled up. =How goes there? What the hell?=


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Raven jumped in suprise. "Oh, uhm. Ello there" she said, her British accent adorning her words. "It uh... it's going ok I suppose. Glad one of us haven't caused the roof t' collapse or anything" she said with a nervous laugh. "so can I 'elp you with somthin'? Or are you just here t' talk?" 

Once his feet touched the ground, Liam made his way inside. His emerald gaze running up and down the halls as he'd scan them out of curiosity. So many different scents this year, and it sort of made him uneasy. Though, of course, Liam didn't show his worry. He'd keep a straight face. 'Aaaaeh, so bored... and hungry. Ah, Liam. Ya ate before ya got here... That doesn't mean I'm not still hungry, though!' He'd sigh towards the argument with himself, adjusting his hood with his head's movements as he'd meander over to the office. "Maybe the secretary will be nice enough t' share something. She was nice enough t' do so before..." And, entering the office, he'd do just that. Passing both the male and female as he made his way over to practically pester the food out of one of the secretaries.

"Goodmorning, Liam." She would smile, Liam smiling in return as he stopped at the desk - resting his arms on the surface as he would seem to cross them like an oddly demure wolf - keeping them stretched out slightly as he closed his eyes.

"G'mornin', lass." Liam would rest his chin on his arms. "I don't suppose ya have any sort of food ya don't want?"

The secretary blinked, soon laughing softly as she opened the drawer. "I thought you might ask. I've got a muffin, if you want it. Still wrapped."

As she handed it over, Liam stood straight and gently took it before smiling and closing his eyes. "Ohhh, thank ya! I appreciate it!"

@Heir of Dalania, @Wick
"True . . . Left behind?" Caleb looked foward, not seeing his brother, but felt him there. "He'll be back. Twins are always metaphorically or physically connected at the hip, anyways." Caleb nodded, his smile growing bigger. "But sure, i can walk with you." Caleb stood up straight once more and walked towards the office, making sure that Layla was by him so she didn't get lost. 

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Layla walked beside Caleb before nodding at his comment about being connected. "Yeah, I guess I should know, I kinda have a twin." Would a clone technically count as a twin, Layla just kinda assumed that since they were the exact same. "Do you want to meet her, she isn't that far away actually."  She inwardly cringed at the sound of her voice since she still has her british accent but her way of speaking was not very british like compared to her parents.

Zack Wells

Zack was caught off guard. He stood silently for a moment, staring at her awkwardly. He wasn't sure what he had intended coming up to her like this. Sure he had pieced together that he needed help to figure out what to do next, but as he had also pieced together, she seemed to be unsure as to what she should do as well. He cleared his throat, realizing a good ten seconds had past, the only sound filled by the excited crowd behind him.


"Oh, uh, no, don't really know what I should do next but.. I er, lost my pamphlet, and.." His eyes momentarily caught onto another teen with stunningly green irises walking past. He was muttering to himself, and heading straight along, past the sea of students. Zack continued. "I er, figured it would be a good idea to make friends with someone early on. So y'know, I don't end up some loner or anything.." He chuckled perhaps a little too loudly, and looked at the girl. He was sure his face was beet red with embarrassment. This is what he got for trying to talk to someone. He had hardly ever done it before.


The girl hadn't had time to respond when the situation only got worse. a moment after he finished talking, a white streak fell from the sky and planted itself directly onto the front of his right shoulder. He shuddered as a speckle of the bird poop landed on his cheek. =Very appealing..=


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"Thanks, I appreciate it." Layla walked beside Caleb before nodding at his comment about being connected. "Yeah, I guess I should know, I kinda have a twin." Would a clone technically count as a twin, Layla just kinda assumed that since they were the exact same. "Do you want to meet her, she isn't that far away actually."  She inwardly cringed at the sound of her voice since she still has her british accent but her way of speaking was not very british like compared to her parents.

"Really? I would love to! Who knows, maybe she could get my brother out of his bad attitude." Caleb said loudly, just enough for Kane to teleport behind him and flicked his ear. "Hey! Mama said no hittin'." Kane gave a small smile, something only his brother could usually do. "Then don't try and set me on blind dates." Caleb snickered and looked back to Layla as he opened the door for all of them. "So, Layla, what's your power? I can shape-shift into a white lion and my brother, here, can teleport." Kane moved to the secretaries at the desk, asking for their schedules. Kane's Russian accent drifted out a bit more than Caleb did. It was subtle, but yet strong enough to know, especially when they got heated.  
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Raven cringed at that. "Oh, I'm sorry." she pointed to the bird poo on his shoulder. "that's probably my fault" she looked down to her feet. "I wouldn't recommend talking to me for very long. My power, at least t' my understanding is... bad luck. I can't control it, so it just happens to people around me" she stood and pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket, wiping away the substance from his shoulder and cheek. "That's why I'm here, I need t' control what I do, its a rather big pain as you can imagine. But I'll get a hang of it" she said a bit more optimistic. Then shook her head "sorry" she said with a giggle "I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Raven. Hi... again. " she said awkwardly sticking out her hand for a handshake.

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"Really? I would love to! Who knows, maybe she could get my brother out of his bad attitude." Caleb said loudly, just enough for Kane to teleport behind him and flicked his ear. "Hey! Mama said no hittin'." Kane gave a small smile, something only his brother could usually do. "Then don't try and set me on blind dates." Caleb snickered and looked back to Layla as he opened the door for all of them. "So, Layla, what's your power? I can shape-shift into a white lion and my brother, here, can teleport." Kane moved to the secretaries at the desk, asking for their schedules. Kane's Russian accent drifted out a bit more than Caleb did. It was subtle, but yet strong enough to know, especially when they got heated.  

Liam tore the packaging open, removing the muffin before glancing over to Kane as he'd obtained the schedules. His brow would arch a bit. 'Go ahead and say helloooooooo, it couldn't hurt.' to this Liam blinked. A smile soon found itself able to shape his face as he closed his eyes, and, eventually, spoke. "Morning."

Zack Wells


"It's fine, really. I've had worse on my shoulder before." Zack said as she wiped it off him with a handkerchief. He was going to wipe it himself, but she had already wiped it off the best she could. "Bad luck huh? That isn't good luck to have." His head physically throbbed with pain after he had said that joke. "Anyway, I don't mind it. My luck has never been that great anyways." He smiled some more and took her hand, accidentally creating a small zap of static electricity. He ignored it and continued shaking. He didn't want her to feel worse about her power, besides, it hadn't hurt actually.


"Er, my name is Zack. Wells, that is. I'm not sure how to describe my power, though it isn't much better than yours is." He caught himself, speaking rather quickly. "ER, not that your power sucks! That isn't what I mean, it just isn't a good one, NO." He shut up for a moment, continuing and now forced smile. "Sorry, your power is unique." He corrected himself.


"Really? I would love to! Who knows, maybe she could get my brother out of his bad attitude." Caleb said loudly, just enough for Kane to teleport behind him and flicked his ear. "Hey! Mama said no hittin'." Kane gave a small smile, something only his brother could usually do. "Then don't try and set me on blind dates." Caleb snickered and looked back to Layla as he opened the door for all of them. "So, Layla, what's your power? I can shape-shift into a white lion and my brother, here, can teleport." Kane moved to the secretaries at the desk, asking for their schedules. Kane's Russian accent drifted out a bit more than Caleb did. It was subtle, but yet strong enough to know, especially when they got heated.  

Layla nodded and she watched as Caleb's brother appeared and the two got into a brotherly argument. She went inside the door that Caleb was holding open and she turned to look at Caleb before deciding to answer his question. "Remember when I said I kinda had a twin, well that's partly true." She inwardly concentrated for a moment and felt her clone's soul and the clone appeared only to go and get the schedule. "My power is bilocation, in simple terms I can be at two places at once." Layla smiled at her clone who handed the original the package and stood next to her.
Raven blinked at how awkward he was "You're right. It's unique in the level of suck." she sighed "It's great when I'm near someone I don't particularly like. But it makes it a little 'ard on friends and family." she said taking a step back "I'm... gunna go get my schedule and room ." she said leaving to do just that. 

In a few minutes she returned. "Hey Zack. I'm going t' get outta 'ere. I'm not exactly a fan of crowds. I'll talk t' ya later." she said leaving the office and walking away, sitting a good distance away from everyone underneath one of the large trees on campus. As she looked at her schedule and room number. "room 208. I feel sorry fer my roomie" she said to herself looking up to the clouds.


[SIZE= 18px](Open for interaction outside)[/SIZE]
Liam tore the packaging open, removing the muffin before glancing over to Kane as he'd obtained the schedules. His brow would arch a bit. 'Go ahead and say helloooooooo, it couldn't hurt.' to this Liam blinked. A smile soon found itself able to shape his face as he closed his eyes, and, eventually, spoke. "Morning."

Layla nodded and she watched as Caleb's brother appeared and the two got into a brotherly argument. She went inside the door that Caleb was holding open and she turned to look at Caleb before deciding to answer his question. "Remember when I said I kinda had a twin, well that's partly true." She inwardly concentrated for a moment and felt her clone's soul and the clone appeared only to go and get the schedule. "My power is bilocation, in simple terms I can be at two places at once." Layla smiled at her clone who handed the original the package and stood next to her.

Caleb's eyes widen at he noticed the clone. "So cool! Do you usually use your powers?" As this was happening, Kane looked at his schedule until his eyes shifted towards Liam. "ts-." A hand swatted down on Kane's head. He winced as he looked to his brother's hand on his head. "What did Mama said about hitting?" Caleb retorted back, "did your small brain learn anything from the English tutor? You know actual English words, use them, or else." Kane looked to Caleb with a squint. "Or else what?" Caleb leaned closer to his brother with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or else, i can start calling you by your nickname." Kane eyes widen. "Pff, fine! I'll be nice!" Kane turned towards Liam with a menacing glare.

"Nice eyes." Kane clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes before looking back down at Liam with a small smile and heart warming eyes. "Good morning." Caleb clapped his hands together. "They grow up so fast. See? That didn't kill you." He gestured his hand into the air for a short second. "I think i taste blood." Caleb snickered and took his own schedule before looking towards Liam and nodded. "Good morning, stranger. My name's Caleb, this is my brother, Kane and that girl is Layla." He tilted his head towards the girl with the clone by her.
Layla nodded and she watched as Caleb's brother appeared and the two got into a brotherly argument. She went inside the door that Caleb was holding open and she turned to look at Caleb before deciding to answer his question. "Remember when I said I kinda had a twin, well that's partly true." She inwardly concentrated for a moment and felt her clone's soul and the clone appeared only to go and get the schedule. "My power is bilocation, in simple terms I can be at two places at once." Layla smiled at her clone who handed the original the package and stood next to her.

Caleb's eyes widen at he noticed the clone. "So cool! Do you usually use your powers?" As this was happening, Kane looked at his schedule until his eyes shifted towards Liam. "ts-." A hand swatted down on Kane's head. He winced as he looked to his brother's hand on his head. "What did Mama said about hitting?" Caleb retorted back, "did your small brain learn anything from the English tutor? You know actual English words, use them, or else." Kane looked to Caleb with a squint. "Or else what?" Caleb leaned closer to his brother with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or else, i can start calling you by your nickname." Kane eyes widen. "Pff, fine! I'll be nice!" Kane turned towards Liam with a menacing glare.

"Nice eyes." Kane clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes before looking back down at Liam with a small smile and heart warming eyes. "Good morning." Caleb clapped his hands together. "They grow up so fast. See? That didn't kill you." He gestured his hand into the air for a short second. "I think i taste blood." Caleb snickered and took his own schedule before looking towards Liam and nodded. "Good morning, stranger. My name's Caleb, this is my brother, Kane and that girl is Layla." He tilted his head towards the girl with the clone by her.

Liam would blink from Kane's glare, slowly arching his brow while keeping his muffin still in hand. And, as he'd cock his head, a smirk would once more appear on his face. "Someone's grouchy this morning." He then couldn't help but smile a bit more, turning his attention to Caleb, and then to the girl with the clone. His Irish accented voice a small bit more prominent in his next sentence. "Nice t' meet ya! I'm Liam."
Caleb's eyes widen at he noticed the clone. "So cool! Do you usually use your powers?" As this was happening, Kane looked at his schedule until his eyes shifted towards Liam. "ts-." A hand swatted down on Kane's head. He winced as he looked to his brother's hand on his head. "What did Mama said about hitting?" Caleb retorted back, "did your small brain learn anything from the English tutor? You know actual English words, use them, or else." Kane looked to Caleb with a squint. "Or else what?" Caleb leaned closer to his brother with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or else, i can start calling you by your nickname." Kane eyes widen. "Pff, fine! I'll be nice!" Kane turned towards Liam with a menacing glare.

"Nice eyes." Kane clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes before looking back down at Liam with a small smile and heart warming eyes. "Good morning." Caleb clapped his hands together. "They grow up so fast. See? That didn't kill you." He gestured his hand into the air for a short second. "I think i taste blood." Caleb snickered and took his own schedule before looking towards Liam and nodded. "Good morning, stranger. My name's Caleb, this is my brother, Kane and that girl is Layla." He tilted his head towards the girl with the clone by her.

Liam would blink from Kane's glare, slowly arching his brow while keeping his muffin still in hand. And, as he'd cock his head, a smirk would once more appear on his face. "Someone's grouchy this morning." He then couldn't help but smile a bit more, turning his attention to Caleb, and then to the girl with the clone. His Irish accented voice a small bit more prominent in his next sentence. "Nice t' meet ya! I'm Liam."

Layla and the clone waved at Liam before Layla opened the package and read the contents before smiling slightly. " Room 208 huh, that's cool." She looked up at Caleb and dismissed her clone, feeling the soul combining back with the original and she nodded at Caleb's question. "Yeah,when I'm out doing photography or I'm drawing I like to use her to scout out beautiful places so that I can take pictures the next day but I use her for other things." She stared at the muffin that Liam was holding and realized that she hadn't eaten at all and that she was very hungry but it was his so she looked back at Caleb. "So what room numbers did all of you get?"
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