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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Children of Villainy


Will you walk in the stars with me?

Parent Spots:

Inina Falconspeare

1. @thefan1

2. @Bhlow

Roger Daveedi

1. @Traka

2. @Vespertide

Bihaal Dyrone

1. @Doctor Jax

2. @ambiguities

Jaela Corsovo

1. @SomatoToup123

2. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki


Above is a link to a font website. As you can see from the villains,

they all have their own unique name in their own unique font.

Have fun, and above all else, don't be boring.

You can use the bb code if you wish, or not. Whatever you feel like. Please read through all the tabs so you can organize your character appropriately before you begin creating your character.

  • I don't care what kind of picture you use, so long as you have one. Go wild!

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(Sorry if this is too long)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-22_6-15-17.png.08d7dcb138ebd53b2c68c889688546ba.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-22_6-15-17.png.08d7dcb138ebd53b2c68c889688546ba.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Personality:

    Belladonna is a clever and persuasive girl who likes to achieve great things and never gives up once she was a clear goal and a strong motivation. She firmly believes brains are more important than strength, something she learned from her countless fights with her older brothers while growing up. With this in mind, it's important to know Belladonna likes manipulating people. She likes having power, knowing she can control others by just pulling a few strings in their minds and likes messing with people just for a few laughs. Being a good liar really helps with her desire to control others, being a good actress and being able to change her entire demeanor when she had to pretend to be someone else has gotten her out of thousands of troubles. A damsel in distress? She pretend to be one. A psychopathic witch threatening to burn down the world? Same thing. She's incredibly proud of her intelligence and ability to make up elaborate plans in just a few seconds.

    She doesn't exactly know how to difference what's right from what's wrong and only thinks about what's helpful for her and the ones she cares about. Her mother always said that thinking about others was not a wise thing to do. "The only people you should help are the ones who care about you, leave the stranger to bleed out if you must." Her mother had told her when she was a little girl and she had never forgotten it. These two traits have brought up flaws in her personality, such as her arrogance. Oh yes, she's proud of almost everything she does and likes to make sure the others know it. After all, it's easier to gain respect from others if they know what you're capable of. This makes her get offended very easily and causes her to act irrationally and without thinking of the consequences. If someone even tries to make fun of her she'll make sure to teach them a lesson.

    Not everything is power and control in this girl's life. After all, everyone needs some good fun every once in a while. She's usually pretty serious and calm around strangers, not wanting to embarrass herself. When she's with her friends it's a different story. While her humor is usually very dark and she's extremely sarcastic and blunt, she loves to have fun as long as it doesn't involve injuring herself and loves letting go for a few minutes. She doesn't have many friends though and she's incredibly protective of the ones she has. They often tell her she's like a second mother to them. Always asking where they are going and who they are going with. She doesn't like seeing the ones she cares about in pain and always tries her best to protect them. She's incredibly loyal to her friends but not exactly trustworthy. She's done it many times before, pretend to be friends with someone just to betray them.



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  • 12fa1c93891869bda4ecc3599c7dc273.jpg


    Svetlana is not particularly tall, standing at 5'5". Her hair is an incredibly dark brown bordering on black, and her eyes are a dark brown color as well. She has a nice enough face and a fairly thin frame, with little, if any, muscle. She is usually seen wearing a peasant's garb, not much more than a dirty shirt and long skirt. However, she typically wears some scowl or serious look on her face.

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  • 4d29c249b7c26719a91b8ba275b6874d.jpg

    Hair colour: white

    Skin colour: pale



    Weight: 76kg

    Body type:Athletic toned

Enzo Rogersen

  • Height: 172cm (5'7)

    Weight: 63kg (139lb)

    Age: 18


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Vasilissa Drenmoor

  • latest

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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.44715f92ddf38a85e13ee4b701c7c572.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.44715f92ddf38a85e13ee4b701c7c572.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Gejene Falconspear

  • will_o__the_whisp_by_bambee96-d771i2o.jpg

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Rosaria Gespari

  • 39ead9e46067ab763d6be2b68c1bb7bd.jpg

    Rosa is of average height, at only 5'5". Her hair is typically put up in a bun, but she prefers to wear it down. However, she feels it necessary to always have it up, as it befits her as the lady of House Gespari. While not ugly, she is still rather plain, and she is no spring chicken, either. At age 39, she's well past the age of marriage, though her brother ceaselessly tries to convince her otherwise.

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