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Fantasy Cirque De Monstres (1876)

"I am watching," Duchess grinned, "why else would you be soaked?" Duchess giggled mischievously. "Good morning to you too, Ollie!" She bounded away cheerfully to continue her routine check on the cirque grounds, catching mice on her way to the big tent.
Ollie watches her go, his eyebrows raised and his hands in his pockets. He runs a hand through his blonde hair before shrugging his shoulders and looking at Wexley. "Id help you get back but it's more fun to see where you end up. Quack." He winks at her before walking off to his own trailer, shutting the door behind him. There was some time before show time yet, and he could spend it making costumes if he wanted to.
Luka's voice went back to how he normally talked in front of people. "I was just in there to see if I could find a friend of mine. I need a bear for my plan and he has a few. He wasn't there and that's why we are leaving." He smiled at Julliane. "You shouldn't stress so much, maybe you should go get us some rooms near the cirque. Catherine and I will be right behind you, we just need to find my friend. One more stop before we continue. Sound good?" Luka's voice became smooth and his eyes became sharp, his charm speak began creeping into Julliane's ears with a rhythm and smoothness not even the finest music could achieve. Luka was holding hands with Catherine at the time, his face looking innocent as he smiled sweetly at Julliane. @Between Epochs @Seraphina Blair
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"I'm not stressing--" She stopped herself before she could get her temper out of control. "Fine, I'll go find a room," She finished, the words flew out of her mouth almost uncontrollably... strange.

Julianne started walking away from them, back to where she came from, and turned around. "Oh, and Cat, do lay off the beer he gives you. I can see the vacancy in your eyes. You must be little lightheaded; don't worry, Luka can definitely take care of you and bring you back to your uncle. Won't that be a fun episode." She turned and walked away.
Thomas looked outside to see a gypsy wagon out in the large animal area. He grabbed his hat and walked out. He put on his hat as he walked up to the wagon.

"Victoria! I am glad you made it."

Victoria looked out of the front door of her wagon to see Thomas walking up.

"Monsiuer Thomas. I just arrived, you failed to tell me about your guard dog."

Thomas froze when she mentioned guard dog.

"Oh yes I am sorry about that! Well, he is nice, so he should not be a threat."

He needed to go to town again, to finish his errands.

"I need to go to town, make yourself at home!"

He walked off and went to town again. He was hoping he would encounter more rumors pertaining to the reasons the church was interested in the cirque.

Victoria watched as he vanished, he was such an odd man. She wondered what the grounds were like and hoped down from the little porch on her wagon. She wandered around looking around seeing what the cirque was like. She walked up to the tent and walked in. She had never been to a cirque before. It was interesting, there were unusual people here like her. She decided that maybe she found a place to actually live. She hoped so, ever since she was kicked out of her home in Romania she had been searching for a new place.
As Julianne spoke, Catherine glared at her. The way she had worded her sentence made it sound almost like a threat, and Catherine paled at the mention of her uncle. Before now, Catherine hadn't known whether or not she liked Julianne, but as the woman was walking away, she decided that she very much disliked her, almost to the point of hate. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and turned to Luka. "Where is your friend?"


@Between Epochs
Luka nudged Catherine "Don't worry, I'll take care of Julliane. As for my friend, he is in the pub. I spoke in my regular voice to tip him off. I don't like introducing any of my good friends to him" Luka laughed then sighed "He'll have someone keep an eye on us so he knows where to deliver the bear." He smiled, "Now off we go yeah?" Luka was still holding Catherine's hand as he walked in the direction Julliane went, following her.
When Luka smiled at her, Catherine couldn't help but to smile back. He was probably the strangest person she'd ever met, but she had already grown very fond of him. She was a bit apprehensive about the whole 'controlling a bear' thing, but she trusted that Luka knew what he was doing. She looked at her hand, only just noticing that Luka was holding it. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing as they walked. That is, until the train of her dress caught on something and almost caused her to fall over. "This stupid bloody dress is going to be the death of me!" She let out an annoyed sigh as she yanked the skirt free, cringing as she heard the fabric tear. "Wonderful. Just bloody wonderful," she muttered, then immediately felt as if she needed to apologize for using the term 'bloody', as it wasn't very ladylike. "Sorry." At least I won't have to wear this hideous thing anymore.

(Just to clarify, no, the entire skirt did not come off, just the train xD )

Wexley ran pale, spindly fingers through her hair and pulled it back. The words her fellow performers said barely even registered before they began to walk away. Oh darn. Now I'm bored. She straightened up the best she could before following Ollie to his trailer. She did this most days; whoever she laid eyes on first became her target of attention until the show. Her crooked grin twisted her lips as she thought about how funny it would be to climb onto the roof of his trailer and start shaking it...but she hadn't the energy to do so, so she instead settled for knocking politely on Ollie's trailer door and asking aloud; "Would you mind if I joined you?"

Ollie looked at the door and furrowed his eyebrows. He walks over to the door and opens it a crack as he looks at Wexley. "I wouldn't, no, but... Just... Don't touch any costumes, okay?" He narrows his eyes before opening his door and revealing his room much more clearly. There were half finished costumes scattered around the rooms and on mannequins, different materials flung in random places. He moves aside to let Wexley in.

"Ooh! I like it in here! Very colorful and welcoming." As she was told Wexley touched not a thing and sat on an open bit of floor. She had actually had a purpose in following Ollie but forgot it as soon as she saw all the fabrics and costumes. "I'm impressed. I mean, I've seen the costumes you create but its awesome to see them up close. Oh! I meant to ask, you wouldn't happen to have a spare ribbon and hat? I seem to have misplaced mine heh heh.."
"Yeah!" He says, a grin spreading on his face as he walks over to a large wooden chest and kneels in front of it, he opens it and begins to throw fabrics and tools out of his chest, he finally finds a hat and turns to Wexley, offering it to her. "Will this hat do the trick?" He questions, smiling slightly. He was still yet to find a ribbon, but he had many to choose from, and he thought maybe she'd like the hat first.
Luka chuckled before walking again "Lets get to our room with Julliane, you can get changed there" He nudged Catherine reassuringly. Luka continued following Julliane with Catherine. He found Cat's irritation to be rather cute, at least at the moment. Luka felt like she was almost like his little sister. Of course he was never going to let the Cardinal know how close he felt to Cat. Luka knew that no amount of charm speak would calm that man's wrath if he told him about all that had been happening.
It was starting to bother Julianne how the two kept following her yet keeping their own worlds away from hers. "Why are you two following me? I thought I'll be the one to look for our rooms." She said to them when she turned around.

This wasn't her. The lady she knew was composed, tough, and stern; not impatient, stressed and intolerant. When she saw the rip in Catherine's dress she shook her head and walked towards them. She knelt down and started hiding the tear by arranging the folds and ruffles. "It looks messy and inappropriately shows your ankles, but it's better than your uncle seeing it torn and thinking what kind of things you've gotten yourself into." She said as she rose up. "Be careful," She added almost rather too sternly.
Luka smiled at Julianne "Just lead the way, and forget about everything that's happened. It is not appropriate for a lady to worry herself with such business" Luka's charm speak crept into Julianne's ears again. This time it was even more intense than usual, almost like a form of powerful hypnosis. Luka's voice was still as smooth and as soft as the finest silk when he spoke. He was staring into Julianne's eyes at the time to make sure it worked. His sharp, intense, yellow eyes having a soft look about them at the same time.
A force rose up from inside her, like the before in the Cardinal's office, only this was stronger and felt more tempting. "Alright, suit yourself." She turned her back and started walking as if she was sleepwalking--vacant. Snap out of it Jul! She heard someone shout, but it was lost among other noises like a the sound of a wave covered by another sound of it.

"Let's go find that room then," She mumbled.
Luka nodded "Yes, of course" He continued to follow Julianne. He smirked, having a mischievous look upon him. Luka felt satisfied that Julianne would be subdued for the time being. He thought about how he would go about his plan when they got to the cirque. Luka's thought were off set by the thought of Cat. He had grown very fond of the woman, feeling close to her. Luka began to grow a love for her that wasn't matched by any other. He felt like he had a true friend finally, and his mind just could not let him think of anything else.
They finally reached an inn that was near the cirque--only about a half hour worth of walkingto their destination--she got the key from a grubby middle aged man whose hair was thinning. Julianne lead them up to the second floor and unlocked the last door to the right. "There's your room," She said, still feeling strange. "Cat, get changed."
"Thank you, and do you need anything? You seem tense, anything I can do to help?" Luka's voice was soft and concerned. He was acting very pleasant so he could gain Julianne's trust. Luka made himself seem handy and reliable the best he could. He knew that Julianne would realize that she had just had her memory wiped, but he wanted to prolong it for as long as he could.
She opened her mouth to reply, but found herself completely forgetting what she should say. Strange.

Julianne looked at Luka, his yellow eyes seemed different. Were his eyes getting sharper? Stranger.

"Meet me downstairs after Cat is done. I'll go talk to the customers below; see what they think about this cirque." She said and started open the door. "Don't try any funny business, Luka. You're a strange man, I know that; I just hope that you're strangeness is for the better." She added when she was out of the room.
Duchess was in the midst of catching a mouse when she heard approaching footsteps and glanced over at the tent's entrance. She observed an unfamiliar shadow outside as an exotic looking woman walked in. "A... Gypsy?" Duchess assumed that she was the source of the small commotion she had overheard earlier. "She must be a new performer..." Duchess whispered aloud. She ran up to the woman and said cheerfully, "Hi, I'm Duchess! Welcome to The Cirque!"
Luka's eyes went back to normal and he waited by the room for Cat to change. He leaned against the wall and thought to himself about what his next move would be. Luka began to hum an Irish lullaby softly, getting lost in the song rather easily. He thought about his life up until this point, finding everything to be a long tiresome stream of sadness and disappointment. Loneliness was of course a given as well, but he didn't really like dwelling on that fact.
Wexley "grinned" again and took the hat from Ollie. It was a plain black top hat and although it didn't resemble her feathered pirate hat, it would work just fine. "Yes it will work magnificently! Thanks!" But upon closer inspection of the hat she grimaced and started to subtly shake. The top hat looked exactly like the one her guardian wore when she would make Wexley parade about and do dangerous 'acts' for her. Wexley dropped the hat like it was diseased and curled her fingers into tight fists. Her head was down and her hair covering her eyes. If Ollie could have seen her eyes he would have seen that they were no longer wide and cheerful. The look they held now was one of well concealed madness trying to work its way out. "I'm sorry Ollie," her breath hitched, "but I think that I should just go look for my own hat. It was nice of you to give me one though."


Gattyl Lawrence

Gattyl stepped from the train car as it reached the station in Guyancourt, his jacket draped over his shoulder. He couldn't help noticing he looked the part of the perfect gentleman, and smiled to himself. Ahh, if Father could see me now... he'd been sent here on official church business, from whatever unimportant corner of the world he'd traveled. Those details weren't of any importance, for the time being. Word had it there was something strange going on, at a cirque just outside of town. Needless to say, Gattyl had practically jumped at the chance to travel, and "investigate" a cirque, of all things. For all anyone knew, it was probably just some overly superstitious higher-up within the church who'd gotten his garments in a bunch over nothing. At least, that's what Gattyl hoped was the case.

Gattyl walked the streets of Guyancourt, unsure of where, exactly, he was supposed to begin. One didn't just waltz right into a cirque, and demand to know what manner of vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the night they were harboring. That never got anyone very far, at all. Besides, Gattyl seemed to vaguely remember someone using the word "subtlety".

Reaching for the flask at his side, Gattyl was disappointed (not terribly surprised, though) to find that the whiskey it had once held was gone. Grumbling quietly to himself, he decided to stop by a nearby pub, to rectify the problem.

He took a seat at the bar, and ordered a few shots, downing them quickly, and enjoying the slight buzz he received, before dumping a few more shots into the small flask he carried at his side. Gattyl was quite enjoying himself. He was in a city where he knew no one, and no one knew him. How absolutely wonderful. Others in the church had called him an alcoholic. That wasn't entirely true. He enjoyed alcohol, sure. But he wasn't an alcoholic, by any means. At least, Gattyl didn't think so.

"What exactly is this skill of yours? It must be very impressive if you think it could get you into the Cirque."

Gattyl partially turned in his seat, as he overheard the girl's words. He looked her up and down quickly, noting the somewhat ridiculous dress she was wearing. Was it possible she was affiliated with the church? Judging by her dress, and the fact that she appeared to have never set foot within a pub (let alone tasted alcohol, judging by the grimace as she sipped the beer), the idea itself wasn't too farfetched. And, the two of them were talking about the cirque. Was it possible they'd been set on the same mission as he, himself?

Sitting at the bar quietly, Gattyl turned back forward, keeping his attention focused on the pair, but not wanting to let on that he was eavesdropping on them.

"We should be heading back to the chapel"

There it was. Cirque, or no cirque, he at least had a justifiable reason to take an interest in them, to find out whether or not they were the companions he was told to find.

After watching the pair leave the pub, he grabbed his flask, and set off after them, following at a safe distance to avoid detection, but close enough to ensure he didn't lose them.​
Luka yawned and continued to think. He smiled softly as he remembered, "Ah yes, that kind young fellow who has been stalking us" Luka chuckled softly. He had nearly forgotten the young man in all the excitement. Luka thought for a few moments before walking downstairs. He made his way quickly outside and found Gattyl. Luka smiled kindly at him "I do not enjoy eavesdroppers. So tell me who you are or I will kill you." His expression was soft and kind, as well as his eyes, but Luka meant every word of it.

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