• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Chemical 432

I put it in interest checks it takes some time but if your in any other RP's right now you could try to advertise them in those. im not really sure its been years since ive been on this site.
ya however many you want im always accepting so sorry I work 12 hour shifts so im not on much lately but yes please do look in character sign ups for the skeleton.
not a clue chica everyone keeps disappearing lol I think I need to post something but I will check in a min I gotta get my pain meds and take them lol I just got out of the hospital Thursday

Hi. I know it's been a while since I posted here, and I apologize for that: the beginning of the month got rather busy I'm afraid, and also dealt with computer issues. And then once all that was sorted out, I kept forgetting to check up/ reply, and that's why I fell off the earth of the thread. I'd still like to do a character or two though, if you'll have me.
the groups actually just kind of starting so you can just kinda do your own thing the groups actually working on moving to higher ground before dark hits cause the zombies are like completely different at night they run and gang up on ya kind of like dying light if your a gamer but ya just kinda jump in its still in the intro part anyways so the group is still forming and getting to know each other @Lucya Kunzenov

everyone just wanted to let you guys know 9 times out of 10 if you make a character as long as it follows the character sheet it WILL be accepted

two things guys! im giving those of us that haven't posted lately you have 2 days before I kill your characters off not to be rude.

and the second thing is Im making Loco jay a moderator so questions concerns if im not online holler at him and he will get ahold of me or whatever needs to happen thanks guys! @LOCOJ

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