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Fantasy Children of Villainy

@Vespertide Whelp, I'm finished with Svetlana's CS. Everything should be right there.

I'm a little tempted to make the lord's sister as a neutral character, but I should probably slow down, lol.
Hey, I'm still in the process of making a plot, so go right ahead if you feel like it!
So lazy question here @Vespertide i have looked through the thread, including where the parents are located and able to see who's left to choose from. Since only four parent options are available and people have signed up with claims on parents and posting characters. May I ask who is left to choose from out of the parents? I did some looking already, but just to be sure and getting it correct I would like to double check.
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Saru said:
So lazy question here @Vespertide i have looked through the thread, including where the parents are located and able to see who's left to choose from. Since only four parent options are available and people have signed up with claims on parents and posting characters. May I ask who is left to choose from out of the parents? I did some looking already, but just to be sure and getting it correct I would like to double check.
If I'm not wrong, I think there's 1 spot per parent.
thefan1 said:
If I'm not wrong, I think there's 1 spot per parent.
Ok cool. I thought so as well, but just checking since I believe both of Jaela's spots were taken but wasn't sure. I was thinking going the route of Jaela's second child but if she was already filled up for parent options, I would keep an eye out and look over the others some more.
Again, it's whoever posts first gets the spot. I need to go check, but I will keep the open spots updated as much as I can.

@Saru All of the spots are open. Go ahead and pick Jaela, if you want.
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I know I cant beat anyone to the Jaela spot so imma choose another one.(Stupid time inconvenience)
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Is it weird I wanna be either tory the dogs grand-puppy or a dark magic familiar of Inina Falconspaear's child(ren), if you'll allow me which one do you suggest.
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Vespertide said:
Can you as the familiar talk?
If I'm the dark magic familiar yes (maybe a wisp or demon), but the dog can't unless someone pulls out a random un-related nature character
What I'm worried about is you interacting with the other characters. Do you have a plan for that?
Theirs almost nothing I don't prepare for or get prepared for when its related to character dev/interaction.

And good. I don't care which, but I do have one request.

Make him/her funny. I think we need a little humor.
Someone said... Funny?

Anyway, since everyone seems to want Jaela, I'll choose the least-wanted villain as my character's parent. Also, I'm not able to see @labyrinthecho 's character in the sign-up section; is it just me?
Traka said:
Someone said... Funny?
Anyway, since everyone seems to want Jaela, I'll choose the least-wanted villain as my character's parent. Also, I'm not able to see @labyrinthecho 's character in the sign-up section; is it just me?
I'm going to quit. However, I've been thinking, and if @Vespertide ends up needing another player, I'll come back. <3
It's in the character sign up tab. Just copy and paste the post, and edit it as need be.

From what I've seen, you're good. Your powers do seem a bit strong, and many. I'll allow it for now, mostly because I'm curious to see how you use them in the RP. I hope he has more of a personality than an affinity for potatoes, though :)
Vespertide said:
From what I've seen, you're good. Your powers do seem a bit strong, and many. I'll allow it for now, mostly because I'm curious to see how you use them in the RP. I hope he has more of a personality than an affinity for potatoes, though :)
We need more people to start right? Because I was thinking and a thread in the interest check could really do wonders.

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