• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐“’๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐”‚ ๐“ž๐“ฏ ๐““๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ผ- ๐“’๐“ข



๐˜œ ๐˜• ๐˜‹ ๐˜Œ ๐˜ˆ ๐˜‹ ;;

"..The Gods Will Not Save You."

| Formalities |

Title (god/goddess of):
Mortal Name:
Real Age:
Perceived Age:

| Visuals |

Appearance: *real visual aid and/or descriptions*
Overall Aesthetic:
General Impressions:

| Temperament |


| Godliness |

Main Power:
Defects: *at least two-three*
Advantages: *at least two-three*
Mythological Canons:
Replacement(a): *why are they dying besides lack of faith/why is there a lack of faith?*

| Vulnerabilities |

Current reality:
Established Relations:
Any Miscellaneous info:

**Authors Notes**
Here is where you can post your OCs!
Please note that all gods must rule over only one or two (interrelated) subjects and are only permitted one large power that can be further broken down.
The time period for this plot is modern so most- if not all face claims are welcome!!
However, please keep their appearance realistic- either through a detailed description or real life individuals.
Furthermore we permit two characters max per writer not me though ๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ
Also note that the deadline will be on Saturday November 20th 11:59 p.m. EST.
Happy writing!

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# god of warriors && rebellion โ€” activist and protester.

# atsushi sakurai

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


nabi (nabibi be my habibi)

# goddess of mischief and thievery โ€” rat fighter

# seo ji-hye

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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# goddess of the moon and moving waters - dancer

# ryan destiny

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



# god of wanderers && explorers -- bar owner

# robert sheehan

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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# god of life and healing

# daniel lundh

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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  • In the beginning, there was an utterance--the promise of and to creation. At once, He was.
coded by natasha.
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  • Title: God of Truth and History

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Name: Nebu

    Mortal Name: Nathanial Park

    Occupation: City Librarian

    Real Age: Roughly 3,100 years old

    Perceived Age: Early 30s


code by low fidelity.


#luxury and wealth

#a goddess caught up in herself

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



#lies and coincidences

#a god doing the worst he can

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Title (god/goddess of): Goddess of Witchcraft
Alignment: True Neutral
Name: Maeve
Mortal Name: Mayven
Nickname(s): May
Occupation: Owns a small metaphysical shop
Real Age: As old as the practice itself
Perceived Age: 25

| Visuals |

Height: 5โ€™8
Build: Tall and slender
Style: Witchy / alternative
Overall Aesthetic: Gothic witch
General Impressions: Quiet, mysterious in a sexy way, smart as hell but pretty cryptic, definitely knows more than sheโ€™s letting on.

| Temperament |

personality: Maeve has always been a massive open question nobody has the answer to. She can be incredibly sympathetic and kind of heart, but also wonโ€™t hesitate to curse the bloodline of someone who insults her or threatens to be a problem. Known to be helpful, if perplexing, to other gods, itโ€™s not uncommon for others to seek her out for advise or magical aids. Still, sheโ€™s also quite the conversationalist with the right people and (secretly) craves more friends. For thousands of years she has been on the outskirts of society, both among mortals and even among other gods. Her art and power are feared and misunderstood by most, and so she is left to wonder when the next kind word will come, when she can offer a cup of tea and conversation instead of merely her services to someone in need of her power and knowledge.
Vices: Hunger for knowledge, getting revenge on anyone who wrongs others (or Maeve herself), wine, a selfish streak, good (and sometimes habitual) liar
Virtues: Genuine hunger for balance in the world, for those who are good to prosper and those who do harm to suffer, loves nature and believes it should be protected above most anything else, will die before causing harm to anything not fully fledged or grown
Likes: Magic, cats, expensive coffee, homemade herbal teas, nighttime, the moon, children, books, music, dancing, theater, quiet, plants, antiques, snakes, rainy days
Dislikes: crowds, sports, loud noises that donโ€™t have purpose, anyone needlessly cruel, rude, or dishonest, the patriarchy, politics, urbanization, people who donโ€™t recycle, plastic, meat from farms, hot days, soda

Quirks: Climbs trees to get away from people, always has teabags on her person, speaks Gaelic when sheโ€™s annoyed, claims to be allergic to corn and raisins (just hates them)
Habits: Uses dried flowers as bookmarks, Plays with her necklaces when thinking, bites bottom lip when uncertain, constantly needs some form of tea or coffee

| Godliness |

Main Power: Ritualistic magic (Witchcraft)
Defects: Takes time to cast almost always, not 100% guaranteed to be successful, must be specific
Advantages: As powerful as the time, energy, and intent put into it, extremely flexible and can be used for most situations, difficult to protect against/undo unless intimately aware of the spell
Mythological Canons: Hails primarily from Celtic folklore, was once the Queen of the Fae lands, can shapeshift into a number of creatures including a raven, a cat, a serpent, and a horse, once had a wife who hailed from the Fae lands, long lived and known for her incredible beauty and kindness (murdered in a war with the mortal kings of ancient mortal lands who paid for their crime with their lives and kingdoms), abhors the destruction of the natural world, has a white raven who acts as her familiar and spy
Replacement(a): When the modern beliefs began to sweep across the earth, the old wisdoms were demonized and viewed as evil and wicked. Witches everywhere were hunted and put to death, and the worship of the old gods (especially Maeve) was forbidden under penalty of death. Now, the once mighty Goddess is but a shadow of her former power. She must utilize the same rituals and tools used by her old mortal followers in order to access the power she once commanded, and even then but in whispers of the same intensity.

| Vulnerabilities |

Backstory: Maeve hails from ancient lands no longer remembered, but spent the longest time in what has become Scotland. Once, she ruled the fabled Fae lands of Scottish folklore as Queen, but that was long, long ago. The mortals and their new gods and practices threatened to destroy her homeland, and so rather than see her lands destroyed, she and her beloved sealed the Fae lands away, both paying a steep price. Maeve was forced to watch as the mortals took the life of her wife, but in turn sought revenge. The kings lost their lives and kingdoms, but Maeve was never the same. She spent the following centuries as a lone wanderer, selling her knowledge and power to those who still remembered the Old Magic, but every decade that passed left her weaker. Now, she is but a shadow of her former self, and finally has decided to give up on regaining her old power. The other gods come here and there to seek her aid or guidance, and she gives it, but in her heart she has accepted their universal fate : to be forgotten.

Current reality: These days, Maeve (now Mayven) spends much of her time at her metaphysical shop, selling crystals, herbs, and spells to those who wish to try their hand at magic. In recent years, more and more have come in seeking to learn, likely due to the use of social media to spread the practice across the world, but even with the small resurgence of Witchcraft May hardly bothers to hope for anything more than that. Sheโ€™s the most powerful witch in the world, but believes it means little. Her intentions as of now are simple ; enjoy the peace before the inevitable fade. That is, unless someone can convince her more is possible.

Established Relations: TBD

Any Miscellaneous info: Has a Scottish accent, has a white raven named Aengus
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  • Zephyr

    God of Winds and Secrets

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# goddess of destruction and creation

# eiza gonzalez

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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