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Fantasy [Closed] Interlocked | IC

Eleventh of Midoth



Health: 73%

  • Addressed: Andril Vaezalvish

    Mentioned: N/A

The door slammed behind her with a reverberating thud! The paintings on the wall quivered in response, and embers from the dying fire in the hearth fluttered from the sudden draft, dancing briefly before settling within the hearth again. Despite the anger bubbling within her, her boots were silent against the maple flooring of the suite, an expensive trait that she had happily paid extra for. The sconces flickered in fear as she swiftly strode towards the desk in the middle of the study, her shadows threatening the flames with suffocation. If she lost any more control on her magic, then the room would've been plunged into darkness the moment she stepped through. Though that wouldn't have made her journey to her desk any more difficult.

Roxii rounded her desk and, after aggressively pushing the chair out of her way, stood over her desk with her hands braced against the edges. Her shadows passed over the stacks of paper, her fuming ceasing for just a moment as she focused. Once her darkness found their target, she grabbed the corner of a seemingly nondescript page out of the stack and, with expert grace, yanked the page out of the middle of the stack. The rest of the pages remained untouched and unmoved. Laying the chosen page upon the desk in front of her, the assassin allowed her shadows to travel across the page, feeling the ink ridges across the page with her magic. This particular letter requested her assistance in taking out an unremarkable shopkeeper. Perhaps the man angered the customer in some way—maybe raised his prices or swindled them out of some prized possession. Either way, it wasn't her place to ask questions. She was just supposed to receive the request, complete it, and get paid.

But she can't complete her mission if her targets keep going missing. This is the fourth target to go missing in the past two days! Whisked away on a silent wind with only a mocking calling card left behind: "Better luck next time" it read. No signature, no name, nothing save for a stamp of a tiger's eye at the bottom. She'd attempted to gather information on the cryptic person or persons that are deliberately ruining her business, but she couldn't get much further beyond rumors that they are a mystery that has been terrorizing some of the best thieves, mercenaries, and assassins for a while now. Whatever they are trying to accomplish, they're selective in who they target. As for why, she's not sure, and no one else is quite sure either. She can't exactly go out and ask their previous targets because, unfortunately for her, they just up and disappeared.

The assassin's fingers drummed against the solid cedar in a steady rhythm as she turned a thought over in her head a few times, tasting the sour plan in her mouth. It'd be risky, but she could perhaps find out who is destroying her career. After all, they were directly affecting her income, and that did not sit well with the Lythari whatsoever. One of her wolf ears twitched in irritation at the thought. She definitely possessed enough gold to allow her to sit comfortably for a couple years, but the lack of steady income, the lack of growing closer to being considered "wealthy" was bothersome. If she was to go back to completing assassination requests unhindered, then she needed to neutralize the threat. Immediately.

Nodding to herself, the wolf-elf picked a random request out of her "incomplete" stack and set out. The target was another unremarkable civilian: a 41-year-old botanist named Milris Parieth. No reasoning behind the request whatsoever, but that was fine. It wasn't like she was going to have a chance to complete the mission anyways. As long as she could find her target quickly, Roxii could be able to put an end to all this troublesome nonsense.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

It took some time and some questionable methods, but the hybrid was able to track down Parieth quickly enough to watch her get taken away by a hooded figure. They were hushed as they spoke to the middle-aged human botanist, explaining the situation and hurriedly wrapping her in a similar cloak to keep her out of sight. They traveled by cart out of the city and down the main road for quite a while before splitting off on a hardly noticeable path. They were silent the entire time, even as they approached a wooden cabin that looked to be abandoned for years. The duo disappeared inside and all was silent for a while.

Roxii waited outside the cabin for some time before moving in closer. Her footfalls were silent as she crept closer, listening carefully for anyone inside or outside who might give away her position. However, she couldn't hear anyone whatsoever. She hesitantly reached out with her shadows, searching for any souls while being careful to not alert anyone with an affinity for magic. Her magic touched no one. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion. It was as if they disappeared into thin air.

Once she was at the entrance, she slowly pushed the door open, hoping that the hinges wouldn't creak. The gods seemed to be merciful today. She searched the small two-room cabin, but like she'd suspected no one was inside. She bit her lip thoughtfully. An old cabin like this ought to have some sort of wine cellar. Her shadows spread out across the floor of the decrepit cabin, searching for any drafts between the cracks and an empty space of some sort. It wasn't difficult for her to find it. Peeling back the rug the door was hidden under, Roxii gripped the handle and hefted the cellar door open. She was met with the thick, damp air of the cellar, and she suppressed the desire to cough.

The assassin tread down the steps carefully and slowly, keeping her shadows reined in just in case these mystery people could detect her darkness. However, she kept her ears up and attentive, listening for any telltale signs of her mystery targets. All she could hear, though, was the steady drip of water falling from the cave ceiling. The drips echoed throughout the cavern, making it difficult for the wolf-elf to pinpoint her own location. Not to mention that the air here was thicker than tar, and despite the humidity it scratched against her throat. Deciding that it may be better for the assassin to risk her location by being able to see, she sent out a soft pulse of darkness.

It revealed to her the lone person standing before her, watching her with mixed interest like a master studying a prospective animal. "
It's about time you arrived," he mocked. Before the wolf-elf could react, another person seemingly appeared out of thin air, and she was violently struck in the back of the head. And this time, the darkness was not so comforting.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

Only a few minutes had passed before the wolf-elf regained consciousness. Her head spun like a dancer, and she could feel the familiar trickle of blood sliding down the nape of her neck. Roxii allowed herself only a moment to gather herself before she realized the potential danger she was in. The hybrid scanned the room, searching for the threats and their locations around her. Her attention fixated upon the lone figure that spoke to her before. No one else was in the room with her and the stranger.. She allowed an inhuman growl to escape her lips as she attempted to lunge towards the man. However, before she could even push herself off the ground, she was met with a heart-stopping shock. The electricity flowed through her body as easily as her blood, and her expression relayed the shock as plainly as the sun on a cloudless day. She opened her mouth to scream in pain, but she couldn't find her breath. So she stayed there, still as a statue, as the electricity ravaged her body.

It really only lasted for about five seconds, but it felt like a lifetime before the electricity ebbed. Shaking violently, Roxii collapsed to the cold, moist ground as she desperately gulped down air. Her fingers slowly traveled up to her neck where the electricity seemed to originate. Only then did she realize that there was a steel collar there, clamped tightly around her neck. Focusing upon it, she could practically hear the dormant electricity flowing through the collar. How it worked, she wasn't sure, but she didn't want to keep it around any longer to find out more about it. She pried at the collar, but it wouldn't budge. She couldn't even find a seam or a latch in the metalwork. It was as if it was forged around her neck. The Lythari rasped, "
What is this?"

The cloaked man before her ignored her question. "
Roxii Dae Sicarius, it is nice to finally meet you." He cocked his head to one side like an intrigued dog. "I'll be honest, I didn't expect the greatest, most feared assassin in all of Thiyalia to be blind. Definitely a surprise." He chuckled, partly to himself. "Excuse me. Where are my manners?" He bowed low, exaggerating the gesture. "My name is Andril Vaezalvish, and welcome to my home."

What is this?" Roxii repeated, her voice hardened from the anger bubbling within.

Do you like it? It's of my own design." Andril grinned smugly. "It's controlled remotely, and it releases a jarring amount of electricity into the wearer's body in real time." That grin remained on his face as he strode closer to the wolf-elf. "And I'm sure you're wondering why I've kept you here, so let me not waste any more of your precious time. It's because I have a proposition for you."

I don't do deals." Venom dripped from each word.

Andril tsked. "
Wrong answer." Just then, another jolt of electricity ravaged the assassin's body. She convulsed for a moment as the electricity gorged itself upon her. This shock was shorter, but it was still as effective in silencing her. "You see, you don't have a choice in this. You disobey me, and I destroy your body from the inside out. You do as I say, and I will release you from your torture when your task is completed." He stopped before her, peering down at her like she were the scum of the land. "Do you understand?"

Roxii grit her teeth, and her fingers dug into the packed dirt below her. "
Go to hell."

Andril sighed and the assassin braced herself for the inevitable shock. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough. The electricity flowed angrily, and this time it was more powerful than the last. She shook violently at the increased amount of voltage in her body, and the air was knocked out of her in the form of a blood-curdling scream. The shock was about as long as the first, only a few seconds, but it left the hybrid in a heap on the floor once it subsided. The tips of her fingers tickled from the remainder of the electricity, and she pressed her forehead against the dirt, the cool earth contrasting the heated sweat that broke upon her brow. Andril waited a moment before repeating, "
Do you understand?"

This time, the wolf-elf stayed silent.

Excellent!" Andril clapped his hands together, grinning like a madman. "I need you to steal a particular heirloom for me. An amulet, if you will. From the Vaneiros family safe in Felnethyr. Are you familiar with the city?"

Roxii started at the name but stayed silent. She resorted to nodding instead.

Even better!" He stooped down to be level with the crouching assassin. His eyes traveled over her face, occasionally stopping at the blindfold wrapped around her head. He reached out a hand and gingerly lifted her chin, making sure that she was listening. Roxii fought back the urge to flinch away from his touch, making sure to not give him another reason to electrocute her. "I trust you will do this for me, Roxii Dae Sicarius. Else..." His finger tapped the steel collar menacingly, his fingernail clinking against the cool metal. This time, she couldn't resist pulling back from him.

Andril suddenly straightened and walked away, waving a hand dismissively. "
Don't let me down, Roxii Dae Sicarius," he called over his shoulder. "And remember: I'm always watching." A beat later, the wolf-elf was struck in the head once again, this time much harder than before. She crumpled to the ground like a ragdoll, and she embraced the safety of the darkness that enveloped her.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

Roxii awoke hours later to the moonlight filtering in through her window. She groaned as she sat up, her mattress mirroring her discomfort as she moved. A hand went to her head, hoping to steady the spinning. She pulled her fingers away and found them dry; in fact, there was no blood on her. The assassin gingerly propped the back of her head. The split was still there, but the blood had been cleaned before Andril and his men deposited her at her home. She moved her attention to the collar still clamped around her neck. The metal was cool to the touch despite the raging heat and energy contained within. She shivered, remembering the volts that devastated her body just hours before. This Andril was a complete madman, but he was definitely not stupid. She needed to play this carefully.

The pounding in her head intensified, and she let out a low groan. "
I need a drink," she mumbled. The assassin gathered her essentials and, making sure that nothing was taken from her during her rather unpleasant encounter—which seemed like everything was accounted for—, she slipped out of her suite and headed for her second favorite place where she could drink to forget the day's events: Ravenscrye Tavern.



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Alannis Vaneiros

    Mentioned: N/A

A fresh snow had fallen overnight, blanketing the northern kingdom of Felnethyr in white. It was a refreshing sight to see. The crumbling buildings and dying vegetation were hidden by the blanket, tricking the eye into thinking that Felnethyr wasn't falling into ruin. It was a relief to not be able to distinguish the standing buildings from the ones that only had three walls left, or the parts of the kingdom wall that began falling lower than the rest, or see the slimy muck that covered the sides of buildings and statues, or see that the royal garden was absolutely barren and devoid of life. The whole kingdom was in a sad state of disarray, and it was rather humiliating to be a part of it.

Aerendal braced himself against the balustrade, peering out over his dying kingdom. To think that the streets used to be pristine, the land arable, the shops successful, and the kingdom bustling with people—with friends. It was, to say the least, embarrassing to admit that he helped rule this kingdom. He supposed the blame couldn't be set on him, however. It's not like he got any say in how the kingdom should be run. At least he was able to sit in on the meetings; that was a step in the right direction, he supposed. But it still stood that his word, his advice, was completely dismissed. And this is what it led to.

My Lord?" Aerendal turned to face a young man, no older than sixteen. He cast his green eyes downward when the commander looked at him before speaking again. "The queen requests your presence in the throne room immediately." The boy seemed to think his feet were very interesting because he refused to look back up at the man.

Aerendal sighed. "
You mean 'demands'." The messenger boy didn't comment. "I will be there immediately." The boy nodded quickly before turning on his heel and speeding off, eager to be out of the presence of such a high ranking official. Before the boy could step out into the hall, however, Aeren called out, "Lift your chin, lad. It won't always be this bad." The boy hesitated, mulling on the words for a moment, before disappearing down the hall towards the throne room. The male sighed again, whispering, "I promise."

⟡ ⟡ ⟡​

The commander made sure to make good on his word, swiftly going to the throne room as soon as possible. He knew the queen didn't like waiting, especially when she "requested" something. He'd rather not be on the receiving end of her anger and malice. So now he was standing to the side of the Queen of Felnethyr, Alannis Vaneiros, as she peered down at a young boy. He looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, clad in deep red messenger's clothing. Curly, blond hair sat atop his head, contrasting nicely with his lightly tanned skin. Compared to Felnethyr's messengers, this boy looked to be a prince to Felnethyr's peasants. Another humiliation that Aerendal made sure to keep quiet about.

Queen Alannis glared down at the young boy, turning his message over and around in her head. He'd just brought news that the King of Anestead refused to send any more aid to their dying kingdom. No more money, no more food, no more weapons and ammunition, no more supplies. It was grim news, and the tension was thick in the room; so thick that Aeren could've sliced his sword through it. Everyone was silent as they waited for the queen's response. Would she accept this fate? Would she find an alternative supplier? Would she push to continue the aid with more "benefits"? There was no way she was going to do something reasonable about the situation, but nothing could've prepared him for the next words to leave her mouth.

Bring me his head."

Everyone gasped and the boy's eyes went wide. "
I I Your Majesty, I can speak to the King! Please, I can speak to him, give me a chance! I implore you, Your Majesty, let me send another message!" The boy glanced back and forth at the gathered court and the executioner that stepped forward. "Please!" he screamed. "Please!" Within a few strides, the executioner was beside the boy. The messenger tried to pull away from the large man, but one hand kept the boy still as, with a decisive cut, the executioner brought the sword down on the boy's neck. The young boy's head rolled on the floor, bouncing on the cold stone like a terribly made ball. The executioner dropped the boy's body and stopped to pick the head up by the boy's curly hair. He brought the head to the queen, who held her hand out like a child awaiting their prize.

Queen Alannis held her other hand out towards Aerendal. "
Knife," she demanded simply. The commander didn't hesitate to hand his dagger over to the queen. She maneuvered the blade along the face of the boy, her delicate hand careful with each prod and slice. Everyone stood still, shifting on their feet in discomfort at the scene they just witnessed. A couple guards dragged the body off to a side door to be disposed of, but no one else moved. They either stared at the bloody pool on the floor or the queen defacing the young messenger's head. The silence seemed to drag on forever, and Aeren wondered what sort of terrible thing she was doing to the boy's poor face.

The queen finished up her artwork and, after holding it out in front of her to admire her work, passed the dagger and the head over to the commander. "
Aerendal, I would like you to personally deliver this message over to our good friend, the King of Anestead." Aerendal gazed down at the severed head in his hands, reading the crude message the queen had carved into the poor messenger boy's face. "And be sure that he understands that the war will come to him whether he likes it or not."

War?!" Aeren couldn't stop the incredulous word from escaping him.

Your Majesty, we cannot afford to go to war," Chancellor Morthil beseeched. "We hardly have enough to take care of our people, much less our armies."

Aerendal chimed in, "
And our armies are nothing compared to the people the King of Anestead has at his disposal."

The queen held up a hand. "
I am the queen, and you will do as I say." Her voice was commanding, and everyone went silent at the authoritative statement. She turned her attention directly to Aeren. "Now prepare for the journey and set out immediately. I do not want to see you at dinner tonight." And with that, the meeting was dismissed and Queen Alannis was escorted to her chambers. Aerendal exchanged a worried glance with Morthil, but he didn't stick around long to discuss the matter.

It only took him an hour to gather enough resources to last him the journey and saddle up his horse—as well as find a suitable sack for the messenger's head. The journey would be long and difficult, but he couldn't complain. He's been trying to find a reason to leave the suffocating confines of Felnethyr and the iron fist of his cousin. He couldn't stand this anymore. This lady, queen or not, was going to destroy this kingdom, and he was not going to let that happen. He couldn't not deliver the message and not return to the queen; she'd send out her best to find him and torture him for treason. No, he needed help. And he knew exactly who to look for: the rightful Queen of Felnethyr, Faelyn Vaneiros.

Ryuta Ushima​

A redhead silently crept among the halls, dressed as a messenger as he looked around him. Well all that hype and the castle really wasn't in much better shape than the village. There really wouldn't be much he could bring back to feed his family. He knew he would also get the scolding of a lifetime from his older brother Trace. But he was used to breaking into places. After all to survive in Felnethyr you had to steal. You had to get good at it too. SO the redhead learned that from a young age. As he crept pas the throne a voice called out to him.

"You there!" the queen called and the redhead could practically feel like his blood had turned to ice as he went over to the queen.

"Yes mam?" He asked, trying to make himself as meek as possible.

"Tell Aerendal I want him here immediately," the queen responded. The redhead barely kept his persona up as he heard that. Here the person that caused all this destruction and mayhem was telling him to bring her cousin. He despised her for what she has done and would rather not do her bidding. But he had little choice if he wished to remain alive. He rushed off to go talk to man.

"My Lord?" Aerendal turned to face the redhead who was no older than sixteen. He cast his green eyes downward when the commander looked at him before speaking again. After all he needed to look as meek as possible if he were to get away with this. Not to mention call one of the assholes Lord. They were to blame for this situation they didn't deserve their tittle. "The queen requests your presence in the throne room immediately." Ryu just kept looking at his feet, praying Aerendal didn't see through his ruse.

Aerendal sighed. "You mean 'demands'." The redhead didn't comment but he knew that what Aerendal said was true. And would have loved to comment 'oh yes her high and mightiness definitely demands your presence like the diva she is'. "I will be there immediately." Ryu nodded his head quickly, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, not wanting to give away what he was really here for. But before the redhead could step out into the hall, however, Aerendal called out, "Lift your chin, lad. It won't always be this bad." Ryu hesitated, not expecting the man to say that. It sounded like the man was trying to insinuate something and Ryu wasn't sure what. He frowned. Maybe he just might have to follow this man to find out. Ryu rushed out of sight and into the throne room, hiding behind a pillar so no-one would see him as Aerendal came into the room.

Ryu couldn't hear a word they were saying but he could easily make out the pale aces of everyone there and then someone with an axe cut off the messenger that was there's head. Ryu bit his tongue to bit back his gasp of horror. This was just one more reason to hate the nobles. He glared at the guard that brought the head to the queen and continued to glare as the queen wrote her message. Aerendal said something to the queen and she said something back then Aerendal took off. the redhad followed after him, intent on finding out what was going on. During the whole hour gathering resorces Ryu took the time to inspect his own. His senbon and throwing dagger were safely tucked away and ready to be used. The poison tipped senbon separated from the others in their own separate compartment in the pouch on his right thigh. The throwing dagger pouch rested on his left. He hurried to catch up to the man when he saw him heading to the stables. Unfortunately he ended up causing a racket when a horse tried to get at him. Him and horses never got along.

Well since his game was up he might as well ask the man what was going on. "What is going on with that beheading?" Ryu asked the man. "What plan are you fucking nobles up to now that will farther ruin our lives? I mean haven't you done enough damage?"
Aito Garcia

Aito sighed as he washed the dished, staring at the stars. He wanted to leave this place. To go exploring but... he was sold as a slave to this man. He knew it could be worse. That he could be uneducated and not well taken care of. His master could treat him like a pet or worse than dirt or something else than what he was treated as. Aito was treated as a valued member o the master's family. Not just as an employee but he was family to the master. The master treated most of his slaves like that in fact. So Aito knew it could be so much worse. He knew it could be so bad.

"I wish I could explore the world and become a reporter," Aito mumbled to himself.

"Then do it Aito," a white man dressed very finely told the Mexican boy. The white haired male turned around fast to the man.

"I'm sorry master I didn't realize you were there," Aito apologized.

"There is no need to apologize. I'm glad I heard your dream before you just were squandered away here, too old to accomplish your dream. But you are young Aito and you can still do it. In fact I'll help you with it. I'll provide the funds and everything. Just promise me that you will come back okay?" Th man said and Aito seemed stunned. That's how the next few days passed in whirlwind of preparation and excitement.

"Where should I go first?" Aito asked upon his horse.

"i have an old friend in Ravenscrye Tavern, a man called Luxion. He knows everyone in that town and has been all over the world. Don't let his shady appearance dissuade you he is a very nice guy. If a little vulgar. He should be able to point you to some good spots," The master said with a smile. "Goodbye Aito and take care. Be sure to come back."

"I will thank you," Aito smiled as he left to begin his long journey.



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: Alannis Vaneiros [Briefly]

Aerendal had been finishing up strapping up and saddling his horse when he heard the messenger boy enter the stables. His steps were erratic and heavy, betraying his displeasure and lack of discipline. The hardened commander could already tell he was the destination for the boy, and he wondered if the boy was going to ask him to come along. He pondered the possibility of an accomplice. The boy was far from ready to wield a sword against highly trained officers. If they were to encounter obstacles on the road, which was expected, would the messenger boy be of aid or would he only be a distraction, a liability? Of course, if the boy were to lose his life on the road, Her Majesty would never even notice his absence, instead filling in his place with another expendable peasant from the fields. On the other hand, Aerendal would be kicking himself for the death of such a young boy with possibilities; not many opportunities, sure, but opportunities nonetheless.

The boy spoke, a familiar anger and resentment residing in his venomous words. "
What plan are you fucking nobles up to now that will further ruin our lives? I mean, haven't you done enough damage?" His words stung the commander, and he could understand where the boy was coming from. However, demanding inquiries such as that could get him killed.

Aeren turned and peered down at the boy, his eyes boring into the boy's own. "
Watch your tongue, boy," he spoke, his voice unrelenting. "That tone could get you killed when around the wrong people." His gaze stayed on the boy a bit longer before his expression softened, the years of exhaustion and hopelessness catching up to him. "We can't speak here," Aeren stated softly, his voice lowered so as to not attract unwanted attention. "If you would like to get out of this shithole, I suggest you come with me. I will tell you what I know." Honesty laced his words at the invitation. He fixed up the final strap on his horse—a gray Lipizzan that he dubbed Fire for her fiery, untameable spirit—, pulled himself up onto the saddle, and gazed down at the boy, waiting for a response.



Health: 73%

  • Addressed: Luxion

    Mentioned: None

The walk to Ravenscrye Tavern was a short one, a benefit that the assassin had made sure to have when looking for a place to call home. The Lythari made sure to wrap herself in a nondescript cloak, and it was not because of the chill in the air. Hrive was finally transitioning into Tuile, but it was not leaving without throwing out a few cold days here and there. Within time, the farmers would be back to work in the fields, cultivating their crops to last them through the next year until the next Hrive blew in.

During the walk, her mind drifted to the collar clamped tightly around her neck. She was extremely conscious of the cold metal pressed against her skin. How humiliating! Tricked and caught by a nobody that can't do anything for himself! It was deflating to realize that she had walked directly into that trap. Her ears pressed against her head in disappointment. The collar reminded her of the chains she was just a couple years before. The memories of being beaten, whipped, and worked to near-death flashed across her mind, causing a shiver to run through her body. If anyone were to see that the woman had a collar around her throat, they could easily deduce that she was some sort of slave or prisoner. Definitely a mark on her pride. She couldn't let anyone see, no matter what. The cloak was pulled tighter around her, fingers gripping the fabric desperately.

The rambunctious laughter and heated conversations could be heard long before the wolf-elf entered the building. Her ears rotated forward instinctively as she unconsciously searched for any waiting threats in the tavern. When she sensed none, Roxii kept her pace and pushed open the door to the inn. There were quite a few customers in the tavern tonight, enjoying their time with their rowdy friends before they had to go to work the next morning. The bar maiden was busy keeping the customers happy, both by providing them drinks and throwing hearty insults at the lustful men. They understood that the tomboyish female was off-limits, but they still enjoyed teasing her and receiving "hard to get" retorts. They also understood that if anyone were lay a finger on the woman, the owner of the establishment would promptly beat them into oblivion and bar them from the tavern. And no one wanted to be banned from the bar.

Roxii made her way carefully between the tables of men, silently sauntered to an empty, two-person booth in the corner against the back wall, away from the rest of the patrons. It was far from silent, but the hybrid could make an exception for one of her favorite places. Before long, the waitress brought over a full shot of whisky and a ten-ounce steak with a couple rolls. The wolf-elf mumbled a thank you to the waitress, nodded towards the bar maiden, Divrik, in thanks, and deposited enough coins in the waitress' hand to pay for the meal. She began digging into the hearty meal, savoring the flavors that erupted in her mouth. It was no different than the other times she'd visited the tavern, but that was why she kept coming back. The food was excellent every time, and the alcohol was just as good.

She had already finished off her third shot and was waiting on her fourth when a figure approached her table and sat opposite her. Her shadows traveled over the man, but they were lazy and she found it difficult to pinpoint who the man was due to the buzz she was getting from the alcohol. The waitress appeared and poured her fourth shot, and the man handed her the gold coins before the assassin could pay the woman. He finally spoke when the waitress left. "
Been a bit since we last spoke, Roxii. How have you been?"

The elven hybrid scowled and practically growled, the voice finally registering in her memory. "
Fuck off, Luxion." The demand was simple, and the hatred wasn't entirely directed at the shady man. Roxii pulled the cloak tighter about her despite the warmth, hiding the collar further. "I'm not in the mood," she admitted.

Luxion chuckled heartily, enjoying her displeasure at his company. "
Seems someone had a bad day," he gibed. His eyes traveled over the blind woman, noticing her lack of interest in conversation. And ignored it. "Going on any new adventures soon? I'd love to hear more about the corners of the world I can't experience." He grinned at the Lythari, showing his grimy, yellowed teeth—what's left of them, that is. "You know, there was once a time where I visited Balzhod. You know the one? The orcish city down south? Oh, it was terrible!" His rambling continued on about the orcish city he supposedly visited, recounting a story that the wolf-elf had already heard once before.

Roxii groaned and, having finished her fourth shot of whisky, pressed her forehead against her forearms on the table. Her wolf ears rotated away from the man, wishing that he would stop talking. Unfortunately, she knew that no amount of insults or body language would make the man realize she didn't care and make him leave. Nothing short of grabbing the man by the collar and throwing him across the room, but she knew he'd still crawl back to the assassin to finish his story. And so, the wolf-elf endured the excited retelling of the story as she let the alcohol attempt to whisk her away to a far off land, away from the presence of Luxion.

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Ryuta Ushima

Ryu continued to glare at the man before he sighed. "It's not that I am trying to escape here it's that I'm trying to make things better for my family. And if whatever it is you are doing may have the slightest chance of improving the lives of the people here and those I care for then I will go along. I just... would like to find some better clothes first.... I'm not exactly as I presented myself to be. I'm not a messenger and the hat that I'm wearing is more to... well see for yourself." Ryu removed the hat to reveal his long elf ears. Elves were common in the kingdom but by Ryu's shape of ears it was easy to tell what kind of elf he was. A fire elf. Most Fire Elves were ridiculed and killed because of the fear the queen, who was a fire user instilled in the general populace. And it didn't help Ryu himself had always had a knack for fire magic, being a natural at it. To him it was like breathing, it was a part of him. Just like his ranged fighting was something he always had a knack for. He wasn't good fighting close up but if he was faced against men with a bow and arrow or men that were pretty far away he would always win. He has never missed where he aimed before and he didn't ever intend to start. He usually played with his fire sometimes when he was bored, showing how could he was with the element. The redhead couldn't be burned by fire either though cold and water tended to weaken his abilities. Which is why he hated the messenger outfit even more. It wasn't built to take the cold. And Ryu would rather wear his nice warm cloak and long sleeve black shirt and pants than this mess. His brown boots and black archery gloves were great to. He needed to also get his bow and arrow that he had stashed as well. It wouldn't take long as he had stashed the stuff around here.

Aito Garcia

Aito walked into the tavern and took in the sights and sounds with awe as he looked around. It was so cool! This was his first time being in a tavern. He was really excited.

"Hey look it's a slave boy," a man pointed out to the others, noticing the brand on Aito's cheek. It represented the house of Roia. A well known noble house. And the brand showed that Aito was a slave of said house. "I bet he's a runaway. We can make a lot of money by selling him back." The man stood and walked over to Aito, he crew joining him. Aito whimpered as he looked over to their group.

"St-Stay back!" Aito said, not wanting to fight. "I don't want to fight!"

"I bet you don't slave boy," the man said as he went to grab Aito.

"I said stay back!" Aito cried as thick thorny vines impaled the men that surrounded Aito. The white haired male never learned how to control his powers and when he was scared said powers just reacted. Taking out the precieved threat. The whole tavern went silent as they saw this. Luxion even stopped his story to stare in disbelief at the kid. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Aito said very softly as he found his shoes much more interesting.

(picture I am attaching is Aito's slave mark)


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Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: None

The commander gazed at the boy as he spoke, the honesty flowing from him like a river. He furrowed his brow at the green-eyed boy, wondering what the boy could possibly gain from telling the lord all this information and hide himself away in the castle. When the hat was removed, however, and he witnessed the long, slender, beat-red elven ears and the fiery red hair, Aerendal's eyes went wide with fear and surprise. He reached down and grabbed the hat from the boy's hands and hurriedly put the hat back on his head, practically slamming it down over his ears but without hurting the boy. "Traako! What are you doing?!" he whispered violently. "You can't be showing off your heritage around these parts, lad! They could get you killed, much like your tone!"

The High Commander of Felnethyr gazed at the boy incredulously, wondering how the fire elf and his family were surviving in this crumbling city without having been demolished or enslaved by the queen. Or being ridiculed and beaten by the Felnethyr people who hated the queen and her fire with such vigor. Did she or the people even know what dwelled within their kingdom? Most likely not, since the boy could still participate in a coherent conversation. Perhaps it was best they didn't know. And what if this boy stayed here any longer? How much more time would it take before the queen realized he and his family existed within her midst? Aerendal couldn't bear the possibilities that could ensue. He couldn't bear to have another boy's blood on his hands. If he could stop this one, then that would be enough. For now.

Aeren took a moment before speaking again. "
Gather your things, lad," he commanded urgently. "You must not be seen, and we must get you out of sight of the queen and her people. Do not worry for your family; I will prepare accommodations for them."



Health: 86%

  • Addressed: Luxion

    Mentioned: Aito Garcia

The wolf-elf had begun to drift into a drunken darkness when she noted rising, jeering voices. "Hey, look! It's a slave boy!" The assassin refused to lift her head at the commotion, refusing to look like she was listening to Luxion's insistent ramblings. Not like not listening would make his stories halt, anyways. "I bet he's a runaway!" The jeering continued, mocking laughter rising up from the crowds. The hybrid barely registered the scraping of chairs being pushed back as men began rising from their seats, swaying on drunken legs. Another drunken brawl for another idiotic, drunken reason. The assassin debated on leaving then, but she knew that she was too far into her six shots of whisky to make it home relatively okay. She could rent out a room, but she didn't approve of the privacy—or lack thereof—that an inn lodging provided. Perhaps she could just sit out the fight here, enduring the incessant ramblings of the shady, old man sitting across from her until the room stopped spinning enough for her to make it home.

But this bar fight was rather different than the others she'd witnessed (drunkenly)—and perhaps participated in. Roxii could barely make out the scene just ten feet away through her shadow pulses, but she could vaguely discern that a burly man, the one doing most of the jeering she suspected, found himself to be impaled by... thorns? Perhaps she'd had enough to drink. The tavern went silent at the spectacle and, realizing their error, returned back to their own conversations though in more hushed, careful tones. The owner shook his head and the burly man's bleeding body in the middle of the floor but paid no heed to the cause of the destruction. The man had become a problem patron to the Ravenscrye Tavern owner, so to be rid of the irritating customer was more of a blessing than a curse. So the owner had the man's body dumped out back and not another word was spoken about it. After the waitress had broken out of her shocked state, she shyly walked back over to the assassin's table and offered more whisky, to which the elf hybrid relented to one more shot before waving off the shaking girl.

Roxii was so used to the old man's voice that it took her a few before realizing that the man had stopped telling one of his magnificent stories. Instead, he was gawking at the newcomer, the supposed "slave boy" with a renewed interest. He flashed another slimy grin before standing up abruptly from the two-person booth. "
O-ho!" He opened his arms wide and approached the boy. "What an intriguing specimen you are, my boy!" By then, all of the attention had averted away from the boy, now realizing that Luxion had taken an interest in him. He wrapped a comforting arm around the boy's shoulders, though the grip he held on him was one that would not allow escape. "My name is Luxion, my boy. You are something I have not seen in a long time, and I would like to get to know you better. Here!"

He guided the boy over to the two-person table that Roxii was still seated at, practically shoving him into the booth across from the wolf-elf. If she growled like a wild animal, she couldn't tell nor remember, but her face did not leave the crook of her arms. "
Come, come! Sit! Let me get you a drink!" Luxion pulled a chair from another table and brought it to the table as he flagged down the waitress. Within seconds, she had brought and poured the boy a tall glass of beer while Luxion continued talking. "This here," he gestured to the obviously annoyed assassin, "is Roxii. I'm not quite sure what she does, but she's much more fun when she's had a good day." He paused. "Or drunk enough to not remember the night!" He gazed at the assassin as her wolf ears flattened against her head in anger and her tail twitched in annoyance. Luxion leaned a bit closer to the odd boy, attempting to whisper but not doing so well at the art. "I promise she's much better to be around once you get past her bitchiness, anger, and general dislike for people. In fact, she's a rather fine person to be around." He waggled his eyebrows at the boy and began laughing at his own perverted joke.

Once he had calmed himself down, he propped his chin up on a hand, looking as interested in the boy as a lover looking at his newlywed wife. "
So what's your name, boy? Where do you come from? Is that actually the mark of the Roia's? Great people, they are."

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Ryuta Ushima

The redhead stared at him in disbelief, he was really going to help his family? He was really going to get them out of here? "Thank you," Ryu said, genuinely as he rushed to get his things and quickly pulled them on, pulling his hood over his head to cover his ears. "I can't thank you enough." The redhead pulled his bow and arrows on his back and followed after the man.

"So um... horses kinda have a problem with me and... um... how am I going to keep up with you?" Ryu asked, nervously. "And I haven't introduced myself either... I'm Ryu."

Aito Garcia

"...How are you and the Master friends?" Aito asked, confused. "You talk way too much... Though if I must answer your question I come from the Roia Mannor, so yes that is actually their mark. The Master is helping me fufill my dream to explore the world he suggested that I talk to you to where to go first. I'm Aito Garcia."



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: None

The commander nodded at the boy's incredulous questions. His heart swelled at the sight of the excited boy as he went to gather his supplies and equipment. It was a feeling the man hadn't felt in a long time, since he was a young boy walking the castle halls with a little pep in his step. It had been a long time since he felt any sort of joy or hope, but the sight of seeing this "messenger" boy, or whatever he wanted to consider himself, so genuinely touched and thrilled. He was a boy who'd endured worse than any boy in Aerendal's generation. It was rather depressing to not be able to give the young the life they deserve. Perhaps he could, though. He just needed some time...

Aeren watched the boy and chuckled at his uncertainty of being around a horse, much less mounting one. "
Aye, Ryu, it's because you haven't yet found the right horse! Wait here." The brunet dismounted his own horse and walked a ways down the stable. He passed stall after stall until he stopped before a seemingly empty stall. However, when peering over he could see the young mare within. She was quiet and calm, an exact opposite to his Fire. She was a bit smaller than the other females, perfect for the teenager, but she still harbored the strength and stamina of her competitors. The dark-brown Paso Fino would be perfect for the boy, not the mention the long journey they were to embark on shortly.

It only took Aerendal a few minutes to saddle up the horse and get her prepared for the trek. Afterwards, he brought the mare out and led her to Ryuta. "
Be slow, now," he told the red-haired boy. "Let her come to you." After the boy would raise his hand out to the horse, the mare would hesitantly sniff his hand. If he stays still, she will slowly get closer to the boy until he can carefully pet her. An unlikely bond would begin to form here, and it would also give Aeren a chance to have his own horse (especially since Fire would be very much against carrying a second passenger).



Health: 93%

  • Addressed: Luxion | Aito Garcia

    Mentioned: None

Luxion laughed heartily at the boy's nervousness in his presence. It was better than the wolf-elf's pure displeasure towards him. Either way, it brought humor to the old traveler's life. "Well, Aito Garcia, Geffrey and I go way back," he answered, an outstretched arm exaggerating the actual length of their acquaintanceship. "It was wise of your old man to send you to me. There are so many good places for you to visit. Let's see..." Luxion placed a thoughtful finger on his chin. "There's Yhens, Meleth Soren, Leildas... The Esedell Meadows were once beautiful, but they're not quite worth the journey anymore. Dagh Farum is quite the sight, a mass trading post for all peoples. Oh, Khir Malduhr is a must! So many technological advancements that I could hardly understand! Arynidra is a great place, too! The Great Tree of the high elves! The Wyntague Cliffs are interesting in the fact that they make you feel like a peanut compared Are you writing this down? You should also visit the port-city, Koln. Lots of neat things and people coming from overseas there!"

There was a pause as Luxion pondered the other places he visited within Thiyalia. After a long silence, he finally spoke again, "
There are a few places you never want to visit, not unless you can fend for yourself." His tone had reduced into one of caution, but the humor still danced between his words. "The Scarlet Heights are a glorious sight to behold, but I recommend staying away from them and everything near them. Rumors say their reddish hue isn't just from the red-tinged rocks they're comprised of. I've heard there are ruins beyond the mountains with unimaginable treasures, but the dangers protecting them don't seem worth the risk to me." He shrugged, as if to himself. "Imerion Caverns is rumored to house dragons! Rather preposterous, I must admit, but the stories they generate make the kiddos happy. Sanguine Isle is another no-no. "He waggled his finger at the boy, as if scolding him for something bad he'd done. He didn't even notice the assassin tense at the mention of the island. "Of course, they would never let you even close to the labor camp. Reserved for the worst criminals, that place is. And then there's Felnethyr–"

Roxii practically snapped her head up at the mention of the city, instantly regretting the abrupt movement as the room began to spin violently. She ignored the dizziness and was able to form a coherent sentence despite the drunkenness clouding her mind. This would also be the first time her face would be seen by naïve boy—what little he would be able to see, at least, with the blindfold covering her eyes. "
What's wrong with Felnethyr?" she inquired of the old traveler.

Luxion, surprised by the assassin's sudden participation in the conversation, gazed at the blind woman for a moment before answering. "
Have you not heard? Felnethyr has become a ruin since its fall. Her Majesty," he placed extra emphasis on the title in a mocking tone, accompanied by air quotes, "has only brought destruction to the kingdom, and its a rather sad sight altogether." He turned his attention back to Aito. "I wouldn't recommend visiting because of the very high chance of being robbed, kidnapped, or even murdered. I like you, boyand the Roia familybut I don't think Geffrey would like me very much if I sent you off to die or be captured by another master." He winked at the boy and laughed again, then turned his attention back to the Lythari. "Do you have family in Felnethyr? I'd get them out of there, if you can. That place is about to collapse in on itself."

However, the hybrid had already stopped listening to the old man. She thought about the falling kingdom just a week's walk to the west. That was where Andril wanted her to travel, to steal the amulet from the Vaneiros vault. She was no thief, especially not by trade, but she was stealthy and a skilled killer, which was probably why he sought an assassin instead of a thief. If Felnethyr was in such a pitiful, dangerous state, then someone who could kill to get to their prize was a better option. Thieves' code said that they could not kill unless for self defense. Something like this, would it be self defense or a massacre? The shadowy assassin would have to plan carefully for this mission. The faster she got to Felnethyr, the faster she could get this stupid abomination off her neck.

Roxii? Hellooo?" Luxion trilled. The blind Lythari broke out of her thoughts and tilted her head slightly, silently requesting him to repeat his question. "I asked if you knew where the boy should travel first? Perhaps he can come with you. A hardened traveler such as yourself could protect the boy while he explored–"

I'm no chauffeur," she snapped harshly. Roxii pushed herself out of the booth and stood. The world began spinning like a top again, and she groaned as a hand went to steady her head. "Either way, I'm going to Felnethyr," Roxii continued, "Like you said, you didn't want to send him to his death." Her tone was cold with a hint of dark humor. It was the complete opposite of the light-hearted humor of the old traveler. "Do you?"

For once, the old man was silent.

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Ryuta Ushima

The redhead closed his eyes as he held out his hand to the horse, afraid of being hurt. The horse snorted, seeming to find his fear silly as she approached him, nuzzling him as if to say he had nothing to fear. Ryu opened his eyes and stared at this beautiful, in his mind, horse in awe. "You are so beautiful," Ryu told her as he pet her. The horse nuzzled him again, as if saying thank you. Ryu smiled brightly, just petting her and enjoying the little horse. "What's her name?"

Aito Garcia

Aito pulled out a paper and quill and quickly started writing the things that the man was saying down, not wanting to miss a thing. Especially not the whole dangerous places. He would likely end up killing more people accidentally if he went there. In fact that would likely end up happening a lot. Which is why his master recommended hiring a body guard.

"Falnethyr seems important to you Roxii. I could go with you as a sort of shield. I mean I have no idea how to fight or even how to use my powers and honestly I always end up accidentally killing people like you just saw. They react when I am scared or frightened or in a bad situation or when someone attacks me. It gets rid of the threat whether I want it to or not. I was going to be killed if the Master hadn't bought me. My powers killed so many paying customers that I was surprised that hadn't killed me already. My powers is over all the elements. Not excluding any so you can imagine how powerful that can be. So like I said you could easily use me a human shield due to my powers. The master recommended that I hire a body guard in the long run though. Since I've never fought. I don't know how to wield any weapon and my powers just automatically go for the kill. So that's a thing. I know with all these flaws you're likely wondering why I even suggested going with you. The reason for that is you look desperate. Worried too. It's clear to me that your worried about Falnethyr and the state it is in. I don't know why though."

Aito took a sip of his alcohol after he said this. He wasn't really new to the drink or anything. He liked it to be honest but he rarely got to enjoy it. There was barely any time for down time working in the mansion. But Aito enjoyed it when he did. Aito also had a high tolerance for alcohol as well. He's only ever been drunk once before and that was the first time he tired it and didn't know his limit. Never again though.

The twenty-three year old also knew he didn't often act his age, especially when excited but he never really left the mansion ever after he was bought. And Roxii and Luxion likely thought he was a teenager or something. His appearance didn't help matters after all. He looked like he was only fourteen and it irritated him. Not to mention his master only told him about the fact the slavers were going to kill him to try and warn Aito of the dangers of the world here recently when they were preparing. Aito had been far too young to remember it after all. Aito did kinda doubt that people could be that cruel though but he would trust his Master and try to be wary.



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: Queen Alannis [Briefly]

The elven commander watched the boy carefully acquaint himself with the mare, a sad smile pulling a corner of his mouth upwards. The sight reminded him of when he was a child. Horses were not fond of his presence or his rowdy character. He used to hate horses for their dislike of him, stamping at him and trying to kick him. It wasn't until his Uncle Vesryn taught him how to behave around the horses, care for them, and bond with them. It took some time, especially since he was such an impatient child, but he soon was able to be around the horses without them trying to kill him. He wasn't able to ride most of them, but they at least allowed him near them, which was an improvement.

"What's her name?" Aeren reluctantly dragged himself out of the memory and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Toleth is what we've called her," he answered. "Not like she responds to it anyways. She may be calm, but she doesn't always like taking orders. Like your average woman." He chuckled softly at his joke.

Without waiting for a response, Aerendal pulled himself atop his own horse and beckoned the boy to mount his new horse. "We'd better get going. It's getting late, and I don't want to find out how far Her Majesty will go to enforce her threat if I'm still around at dinnertime." And with that, the blue-eyed male would urge his horse forward and lead the boy out of the castle walls, through the upper city, past the lower class homes and fields, and out of Felnethyr territory. And as they would the threshold that separated Felnethyr territory from the barren Esedell Meadows, their perilous, long journey would have officially begun.



Health: 95%

  • Addressed: Aito Garcia | Luxion

    Mentioned: None

"I could go with you as a sort of shield." The wolf-elf's ears rotated forward at the invitation, the remainder of her right ear looking odd next to its untouched counterpart. Her brow furrowed and, if she had no blindfold, the boy would find the shadowy female narrowing her eyes and glaring daggers into his very soul. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't make the rambling boy realize that she didn't appreciate the "kind gesture". Instead, her tail twitched and her hands clenched into tight fists as she kept herself from shutting the boy up by force. But by the time the boy reached the end of his spiel, she had to mentally restrain herself from knocking the boy into oblivion.

Roxii bared her sharp, carnivorous teeth, resembling that of an angered, wild animal. "
I am not desperate," the Lythari hissed. "And I don't need your help. So go bother someone else. Make this old fool parade you around." The hybrid turned—a bit carefully due to the buzz that numbed her senses—and began storming off from the table.

Luxion, having sat quietly during the entire ordeal, jumped up from his seat. He shot a sorrowful glance towards the boy and motioned him to wait there as he chased after the Lythari. "
Roxii!" he called. "Wait!" He reached her just before she exited the tavern and grabbed her by the arm, flinching away from the raised fist she presented. It took all of her willpower to slowly lower her arm without bringing harm to the old traveler. "Now just wait a second, Roxii," he pleaded. "Give the boy a chance."

I'm not a babysitter," she snapped at the man, ruthlessness lacing the words. "I am not going to be liable for anyone."

Luxion insisted, "
He wants to explore, my good friend! And I am definitely in no shape to be traveling across the land again." He grinned again, but this time was more genuinely kind than humorous or perverted. "Do you even know what it's like to be locked up for god knows how long and forget what the world looks like?"

Roxii paused. Of course she knew what it was like, but she couldn't tell the man that. The countless days being underground and forgetting what shade of blue the sky was, how the sun felt upon her skin or how cool the rain was upon her heated skin. Or forgetting what flowers looked like and which ones were daisies and which ones were sunflowers. Or forgetting how serene a forest was, whether the green was up above, below, or all around. Forgetting what it felt like to be entirely content, with a full belly and a good book. Forgetting what friendly faces looked like, and how to discern the allies from the enemies. Forgetting what it felt like to talk to people without the fear of being caught or to sing joyously, no matter how terribly.

Her attention turned back to the boy, sitting alone at the booth. She knew what it was like, and a very odd, very familiar tightness in her chest almost made her give in to the man's pleadings. But where she was going was dangerous, and the last thing she wanted to do was bring this naïve, innocent stranger into the middle of a war zone. The world needed more people like that boy alive—people that wanted to explore the world and bring culture to everyone. To bring a little bit of happiness to those that need it. He didn't belong where she was going, and she wasn't sure she could deal with bringing that sort of innocence to his death.

The wolf-elf's expression had softened into one of careful contemplation, but then she turned her attention back to the old man before her. "
No," she lied. "And I don't care." The assassin tried to leave again, but the man halted her again. She didn't threaten him with physical abuse this time and instead waited for him to speak again.

There was a moment of silence as he slipped a pouch into her hand, discretely and quietly. "
Do this for me, please." He spoke softly and quietly, careful not to draw attention to themselves. "Think of this as a 'last-minute request'." Luxion winked at her, and it took her a moment to realize the gravity of what he meant. "If you bring him back, or at least tell me whether or not he enjoyed his adventures, I will double your payment."

The assassin hesitated before sighing and pocketing the pouch of gold. She pushed past the old man and made her way back to the booth where Aito sat. Stopping before the table, she tilted her head slightly downwards so that it somewhat looked like she were talking to him, despite the fact she couldn't see. She raised one finger. "
If you get yourself into trouble, you're getting yourself out of it." Two fingers. "If you can't keep up, I will leave you behind." Three fingers. "If you get in my way, I will not hesitate to kill you myself." Roxii lowered her hand and allowed the "Three Commandments" to hang in the air between them. "Got it?"

She didn't wait for a response and instead dropped a pouch of 500 gold before Aito. "
The journey will be long and difficult. Get yourself some new clothes, equipment, and whatever else you may need. I'll provide the horses. Meet me at the western gates at dawn in two days." The assassin then turned on her heel clumsily and left the tavern, heading home to sleep off her drunkenness and to allow the cool embrace of slumber to make her forget the day's events.

Ryuta Ushima

"You don't like the name do you girl?" Ryu asked the horse that stomped the ground and shook her head. "What about the name Alice?" The horse shook her head again. "Sarah?" The horse shook her head, still not liking the name. "Xena? Epona? Zelda? Jessie? Medusa?" The horse neighed at the last one, clearly liking that one. "Medusa it is then." He gently climbed on her back after watching Aerendal do the same. He fell the first few times before finally getting it.

"Okay off we go," Ryu smiled brightly as he took off with Aerendal. Medusa made sure to show Aerendal that she listened to Ryu, but wouldn't listen to any other. Ryu knew how to treat a lady right. The others didn't. So they didn't deserve he respect or for her to respond. It was probably very clear at that moment that the horse was just being spiteful to Aerendal. And that said horse was very prideful. "I promise to be careful and make sure you don't get that beautiful mane of your dirty. I can tell you don't like it." As Ryu said this he pat his new horse. Medusa neighed in appreciation.

"So um... what exactly is going on?" Ryu asked now that they were far enough away.

Aito Garcia

"I understand Roxii. I promise to follow those rules," Aito said before she left. Though he didn't really need the coin. The master had gave Aito more than enough. At least 4,500. It wasn't like the master couldn't afford it either. But Aito wasn't going to advertise how much he had. His master advised against it. "Could you... could you teach me how to use a weapon?" Aito asked Luxion. "At least until we leave? Like I said I'm not a fighter and yeah..."
Aerendal - Departure


Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: N/A

Aerendal had made sure to wait for the boy as he briefly bonded with the horse, now renamed Medusa. An odd name, he supposed, but it worked for both horse and rider. That was the important part, so he had no room to judge. After all, Ryu made sure to let the older male know that the stable master's choice in equine names was rather poor. Apparently so, but even Aeren thought the name was a good one. The Elven word for "ambition", he thought Toleth fit the reserved yet aspiring mare. Perhaps he should've noted she didn't listen because she didn't approve of the name. Oh well. He wasn't an equestrian.

The ride through Felnethyr was a silent one. Despite being the busiest part of the day, the shopper's market was nearly barren save for a few people and beggars. The winter snows were brutal this year, and most opted to stay indoors near the warmth and safety of their hearths. It wasn't a bad plan. It's not like there was much else to do beyond sit inside and read a good book. Some doors was blocked shut from the recent snow, and there were people trying to shovel it with their gloved hands, unable to afford something as simple as a shovel. And as the duo went further out, they'd see that what little arable farmland was left was blanketed in snows knee-deep. Whatever crops were left were long frozen, and it was unlikely that they would bloom and grow again once spring rolled in.

Their horses struggled through the snows, and it took a few hours for them to finally leave the kingdom grounds. By the time they were reaching Esedell Meadows, the knee-deep snows had reduced down to just a few inches of snow and ice. The vast expanse of the meadows was flat and unsightly. Where tall grasses and vibrant flowers once bloomed, now only snow and ice clung to the ground in sheets. There was nothing to be seen all the way to the horizon. No grasses, no flowers, no trees, no villages or outposts. It was like a barren desert, but at least the ice glittered in the sunlight, making the wasteland a bit more appealing. The sun was already beginning to set to the northwest. It's gold and orange rays spread out over the land as it settled behind the Scarlet Heights. The red rocks of the mountains glittered and shined in the dusk sunlight, casting an oddly foreboding reddish hue over Felnethyr and the desolate meadows.

The boy was the one to break the silence, now that they were far enough away from the prying eyes and ears of the kingdom. Aerendal cast a worried glance towards the boy before answering, "
The queen has declared war upon the King of Anestead." The words felt foreign on his tongue, as if he had tasted a nauseating cuisine of the hill tribes to the west. The sack on his saddlebags felt heavier than before. "I am to deliver the declaration to the king at once."

The High Commander glanced up at where the sun was setting and slowed his horse to a halt. "
We should rest here," he told Ryu. "We only have a half hour of light left, and I would like to have a fire going before night settles." The elven lord dismounted from his horse and began setting up for the night, rolling out a thick, fur-lined bedroll. He grabbed his dagger and began hacking away at the ice and snow, making a crater in the ground. There, he laid some sticks and coals he'd taken from the kingdom and laid a ring of stones around the edge to keep the ice from melting and dampening the fire. After a few tries with the flint, he was able to create a few sparks and coax them into an actual fire.

Aeren sat upon his bedroll, wrapping his arms over his chest and the last rays of sunlight disappeared behind the mountains, casting a light show of rays to scatter across the sky. But the male wasn't paying attention to the beautiful painting unfolding above him; no, he was looking into the flames, lost in a deep thought. He'd been thinking long and hard about his options, and it didn't seem like he had many. If he were to stay alive, he needed to get back to the queen as soon as possible, which meant that he needed to go to Anestead and go right back to Felnethyr. She'd know if he delivered the message or not. Not to mention that the king would be severely displeased with a small army suddenly as his doors. Of course, Alannis would never win a war with their resources, even with an advantage such as that, but she'd discover that Aerendal hadn't delivered her message and charge him with treason, which was punishable by endless torture. She'd never kill if she didn't have to; torture was so much more pleasurable to her. Nor would she have any regrets for torturing the High Commander of Felnethyr, her cousin. He meant nothing to her.

So not delivering the message was not an option. He could plead with the king to continue aid, but he knew he'd never agree. It was worth a try, he supposed, but it was highly unlikely the king would spare the lives of the Felnethyr people. They were worthless to him anyways, especially since most of them were half-breeds. His last option was to call for aid, to search for the last member of the Vaneiros family name, besides the tyrannical queen sitting upon the throne. Whether or not she was alive was a mystery in and of itself, but he had to try. But he didn't know where to start. He needed help. Perhaps there is one person who could help him search for the lost queen. It was a dangerous decision, but she was his last hope. If he could even find her.



Health: 97%

  • Addressed: N/A

    Mentioned: N/A

The moon was high overhead when the assassin departed from the tavern and made her way back home. She wasn't as surefooted as she was when she'd first arrived at the tavern, but that was to be expected from a place that was known for their homemade brews. The light dusting of snow on the ground didn't make her journey home any easier. A thin layer of ice had formed underneath the snow, and it was difficult to figure out which paths were more dangerous than others. There were times when her feet began to slide out from under her, and she was grateful for the buildings to be built so close together.

After some time, she was able to silently slip inside her home, a small, indistinguishable, unadorned two-story manor set alongside the very few middle-class homes. The interior, however, was a different story. Expensive paintings and extravagant sculptures dotted the walls and pedestals respectively. Some pedestals, instead of sculptures and other works of art, held treasures unimaginable—gemstones, crystals, antiques and heirlooms, long-lost weapons. Spoils from her adventures across the land, even beyond Thiyalia. A large, crystal chandelier hung in the entryway, the candles and their firelight within burning for eternity. Fueled by dragon's fire, the candles would burn until a dragon's blood extinguished them. It was an expensive piece and was of no use to the blind rogue, but it was rather beautiful and a nice accent to her humble home.

Fueled by habit, Roxii kicked the door behind her, locked the door, wound her way up the spiral stairs, and practically threw herself on the bed. The mattress creaked and groaned in protest, but the wolf-elf paid it no mind. She just wanted to go to sleep, before she started thinking about everything that's occurred in the past 12 hours and the repercussions of her actions. They would surely keep her up all night if she dwelt on the day's events. So instead, she kicked off her boots and got comfortable, not even bothering to get changed before falling into a slumber plagued with dreams and nightmares.



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Aito Garcia

    Mentioned: N/A

The old man followed silently behind the assassin as she spoke to the boy before leaving. He stepped aside to allow her to leave unhindered and chuckled lightly after she was out of earshot. "She's quite the woman, isn't she?" He chuckled again, sliding in to the booth and taking the spot where Roxii was sitting. His gaze stayed on the front door as Roxii left, slamming the tavern door and disappearing into the night. "Don't worry about her, boy. She'll warm up to ya."

Could you..." Luxion's gaze slid towards the boy. "Could you teach me how to use a weapon?"

The traveler's eyes lit up. "
Definitely, my boy!" he exclaimed. "I can show you what I know. Now, I will warn you," he let out a low laugh. "I haven't been in a battle in a long time, so I may be a bit rusty." A wide and excited grin graced his face, and memories poured into his mind. Standing back-to-back with lifelong friends, fighting off numerous enemies. Traveling to far off lands to discover new places, new people, new cultures. Getting lost and just enjoying the scenery instead of panicking. The memories tasted weird, like biting into a fruit that hadn't yet ripened. They were bittersweet, to say the least. Because those lifelong friends were no longer a part of his life, those new places and people most likely didn't exist anymore, and he wasn't as strong as he used to be to be going out and exploring.

Luxion broke out of his momentary daze and turned his attention back to the boy. He nodded towards the stairs to the far wall behind Aito. "
Upstairs are a few rooms to lodge in for the night. I suggest you get some rest if we're going to be training tomorrow. I expect you to be out front at first light." And with that, the traveler got up and walked out of the tavern, going to the gods know where for the rest of the night.

Ryuta Ushima​

"You know you could've asked me to light the fire," The redhead told him as he watched the sunset. He used a bit of his own fire to make his own trench to lay his sleeping bag down. Even if he didn't need it. One of the obvious perks of him being able to control fire was that he never got cold. though the cold weather made him sluggish and slow. Which was terrible in the redhead's opinion as he relied on both his speed and endurance during a fight. His fire wasn't as quick to respond in cold weather either. But water was worse to him. It was poisonous to fire users like him except when it was boiling hot. Which is why his canteen was metal so he could his his fire on it to boil the water when he needed to drink. "And the queen is an idiot. You really shouldn't deliver the head. If you do you will be dead in an instant once you give the messengers head to the king. Especially considering who the messenger was. I had heard rumors that the prince had snuck out of the castle but I didn't believe it until I saw that messenger. He was brave in front of the queen, holding his head up high and his posture straight. Everything about his body language screamed royalty. The nervousness was faked though. Copied from what he's seen. The nervousness and terror with the death sentance was real though. He obviously never thought this would lead to that outcome. He clearly never left the castle before and this was his first time. So the moment you pull out that head you are dead."

Aito Garcia

"Right, thank you Luxion," Aito smiled to him as he went and got a room. Yawning as he realised how tired he really was. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out.


Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: Queen Alannis | King of Anestead

Aerendal listened to the sound words the boy spoke. "Aye," he agreed when the boy finished. "But whose wrath do you fear most?" He allowed the question to hang in the silence between them. The commander drew his eyes from the fire and gazed at the fire elf. "I don't know about you, Ryu, but I would rather suffer a quick execution at the hand of a just king than endure endless torture for the rest of my days at the hand of a despotic ruler." He held the boy's gaze a bit longer before drawing them back to the fire.

The High Commander was silent for another few moments, mulling on his next words carefully. "
I do not believe the King of Anestead will execute me for delivering a message I had no control over," Aeren reassured, the words not just for the boy. "Killing the messenger is an Alannis thing. The King of Anestead would be a fool to murder me. But," The older man brought his gaze to meet the boy's again, "If he were to kill me, then so be it. But we need to prepare for whatever fate awaits me at Anestead." He considered whether or not to relay his plans to this boy. "We are to go to Ryellion, first," he told him. "It is the next major city between Felnethyr and Anestead. We can replenish our supplies there."

The elven male laid his sword next to his bedding and slipped his dagger underneath the edge. He wrapped his fur-lined clothing closer to his body, releasing a little magic as possible. "
I would recommend not using your magic, lad," Aeren suggested. "I know you can keep yourself warm, but this journey will be long and arduous. If we are to encounter trouble along the way, then you will need as much strength as possible." He laid himself upon his bedroll and closed his eyes. It would be some time before sleep embraced him, but he would be alert throughout the night despite the slumber. A trait he picked up from being a soldier for so long.
(If Ryu has any more questions, take your chance before he falls asleep lol. Or we can just end it here and cut to the next day in my next post.)

Ryuta Ushima​

"I can't help using my magic to keep me warm. It happens naturally. It's not something I can really control. And it's not like I have mana or anything like that. Using too much magic doesn't exhaust me. At least not with fire. Well I don't think so anyway, I've never been exhausted. But I've never faced a lot of enemies before and I more rely on my ranged weapons anyway," Ryu sighed lightly. "Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I wasn't born a fire elf... but it doesn't really matter... I can't change who or what I am. No matter how much I may want to sometimes. Good night Aerendal." Ryu snuggled into his sleeping bag as he just stared at the snow thinking about what tomorrow might bring.
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Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: N/A

The commander listened to the boy with attentive ears. He felt that the fire elf was lying, but it was unintentional. Lack of control of his abilities was something he would need to change. Though the man could understand. He'd never had his life threatened, which was both a good and a bad thing. It was good because the boy hadn't endured real pain and the terrors of death and destruction. Unfortunately, this also meant that Ryu couldn't defend himself in a serious situation. Was bringing him along a smart move? Surely Aeren knew that he would be taking care of the boy, more or less. If they were to encounter wild animals or bandits, would the older male be able to protect the young lad?

The corners of his mouth tugged down into a slight frown. He hoped he was doing the right thing. The boy would've definitely been captured and tortured eventually if he'd stayed in Felnethyr. It was a sad reality, one that made his stomach churn. The loving people of Felnethyr were no more, replaced by a hatred so deep and unforgiving that it was practically a war zone. However, the boy coming with him on such a dangerous venture was also a potential threat to his well-being. The hateful Felnethyr peoples were not the only threat to the boy, and the road harbored much more vicious threats than the boy could ever dream of.

Aerendal was quiet for a bit before responding to his younger companion, "
We'll work on that." The promise was short and vague, but it held so much more. It hung in the air between them, hopeful and kind. He elaborated, "Your fire is an integral part of you, and it will consume you if you do not learn to control it."

Ryuta Ushima

"I didn't realise that... I guess I have a lot to learn but I hope that you'll be there to teach me..." Ryu smiled as he got comfy in the sleeping bag. "Goodnight Aerendal."
Twelfth of Midoth


Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: King of Anestead | Queen Alannis

The man didn't respond and stared at the night sky, dots of white filling the sea of black. He listened to the boy as he began settling down in his own bedroll and bid the commander good night. Within a few minutes, he could hear the soft, gentle snores of the boy as his breathing slowed. Aerendal, however, couldn't fall asleep quite as easily. His mind was on the task he'd been sent on and the fate that was awaiting him in the kingdom. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried. How would the King of Anestead react to the queen's decree? Would he take it out on the High Commander? Hopefully not, but there was nothing stopping him from doing so. Queen Alannis had already drawn first blood, and there would be no repercussions for capturing the man and executing him or torturing him.

Aerendal averted his attention to the young boy sleeping across from him. He had already sent a couple ravens to secure safe passage for his family. They would not be going where he and Ryu would be headed. Instead, he had them sent down to the small port-city of Amasos. The city isn't as big or crazy as Koln, but there would be plenty of opportunities to make a living there. Plus, they would be out of reach of Alannis and the king, since they don't normally bother trying to cross the Wyntague Cliffs into the dwarven and high- and dark-elven lands. However, the boy wouldn't be able to make the trek down south alone. And that is why Aeren contacted a good friend in Ryellion ahead of time.

But for now, the commander would need to make sure he could get Ryu to Ryellion safely. The journey would be hard, and the older male was having second thoughts. Would he be able to protect the boy, to keep him from suffering the fate that most naive boys endured? He wasn't sure, but he'd have to try. Aerendal turned away from the boy and closed his eyes. He mumbled, "
I hope so, too," before allowing sleep to take him to a dreamless slumber.

⟡ • ⟡ • ⟡​

The sun was barely peaking over the mountains when Aeren awoke. The night had been uneventful, which was no surprise for the elven commander. Hardly anyone dared tread the icy plains, especially to get to Felnethyr. Not like there were any paths through Esedell Meadows, anyways. The long-beaten paths had long since grown over with weeds, and the winter ices always made sure the travelers couldn't find their way across the frozen wastes. Aerendal, however, knew the paths by heart. The winters wouldn't trip him up so easily.

Aerendal pushed himself up from his bedding and stretched, a chorus of cracks following the action. He groaned at the aches in his bones. He thought the old joints and aching soreness would come later in life? So much for his elven heritage. He made his way over to his younger companion and lightly prodded the boy's side with the toe of his boot. When the boy stirred, he greeted, "
Let's get a move on, lad. We're wasting precious daylight." The man made his way back over to his bedding and horse and began packing up, but not before pulling out a couple pieces of jerky for the duo. He handed one to the boy. "It's not much, but it'll last us until we can find actual food."



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: N/A

    Mentioned: Aito Garcia

The next morning, Luxion wasted no time in making his way back to the tavern. The sun hadn't even peaked past the horizon yet, though its golden fingers were still splaying across the sky, clawing their way to dominance. It was colder than the night before, but that didn't stop the older traveler from stepping out into the chilly air and walking down the streets at a brisk pace. His eyes glittered with a renewed excitement. He hadn't trained in years, and it was nice to finally have some sort of purpose.

The traveler made his way down the Anestead streets until he came upon Ravenscrye tavern again. It wasn't nearly as loud and rambunctious as it had been the night before. There were far less people drinking and being merry in the establishment, though most hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. Luxion inquired of the barkeep as to where Aito had lodged and, upon receiving the answer, made his way up the stairs and promptly placed himself before the door before rapping on the old wood. When no one answered, he knocked on the door again, waiting for him to answer.

Aito Garcia

"I'm coming," Aito called as he hurried to the door, a rag that he was using to clean in his hand. "I'm sorry about that Luxion... I was up for about an hour now, the usual time I get up to start work in the manor and well... I got distracted cleaning the room because I was kinda bored..."

Ryuta Ushima

"Thanks Aeren," Ryu said sleepily as he climbed on Medusa. "This will be the first thing I've eaten in about three days. I've gone longer without eating though. With my family as poor as it was there were often times that we had to go without food. Much like a lot of neighbors."



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Aito Garcia

    Mentioned: N/A

The excited grin never left the old man's face. Instead, it slightly widened when Aito opened the door and revealed himself to already be up and ready. "There's no time for boredom, boy!" he responded excitedly. "Go! Gather your things! We've lots to do today!"

Once Aito had gathered his things, Luxion beckoned the boy to follow. They made their way wordlessly down the stairs, out of the tavern, and into the cool morning air. The sun was still making its way above the horizon as stars were blinking out and disappearing past the atmosphere. Puffy white clouds were forming in the distance, presumably over the Mensval Ocean. Guards were making their morning rounds through the Anestead streets, and early risers were setting up their shops for another cold day. Luxion gazed at some of the shops as they passed by. Some of them were little curio shops, harboring trinkets from various corners of the land and even from across the Catiris—or so they say. There was no telling where the owners actually got their trinkets and curios. They could be fake pieces of metal made in a basement down the street for all he knew. Still, it was the possibility that made him almost stop and try and get something neat for the boy.

But he didn't stop. Instead, the traveler made a beeline for a stone building at the end of the line of shops. A hanging plank of wood had "By Hammer & Anvil" written almost illegibly across it. The blacksmith's shop was rather nondescript, but it wasn't like the owner needed anything fancy. Armor and weapons were a necessity that wouldn't be disappearing any time soon. Luxion didn't go inside the blacksmith's shop, though. Instead, he skirted the building to the sizable dirt arena in the back. A wooden fence gated the perimeter and targets and training dummies dotted the area. On the backside of the shop was an array of wooden weapons, their inability to maim or harm perfect for practicing. One large circular area was fenced off from the rest of the training grounds, meant to be used as a sparring arena for anyone who wished to hone their skills or learn new tricks. The training grounds were empty, thanks to Luxion's bribery. He wanted to make sure that he and the boy wouldn't be hindered by others. They could go to the grounds at the blacksmith's shop in the lower district, if they so wished.

Luxion made his way to the line of wooden weapons and deposited his bags, bow, quiver, and other unnecessary equipment onto the ground beside the rack, opting to keep his claymore on his person. He picked a wooden sword off the rack that he knew would work best for him, and then weighed the one that may work best for Aito. When he decided on one, he turned and tossed the sword to the boy with no warning.



Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Ryuta Ushima

    Mentioned: Queen Alannis

Aeren bit into his own piece of jerky as he listened to the boy's words. A sharp pain clenched his heart. He knew what hunger was like, but he also knew there was a point in which you forgot you were hungry from being hungry for so long. It was not a life a young lad should endure. Just another reason to right all the wrongs that had befallen his once-loving home. And to seek out desperate measures that could possibly get him to sign his life away. It would be worth it, however, if he could somehow get Alannis off the throne.

I am aware," he answered. "I'm hoping it won't be like that for much longer, but it's going to take time." The High Commander strapped himself up in his equipment and saddled up Fire once again before hoisting himself back up on the horse. "We need to get going if we're to reach Ryellion in three days' time. Unfortunately, we don't have much time to admire the views or share stories over a campfire." And with that, Aerendal flicked the reins lightly, urging Fire to move along carefully along the icy sheets that covered Esedell Meadows. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to sprint or even run to their destination for fear of their horses slipping on the slick ice and sending them toppling to the cold, hard ground. So instead, they would have to be careful and meticulous.

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Ryuta Ushima​

Ryu urged Medusa to follow after the other horse at the same pace as they left. It was all the redhead could do to keep from looking at everything they saw. He had never been out of the village after all. Even if it was just snow he couldn't really help it. Luckily when Ryu got distracted or whatever Medusa would make sure to keep the same pace she was as to not lag behind. She knew Ryu needed to stay close to the other or something bad might happen. And she would not have anything bad happen to her rider. Medusa was a very protective horse.

Aito Garcia​

Aito let out an eep sound and ducked away from the wooden sword on instinct. He was not expecting Luxion to throw said sword. He also wasn't used to combat so it only made him more afraid of sharp pointy things being thrown at him. He could feel his heartbeat up to his ears with how afraid he was. Why did he throw it?! Didn't he know that was dangerous?! What if Aito had gotten hurt?!

"Please don't do that!" Aito said once he calmed his raging heartbeat.


Health: 100%

  • Addressed: Aito Garcia

    Mentioned: N/A

Luxion bellowed a laugh at Aito's cowardice. In all his years, he'd never had an apprentice shy away from a sword, and a dull sparring sword at that. He pointed his own sparring sword towards the one that lay near the boy, partially submerged in a pile of dirtied snow. "Pick up the sword, lad," he commanded heartily. "It's as harmless as the tree branch it was made from. Worst it can do is create a nasty bruise."

After the boy relented and picked up the sparring sword, the old traveler jerked his head towards the fenced in training ground. Without a word, he made his way to the circular arena and entered. He waited patiently for Aito to join him in the training arena, hand lazily gripping the wooden sparring sword in his grasp.

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