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Realistic or Modern Children's War Game

Teddy Squirts

No longer in hibernation.
Hey gang! Here we'll discuss about plot points, character relations, or just anything really.

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ShurikenPhoenix said:
Hey I just wondered if you had any abilities/powers you won't accept? :)
That's a good question. Mostly powers like, Omnipotence, Time Manipulation, Reality Warping. Powers that can get really out of hand like those.
ShurikenPhoenix said:
Hey @Aridis i was wondering if my character Saskia could be friends with your character. I think they'd get along well :)
Sure! It's fine with me.
How many more people do we need until epic stuff happens?
If Rp starts over the weekend, I won't be back until late Sunday

Don't worry, I'll be competent enough to get things organized this time.

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