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Realistic or Modern City of Sins

Naw, she just grabbed Kota's contract employer and put a gun to his head so.....that will work out, interesting.
Yeah and that xD ... but now she's got three options: kill the guy, let him go, or offer Kota a better job. All of which are kinda fun.
Oh you're gonna love the offer I made...

And my careful planning just got blown to shit. Great...
... When you turn off your computer right before all the notifications xD

Also, we have a lot of I guess hitman here xD Well, I should be posting after I get home from school

Okay, I am a bit confused, not really confused, just not sure. Also, @Shimakage Thunder It is always good to have a Plan B

All the characters I ever make love to observe O.o

@Lightning Quick Nice little post, it is always nice to get into a brawl :P Just don't die, got some heavy hitters in there xD Also, nice CS @Cavil Accepted. I always love your CS's so fancy and nice looking :3
Lol, sorry. Know it was way too short but I was in a rush to make a post and I didn't put much thought into it. Promise it'll be more detailed next time >.<'
It is fine, lightning. After all it happens to all of us. I do it sometimes too.

So far we have the Insane Savage(or Mutt :P ) The Ruthless Biker-Chick, The Arrogant Hitman, The Risky Fighter and the Observant Gangster xD
Yes, it was your character. I should've been more specific-- I'll do that next post if it involves anyone else. @Jacob Berry Thanks by the way. ^ ^
Yep. It is fine. Just curious so I can add that part in my next post. Also, smokers gotta stick together xD Also, I think the first person Shinji is going to try to bring into his fold will be Jessica. @Shimakage Thunder
Uh, hey. I noticed the title said open but since I'm kinda new here, I'm not exactly sure of how to enter a roleplay...am I suppose to ask first? Or should I just make a character...? Again, sorry to be a bother.
Go ahead and make a character at Character Sign-up before you roleplay. The creator of the roleplay will approve you Character Sheet, or 'CS', and you are then allowed to join in. @Mine
It is fine! I've done that too :P So it is all good. And once you are done with it, you can hop in where ever. So yeah.
And of course I'm sent off to bed and I'm sick so I'm gonna wait till morning to do it. Ugh... This is why I hate everyone and everything sometimes. Especially when I'm sick.
Great posts @Mine Very detailed and amazing. May I suggest using a more brighter color or darker one? The light blue is super hard to read and strenuous on the eyes. Sorry.
Thank you very much.

I apologize for the color though, I'll try finding a better one in my next reply.
Thank you. It is just I have been in that situation and used that color and everyone yelled at me xD

Good to see some more posts today.

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