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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

"It is a very spacious place, isn't it? That's why I help maintain areas of the grounds prone to mice--Jesus! Fenrir, you ate all of them already? Dang, must be a new record. If you like them so much, you should stop by the food court after the show; a ridiculous amount of them come out to steal scraps of food leftover from visitors. Anyway, fortune telling sounds like a great addition to the cirque, Victoria. Picking up a new talent is always a good idea, whether it's a backup act or just for fun. I really do hope you enjoy it here, Victoria" Duchess finally finished.

@Lady Luna Ravenswood

"See you Thomas!" Wexley called at his retreating back. She finished tying up her ribbon and took off at a brisk pace. She wanted to pop in and be out, her nerves now on edge since Thomas had mentioned the Church was interested. With Thomas gone, the secure feeling was too and every person they passed made Wexley jumpy. She supposed it was because she wasn't entirely over the episode from earlier. She pushed that out of her head as she came up to pub door and paused, waiting for Ollie to catch up.

Ollie ran after Wexley, the feeling of safety gone, leaving him alone in the town with only her as his safety net. He didn't think they'd really be able to fend off townspeople, or the church. He pushes the pub door open for Wexley and holds it open for her, afraid of what waited inside but trying not to show it.
Fiona stayed in this position for a while, before hearing commotion in the main tent. She shrunk and grew eight legs. Everything looked so much bigger as a spider. "Fantastic. New energy." She scurried into the main tent, climbed up Fenrir's leg, all the way up his back, and finally rested on his shoulder. "Good evening, Fenrir, my dear."

Fenrir jumped a little when a spider landed on him. He was about to swat it when he heard it speak. "Sorry Fiona, me not know it you." He said, gently bringing the spider down. "Why you spider?" He asked her, curious about it.
"You've never seen me do this? That's strange. I thought everyone saw this." Fiona changed, reappearing as normal. "So, what's happening? Why are we staying near a church? That's not good for a show such as ours."
Victoria looked around the tent some more.

"Yes it would be fun to learn a new talent."

She looked at the Fenrir who had a talking spider on hs shoulder. She grew curious as to what exactly what the spider was. She watched as the spider became a woman.

"Don't you know spider woman, most towns have a church."

She walked closer to the spider lady.

"Thomas likes this city, apparently it rather quiet yet, big enough to have an audience for the cirque."

She was remembering what he had told her when he was trying to get her to come to the cirque.

"He is an odd man, is he human? When I met him I was unsure but, he seems normal."

That was biggest mystery of all for her, what Thomas was.
Fiona thought Victoria was a cute, childlike person. "He is indeed strange. I personally thought him mad when I met him in a pub once. Strange old man, but he's merely a good friend and like a father to me, therefore I won't say anything too cruel." She giggled. "If he is human, then he's the kindest one I've ever met. Other's are cruel."
Victoria smiled, this spider woman seemed like someone she would get along with.

"He tried to stop two werewolves from attacking me. I told him to leave but, he insisted to intervene."

She looked at Fenrir.

"I was unarmed and outnumbered. As I said I have never attacked a wolf."

She looked back at Fiona.

"Oh yes, my thoughts exactly, he must not be. I was just asking to see if any of you knew what he was."

She was now more curious then ever to know exactly what Thomas was.

"Let me guess, you are a spider demon yes? I knew one when I lived in Romania. Nice lady, wonder what ever happened to her......"
Fiona tossed her head back in glee. "Oh, those poor Romanian spiders. I am from Transylvania myself, however, I will admit to having Romanian relatives." She bit her lip. "He is absolutely mad for forcing us to stay close to a church. I am a demon. Does he not understand that?"
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(That's okay! I am quite tired too! I asked my roommate I was all 'am I going crazy?' but I was not and don't worry tired brain rping happens! I was making sure you were not confused or something!)
Victoria watched the spider demon.

Such an odd being.....

"I am sure Thomas knows that, being so close to church bothers you."

She looked around the main tent some more.

"He is a kind man, why the cirque, is even here. He had to give me a whole speech about why this place is so grand. I did not want to join, having lived the past 50 years alone and traveling. It will certainly be a change of pace."
"It will be a change of pace if a beautiful enchantress such as myself is purified." Fiona nodded, agreeing with her new friend. "But, if that fool thinks that this will keep us safe, so be it." She sighed. "But, there is nothing to do here. I'm so very bored."
Wexley tipped her head to Ollie and marched through the door and right up to the bartender, who was cleaning glasses. "Hullo there sir, I think I was here last night and I was wondering if I left a blue hat here?" She tapped her foot while he searched behind the bar for her hat. Wexley watched as he pulled it out and a smirk appeared. He was about to hand it to her when she felt someone snap one of her suspenders against her back. She whipped around and fixed the drunk with a glare, hand raised to strike him. She caught a glimpse of Ollie, put her hand down and snatched her hat before briskly stepping to Ollie and wrapping her hand around his wrist. "Lets skedaddle, I don't want to get into a bar fight and make you even more uncomfortable."

A downside to Ollie's species was the inability to hide emotions well when not concentrating. His emotions were clear to the world when he felt them unless he made a mental effort to stay his usual appearance. And the bad thing about not being able to hide your emotions was the fact that Ollie was easily angered, so it easily showed. Currently, Ollie wasn't trying to keep himself from appearing normal, he was just angry. His hair began to turn a deep red, his black eyes narrowing, and he glared after the drunk man, eager to say something, or even fight him himself. But, Thomas wouldn't like that, and it wouldn't do to disappoint him, or cause more negative attention to be on the cirque. Ollie looked down at his wrist and turned around, walking towards the door and pulling Wexley with him. He began to concentrate on turning his hair back to normal.
Nicolas finished talking to the innkeeper about the cirque. He felt like he had some more info. He was walking up to his room when he noticed Catherine.

"I thought you were still in Paris."

He looked at his great-nice, he thought she was still there. It was quite the surprise for him.

"Are the others here as well?
Catherine jumped when she heard Nicolas speak.

"Oh, Julianne found me and Luka and brought us here," she explained, hoping he wouldn't question her any further. "They should be around here somewhere, though I haven't seen them for a while."
Nicolas raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so, well, I have found out some info on the cirque. Turns out this Monsieur Thomas is quite a wealthy man."

He set his bags down.

"Apparently he showed up in town one day, only giving his first name and bought 30 acres outside of town. Then almost over night the cirque popped up."

He rubbed his chin.

"Then slowly, the performers showed up from across the globe all within 3 months."

Victoria looked at Fiona.

"It would take a lot to cleanse someone like you."

She looked at a tank with a snake in it.

"Who's snake is this?"

It was ball python, and Victoria quite liked snakes.

Wexley had not been expecting Ollie to get mad. She thought maybe a little peeved but not upset enough for his hair to change color! And he had been the one to pull them out of the pub, not her. Although she was surprised, she was really quite pleased. It took a lot to come out of the safety of the cirque, for both of them, but for him to get so upset...Wexley wrapped her free arm around her stomach as she laughed heartily. It was just so awesome. A condescending voice in the back of her mind berated her for laughing at something so trivial, but she couldn't help it. She just giggled like an idiot and let herself be pulled along.

Ollie let go of Wexley's wrist when they were a comfortable distance away from the pub, and he looked at her with a confused expression on his face. "Why are you laughing?" He questioned, shoving his hands into his pockets. He felt slightly embarrassed that he had let his hair change and let her see how easily he could be angered, as it wasn't even something to get so angry about. The good thing was that Ollie's hair was now back to normal, the light blonde colour. He looked around him at his surroundings. They were even further away from the cirque, as Ollie had pulled them in a completely random direction and he hadn't been paying attention, he didn't know where they were anymore.

Catherine furrowed her eyebrows. "That does seem very strange..." She mumbled, her voice trailing off. She wondered why this Monsieur Thomas had decided to build his Cirque so close to the church. It seemed like a risky decision to her. "What are you planning on doing next?" Catherine asked.

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