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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

Julianne was busy talking to the customers, most of them regulars, when he saw Luka go outside. She waited for him to close the door and hurried along after him.

She burst into the streets and saw Luka talking to someone. She smirked, and sauntered towards them. "Luka!" She called out. "What are you doing here? We should be search for--" Her voice trailed off careful not to reveal too much to the stranger in front of them.

"And you are?" She asked

Gattyl Lawrence

"I do not enjoy eavesdroppers. So tell me who you are or I will kill you."

"Oh! Hello there, ol' chap!" Gattyl stuck his hand out in the man's direction, as he greeted him, a wide, fake smile plastered onto his face. "Name's Gattyl. Gattyl Lawrence. Pleasure to meet ya, lad." His voice drifted back and forth between various accents, and general dialects as he spoke. None of them were very good, or even remotely good, for that matter, but that wasn't exactly relevant. Either way, Gattyl was having a grand time, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm a man of the church, I am," he leaned forward, and winked slyly. "Like yourself. 'Cept I'm not from around 'ere. Just come to enjoy the Cirque. If ya catch my meanin'," again, he offered a rather exaggerated wink at the man before him.

"Luka! What are you doing here? We should be search for--"

"Ahh, Luka, is it? I had a pet rat named Luka, once." Gattyl squinted his eyes, as if examining the man before him carefully. "Huh. Uncanny resemblance, really. Though, he wasn't able to really talk, and whatnot."

He turned to the woman who had approached, and bowed with a great flourish, before taking her hand, and softly kissing the back of it. "My, my, what have we here?" Gattyl did his best impression of a charming scene he'd seen in some movie, years ago. Definitely a bit over the top. Might want to tone it down a tad... "Now, don't tell me... here to investigate the Cirque just outside of town? Sent by the church?" The woman before him now carried herself in nearly the exact same manner he'd known other girls of the church to carry themselves in. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. In fact, I'm actually here for the same reason the two of you are," pausing shortly, Gattyl frowned. "Two? Hmm... if I recall correctly, there were three of you earlier, weren't there? Where's the other? Pretty little lass, if I do remember correctly. Ahh, nevermind that. Anyway, Gattyl Lawrence, at your service. Investigator of creepies, crawlies, ghosts, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, and the rest of the things that go bump in the night."​
As Gattyl finished saying "night", Luka moved so fast not even people watching would be able to say he moved at all. Luka slammed his foot against the side of Gattyl's head, knocking him clean out. He was holding a stance that let spectators know he was using some form of fighting style. Luka stood like normal after a moment, cleared his throat, and turned to Julianne "Do forgive me miss, but I am not fond of this man" Luka looked a little upset like he didn't want to do what he did. Secretly Luka enjoyed it very much, in fact he would kick the man while he was on the ground if he could.
"For God's sake, Luka!" Julianne hissed. "And what exactly do you plan to accomplish by doing that?" She added, looking at him incredulously

She examined the man's head. "A bruise has formed. Come, bring him to our room." She said as she uncharacteristically ran her hand through her neat hair. "We'll put some ice and question him once he's awoken."

Luke just kicked a man and knocked him unconscious, while that may prove useful in some circumstances, it certainly did not prove useful right now. Julianne fears for whatever recklessness Luka will be accomplishing in the future.
It took far too long for Catherine to undo all the ribbons and knots on her dress, and when she finally took it off, she threw it to the ground and stomped on it for good measure. She looked at the dress on her bed, which looked much more comfortable and easy to put on. It was simple, just black with red accents, but Catherine thought it looked much better than the grey one, which was now lying on the floor in the corner of the room. She finished lacing the back of her dress and looked at the mirror. Her hair was falling out of the bun she'd put it in, and the feathers had fallen off of her hat. Obviously, the outfit she had been wearing had been made to look pretty and was not for practical use. With a sigh, Catherine unpinned her updo. Her hair was curly and somewhat long, falling to the middle of her back, and she decided to keep it that way instead of putting it back up. Feeling much better in this new outfit, she walked to the door and opened it, looking for Luka.


@Between Epochs


(Sorry it took me so long, I had to stay late at work today -.-)
Julianne burst through the door with a distressed an angry look storming on her face. "Step aside, Cat," She said as she gave way to Luka who was following.

"Cat, I hope you don't mind, but can you get us some ice downstairs?" She asked. "Don't tell anyone as to why we need the ice, we just need you to get it." She added as she grasped Cat's shoulders, looking directly into her eyes.
Catherine's eyes widened as the door burst open and a distressed Julianne stormed into the room. "S-sure, I suppose I can..." She responded, a confused look on her face. "I'll just go do that.." She mumbled as she walked through the doorway, sending a concerned look to Luka as she hurried down the stairs. Why was she getting ice? And why had Julianne looked so worried?
Ollie looked at her for a moment and pushed his own hair out of his eyes, before leaning over and taking the hat. He walked with it and put it back in the chest, before turning and looking at her. "That's uh... That's fine. I'm sure you haven't fully lost it, it'll be there somewhere." Truth be told he was slightly afraid of what Wexley may do next, though he stopped down and picked up the materials he had thrown onto the floor and put them back in the box casually. "If you need help lookin', I wouldn't mind." He offers, a small smile made it's way onto his face, and he walked over to his bed and sits down on it, in truth because he was trying to stay out of reach of Wexley.
Luka was standing beside Julianne and once he knew Cat was going to be gone for a while he turned to Julianne. He pushed her into a chair and slammed his fist into the wall next to her head, glaring at her "I want to do things the best way I can, and I will not stand you showing me disrespect anymore. I did what I did because that man is annoying and a menace to the church. Now, adjust your attitude, or else" Luka smiled, removing his fist from the wall and shaking it a little to get rid of the debris on it. "Oh and cut the tough girl bullsh*t. I'm not buying it so stop trying to sell." He stared at her before grabbing onto the man he knocked out and dropping him onto the ground in one of the corners. "I am in charge as far as you are concerned. I AM a man who follows the word of god, but that does not mean that I will be pushed around by some woman who thinks she is superior in any way." Luka sat down on the bed and waited for Cat to return.
"Do I look like a business man to you, Luka?" Julianne replied to him, sitting still in her chair; obviously unfazed by the threats. She's been in worse situations many times. This happens usually when the criminals get hold of her and try to squeeze the information out of her... she never spoke anything. "You just knocked a man unconscious on a the middle of the street in broad daylight, and you think he's a menace? He did nothing Luka."

"The Cardinal never put you in charge; he's the one who's in charge of this operation. We're not going to speak of this anymore. When Cat gets back you will take the ice from her and help the poor man you just hurt." She finished. Composure is the key. She said to herself.
We are back on! Investigators: ignore the incident involving Luka and Gattyl! It seems Tetro had been hacked so revert back to his post before the incident. Thank you and you guys may now post!
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Wexley felt sick. Almost to the point of hurling. But Ollie's offer to help her find her regular hat brought her back and she uncurled her fists. Her shaking stopped altogether and she wobbled to her feet, her eyes bright and happy once more. "That's a great idea! You sure you wouldn't mind helping? I mean the last place I knew I had it was at a pub in town....You don't have to come if you don't want to." She added this quickly as she dusted herself off but when she looked at Ollie, she looked at him with puppy dog eyes as if she was trying to entice him into coming with her.

Ollie scratches his chin, "in town?" He thinks for a moment, he didn't really like going in to town, he didn't like the people, but he wanted to help Wexley. "Sure. You know which pub, right?" He asks, walking over to a small pile of shoes and pulling a pair of black pumps on. He didn't think he should be going into town in his current attire but he wanted to help her. He thought that maybe people would think he was strange to be walking around in a black and white striped shirt, and checkered trousers.
Wexley was slightly surprised. Pleasantly so but surprised all the same. She knew for a fact that towns people made some of the others wary, Ollie most definitely. But he had decided to go with her anyway. She gave a small jump for joy before settling and nodding. "Yes, I remember which pub. I think we should head out now before the show so we have time to look." She pulled at her ruffled collar, straightening it and checked the laces of her boots then made her way to the door and held it open. "After you." She smiled.
Ollie smiled weakly, feeling slightly nervous at the prospect of going in to town. But he couldn't have second thoughts, how would it look if he backed out now, instead of going with her? He licks his lips before walking out of the door that she was holding open, smiling thankfully at her. He waited for her to lead the way, considering he didn't know where he was going, as he avoided going in to town as much as possible. Though, he did feel a small sense of excitement at the idea of seeing the buildings and boring ways of life of those other people, the ones that reminded him of his past in Ireland, before he had woken up different. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and looked at Wexley.
Wexley closed the door behind her gently and 'smiled' at Ollie while leading him past the main tent and ticket booth then onto the road leading into town. She saw a lump of blue lying in the middle of the road and rushed forwards to grab it. It was the ribbon she had worn around her neck, not her hat but at least she knew they were going in the right direction. When they reached the opening to town she paused and looked at Ollie. "Ready to go? The pub's right over there." She pointed to a dingy old building about ten buildings from where they were and started walking again, this time much slower so she could tie the ribbon back around her neck.
Victoria looked at Duchess.

"Hello, I'm Victoria."

In the darkness of the tent she was safe from the sun so she pulled her hood off revealing long curly red hair and an unnaturally pale complexion.

"It is nice getting out of the sun."

She spoke with a her usual Romanian accent although she seemed much happier.

"This tent is quite big."

She walked around and looked back at Duchess.

"So what do you do in the cirque Duchess."

She was trying to be social, and she felt confident that she was on the right track.


Thomas left a small store and spotted Ollie and Wexley, he stopped and called to them.

"Ollie! Wexley! What brings you two to town?"

He walked up to them.

"Is everything alright at the cirque? Victoria and Fenrir haven't gotten into a fight have they?"

He always assumed the worst when performers came to town when he was in town. Although he shouldn't be he still did. He worried about the performers safety.

@Kininarimasu @buildingaspaceship

Nicolas had changed into normal clothes, although he still wore a cross. He looked out the window of the train as it pulled into the Guyancourt station. He de boarded and grabbed his suitcase. He walked to the in passed some odd people..

Must be members of the cirque..

He walked past them and entered the inn.

"Checking in, Monsieur Nicolas."

The inn keeper handed him a key. As he went to his room he wondered if the others had arrived.
Fenrir kept following the vampire, still not wholly trusting her. She may be a friend of Master Thomas, but she's still a vampire. When she got inside a tent, he followed her inside. His ears perked up when he saw Duchess, knowing she always has rats or mice with her. He ran up to her, giving her a slobbery lick on her face. "Do you have mouse?" He asked haltingly.
"I'm an escape artist," Duchess replied. "I specialize in ropes, locks, and chains--" Duchess was interupted by a sudden lick to the face. She wiped up the moisture with her handkerchief and continued, "Oh hi, Fenrir! Actually, there seemed to be a surplus in mice this morning, the dang things just keep coming back. Not that I'm complaining, since it gives me something to do in my off-hours that isn't stealing the money off of drunk people via gambling. Anyway, would you like some? I have an entire sack full of them..." Duchess offered the bag to Fenrir and continued her conversation with Victoria. "So what do you plan to do while you're here, Victoria? I really hope you two can get along, given the whole vampires-versus-werewolves thing. Everyone comes to the cirque with problems of their own, so we try to set those aside and live peacefully together here where humans hopefully won't bother us. Just don't kill/brutally mutilate each other, okay?" Duchess continued cheerfully, "That goes for both of you."

@Lady Luna Ravenswood

Victoria looked at Fenrir.

"I have no intention to harm him. I know there is a long feud between our races but I have been traveling most off my life, so I usually avoided wolves when I could. And overly religious humans."

She looked at Duchess.

"I plan on helping out, I do fortune teller stuff but, I am afraid that is my only talent."

She looked at the various acrobatic set ups.

"But perhaps I can find another talent I can do."

She smiled and continued looking around.

"Thomas never said this place was so big. He said he ran a modest cirque."

She shrugged.

"I like it."

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Ollie smiled, glad she had found her ribbon, and then nodded his head. He would have to be ready to go into town, because he'd already stepped outside of the cirque, and if he went back now he'd look like a complete fool. "Yeah, I'm ready." He followed Wexley, nervously looking around him. When Thomas came up to them, Ollie felt slightly safer. He always did when Thomas was around, like he could protect them. He always did, after all. "Everything's fine, don't worry! We're just looking for Wexley's hat." He explains, smiling slightly and crossing his arms across his chest.
Fiona is in her room, applying make up and humming an old Transylvanian tune. "He's obviously crazy if he thinks that staying near a church is something that I will tolerate. It's completely and totally ridiculous. The old man is mad. Completely mad! Oh, lovely." Fiona had worked herself into such a frenzy that she messed up her makeup. "Alright." She walked over to her sink, wet a rag, and dabbed the spot that she had messed up. Finally, after she was done, Fiona left her room and looked out at the starry sky, inhaling deeply and glaring at the church behind her. "The moon is in optimum position for a show."
Fenrir let out an enthusiastic barkk, pouncing on Duchess and licking her face. "Thank you!" He said as he got off her. He stuck his head inside the bag and started feasting on the mice inside there. He can easily catch something bigger in the woods, but he still prefers the mice Duchess catches, it seems more tasty to him and more special. He finished the bag in less than five minutes, licking his muzze to show appreciation from the meal.
buildingaspaceship said:
Ollie smiled, glad she had found her ribbon, and then nodded his head. He would have to be ready to go into town, because he'd already stepped outside of the cirque, and if he went back now he'd look like a complete fool. "Yeah, I'm ready." He followed Wexley, nervously looking around him. When Thomas came up to them, Ollie felt slightly safer. He always did when Thomas was around, like he could protect them. He always did, after all. "Everything's fine, don't worry! We're just looking for Wexley's hat." He explains, smiling slightly and crossing his arms across his chest.
Thomas was relieved.

"Good, good. I was worried about leaving a vampire and werewolf unattended but, I was sure Victoria was not one to kill based on long standing feuds."

He had met her in rather odd situation, she was cornered by a werewolf, after scaring off the wolf he offered her a position at the cirque.

"Well I hope you find Wexley's hat. Do be careful though, there is a rumor around town a catholic Cardinal is interested in our cirque,"

He looked around.

"Hopefully its just a rumor but, we can never be too safe."

He smiled at the two.

"See you back at the Cirque."

He walked towards the church hoping to hear some more rumors.

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