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Clashes Of Ilithan

Her head lazily comes up off the ground, one eye peaked open as she mutters, "Wha-?" Two pairs of rough hands grab her and have her up within seconds, leading her along the hallways.
Upon reaching Chris' chambers they simply throw her onto the ground inside, slamming the doors shut behind her. Chris sits at a table in the corner of the room with one leg crossed over the other, sipping a cup of tea politely. He drifts his gaze to her, "You will be eating with me. I don't want you to start anything with your inmates." He gestures to a mess of food in front of him, rather gross looking. "Sit. You seem to want to be treated as a prisoner, so you will get what you want."
"Well there's a thought..." She slowly clambered up to her feet. As she walked over to the chair and sat down in it, looking at the food in front of her.
It seems to be composed of a green-ish slush, along with bits of unknown meats. "Eat. I do not wish to speak to you." He chuckles, "I simply didn't want to send a woman of your features to a room full of guards for lunch."
She scoops some of it up in the bowl and tips it back down her throat, making a rather rash expression as she contemplated her decision, "Why not? Bet they would've had some fun."
He raises a brow to her, "I didn't peg you to be a whore,". Chris clears his throat, "My family is a group of Mercenaries. I serve no nation. I simply go with those who give me the best deal," He shrugs.
"Oh, well... I guess now I can call you a whore." She glared at him, "Fighting for the highest bidder? And what sort of mercenary was willing to give his life before a fight had even ended simply because he felt some sort of piety?"
"I've been hired to serve the Southern Kingdom. That doesn't mean I do not have my own morale," He shrugs and rests his cup down onto the table. "Also, I was willing to give my life a little more willingly because of who I was going to be killed by," He pauses a moment, "May I ask why you haven't killed me yet? Even injured, I've given you every opportunity." He scoffs.
"I'm working on it..." She taps the side of her head softly, "I can't control my movements... I've had a physical blocking as of recent."
"Good to know you're slowly working your way to kill me," He sighs and drifts a very slight gaze containing admiration towards her, then turning to look back down to his tea. "If you'd like help recovering, I'm always available." He rises and turns to look out one of the many high windows, tucking his free hand into his pocket as he again sips his tea. "Now that we have captured the West and the North lies in shambles.. The South has almost claimed victory in this war. I can soon return home," He murmurs hopefully.
She stomachs the remainder of her soup, shivering as she shakes her head. "Oh, I doubt the South will win this war, nor the West, nor the North..." She looked out the window, "No, something bigger is coming."
"Something beyond you, most certainly. But, as it were, it's something beyond myself, and anyone who thinks they're some sort of supreme being in human flesh on this miserable earth. I've seen it." She paused, cocking a smile as she gazed out the window onto the vast mountains.
"Gods, yeah?" He chuckles, "Gods do not have a place with us. We're mere mortals, even though it's cliche to say such. It matters not what we do, they can either stay away or demolish us. So far, they've kept to themselves regardless of war and death." He strides over to her, holding out the key. "I trust you with this more than myself."
She takes it and slides it around her neck, "For that, I thank you."
"It's a relic of your people, I would want you to do the same if we had lost those few nights ago.." Chris sighs and looks down at the courtyard of the Castle, "What's your name?" He mumbles, fiddling with his fingers.
"Same thing you've been calling me for some time, Reaper."
He scoffs, "That's not your name. Nor is my name Kid." He turns his gaze to her. "I ask as a person, not as a knight or enemy."
"You and I are far from friends, keep that in mind, I'm not at liberty to tell you my name, Kid."
"I never suggested we were friends," He glares at her. "Now, would you like my assistance in recovery, or would you like to return to your cell?"
"Return me to my cell if you'd please, need to plan an escape." She leaned over the table, "Don't expect me to be here long." She winked and began to walk towards the door.
"I do hope to fight you again, in that case." He flashes a grin to her, then shouting again, "Guards, she's done. Take her back. I'd like two guards stationed by her cell at all times!" As the guards walk in he chuckles, "I won't make it easy for you.~"
She winked and shrugged, "'Course not." The two rough hands found their ways to her arms as she was brought back to her cell.
Chris sighs and strides around the castle, congratulating the Southern soldiers. Remembering he was beckoned by the Prince, he quickly runs to the War Room. The Prince grins, "Hello, Chris.. As you know, the War has now come to a close.." The Prince sighs and looks up at him, "I hereby banish you from the Southern Kingdom for treason." Chris' eyes widen, stuttering slightly. "W-What?!" Chris slams his fists on the table, "I-.. I have fought for years with you! Almost all of my childhood has been dedicated to you!" Chris starts yelling, the Prince responding in an equally loud tone, "You spared the Reaper! You are a traitor to our kind!" Chris is quickly yanked away by royal guards, back to his chambers. The Guards demand he begins packing, giving him little time to do so. Chris is shoved from the doormitory tower and towards the stables, just past the dungeons. Chris starts yelling towards the very few windows of the dungeons, "Reaper! The East! Come to the Eastern Mountains, just past the Great Cherry Tre-..!" Chris finds his jaw smashed by the gauntlet of a Guard. He's essentially thrown onto a horse, the horse then taking of rashly towards the East.
She folded her fingers close to her stomach, mumbling to herself, "It might be some time, wait for me."

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