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Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

Ignis thought about it for only a moment before responding. "Sure, why not." He shrugged. "If I'm going to be with this circus for many years I'd like to know one of it's bigger secrets." A shy smile appeared on this face. "And...maybe it will give me even more of a reason to protect my family."
Conner padded through the woods, not scared of what could be watching him. He was a grey wolf, largest species of his kind. Anything that might have been a threat to him was to afraid of the humans near by to do anything. He wasn't. He knew how to stay hidden, he knew how to make it appear like he is part of a much larger pack. But then he saw it. A strange sight to see for most wolves, but Conner was kelvic. He lived with at least a finger in the human world, and knew that what he saw was called a circus. Awful things in his opinion. Loud, people everywhere. And not to mention the stench of everything, he could smell it from where he was.
Nora nodded and walked towards mirror on the back wall of the maze. She ran her fingers along the side of the mirror before she found a latch. Before she undid it she turned to Ignis and Fiona.

"Every other mirror along the back wall has a latch, undo this and"

She undid the latch and pulled the mirror towards her revealing darkness.

"Tahdah, oh wait."

She reached inside the dark area until she found a chain, she pulled it and lights turned on, revealing a hallway.

"That's better, this is the big secret, a hallway."

Most people expected some sort of grand room but, in reality it was just a hallway.

"If you ever need to disappear, this is the place to do it. The only other way to access the hallway is from the outside,"
((Ack! Clay! Clay everywhere! Fingers! Arms! Tablet! Food! Love ceramics, but sooooo messy!))

"Oh wow!" He may be an illusionist, but secrets like this never ceased to amaze him. "So this is how the old devil does it ey?" Chuckling he turned to examine one of the mirrors. "It's funny, for some reason I expected something a little more.... Grandeur, from him." Smiling he made a fluttering motion with his fingers. "I'm going to bet that there is more to it than just this, but that is something we're definitely not supposed to know?"
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Conner was about to turn away when he smelled them, other wolves. By the smell of it they were mostly males, but he smelled something else. It smelled like a she wolf, but not at the same time. Now what could it possibly be? He had to know. And with that, he silently padded closer to the circus, sliding from one shadow to another. He appeared to disappear in the smallest dent in the landscape and into the slightest excuse for a bush.
Nora pointed at Ignis.

"Exactly, there is more but, I am afraid that I don't even know what it is. Paul always told me that this was it and not press him about it."

She turned the light off and closed the mirror.

"Even though most people think Paul tells me everything he doesn't. He won't even tell me why he summoned me to this realm."

She shrugged, she stopped pressing him about it when he set something at fire because, he was angry at her for continually asking. She re did the latch and turned to Ignis.

"He is a complicated old man."

She stretched her arms.

"well, what should we do now?"
"Too complicated." He stretched his arms out with a loud yawn. "....If you ask me the old codger need to lighten up and just tell us already. It's not like anybody would believe any of us circus kooks anyway." Tilting his head to the side he looked at them with a warm smile. "That's a good question. Now that most of the visitors have left and we know the 'big secret' of the circus is there anything else to do tonight?"
"well, there is always the last check of the grounds, usually Paul does that."

She started walking to the entrance to leave.

"Come on Ignis, lets see if any humans are still here!"

She made sure to walk slow enough for him to follow. As she stepped out of the hall of mirrors she noticed a wolf in the distance, it was not an ordinary wolf rather, it had a supernatural energy about it. The wolf was by the cages, she wondered if it was one of the other performers wolves. No, it had an unfamiliar energy about it. She called out to the wolf without knowing whether it could understand humans or not.


She called out the wolf not wanting to get close to it.
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"Okay, I'll put on my spookiest face to help scare them off." Chuckling he followed her out of the hall of mirrors. Arms stretched out in front of him the entire time just in case. "Hm. Who do we have here?" Ignis noticed the person by the animal cages after Nora started speaking to them. "You don't have anything to fear here. Most of us don't bite."
Conner laid back his ears and let out a pow, rumbling growl when he realized he had been detected. The she-wolf was certainly here, but where? The woman in front of him was a likely candidate, but she smelled of something else, something he couldn't explain. The man however he did smell, he smelled like smoke. It was hard to tell if that was really it, considering how close he was to other animals and their crap.
Nora watched the creature. She heard it growl when she called out to it. She slowly backed up a bit.

"Look, I am not foe. You are safe here."

She didn't want to anger the beast. Suddenly an idea came to her mind.

"Is there someone you are looking for? I know just about every non- human in the area."

She stood her ground and looked at the wolf.
Suddenly, Conner stopped his growling. She could lead him to the she-wolf? That could work. In a brilliant flash of light, the wolf was replaced by a fully naked man. Not fazed, or even seeming to care, that he wasn't clothes, he steps out of the shadows. "Show me the one that smells like a she wolf but isn't."
"Whoa there buddy." Ignis smirked and shielded Nora's eyes as he changed into a very much naked man. "I definitely recommend her showing you to her. Nora is the smartest and kindest person in the circus. That and she knows this place like the back of her hand and knows where we all like to frequent."
"Show me then." he demanded once more, this time showing his teeth. His golden eyes where shining in the dim light, and the look on his face showed one of determination. If they could not help him, he could easily disappear into the wilds or rip out there throats, either one.
Nora froze up when the wolf turned into a naked man. Naked, she could hardly believe it, she always though they transformed with clothes. She smiled at the wolf-man.

"One moment please."

She turned to Ignis, speaking in a low voice so only he could hear her.

"Dear lord he is naked."

She had to say it. She turned back to the man-wolf.

"I am afraid that Red has turned in for the night, you are welcome to stay here. This is a safe place for people like us."
He quickly averted his eyes from the man. "Don't worry I've got this." He whispered to her quickly. Snapping his fingers he created the illusion that the man was wearing clothes. "It's moments like these that make me happy to have these abilities..."
"Safe?" Conner asked rhetorically, or at the very least didn't expect an answer. He had been safe in the wild. He had been safe in the wuod by himself. The only time he hadn't been safe was when he was with humans. These people were humans to him, even if they didn't smell like it. "I will be close." he decided to say before another bright light, and a wolf was once more standing where the man was. Then he turned towards the woods, and loped away.

She was glad for Ignis's powers but, surprised by the wolf-man's reaction.

"Well, I guess he does not trust us yet."

She stretched again, the sky had turned blue indicating the approach of the sun.

"Well, I am off to bed."

She turned to Ignis and hugged him before walking off to her trailer.

"Sorry about earlier!"

She quickly walked off to her trailer and went inside, she needed to sleep if she wanted to perform that night. She set Danu down and crawled into her bed, and drifted off to sleep.

(Time skip once Ignis posts!)
"Guess not...but, it does take time to learn to trust us. I know you've seen how long it can take more than once." He smiled softly. Turning to return the hug. "Aaah. It's nothing at all, really. You get some good, well deserved rest now!" He called after her before turning to head to his trailer. Flopping down on the bed as soon as the door shut he forced his eyes to shut. He was going to have to at least try and get some rest before the next performance.
Alright! It is officially time skip time!!! This is my attempt of a summery (not my strong point)

The investigators have entered the circus and are on to something about the mirror maze. Ignis pushed himself too far and got charmed by Nora, this was reversed by Fiona. Luna and Alekin went on a date in the city. Paul was grumpy and refused to let Alekin watch over Dakota. A new wolf-man has appeared and is looking for Red.

Where is the rp going to start now?

It will be a few hours before the start of the Circus.

The weather:

There is a storm brewing to the east, which might bring rain showers. It also windy.

Now, I am going to tag everyone! If your character has fallen out this is the best time to bring them back!

@Icefox11 @xx0mittens0xx @Melody Frazier

I think that is everyone.... Feel free to post!!
Fiona had heard of the commotion about the new wolf man. "This new development could be quite interesting." She stroked her pet's fuzzy head. "Oh well. Hopefully the poor thing comes to trust us quite soon." Fiona was worried about her act. It was running quite dry, in her opinion. "Hm, maybe a little spice would do us good." The woman rested her head on the picnic table in front of her.
Paul woke up and realized he had fallen asleep sitting at his desk. Nora never came to do the final check with him last night. He wanted an answer, he went to his living quarters and cleaned up a bit. He changed into his day suit since the circus was not going to open for another hour or two. He walked out to the trailers and went staright to Nora's. He started knocking on the door.

"Nora! If you are in there I have some questions for you!"

He stopped knocking and pressed his ear up to the door. He could hear a faint go away from within.

"No Nora not go away!"

He stepped back as the door flung open.
Nora flung open the door and stared at Paul.

"We have a special guest so I was up late."

She was wearing a purple version of the same outfit she was wearing the day before, She had Danu drapped around her neck as always.

"What? What do you mean special guest."

He looked at her with anger in his eyes, he was pissed.

"Not that kind of special Paul, rather a wolf-man like Red."

She pushed him aside and walked towards the main are. A storm was brewing and she wanted to check on her snakes. She walked up to animal area and began to feed her snakes.

"I wonder if our newcomer will return."

She looked over at the forest then returned to tending to her snakes.

Paul was caught off guard by Nora's attitude. She was rarely in a foul mood. He slamed her trailer door shut and sat down on a bench near Fiona. He turned to her.

"Good day, nasty storm brewing. Hope it doesn't harm our attendance."

Sammy was woken up by the sound of the librarian.

'Mam, I found that article you wanted.'

She sat up and grabbed the pi3ce of paper from the librarian.

"Thank you."

She looked at the copy of the article, it was an old one about the circus when it was run by someone else. What got her was a familiar looking face in the crowd. She picked up her magnify glass and looked at the person, She almost dropped the magnify glass. The person looked very similar to


She grabbed the article and few others and rushed to her car. She hoped Alan was at the office she sped off to the office. She found a parking space and ran up to the office. She opened the door and rushed to her desk

"Alan!? I found out some things at the library."
"I w-would hope not, P-Paul." Fiona agreed, automatically rubbing her arms. Paul always gave her the chills, well, that's what she blew her emotions off as. It was also quite chilly out. "I wouldn't w-want y-you to have t-to close down for the night." Fiona knew that she shouldn't have taken that extra dose twenty minutes ago. She sounded like an idiot! "I hope it all works out."
Alan was leaning back on his chair sleeping. In front of him, a pile of papers, an almost empty bottle of scotch with half filled glass and an ashtray filled with cigarette ends. Next to the desk, stood a large quark board with pictures of the various victims, notes about them, their connection and any clues regarding their disappearance. He was awoken to Sammy calling.

"Huh....So?" He said sitting up groggily going for a draw in his desk. He took out a few pills and had them before rubbing his forehead."What do you have?"
Zali was in her trailer, making popcorn with her fire. She was humming an eerie tune that she had heard before, but didnt know where. A burst of teal flame popped the popcorn evenly, every kernel was popped and none of them were burned. "Being a dragon has its perks." Zali said, smirking. She sat down to her newly popped snack outside, flicking the popcorn pieces up into the air and catching them in her mouth. She continued to hum the eerie tune, closing her eyes for a moment and letting it wash over her. She opened them and licked her lips. She didn't know why popcorn made her so relaxed, it just did.

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