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Fantasy Children of Villainy

What do you think of roleplays with story starters like this instead of a set-in-stone world?

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  • Completely idiotic.

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  • I prefer the set-in-stone world, but the story starters aren't bad.

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  • No clue what you're talking about.

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Will you walk in the stars with me?

For years, your parents and others like them become the villains the world feared. The resistance fought against them, and eventually, good prevailed. Your parents were killed, the villains were thrown down and arrested, and their mansions taken and either burned down or repurposed. Any servant was executed or turned to the good side.

Most of the children of these villains were young, and many don't remember their real parentage. The heroes, being heroes and good people, knew that since the children wouldn't know their real parentage, they shouldn't be killed. So they sent the various children to villages around the kingdom, and expected them to grow up, never knowing that they were the children of murderers and thieves.

But that didn't happen. These children grew up exhibiting strange powers by the time each of them turned five. Then, when they were fifteen to twenty, they had a strange urge to find the other children of villainy, though they themselves don't know who they're looking for. They just find themselves drawn to the others like magnets.

You are one of the children. Do you follow the urges?

Or do you stay at home with all you know?

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Here's how intro posts will work. Introduce your character creatively, and show his/her hometown. Somewhere during the post mention a "pull", or something along those lines, that's driving them towards a specific location. Note: The longer they stay home, the stronger the pull gets. I haven't made a map, but assume that y'all being pulled towards a central location, and that you start in towns on the edges of the kingdom. Because we want to start interacting with each other, some towns are close together, and so you might, say meet another villain's child on the road. I'll be working as a narrator and as Jessie, to try and smooth over awkward pauses and schtuff.

Have fun! I'll post first as Jessie. Please note that you only have to do three lines, and that I tend to overwrite, all the time. Don't feel pressured to write as much as I do.​
Jessie felt the pull as she was washing Mumble. The dog whined about it, not liking her beautiful fur to get wet, but it had to be done. "Quiet, ye big complainer. Lordy, it's only for a few minutes."

She ignored it at first, and after a few minutes, it went away. Mumble got dried, and she was quickly running through the fields, chasing down the sheep, the wind drying her even more. Jessie laughed as she watched her, and sat on the fence. Her eyes scanned the borders of the fence line for wolves or coyotes, but she didn't think she'd get any today. She pulled out an apple, munching on it.

The pull came again, and this time, she actually got off the fence and started walking, almost in a daze, before she blinked. "What in the world... Lordy, I must be sleep walking."

She went back to the fence, and felt that same pull. She managed to stay rooted to the spot, but the pull was undeniably there. Maybe I'm getting that travel itch. Pa told me about it, I'll ask him at dinner.

Jessie had dropped her apple, and she just let it stay in the dirt. Eventually, Mumble came back, and the two of them went to the shade of a nearby tree. Jessie scratched behind Mumble's ears, thinking. "It'd be real nice if I could just leave. And I feel I should, anyhow. What's left for me here but a couple of no-good kids and a town fulla gossip? I want a real adventure. Just one, and then I'll come back. You'll come with me, won't you Mumble?"

The dog made a sound in its throat, sounding a bit like a mumble; hence her name. "Yeah. Pa and Ma will miss me, I guess. But not that much, seeing as how Ma's already gonna get herself another babe. And she's got Jerry and little Tom. What does she need me fer?"

The hours passed, and Jessie's will was resolute. She went inside to dinner; rabbit stew, again. Jerry and Tom were being fed, and when Jessie piped up about leaving, all commotion stopped. Even Tom stared at her, and he was four.

Ma spoke first. "You're gonna what, honey? Leave? Now why would you leave? Lordy, we need you to help with the sheep and cattle!"

"Ma, I gotta,"
Jessie told her. "I just got this feeling. Besides, Jerry's old enough to watch the sheep."

The conversation quickly spiraled out of control, and it made Jessie want to shut her ears to it. With it like this all the time, Jessie didn't know why she didn't leave sooner.

Eventually, just before she went to bed, her Pa sat her down. "Jessie, I gotta tell you something. You ever hear of Roger Daveedi?"

"Sure, Pa. Everyone's heard of him."

Her pa looked a bit shaken. "Well, good. Here's a travelling pack I prepared for you. It's got most things you'll need. Blankets, food, flint and steel, extra leather for your boots. And a comb. Your Ma put in the comb. A few knives..."

Jessie took the pack, grateful but a little confused. "What about Roger Daveedi? Where ye going to tell me something about him?"

Her Pa looked at her and shook his head, hesitating a bit. "No, no. You be careful out there, won't you?"

"Yes Pa. I'll start tomorrow."

The next morning she was on the road, excited, Mumble treading besides her. She didn't know where the pull was taking her, but she intended to find out.
...Glowing even brighter the slight illuminating light coming from the small wisp can now faintly be seen, taking his daily routine he brushes against the doors and entranceways causing mischievous occurrences inside. Frustrated at all the noise he floats away from the doors and heads west hoping for any sign of Inina's children as he was slowly loosing his will to find them. Remembering hearing there names was enough as it also revealed they were somewhere in the kingdom and alive.

...'I must find them...Inina, I shall right my wrong please forgive me once I do' The psychic waves telepathically flow in peoples and out minds like static as he looses concentration 'I hope your children will forgive me'. Speeding up he now rushes through the air as he feels a slight buzz coming from the edges of the towns 'I've finally found one of them'. Bolting towards the direction he quickly ends up passing through a building and looses his connection, another small wisp appears as he slowly angers and begin flooding the building causing blue tinted lights to flash. 'I was so close' The enraged spirit says as all the lights fade away along with him floating through the building again immediately returning to a docile and completely invisible state again.
Belladonna ignored the pull the first, thinking one of her young students had cursed her during the long lessons. It hadn't been very strong, just a slight pull that only managed to grab her attention for a few seconds before she returned to the lesson. Her students hadn't noticed this and continued listening to the book she was reading for them. The pull got stronger though, and Belladonna found herself being taken to the wooden door against her will with the book still in hand, which made her students come to the conclusion that their teacher had finally gone mad. The lesson had come to an end earlier than usual and the children had gone off to play in the town while their teacher frantically looked for a cure in the numerous books laying on her desk. The pull wasn't the only unusual event that had taken place in the town that day. She could see the children acting worse than usual, causing more mischief than usual. Belladonna finally decided to return to her home and research about the strange events that had taken place that day. Mounting her black horse, Ebony, she returned to her small house not too far from the town. Missing the blue lights in one of the buildings by sheer luck.

The pull was getting stronger and Belladonna was growing tired of looking through every book in her house trying to find some kind of information regarding the pull. She finally decided she would go wherever the pull wanted her to go and began packing for her expedition. "You could get lost." Her older brother pointed out, hoping it would get her to stop trying to follow the pull. "Whatever this thing is, it's taking me somewhere. It must know where it's taking me and I can find my way back. You need to stop treating me like a child." Belladonna replied, grabbing food and water for the long trip. Her mother ran inside the kitchen with her other son behind her, looking at Belladonna with worry in her eyes. "Bella, you can't leave now... It's dangerous and there are bandits in these areas!" Her brother explained"What if you were cursed? We're not the only ones who can perform magic. This is suicidal!" He exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the table. Her brother's rash actions only caused her to roll her eyes and continue packing. Her mother, who'd been watching her children argue for quite some time now, calmly approached Belladonna and smiled. "I can't say we expected you to stay for so long..." The woman began, looking at her daughter's bags and sighing. "We lied for your own good, but I have a bad feeling about this. Lord, I wish your father were here. He'd know what to do. Oh well..." She murmured, shaking her head slowly and giving her daughter a kiss on her left cheek. Belladonna didn't know what her mother was talking about but she knew her mother was a wise woman who clearly knew what she was talking about. She felt another strong pull and ran out of the house. As she mounted her horse and secured her bags on the saddle's side, she looked back at her family and smiled. "I'll be safe. Tell father I love him!" She exclaimed, looking forward and giving the horse a small kick which made it start galloping wherever the pull was taking her.

@dragonsfire the wisp can find Belladonna if you want)

She had wandered for days on the road. Svetlana was surprised she had managed to get so far on just her two feet, but so far she'd not found any leads as to the identity of her parents, nor the person who had given her the cursed blood that ran through her veins. No -- rather, she had managed to make ends meet by cooking for various travel parties, all of whom enjoyed the things she made (though a mishap with a ladle and some sugar mistaken for salt created quite the buzz in a caravan). The young woman had managed to reach a small, winding road, if a road it could be called, and to her surprise, she felt something tug within her.

It was just like the feeling the blood within her created when leaping from split skin to meet a victim. She shivered as a chill passed down her spine. She looked in the direction of the pull, surprised to see a path leading off to a larger, more well-trodden road she had missed. Had she continued walking down this path, she would have passed it by entirely. With trepidation, she followed the pull that seemed to wring her soul, and her feet moved of their own accord.

She looked to the south as she came out onto the cobbles, but she saw nothing, just farmland.

And then, she heard the sound of galloping hooves directly behind her. She spun around in alarm, and a horse with a rider barreled towards her at a breakneck speed. With a surprised shout, she threw herself to the side, careful to tuck in her arms to avoid scratching herself. A cut now would perhaps mean damage to the horse -- a damage she'd have to pay for later.

"Watch where you're going! You nearly ran me over!" she complained as she picked herself and her baggage off the ground.

Great, Jessie thought. A crossroads. Where am I supposed to go now?

She walked to the middle of the crossroads, walked down all four roads, including the one she came down, but the pull wasn't there anymore. Jessie kicked at a loose stone in the dirt road, and Mumble went after it, picking up the rock and bringing it back over to Jessie.

"Thanks, girl," Jessie bent down and scratched behind her ears. "What are we supposed to do now?"

The dog made a mumbling sound, and then her ears perked up.

Ebony was an untamable beast, almost impossible to control. Even if she'd spent years riding her, Belladonna still had a hard time controlling her. Why had she kept the horse when the only person who could control it was her father? It was a mistery. Even if she loved the horse, things like almost running over two girls made Belladonna wish she hadn't taken the horse. She would've ignored the girls and left them to deal with their injuries but something about these girls gave her an unusual feeling. It was nothing like the pull, which was becoming stronger every second. It was her gut telling her that staying with the girls would be a good idea. Maybe they knew where the pull was taking her? The path was very well hidden from the rest of the world and it was incredibly easy to miss, surely they knew where they were going. That, and the girl with the dog seemed... odd, to say the least. Belladonna wasn't someone who could forget things easily and she knew she'd seen a few drops of blood run down the girl's legs. So why were all the gashes she'd seen gone but she was still complaining because of the pain? "Magic?" She wondered as she slowly dismounted the horse.

"Please excuse my horse, she can be a challenge sometimes. Do you need any medicine? I've got a few bandages with me, I wouldn't mind sharing them with you." She spoke, glancing at the two girls with a raised eyebrow, almost as if she were studying them. "I suposse the polite thing to do would be to introduce myself." She continued, folding both of her hands in front of her waiting for one of them to say something, maybe an insult or a threat? That certainly would be surprising, the world was a cruel place after all. "My name is Belladonna Nox, a pleasure to meet you. Even if the situation isn't good for meeting someone. Especially on this road, so hidden from the rest of the world. Quite odd, isn't it?"
thefan1 said:
"Please excuse my horse, she can be a challenge sometimes. Do you need any medicine? I've got a few bandages with me, I wouldn't mind sharing them with you." She spoke, glancing at the two girls with a raised eyebrow, almost as if she were studying them. "I suposse the polite thing to do would be to introduce myself. My name is Belladonna Nox, a pleasure to meet you. Even if the situation isn't good for meeting someone. Especially on this road, so hidden from the rest of the world. Quite odd, isn't it?"
Jessie blinked, wiping away more tears. "I'm Jessie. This is Mumble," she patted the dog, hanging on to her fur. The pain in her legs was intense. "I don't need bandages. No wounds, see?" She squeezed her face as her legs flared up again. "Course, that doesn't stop the pain much. What'd you mean, hidden from the rest of the world? I can see it plain as day."

It was a good thing no blood was drawn. More than once, she'd had to flee or else suffer the consequences thereafter. It was difficult to explain why some poor village boy was lashed half to pieces after accidentally hitting her with a pitchfork while forking hay.

She immediately ran to the other girl and knelt beside her. Indeed, despite the terrible circumstances, she'd managed to avoid being injured.

"...Indeed," said Svetlana, her gaze dark. She extended a hand to the girl before her to help her up while staring at the girl, Belladonna, on her horse. She was exactly the kind of person who'd ride such a beast. Her eyes narrowed as she stared with distrust.

@thefan1 @Vespertide
[QUOTE="Doctor Jax]
"...Indeed," said Svetlana, her gaze dark.

Jessie shook her head. "I don't think I can get up." Both women seemed oddly familiar, though Jessie was sure she'd never seen them before. Especially the one who'd extended a hand to her. "What's your name?"

Svetlana hesitated to help the girl to her feet, but after a few moments, she decided it would be inordinately cruel for her to just leave someone in pain. After all -- she had been hurt by someone from that class. She looped the girl's arm over her shoulder and said, "Svetlana." She refrained from saying her last name -- if it could be called a surname at all. It was more insult.

Svetlana felt the urge stronger here, with these people, and that made her uncomfortable. She lifted the girl before her to her feet, helping her stand, and she said, "As this is a fair day, would you care to have her ride your horse to be treated? She's not walking on her own, obviously."

She looked down at the shaggy dog at her side with trepidation. Dogs were not typically kind to her....

@thefan1 @Vespertide
[QUOTE="Doctor Jax]"As this is a fair day, would you care to have her ride your horse to be treated? She's not walking on her own, obviously."

Jessie cried out, but standing seemed to help, in some way. "No, I'm fine. The pain's going away, I think, S... Savetlana? Svetlana."
"I'm familiar with this roads and this is the first time I ever noticed this path." Belladonna explained, looking down at the girl with the dog. She knew what was about to happen; she was going to have to take the injured girl on her horse. Most people would ask for that, especially if the person with the horse was responsible for the accident. She didn't fail to notice Svetlana's narrowed eyes and she mimicked her response. The girl clearly didn't trust her and while she would usually see this as an act of intelligence, she saw this as a possible threat. People who knew how to use their brains were dangerous and she wasn't going to let her guard down around the girl. Was she intimidated? No, she knew how to defend herself both mentally and physically. That didn't make her invisible and it was better to be cautious around the strangers. Still, they seemed to know where they were going and that could help her with her journey. "You may ride with me but I must warn you, Ebony tends to be stubborn and likes to gallop. In exchange, would you mind telling me where you're going? Is there a village nearby or something of interest?"
thefan1 said:
"You may ride with me but I must warn you, Ebony tends to be stubborn and likes to gallop. In exchange, would you mind telling me where you're going? Is there a village nearby or something of interest?"
Jessie just continued to lean on Svetlana. Her own legs weren't cooperating, and though she was healed, they still hurt. "I'm fine, really. But... I don't know where I'm going. I just feel... Well, like I need to head wherever it's pulling me. I don't even know what it is."

She felt dumb for saying it, especially to them. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she knew Svetlana from somewhere.
The girl's response caused Belladonna to raise and eyebrow and smile. Could it be possible that they were going to the exact same place for the same reason? It seemed unlikely but everything that had happened in the last few minutes indicated they were all being taken to a certain place because of the pull. Belladonna decided leaving the girls wouldn't be a good idea, so she slowly walked towards Jessie and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're saying something is pulling you somewhere?" Belladonna asked innocently, as if she didn't know what she was talking about. "Don't you know about magic? What if there's someone capable of using the Dark Arts pulling you? Magic users aren't exactly trustworthy." She explained, looking back at Ebony and pausing for a second to make it look like she was thinking of something. "Since I'm responsible for your pain, how about I take you where you feel the pull? Just to make sure you're safe, I would loathe to carry the guilt of your possible death. What do you say?" She suggested. Her true intentions didn't involve helping the girl. In fact, she was practically using her as bait in case they encountered any foes. It would be easy to put the girl in danger and save herself.

She honestly didn't like the sound of this woman being alone with the girl, Jennie. The young woman felt familiar to Svetlana, as if she had met her somewhere before, but Lana was sure she'd never seen this girl. Nevertheless, the pull she mentioned sent shivers down the former slave's spine. How was it that the two of them felt this odd compulsion?

Svetlana looked up at the rider, and she was still not the least convinced of her good will. While her words were sweet, her speech contradicted.

"You would take this girl with you even if this pull is dark magic? You don't find that odd?"

She looked at Jennie and her sorry state, and Lana made up her mind. While she held no love for the typical person, she still had her sympathies, and letting a lone woman run off with this injured girl seemed a bad idea.

"Perhaps it would be safer to go in numbers. I'll come with. From my map, I know there are two towns down that road, Barfield and Haltier."

@thefan1 @Vespertide
thefan1 said:
"You're saying something is pulling you somewhere?" Belladonna asked innocently, as if she didn't know what she was talking about. "Don't you know about magic? What if there's someone capable of using the Dark Arts pulling you? Magic users aren't exactly trustworthy. Since I'm responsible for your pain, how about I take you where you feel the pull? Just to make sure you're safe, I would loathe to carry the guilt of your possible death. What do you say?" She suggested.
Jessie wasn't sure about magic, since it was forbidden in the town where she lived. All she knew was that her abilities weren't normal, and that they had something to do with magic. But before she could say anything, Svetlana spoke first.

@Doctor Jax[/URL] @thefan1
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Galerian rushed quickly between the rooftops of the city, moving quickly but his footsteps made no sound on the brick roofs. In the dark of night the only thing people walking in the streets below was the briefest shows, those that might see him in the nearby building windows might see him but knew to keep his mouth shut. A convoy would be passing through the city main road a few houses away. Some noble knew that he had made enough enemies that he wouldn't last long in the city so figured a quite night gateway might save him. What the noble didnt know though that the Stoneknives were after him and had eyes everywhere. An absence of knowledge he would soon find out to late.

Galerian climbed up a bell tower overlooking the street, a good 120 meters from ground level witch gave him double that distance to kill the noble as the convoy passed the street. Not a hard shot for him but they didnt all have to be trick shots, sometimes less is more as they say and there were able opportunities in the future to show his bow skills. Galerian stood by the window of the bell tower and readied his bow while he waited for the convey to arrive. When he did he smirked, the convoy was so lit up to find their way through the city all subtly was lost. As he always did he took aim at the target, letting the feeling of his surroundings and instinct guide him as he pulled on the arrow, taking in on deep breath and holding it. His hand was still and calm as he was ready to release. However something pulled at him, nothing tangible but a feeling which throw of his aim. He tried to require it but the pull kept on messing it up and soon the target was gone. His first miss in ages and it annoyed him, he needed to find the pulls source.
Vasilissa Drenmoor


Vasilissa stood in front of her mirror, focusing intently on the face reflecting back and altered each feature slowly. Every day after a lesson with Peter she would get back home and attempt to change her features to look more like him, and although altering her features into that of another female came easily to her now, but into that of a male, it required skill and focus, and focus was not something she had after the constant pulling she felt within her that caused her mind to drift away.

She dropped the facade, frustrated and closer her eyes, before opening them back to her own beautiful features. The pressure to move, to run, to get out of this city had become greater than she could fathom, and with a creased brow she started packing a small bag with clothes and provisions, finishing it off with a heavy leather pouch of gold. With one last glance at her room she crept down the stairs, threw her cloak and with her hood on exited the house. She didn't bother saying good-bye to her parents, knowing that they wouldn't miss her once the charm she had cultivated on them for the last couple of years had worn off, who knows, maybe they would forget about her like they had forgotten about her favourite son.

She wondered off to the local tavern where she knew she'd find Peter, her own fallen pirate, and amidst the rowdy laughter, and stench of beer she was glad her corset and body were covered; this wasn't a place a woman should bring attention to herself - even she knew that. As she looked around the tavern, with her hood down now, Vasilissa stared confused at the fact she couldn't find Peter in the one place he always was. God damn it, men are never there when you need them.

Exiting the tavern she walked towards the local stable, accepting the pull. Once there she smiled lovingly at the stable-boy, a man she had a fling with every so often and whispered silkily to Timothy. "If you give me the best horse you have for a short trip I need to make, I'll visit you tonight". His eyes lit up at the thought, and Timothy didn't hesitate to lead her to a beautiful white mare. Vasilissa nodded graciously and didn't bother informing him that she had a feeling she wouldn't be back, not for a long while, or maybe never. Instead she jumped on the horse and rode out of the stable, the great white mare leading her towards what seemed like her destiny.
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Belladonna fixed Sveltana with a sweet smile after she decided to tag along. Her fake smile being completely different from her real thoughts. Who did she think she was? Her plan had been flawless, an easy victory that would take her home in less than a month. Now with this girl in her path, manipulating the other girl would be even more complicated. She seemed like an intelligent person who wanted to protect the girl even though they had just met. Well, she would just have to wait and see what happened. Instead of replying , she simply mounted her horse, who immediately began to move uncontrollably. "Easy." Belladonna commanded, her strong voice telling the horse it was time to stop. The animal immediately stopped moving and gained a few days on the neck from its owner. "Svetlana, would you be kind enough to lead the way?"

The girl was less than pleased to be on the ground while that ornery horse and it's rider were directly behind her but she felt no other choice but to begin leading the group. She waved for them to follow.

"I've been wandering around here a bit. Haltier is a trade city, pretty big, has lots of things going on there. Barfield is smaller, with a town square, and it has a nice inn and some barns to stay in. Which would you want?"

Personally she liked Barfield. It was much quieter and it was easier to find some form of day labor or a bale of hay to sleep on for the night. They knew her face there, at the least.
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The skill the boy possessed was crazy, crazy enough that he was able to snap the deer's neck with his bare hands in the blink of an eye. An accomplished smile spread across Rhythian's face as he watched the kill, taking a few seconds to bask in the glory of the moment. The rush he got from hunting was something he could never get used to, and never wanted to, frankly. Rhythian picked up the deer, hauling it over his shoulders before starting back to his home. If anyone else saw this, they'd probably think it was utterly disgusting, him carrying a dead animal over his arms, but luckily, Rhythian was alone, just him and his bow and nature. And the pull.

It was strange when he first felt it, a feeling different than any he'd ever had before. It wasn't like the rush he got when he was hunting, or the amazing feeling of a full belly, it was like there was some special animal out there, ready to be killed by him, and Rhythian just had to find it. He ignored the feeling, however, and completed his journey back home, because his parents were waiting for him with dinner. Arriving at his humble abode, Rhythian went around back and left the deer around the side of the house, out of sight of anyone passing. It was still early day, as the kill required a lot of preparations before it could turn into dinner, so it was no surprise when Rhythian's little sister came running out to greet him.

"Rhythi!" She exclaimed, using the childish nickname that she knew he hated. He pulled her into a side hug, however, giving the girl a small smile. "Vera, hey." He ran a hand through her hair. "What's up little one?" She giggled at the affection and did a little spin. "Mama's been waiting for you, Papa's out back. Did you bring anything good?" Rhythian nodded and pointed loosely behind him, to the woods. "Yeah, of course." He released the younger girl from his grip. "I'm gonna go check on Ma, you go tell Pops I'm back." Rhythian sent Vera on her way before entering the home, the sweet smell of flowers filling his nose. Oh how his mother loved to make the place smell good. He spotted her in the kitchen, looking out the window at Papa working. That's when he felt it again, the pull. Except this time, it was stronger. Rhythian suddenly felt the urge to just walk out the door and go wherever his instinct told him to. He probably would have if his mother wasn't looking at him like something was wrong. "Are you alright? It's like you spaced out." Rhythian nodded quickly as his mother's words, assuring her he was fine. "Yes Ma, I just thought I felt something." It was happening again. Rhythian was trying to ignore it, he really was, but he just couldn't. "You know you can tell me what's on your mind sweetie." She brought a hand up to his cheek. "I'll always be here to listen."

"I- I think I'm gonna go out and explore." His mother's face fell, and Rhythian felt bad for dropping this on her now. "I knew this day would come." She whispered, smiling sadly. Rhythian almost asked her what she meant before she was ushering him outside. "Go tell your father and sister you're going." Why she didn't try to stop him from leaving was a mystery to Rhythian, but he was grateful she was making things easy. And he did exactly that. He told his father and sister he was leaving, who both gave him sad looks and a big hug before letting him go. Vera cried and tried to protest, but the pull was too strong, it was no use. Rhythian decided to leave most of his items home and took the money his parents gave him before starting his adventure. It wasn't long before he ended up on a path that would change his life forever.
After thinking about their destination for a few seconds, Belladonna concluded the best place to go was Barfield. While big cities had were full of clever criminals who could help them understand the pull, they needed a place to rest for the night and they needed a plan, something Belladonna would be more than happy to provide the group with. While she had brought some gold for her long journey, she didn't think wasting it on a place to stay would be necessary. She could scare the landlord of the inn Svetlana had mentioned with her magic, manipulate him or hurt him. Manipulation seemed like the best option. Magic was prohibited in some towns and she didn't want to get everyone's attention, that would just lead to trouble. Manipulating someone, now that was Belladonna's speciality and it didn't involve angering an entire town. "We'll head to Barfield and find someone who might know where this pull you speak of is taking you. I know a way to get a room in the inn you mentioned and I'm sure we'll be able to find someone with a brain who might give us some advice."
Enzo sprang up from his bed, sweating and using both palms to scrape his eyes and thence tousle his hair. Of course, what a fool I am! Wanted to sleep, did I? Fool, fool, filthy fallible fool!

This moment is propitious, we should prepare to depart, rang the Chancellor's voice, calm and refined, muffling Enzo's thoughts. That again. Will you ever stop insisting? Do you intend to make of this room your grave? You know my answer already. Stop.

I have to agree with him, dear boy. Reject fear, walk toward love, the Chaplain said, with an old man's wheedling tone. Two on one, I see. Still, I can't go. No matter how much you pull, I've a debt of gratitude... Let your happiness be their payment. A true act of kindness does not require payment, my boy. You're insufferable.

Enzo realized that he'd been pacing about the room excitedly, gripping a side of his head with five fingers, and halted. "Not again," he whispered, extending a hand to open the door. As the wood creaked, he peered into the dark hallway and slowly advanced. Where to, boss?, crept in the Spymaster's grim and raspy voice. Silence. Ah, indeed. Silence can be a powerful ally, or a terrible curse. Depends on what side you're on.

"Silence, I tell you!", said Enzo aloud. Then, as his mistake became evident, he flinched and tensed his lips.
Curses, that was clumsy. And I blame you three, lot of inconsiderate weasels. Sorry, boss. I must protest; why do you treat us so? It's hurtful. Exactly. You make my head hurt; have you any idea of how confusing this is? Perhaps our methods have not been optimal, yet we hold only the best of intentions. I need a few moments of silence, that's all. Sound is movement, and we are trying to move you toward a better future. This life of stagnation, of postponed love, is not what you deserve.

Discussing such matters with himself, Enzo reached the garden and sat under a moonlit oak. He gazed at the moon's white image woven upon the surface of the pond's water, waving lightly as the fish whirled about. And you want me to abandon this beauty? The moon follows the night, and the night will follow you. Worry not, for you'll catch sight of such supreme beauty many times. Someone's coming.

Enzo cast a glance to his left and saw Brother Flavio, slowly walking on the wet grass, coming near.

"Can't sleep again, I assume," said Flavio and Enzo nodded, fearing that his gesture would not be seen under the dim light. "I'm starting to think, Enzo, that something weighs on your mind. Why not share?"

"It's nothing, Brother. Did I wake you up?" said Enzo, looking first at Flavio's face, then at his shoes and at the pond.

"Must be something very bad for you to lie. Don't tell me that some girl is pregnant or..."

"No, no. It's..." he made a pause and took a breath. "You'll understand, right, Flavio?"

"I'll do my best, yes."

Thus, Enzo shared his desire to leave the monastery and seek something, a promise of happiness ambiguous as the shades at night. Brother Flavio smiled painfully and made a quick motion to hug Enzo before weeping silently, for he didn't want Enzo to feel guilty from seeing his tears and regret his decision.

The next morning all the monks gathered in front of the gate and Father Dante came forward to gift Enzo a fox's fur coat before the final farewell.

He walked along a quiet road of dirt, carrying only his clothes and food for a few meals, contemplating the sky and talking to himself in order to repress the melancholy that would overtake him otherwise.
We've made the correct choice. There is, somewhere, happiness to be found. Is that what we're seeking? Why, of course! What could be more important? I've no idea, to be honest. We're tired; should sleep, boss. Yes, I probably should...

He reached a place where his path joined three roads more, surrounded by trees and grass, and looked around. That's quite unusual, there.

Three women travelling alone, huh? It's a loveletter to danger, the Marshall said in a determined, and rather agressive, tone. Indeed, it's even sealed with aromatic wax. What should we do? What a question! We wave at them, of course! Wave, dear boy, wave away! I can't! They're women! That's where I come in, leave this duty to me.

Enzo's arm jerked up like a flung rope and a feeble cry escaped his lips: "Hey!"

Remarkable management of the situation, Marshall. You did splendidly. Ten outta ten. Women are impressed by confidence; no mystery, no chance to fail. Let us hope that they do not swoon from the sudden rush of emotions. Oh, we're so ploughing screwed.

(So, yeah, I had fun writing this, haha. Sorry for the delay. @Doctor Jax @thefan1 @Vespertide )

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