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One x One Chasing Beloveds Info



travelling satelite
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[/div] [/div] [div class=title] Chasing Beloveds [/div] [div class=subtitle] CONQUER THE HEART AND YOU CONQUER ALL [/div] [/div] [div class=maincontentcolumn] [div class=scrollbox] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsone" style="display: block;"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Overview[/div] [div class=image;]
Two countries at the North and the South, with vastly different cultures, have been at odds with each other for the longest time. To strengthen the hold of their homeland, the royal families of each country have decided to unite their land in matrimony.

Unfortunately due to language barriers, different values and ways of life, those engaged would have to set aside their differences and are forced to go along with the engagement for the sake of their countries.

[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab1 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentstwo"] [div class=post][div class=title]Altheana[/div] [div class=image]
A country located in the southeast continent of Nur. The country is rich in history and exotic resources. While mainly desert, various towns and cities have been built near oases and the people of Alteana have long learned to survive under the harsh weather conditions.

Altheanians are a proud people, usually noted for their warmer and darker skin tones. They're able to endure extreme temperatures far better than most and are usually lightly dressed due to the high temperature of Altheana. Most of them worship the goddess Althea, in which the country's name is from.

The social hierarchy is prominent in the country and there is a wide divide between the rich and the poor in both status and location. The rich and middle class live near the northern west while the abandoned slums can be found further south of Altheana.
[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]Servitude[/div][div class=image]
It is not uncommon for the rich to buy or "adopt" children from the slums as servants. While slavery isn't legal, servitude is highly practiced among the rich and powerful. It is also one of the quickest ways for someone from the slums to elevate their status.
[/div][div class=post][div class=title]Harems[/div][div class=image]
Like servants, harems are an acceptable part in Althean culture. It is one of the quickest ways (second to marriage) for a woman to rise to power in Altheana, as harems are usually only owned and practiced by the rich and powerful.

Harems can contain unmarried women, concubines and/or wives. While having multiple wives is allowed in Altheana, it is costly practice as men in Altheana are required to provide for the family. Fortunately, most Althean men are monogamous due to the amount of responsibility required to have multiple wives.

While there is no shame in having multiple wives in an Althean household, being a concubine holds negative connotations as a concubine is put on a far lower level than a wife. Taking in a concubine is like taking in a mistress and this is usually more commonly practiced by the Althean royal family.
[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]Furies[/div][div class=image]
Furies are a rare race found in the Althean region. Also known as fire demons or most insultingly called imps, these creatures are said to be birthed from sun flames and live in hidden temples found in Altheana's deserts. While mostly a female dominated race, male furies can usually be identified by their horns. The ratio of male furies to female furies are 1:3.

Female furies are known to be more friendly towards human beings, particularly the males due to their shortage of the male population. With powers of their own, a contract with a fury could grant a human their greatest desire but at an even greater cost. However, due to their secretive nature, it is hard to find a fury, let alone convince one to help.

At one point in Althean history, furies were regarded as gods for their powers until the goddess Althea was revealed and revered to the point of becoming Altheana's official religion. Now, furies are merely spoken as myths to warn children from straying too far out in the desert. Their existence is something to hold with awe, wariness and respect.
[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab2 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsthree"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Tesa[/div] The Tesa Family is ruling royal family in Altheana. Coming from a rich line of successful rulers, the Tesa has ushered in the Golden age for Altheana twenty years after the war with its neighboring countries and provinces; it plans to further expand the country's prosperity through trade and political alliances, by forging ties with the neighboring country, Yuelin. [/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Yuvraj[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Cassius Tesa -- The Crowned Prince of Altheana

He puts the ass in Cassius.

This cocky womanizer is at the ripe age of 25, taking pride in the fact that he is next in line to be the Head of the Tesa family. He's the only son of the family's main branch and has an older sister named Olissa.

He stands tall at the height of 6'2 with dark hair, brushing the upper half of his back. His skin tone, like most Altheans is a warm caramel brown and his face is sculpted and proportioned in a way where most find attractive. He lacks the facial hair his cousins has but makes up in masculinity with his broad and sturdy build. Like his sister, his eyes are a cat-like orange.

With both power, status and looks in his hands, it's not strange to see that he's rather arrogant as well. Cassius has much to learn, especially being born with a silver spoon.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Amirah[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Olissa Tesa --- The First Princess of Altheana

Cassius' older sister; at 27 years of age, Olissa is a fierce and well-respected royal in the Tesa family. With a curvy figure and voluminous black hair, the First Princess captures the attention of many suitors in the Southern region of Nur, all which are promptly rejected because of her dominating nature, leaving most who court her with their pride wounded.

Both cunning and wise, Olissa makes a great ally should you garner her respect and an even fearsome enemy. Underneath her seemingly impenetrable persona, lies a motherly and somewhat domestic heart.

She jokes about killing Cassius all the time because he's an idiot, but she loves him all the same. She works twice as hard and would've made a great ruler if not for her gender. The woman also harbors a secret desire to leave Altheana in hopes of finally leaving her brother's shadow.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Nazim[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Aryn Tesa --- child prodigy

The youngest son to the second branch of the Tesa family; Cassius' cousin. At age 15, Aryn is the next Tesa Head candidate should Cassius fail. For him to rival the Crowned Prince speaks volumes on both their characters.

While he bears the innocent features of a child, Aryn is a schemer with an ambitious heart for power. He's currently studying at the palace as a scholar and scribe.
[/div][div class=post][div class=title]Devarāja[/div][div class=image]
[/div] The Great Emperor --- Cassius' dad

A ruthless and stern ruler who fought and led Altheana into victory in the war against the Nyzatine Empire. When they won the war, Altheana conquered most of the Empire's important provinces, leaving a few to stand independently. They are, however still required to pay tribute to Altheana. Failure to do so leads to severe consequences. The Devaraja is not one to take betrayal lightly and has managed to crush any seeds of rebellion before they can spring to fruit.

His military prowress and cunning makes him a force to be reckon with. Few would dare to offend the King and in his righteous and fair reign, he is both adored and feared by his people.
[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]Maharani[/div][div class=image]
[/div] The Ruling Queen --- Cassius' mom

The King's first love, a very skilled and loving queen who spoils her son far too much. She was a warrior as much as she was an empress. When an assassination attempt nearly took her life, the King pooled all his resources into hunting down the assassins and wiping out their entire families (and eventually, race).
[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]Rani[/div][div class=image]
[/div] The Second Rani --- the second wife or queen to the King

Olissa's mother; a queen taken in for political gain by the King. She has a stern composition and is incredibly strict on her children. While she is unsatisfied with constantly being second place, she's not so much a fool to display her dissatisfaction, in fear of the King's harsh rebuke. She neither hates nor favors Cassius' but mothers him like a teacher would their student.
[/div] [div class=post][div class=title]Extras[/div]
Untitled Concubine(s) ---
Due to the king's devotion to his Maharani, he's known to have the least number of concubines in the history of Altheana. One of the most notable concubines he's taken was to spite the Nyzatine Empire; the eighth princess who's known to be Nyzatine's most beloved princess.

By making her a concubine, he has shamed both the princess and robbed the empire of a precious gem. He keeps her locked up in his harem, never once laying a hand on her to further her shame.

The Rais --
The King's younger brother, a mere duke and also Aryn's father.
[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab3 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfour"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Yuélin[/div] With temperate climate blessed with all four seasons, Yuélin is filled with lush forests, tall mountains, and sparkling rivers. Agriculture is a staple part of their export, but most famously, they produce luxurious textiles and other artistic products of intricate design. They value art, literature, and music, and are seen as polytheistic, with deities that are embodied by nature.

There is a sharp divide between those of the court and those who are common folk--not only in wealth, but in their values and lifestyles. Court life is highly cloistered, and most activities happen indoors. Those of the court dress extravagantly in multi-layered robes of dyed silk and indulge in the fine arts, desiring to be cultured about all else; those who have no interest in the arts or are uneducated in such are seen brutish and unrefined, unable to understand the higher pursuits of humankind.

Those who are not part of the court lead varied lives--the poor, working their fields with their oxen, the crafty merchants peddling their wares, and artisans, who create beautiful objects of great value.
[/div] [div class=emptyspace]put new posts for tab4 above this div![/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsfive"] [div class=post] [div class=title]Lin[/div] A proud dynasty that has held the imperial throne for centuries upon centuries. The first emperor's name was Yué, and the country was named for him in the years to come for his remarkable accomplishments. In the royal line, male children are given a name with 'yu' in it, while female children are given names containing 'ya.' The women who marry into the Emperor's direct line are officially renamed with the royal 'ya' as well.

The palace is located in the heart of Yuélin, surrounded by fruit trees and rivers. It is masterfully built and decorated magnificently; every wall, column, and gate are pieces of art.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Kiriya[/div] The oldest child of the Emperor, Kiriya is a young woman in her twenty-third year of life. She has two half-siblings, both many years her junior--a half-sister, Nanaya, and a half-brother, Yué.

Willowy and slender, Kiriya makes a graceful and feminine figure like any lady of the court should. Her black hair is quite long, and depending on the occasion is it let loose or arranged into heavy, elaborate designs. Though her features are soft and pretty on her fair skin, her sharp, dark eyes give hint to the iron in her bones and the acerbic wit she possesses.

Though she once held the distinction as her father's favorite child, Kiriya has essentially spent the last eight years of her life exiled from court, residing in a second summer palace far north from the capitol with her small household.

Due to her years of isolation surrounded by little more than servants, she is no longer comfortable with large crowds, and has little experience with courtly love or flirtation. Her distance from the palace, however, granted her something she could have never known at court--a modicum of freedom. Though it is technically forbidden, she leaves her residence and interacts with the local villagers. Her hardships have made her humble and empathetic to others, but it has also made her slow to trust and holds a generally negative view of court and ambition.

From the time she was a lively child she was noted to be an enthusiastic student, eager to learn matters of culture, art, and language. Away from court and all the ceremonies and festivities to attend, Kiriya turned her attention to becoming an even more voracious learner. Though her various skills would serve her well at court, she seems to have long given up on the thought of returning, preferring her quiet sanctuary despite the loneliness it brings.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Xue-Yun[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Kiriya's father, the Emperor of Yuélin. Though he is kind-hearted and well-meaning, he is ultimately weak willed and under the thumb of his mother. He still holds great affection for his first daughter, and Kiriya holds regular correspondence with him by letter. He visits her at her palace, though recently they’ve dwindled in number to once or twice a year at best.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Ayarein[/div][div class=image]
[/div] The Empress Dowager --- The Emperor's widowed mother. She has guided Emperor Xue-Yun since he took the throne at the tender age of seven, acting as regent for a good number of years. Intelligent, manipulative, and ruthless when crossed, many have whispered that she is the true power in the court.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Shirinya[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Empress Shirinya --- The Emperor's third wife, a beautiful woman with close ties to the Empress Dowager. She is full of devotion towards her children, but does not see her stepdaughter in such a favorable light. They are estranged, and Kiriya has not seen her in eight years.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Nanaya[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Princess Nanaya --- Empress Shirinya's first child and Kiriya's half-sister of twelve. She was only four when Kiriya was sent away, but the older girl remembers Nanaya fondly as a sweet child with a sunny disposition, always eager to be at her side despite the Empress' disapproval.
[/div] [div class=post] [div class=title]Yué[/div][div class=image]
[/div] Crown Prince Yué --- The youngest child of Emperor Xue-Yun, and the only male heir. It was his birth that eventually led to Kiriya being sent away from court.
[/div][div class=post] [div class=title]Extras[/div][div class=image]
[/div] General Zhang-Xin Sai --- Kiriya's personal guard and head of her household at Naozuru. Coming from a long line of soldiers, captains, and generals, he was devoted to the sword and strategy from a very young age. As his father was the one to teach the young Emperor swordplay, he and the Emperor developed a brotherly relationship despite being five years the monarch's senior. A fierce and skilled warrior, he climbed the ranks and eventually became one of the four generals under the Emperor's employ.

When the Emperor had no choice but to send his daughter away to the North, it was this trusted general that he entrusted her to. He left his wife and four sons to become Kiriya's guardian, swearing to keep her safe. Despite being gruff and stern with most others, he has a soft spot for the princess, and watches over her like a father would.

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[/div] General Wei-Fang Sai --- The eldest son of General Zhang-Xin and Lady Mei-Fen, and a renowned general in his own right. As the first son there was much expectation for him to follow in his father's footsteps, and the general raised him in a strict and rigorous manner, not unlike the way the he would train his soldiers. Unfortunately, as a child he had very little natural talent for anything that would be expected from a soldier. He had a clear affinity for animals and thus excelled at riding, but he was below average at swordplay, archery, and tactics. Nevertheless young Wei-Fang idolized his father and strove endlessly to become a great warrior like him; his tireless efforts paid off, and he became one of the youngest to gain the rank of General. Compared to other generals he is about average in combat on foot, but it is said that once he is on a horse no one can best him.

His childhood shaped him into a hard-working young man who believes whole-heartedly in anyone being able to improve themselves with effort, which has been his greatest strength. He's not afraid of failure and most of the things he has tackled have yielded good results--all except any form of artistic or musical endeavors, which is secretly a sore subject for him. His persistence is more often a good thing, but this can become stubbornness and unwillingness--or inability--to let go of something and walk away from it, and he hates leaving things unfinished.

Though Wei-Fang might first come off as a serious and stern person, just like his father, he is far more willing and quick to show warm affection and encouragement to others. He is well-liked by his men and when out of the public eye, he treats them more like brothers than subordinates, but the ones he babies the most in the army are the horses--particularly his own.

He values loyalty to family above all else, and is almost always thinking of his mother and brothers. Being the eldest of four boys, he's very much used to being the responsible one, but this was brought to the forefront when his father left his family to become Kiriya's guardian and Wei-Fang was forced to become the family head in all but name. Though he was already more man than boy when his father left them, Wei-Fang never forgave his father for it, especially on behalf of his younger brothers and mother. He doesn't speak ill of his father, but his family and his close companions are well aware of his disdain for the older general.
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