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Fantasy Children of Villainy

Yes. Presumably we'll all head to the same place. I'm not sure how long it will take, but we'll see.
My, seems like you did quite a bit of posting while I was busy. I'll be done with my study duties tomorrow, so expect my character to meet you all then.
I didn't realise at first that we had started, then I caught up - and I've replied a couple posts ago x
Hey guys!

Bad news first: I'm taking an AP test in two weeks, and I need to prepare for it. Therefore I will be on sporadically, and won't be able to post as often. That being said, this can run on its own, for the most part. The places have been posted in the Overview, and you guys continue to feel the pull, sometimes strong, but most of the time it's like an afterthought. Please feel free to continue to post. I will post when I can, and will help out if you guys are stuck.

Thanks in advance :)

So we've got these bandits that are coming in to steal everything under the sun, and so this is a free for all. Anyone anywhere can come in to swoop in to save the day or try to fend them off. I'll take care of responding as the bandits. Y'all can choose to kill the bandits or leave them standing or run away -- really, possibilities are endless. So go hog wild!

So we are still on the road. There are forests to either side so it looks like this:

North <--------


[forest] |------------| [bandits]

[forest] |----x -----|

[forest] |-----------|

[forest] |-----------|

[forest] /-----/ -----\

The X is us. This road goes west, and Haltier (the city) is farther to the west, while Barfield is more to the east. The bandits are trying to push farther everyone west. However, you can choose whether or not to go that way. Sorry for blowin' up your notifs. Pardon the crappy formatting.

@Traka @Vespertide @thefan1 @Bhlow @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @SomatoToup123
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