• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Characters




133 pounds


Body Type:

Azira's life has been one that no one would expect. Being the child of the villain Horizon and a succubus Azira has lived the life of a villain since she could remember. Pulling off heists by the time she was 12 with her father. though luckily for her, her father made sure no one knew she was there. As time went on she only grew stronger with her father but felt she was missing something in her life. Though just as she figured it out her father gave her a new mission. He had gotten her into the school Asterelas under the same name just a very different back story. her mission was to infiltrate the school, find a way to get her father in then help him destroy it.

The history given to the school is much different from her true backstory. The school was told Azira was born into a small coven of succubi in Greece. Being a peaceful coven of Succubi they have been accepted by the community. Though attention when Azira was born due to an Innate and special ability to control gravity and its properties. Wanting to do more with her life and pull attention away from her quiet peaceful coven Azira left home to come to the school to do more with her life.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength
Meta Gravity Manipulation
As of right now her abilities are far less than what she is capable of. Being advanced in gravity manipulation she has just recently found out she can manipulate mass and density though has troubles with even the basics of that. And astronomical objects manipulation she is no where near it yet, her father has just recently started to understand how to do that himself

Primary Category:
Arcane magic

Secondary Categories:
elemental manipulation






68 pounds
direct daughter of the Egyptian god of death
Body Type:
Slim yet feminine

One thing no one knows is that she is not the actual egyptian god of death, her father holding that title and her being th only child of him and a very powerful witch from japan. back in the times ss a right of passage back in ancient Egypt the 'gods' would rule over. Then once a child of there's was born and had reached the right age a ritual is performed. The child and god are brought deep within a hidden pyramid filled with ancient energy. Once there they would lay on two separate ritual forms beside each other. Once done the pyramid would activate and slowly the energy and power of the parent would be transferred to the child. Though due to Anu's (just to keep her separated between her and her father during this) "impure blood" the other gods deemed her unworthy of such a gift. As a consequence they slaughtered Anu's mother in front of her and her father. Filled with rage Anubis brought Anu to the sacred pyramid and tried to perform the ritual but something went wrong. Due to the Impure blood the transformation couldn't be done without the blood of another god. So Anubis stole Ra's newborn son to be used in the ritual and as an added way to get back at the other gods. As the ritual was performed Ra's son was sapped of his life force and power to add to the transfer. But before it could be completed the other gods intervened. stopping the Ritual just before it could be completed leaving Anubis with his immortality and that alone. In her new powered state Anu took revenge on the other gods for the death of her mother. With the power of her father and a mixture of Ra's she slaughtered every last one. During the slaughter the pyramid was damaged beyond repair leaving Anu with all her fathers powers but not be a full god due to the in-completion of the ritual hens leaving her as a demi-god but with a massive amount of godly power. After that Anubis had lived long past her worshipers. living her life of a god she grew tired of it not to long after her civilization faded into great history. she traveled the world and experienced all she could. Though just as she thought she had done everything. A school for super powered people and an opening for a teacher. Curious she applied and got the job teaching miscellaneous studies.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category:
OTHER (Dont know what that is XD)

Secondary Categories:

Name: Deucalion Logoth
Codename: Slayer
Age: 467yrs
Height: 6ft 5in
Weight: 155lbs
Race: Genetically Modified High Elf.
Body Type: Slim Ectomorph
Class Ranking: ???
Hero Function: Tracker/Assassin/Stealth
Hero Type: Fighter/Detective
Employer: Private

Backstory: Born in the same realm as Kid clock but more than 450 years earlier Deucalion was born at the top of the social hierarchy and his first sixty years of life were the happiest times he has ever known. The High Elves of his world were among the wealthiest and most magically talented beings in the world, so as two political powers with vastly different views came to blows both wanted them on their side. When it became obvious to the elves had chosen their side the opposing side acted quickly to level the fortress and make sure to kill them down to the last Man, Woman, and child. They were successful and Deucalion Died that night with the rest of the elves. Yet as he lay dying a multiversal being of immense power happened by and apparently saw something in the adolescent elf that he did not in the others, Because this being resurrected him from the dead and told him that he would now bear the Logoth name as his adopted child. "Grow strong at any cost, i will return for you in 1000 years to take you to your destiny."

Needless to say he heeded this strange beings words, but it was for his own reasons. He spent the next 70 years preparing for war with intense training in both magic and combat before going
To the enemy of his enemy. Toni's father Seto. The mighty king offered Deucalion a chance at vengeance and the Elf took the offer. Surgically grafting Magic armor onto his limbs, back , and neck, undergoing genetic modification to gain physical superiority, rapid healing, and a much tougher body. He then spent over 200 years waging war on the nation that killed his people. However as the war boiled down to a savage stalemate ,King Seto began working on what he declared the final weapon...his son Toni. However it was short lived as the boy left the dimension only 14 years later.

Following Toni's Disappearance Deucalion was sent with his two cohorts to find an energy signature that matched the boys temporal magic. They wound up finding the source...a weapon created by the enemy army. Their weapon was a dimensional gate which lead to the universe where prince Toni was. As his Cohorts and he destroyed the facilities guards and defenses The enemy sent one of their most powerful agents through and tried to close the portal Rakdos the destruction elemental. However They were promptly slain and the facility was captured by King Seto's forces. The very same day Deucalion was sent through the portal to not only slay Rakdos but to find the prince and bring him home. Without a moments hesitation the Slayer Stepped through the portal....

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Extraplanar
Secondary Categories: Magic/Technology

"Your life was forfeit the moment my eyes landed upon you. Every breath you draw is a testament to my patience and mercy...unfortunately i just ran out of both."
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Codename: Cosmo
Age: 6yrs
Height: 9ft 11in
Weight: 660lbs
Race: Celdon
Body Type: Weird...
Class Ranking: Unknown
Hero Function: N/A
Hero Type: N/A
Employer: Private

Backstory: A scientist from the Celdon Race that dwells in the andromeda Galaxy. He was sent to seek a being who could provide him with star matter to jumpstart the Star their homeworld revolves around. Given their fastest exploration vessel with cloaking and production capability he has now arrived in orbit around earth though he has yet to reveal himself he has sent drones to communicate with the world on his behalf. The most recent of which being the Diplomat.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Extraplanar
Secondary Categories: Technology/Alien

Raw Power ~ ???/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ ???/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ ???/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ ???/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ ???/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ ???/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ ???/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ ???/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ ???/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ ???/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ ???
Ranking ~ ??.?

"I was sent to save my planet and i will do whatever is required to accomplish this goal."
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Name: Mark Anthony Guildford
Codename: Red Rover, Red
Age: 25yrs
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 185lbs
Race: Superhuman
Body Type: Athletic Endomorph
Class Ranking: B
Hero Function: Rescue/Combat
Hero Type: Fighter/Emergency response
Employer: Freelance

Backstory: Mark Anthony is a very rare specimen, living a privledged and seemingly perfect life he seems to have developed a very strong moral compass. He was raised in the wealthy Guildford family who built a fortune in emergency response equipment ranging from police gear to medical supplies. Not to mention they were from a long line of heroes, when Anthony graduated college and donned the costume he became the 4th Red Rover to don the suit. Much to the worlds surprise he became the first Red Rover to reveal he secret identity. This happening due to a bad Run in with the Villain deadstar which resulted in his helmet being split wide open revealing his face on national television. Despite his lack of experience having only been heroing for a few weeks and being seemingly outmatched he managed to get the villain in a head lock and incapacitate him. Thus starting his meteoric rise into fame and fortune.

He was what many would call a true hero. Doing everything from running into burning buildings to saving cats from trees. He would stand against everything from simple street muggers to Veteran supervillains. The young man knew no fear, stood by for no injustice, and couldn't stand not to help those who needed him. Many beleive it was this mentality that took him into the heat of the battle for LA. A battle he Did not manage to walk home from setting a second record for his family by becoming the first Red Rover to die in battle.

Now ten years later Mark Anthony has reappeared in the middle of the L.A. Crater beside two others having no knowledge of how he got there. Further more he seems to have manifested several heavy resistances to anything that targets his mind or body structure. That bolstering his already impressive strength and rapid regeneration has given him a new chance to continue his dream. After he gets his life back of course.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Superhuman
Secondary Categories: Superhuman Wealth

Raw Power ~ 50/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 40/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 90/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 100/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 60/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 80/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 90/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 100/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 80/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 1/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 691
Ranking ~ 69.1

Out of costume

8bee55fb84976c5c69cc2f41119cb6ec.jpgSuited up

"Being a hero is more than how strong or fast you are. Its more than your powers or skills. Its about more than what you stand for. In short being a hero is about more than you. Its about everyone else. We fight so they dont have to, we bear they weights that they can't."
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Name: Casey Carmine Ito
Codename: Spade
Age: 19
Height: 5'5"
Weight: ~140 lbs
Race: Human
Body Type: Thin and petite
Class Ranking: Probationary Intern
Hero Function:
Hero Type:
Employer: Private

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category:
Secondary Categories:

Raw Power ~ ---/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 090/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 000/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 030/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 020/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 050/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 100/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 100/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 000/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 000/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~
Ranking ~

casey ito.png
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Name: Barnaby
Codename: N/A
Age: 11yrs
Height: 1ft 4in
Weight: 0.5lbs
Race: Construct
Body Type: Teddy bear
Class Ranking: B
Hero Function: Rescue, Stealth, Brawler
Hero Type: Fighter/ Mystery Solver
Employer: Freelance

Backstory: Barnaby was once an old toy that was held by Otto Tardis as a child and passed to his youngest son Alex. Only a few days after being gifted to the young man Barnaby was given the breath of life by unknown means. Since then he has used his mystical powers to wage a constant war against the things that go bump in the night. From demons and vampires, to abusive parents and monsters under the bed no evil that targets children takes place without chancing an appearance from this little warrior.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Other worldly
Secondary Categories: Magic/Skill

Raw Power ~ 10/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 0/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 90/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 99/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 60/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 70/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 100/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 80/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 100/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 11/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 620
Ranking ~ 62.0

"Dont you laugh at me...I am the thing that your Nightmares have nightmares about."
Name: Alida Beatrice Oscalia
Codename: Jupiter
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: ~120 lbs
Race: Human
Body Type: Lean and muscular
Class Ranking: A
Hero Function: Fighter
Hero Type: Ranged preferred, melee capable
Employer: Private
Backstory: Jupiter was one of the more well-known Oscalia family members that died in the attack. She was close to both the Aphera family and her own, as many ended up married between the two. She remembers playing in a little garden when she was very young, surrounded by a plethora of other powered children, ready for their assessment. Her family was caring, though somewhat stern and expectant. She had to hold up their name, after all, and hold it up, she did.

She was one of the tops among her family, among the great mages of the world, and one of the top Superheroes of the time with a score of 83. Despite her short tenure, starting at 19, she was rising the ranks quickly. Jupiter didn't think anything of the day of the attack. It was horrible, an explosion that killed a lot of people, but thus was the way of the world. Tensions were so high, Supervillains were getting brasher every day... But... she would have never thought it was as bad as it was.

So many of her family members died. When the 30-mile diameter crater appeared with an explosion that shook the United States for hundreds of miles... she died too.

Now, she's woken up in the middle of the crater, thoroughly freaked out and confused, along with two other Superheroes.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Demon-magic
Secondary Categories: Demon-binding, Arcane magic, Super-speed

Raw Power ~ 080/100
Visibility ~ 090/100
Success ~ 095/100
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 090/100
Ranking ~ 080/100
Political Abrasiveness ~ 090/100
Property Damage ~ 100/100
Lethality ~ 100/100
Rescue ~ 100/100
Tenure ~ 005/100

Total ~ 830
Ranking ~ 83.0

Appearance: (Although she is not naturally a cat-person, she enjoys taking a neko-like form. More lithe and comfortable for her.)
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Name: Ricardo Sanchez
Codename: Tombstone
Age: physically 28yrs actually 68yrs
Height: 6ft 5in
Weight: 195lbs
Race: Cursed Human
Body Type: Athletic Ectomorph
Class Ranking: N/A
Hero Function: Stealth, Investigation
Hero Type: Fighter, Assassin
Employer: Occasionally military, usually self employed.

Backstory: Ricardo sanchez was actually an unfortunatly common occurance in this world. A person suffering from severe mental disorders who managed to slip through the cracks. He was a foul anger driven young man who had often times given the authorities more of a hassle than most other students. Yet it almost always seemed as if he was the instigator, in truth he was, anytime he saw another student being cruel or mean to anyone else he would memorize it and saw it as his job to punish them. Unfortunately it never got serious enough for anyone to see the problem, it was just chalked up as boys will be boys.

When he turned 18 he was quick to enlist in the military, and his hyperfocus on tasks made him skyrocket thriugh the ranks as a contract operator, basically a nice way of saying a government funded assassin. For 8 years he claimed the lives of civilians, soldiers, political targets, and anyone who stood in the way of the deep state goals. Worse yet he loved every minute of it, every kill pulled him deeper and deeper into the mindset of murder being the only true way to stop evil. A mindset that would proove catastrophic when he was finished with his life as a soldier.

Finally making it home he found his younger brother to be heavily involved in gang activity in Portland. He convinced him to walk away, which earned his brother a bullet in the head from his own gang. An infuriated Ricardo declared this gang evil and declared war on them all. His short spree lasted only 36 hours...however in that time he claimed the lives of 129 adults and 12 minors. Afterwards he turned himself in stating that he was done fighting. He had deemed himself evil, and as such he plead guilty to 141 accounts of 1st degree murder and was given the death penaty after only 2 years of waiting.

Problem is he didnt stay dead...he had been dead for a full week before he returned completely different. His skin changed to a dark grey complexion, his eyes a blood red, and now seemingly immune to death. For almost thirty years he has evaded police and heroes carving a swath of death through the criminal underbelly. However recently he seems to have gotten sloppy he covers his tracks alot less and his kills show much less finesse.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Skill
Secondary Categories: Otherworldly, Undead

Raw Power ~ 0/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 0/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 70/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 0/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 0/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 0/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 50/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 0/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 70/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 30/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 220
Ranking ~ 22.0

"Your Sins sit upon you like chains binding you to this hellish life you have built...but worry not...i will free you."
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Name: Rebecca ???
Codename: Thorn
Age: 25yrs
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 165lbs
Race: Atomosian Hybrid
Body Type: Athletic Endomorph
Class Ranking: A
Hero Function: Anti-Stealth, Mage.
Hero Type: Fighter, Tactician
Employer: Private

Backstory: TBR

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Alien/Magic
Secondary Categories: Otherworldly, Skill

Raw Power ~ 88/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 21/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 90/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 50/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 80/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 50/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 90/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 10/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 70/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 1/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 550
Ranking ~ 55.0

"The question isn't weather or not i am gonna win this fight, the question is, what weapon should i use to win."
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Name: Hermes/Mercury
Codename: Hermes/Mercury
Age: 5,000yrs
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 185lbs
Race: God
Body Type: Athletic Skinny
Class Ranking: S
Hero Function: Communication, Investigation, Transport
Hero Type: Fighter, Mage, Reconnaissance
Employer: Private

Backstory: Like His Brothers Ares and Apollo, Hermes has taken a liking to the new age of heroes often getting involved in mortal affairs, however he usually zips around so quickly that few actually know when the god has interviened. Like Ares Modern technology has granted him many new venues of communication thus increasing his power further. The various trades and languages now spanning the entire globe have actually allowed this god, once considered the weakest of the Olympian Gods, the Gain enough power to actually match The other gods and even overwhelm some of them. However his bubbly attitude, Short attention span, and Lack of real ambition have played their roles in him maintaining his position on the bottom of the olympian hierarchy. However this doesnt seem to bother him in the slightest. He is far to busy with all the tasks he has given himself to worry about such things...however upon hearing the call of Council call of Ares has caused this god to return and shift his interests towards Portland.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: God
Secondary Categories: Speedster, Mage

Raw Power ~ 100/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 50/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 90/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 90/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 100/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 90/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 100/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 90/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 90/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 100/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 900
Ranking ~ 90.0 (can Nerf if needed.)

"Special Delivery!!!"

Name: Mitsu Suzumebachi
Age: 15
Height: 5’2
Weight: 140 pounds
Race: Half-animal
Body Type: Bottom-heavy, like a pear
Backstory: Mitsu grew up in a fairly odd household. She inherited the hornet power from her mother. Her father has a minor power that allows him to be immune to bug bites and stings. So really, he was perfect for her mother.

She is an only child but is happy to be one. She was doted on quite a lot as a child. Her mother was always excited about her little girl’s dreams of being a superhero, while her father tried to push her away from it in fear of losing his daughter.

She's closer to her mother than her father, but there is no bad blood between anyone in the family. Her father runs a beekeeping company, which is how he met Mitsu’s mother. They are happily married.

Her home is half hive and half normal housing. Her family’s friends aren't so keen of being so close to hornets, understandably. So one side of the house is used for company and any other usual household normalities. The other half is where Mitsu and her parents rest.

It's also where there are literally over a million hornets flying through. They're harmless unless Mitsu or her mother set them off.

Her family remains home, in Japan, while she has decided to travel in order to pursue her dream!

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Half-Animal
Secondary Categories: Fly (Natural)
Appearance: Mitsu is a small, fit girl. She's muscular, particularly in her legs, back, and stomach. She's also curvy, with her ass being large to the point where it's a nuisance. Her chest is nothing to shake a stick at, either. Her skin is a healthy shade of peach. She gets tans in the summer, as she loves the outdoors. Her hair is cut to cup around her face. She has a longer piece in the middle which occasionally covers her right eye. It sticks up in all directions regardless of what kinds of gel or brush was applied to it. It's also bright, neon blue, so there's no hiding it either way.

Her eyes are crimson. They're bright and full of energy. Her lips are almost always curved into a smile. She also seems to be flushed at times, mostly because she's excited about something.

And of course, she also has wings on her back. They're quite large, so they can support her. They also break a lot because of how often people walk into them. And because Mitsu isn't the most cautious of people. They retract into her back now that she's older, so they're not as big as an issue as they once were.

Mitsu also possesses a stinger that rests on her tailbone. It's fully functional and she occasionally stings herself on accident.

Name: Quota
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 153 Lbs.
Race: Lagomorph Humanoid
Body Type: Slender, nothing too unique.
Backstory: Quota has had a very rough time living with the fact he had powers. He rejected them, never wanted them, and never once used them for anything other than to show that he possessed them. He secluded himself from most others, as he didn't want to hurt them. But the main reason he did so was to hide what he really looked like. He didn't want anyone else to see what he was. After soon coming to grips that he had the misfortune of having them, Quota decided that he might as well use them for a purpose instead of just having them and be useless.

At first, he decided to use them for smaller dangerous emergencies, quickly bounding away before he could be really observed. Then he started to want to go deal with bigger and badder emergencies. Starting to accept his powers and appearance, he decided to really get into practicing them on a larger scale. After some time, he almost started to enjoy using them. The same powers he thought destroyed his life, somehow pieced it mostly back together. Yet he was missing just one thing: 'Was there any sort of way to further improve his magic'?

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Arcane Magic(?)
Secondary Categories: Physical Body
Enhancement, Super Intelligence


{Hope I've been doing this right. If I need to work on this, PM me and let me know!}
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gloomyResearcher gloomyResearcher Accepted once you find a picture. What do you mean by physical body enhancement? And also! 75 intelligence would make them super-intelligent as well. :) You can put that in the secondary categories. I'm curious what made him decide to enroll.
Name: Frankenstiens Monster
Codename: Frank Stein
Age: 467yrs
Height: 7ft 10in
Weight: 435lbs
Race: Undead?
Body Type: Massive and Misshapen
Class Ranking: Retired
Hero Function: Brawler, Rescue
Hero Type: Investigation & Anti mage
Employer: Stein & Klein Attorney's at Law

Backstory: The monster of myth himself Frank Stein. Created over four centuries ago with a combination of Science, Magic, and Divine intervention this being has known many titles...

*Scuffles in background*
"Geez listen to this blowhard making my story sound like some greek tragedy. There is nothing mythical about me i assure ya. Names Frank, and im the genuine article, millions o books and movies all about me, hell i helped start hollywood with all the tales about my birth. But let me tell ya tha real juicy stuff came after that lame scene in tha windmill...ill admit it wasnt my best day.

But since then ive Been all over the place, smashin djinn with some monks in India, Fightin Nazi's and demons with a certain super famous rockstar, hell i even punched out dinosaurs sixty five million years ago after a time travel incident with some peach fuzzed brat and a flower headed monster. I got a picture from his cyborg girlfriend if ya dont believe me. I tell ya i seen it all, which is why you should let me represent you in all your heroic legal matters. Frank Stein, Legal Representative and Hero Agent. Here take my card and while your at it get this monotoned sap outta here."

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Undead
Secondary Categories: Divine, Magic, technology

"The Genuine Article."
Name: John Harbinger
Codename: Hunter
Age: 128yrs
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 180lbs
Race: Human
Body Type: Buff Athletic
Class Ranking: N/A
Hero Function: Tracker, Monster expert.
Hero Type: Sniper, Initiator.
Employer: Private

Backstory: John Harbinger is a name well known throughout his realm. Master of the wilds, Friend of the living, Hunter of legends. Many titles sit upon his name and he has lived up to each one. However being that it started raging long before his birth it was only a matter of time before he was involved in the war. For him that was exactly 100 years and since then he has tackled bigger and badder prey often times thinking he would fail, only to surprise even himself with his ingenuity and general luck. However even all of that was not enough to win the war against the enemies who had stolen a Genesis Seed and now could produce soldiers endlessly. He like Two others was fused with a Genesis seed of his own to respond and thus the supersoldier Hunter was created. Unlike his cohort Deucalion he never underwent surgical grafts to help contain the seeds power, after all the processes of fusion were better developed when it was his turn. Instead he has the ability to vent the rarely occuring excess Genesis energy as lifeforms such as plants and animals.

In his most recent mission he was sent with Deucalion And Kyrule to overtake an enemy position which was giving off a magical aura that matched the missing prince Toni. John Scouted the facility and marked each target with a small but pungent insect while Stryker cracked the bunker open and Slayer took the lives of all inside. When Godking seto got their report about how the facility held a dimensional gate ment to follow Toni he had the three supersoldiers draw straws in order to determine who would go after the prince. John drew the shortest straw and was forced to wait behind with Kyrule however they were told by the king that if Slayer hasn't returned in 3 days that the two of them would go after him. Though he hopes it will never happen, a gut feeling tells the man he will soon have to go after his cohort into a mysterious new world.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Extraplanar
Secondary Categories: Magic/Elemental

"Your life holds value, i beg you...walk away now. I dont want to have to kill you."
Name: Kyrule Bane
Codename: Stryker
Age: 67yrs
Height: 7ft 4in
Weight: 465lbs
Race: Full blooded orc
Body Type: Huge & Buff
Class Ranking: N/A
Hero Function: Brawler, Fighter
Hero Type: Heavy Damage, Tank
Employer: Private

Backstory: Kyrule Was the name this legendary orc was born with, Bane is the title he earned. This orc matured quickly gaining his tusks of adulthood by the young age of 8, a whopping four years ahead of schedule for his people. Nonetheless a tradition is a tradition, and an alliance an alliance. The Skullsplitter tribe had long been allied to Godking Seto, and unlike the other populations of the kingdom, the orcs loved the constant war that had been going on for nearly four centuries. So the young orc was sent into battle with other fresh young orcs to meet the nigh unstoppable Elemental soldiers of the enemies armies.

Kyrule managed to proove his worth fighting for 20 years in battles too numerous to count, and never once was he defeated. All who came to face the young orc died a gruesome death, even high ranking enemy commanders were dismembered before their troops. Because of this Kyrule earned his title Bane, and eventually gained an audience with the Godking himself where he was offered more power than he could ever attain alone. The orc acceptesed eagerly and was the third to be infused with a genesis seed, granting him the amazing ability to absorb damage dealt to himself and channel it into his physical attributes.

This power when paired with his incredible skills and combat instinct have earned him the number one spot in Godking seto's army. He is the most powerful warrior in his world barring the Godking himself. He has smashed Elementals the size of small mountains, tossed stone towers miles away, and smashed through powerful magical barriers with his bare hands. He and his clan take great pride in his strength.

What makes him so dangerous however is that his pride does not blind him as it does with many of his kin. Nor does his rage, or any emotion for that matter, he brings with him a calm apathy towards the battle, only becoming excited when he faces strong opponents. He now sits impatiently waiting with John Harbinger to go into this strange world after Deucalion and prince Toni.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Extraplanar
Secondary Categories: Skill & Other

"You are Weak...Kyrule will show you the meaning of strength."

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Name: Ellenore Smith
Codename: Dr. Smith, Dr.Ellen
Age: 35yrs
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 134lbs
Race: Human
Body Type: Athletic Slim
Class Ranking: C
Hero Function: Healer
Hero Type: Rescue, Relief, Medic
Employer: Military

Backstory: Born the Youngest of three children Ellenore never seemed to shine as brightly as her older brothers. Roger being a Decorated soldier, and Allan being born a genius. However she did have a secret between the three of them that secured her place at the top of the sibling hierarchy when she was growing up, of the three of them she was the only one born with powers. Her touch could cause whoever she touched to go numb on the portion of their body she touched. While a hand on the arm would result in an annoying numbness and a limp arm for a few minutes, a touch to the back of the neck would paralyze the target breifly, and a touch to the head would render the target unconscious.

She was driven by a need to understand things and a want to compete with her brothers. She practiced sports, studied herself to sleep most nights, and practiced her abilities with Roger who often volunteered to help her with all her endeavours. However that all changed the day Roger perished in a tragic mysterious "accident" mere days before allan left the squad. Allan seemed to take it in stride without so much as a single tear. It unnerved her however she never quit reaching for her goals, mastering her abilities and even learning their exact parameters and limitations. She even excelled academically enough to make it into school without a single cent from her brothers growing fame.

After 12 years of schooling she left med school with perfect marks across the board. Afterwards her brother offered her a hospital of her own as a celebratory reward, but as she met in the office to sign the documents she spotted a file marked top secret. When her brother turned to pour them a drink she pocketed the file and lied saying she needed to be somewhere important. Upon going through the file she discovered that her brother was involved in several military operations starting with the one that Roger perished on. She immediately fled the states seeing her brother as the possible cause of their own flesh and blood perishing put him in a new and fearful light.

In her five years overseas she joined doctors without borders and has become known for her utter lack of fear in the face of danger, willing to run through gunfights to get to the side of patients in need. She has also been known to spend long nights researching the events that took place all those years ago...

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Superhuman
Secondary Categories: Other

Raw Power ~ 100/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 0/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 65/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 100/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 20/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 80/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 100/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 100/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 100/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 5/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~ 670
Ranking ~67.0

"You dont have my permission to die yet."
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Name: Atticus Zullinder
Codename: The Rebel Prince, Betrayer
Age: 1267yrs
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 186lbs
Race: ???
Body Type: Lean Athletic
Class Ranking: ?
Hero Function: Brawler, Strategist
Hero Type: Fighter, Leader
Employer: Freelance

Backstory: One of the leaders of the Terrorist Regime that has turned the world of Toni, Stryker, Slayer, and Hunter into a 400 year long war. He resists Seto claiming him to be a mad tyrant who has lied to the world using his reality manipulations to alter history and paint Atticus and those who would oppose him as rebel terrorists. Wether or not his claims are true seem to be impossible for him to proove even with his impressive powers. However any who meet him will tell you that this man is no evil terrorist, those who have come to know him find it very hard to see past his friendly, Cheerful, and Virtuous Demeanour.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Divine, Magic
Secondary Categories: Otherworldly

"Do not ask who i am, rather ask yourself if you can trust me, a stranger. If you cannot trust me, then nothing i say will sway you anyway."
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Name: Aaron Beatrice Hines
Codename: Phantom
Age: 52
Height: 5'6"/6'0"
Weight: 0 lbs/150 lbs
Race: Poltergeist
Body Type: Varies, generally skinny
Class Ranking: B Class
Hero Function: Fighter/Healer/Rescue
Hero Type: Melee/Ranged
Employer: Freelance
Backstory: Born in 2006, Aaron died in 2023 at age 17 due to a magical accident of his own doing. He was always experimenting with magic artifacts and made a number of his own, a veritable prodigy of his time. His lack of proper safety procedures, however, bit him in the ass one day, and hard. The resulting explosion killed him instantly and destroyed the majority of the building he was working in, in London. He doesn't really remember much about that day or what he did wrong. He remembered the item start to go off... and then nothing. Not even pain. When he came to, he was still in the area, and it seemed to be at least a few hours later, as there were crews at the site of the explosion, cleaning up and working on things. Of course, no one could hear or see him, and he couldn't understand why. He didn't want to understand why.

He wasn't bound to the location, and a number of days later, he doesn't remember the interim, he was at his parents' house. He watched them sob and cry over a picture of him, talking to each other about who knows what at this point. He remembered screaming at them, horrified that they couldn't see him or hear him, that no one could. As weeks went on, he got angrier, more and more upset, to the point where things would fly about the room violently, smashing a hole in the wall of what was once his bedroom. He couldn't help it. He didn't have anything to cling to. Nothing felt real anymore and he just wanted this nightmare to be over with.

The breaking point, however, was when his parents didn't come home one day. It had been a few years, and he had somewhat calmed down, given up trying. Even if he didn't know what was going on, it was still... it'd be okay. Eventually. Whatever magical effect this was had to wear off eventually, right? But they didn't come home. He left the house to search for them, something that at this point felt... harder to do for some reason, like he was attached to the building by a rope. Fuck that rope though, this was more important.

A display he passed by spoke of a crash, the bottom of a cliff, suicide. He had never moved so fast in his life. Alas, it was his parents. They wouldn't have killed themselves though, right? Not because of anything he did, certainly. It wasn't his fault, right? The mangled mess at the bottom of the ravine was his snapping point.

He lost track of time. Years passed by, and he was pretty sure he had killed some people during that time, even if he doesn't remember it well. He went full-blown poltergeist and didn't care about who he was or what he was or what was going on around him. It didn't matter. He wanted things to just... stop.

It took years, but his natural curiosity and knack for the arcane turned into something far more useful. The first time he did so, he was furious beyond any hint of reason, more than had become the norm, that is. He remembers it clearly. He was stalking a man in his hometown, someone who had come through on a bender and was taking a liking to girls at a local bar. He had roofied someone and was taking the drowsy woman away. Aaron followed the two when they turned into the alleyway. He smashed a dumpster into the man, but drunk as he was, the man didn't seem to feel it and blamed the woman. He hit her. Aaron hit back, everything not nailed down in the alleyway flying about as though it were paper. This was different though. They screamed. Not a normal scream of "oh god things are flying around". No, they could see him. They stared right at him before the man and woman began to run in two different directions, both of them stumbling for two very different reasons.

It was a moment of clarity for him, so startling he dropped everything that was flying about and just stared at the woman running past. They could see him suddenly? He spent what felt like hours staring at his hands and gently picking things up, rubbing and petting them between his fingers. He was physical again.

There were still gaps he couldn't remember, though. From there until he met Tessa was a blur. He could keep his form for a long while, but... he'd have moments where he'd black out, he'd have moments were he couldn't handle it anymore, where he felt like he was stuck in the same bottomless hole as ever.

Luckily, he met Tessa.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Dead - Poltergeist
Secondary Categories: Magic User - Arcane(Snap, Channeling, Ritual), Other- Artifact User, Tech - Super-intelligent

Raw Power ~ 094/100
Visibility ~ 060/100
Success ~ 087/100
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 051/100
Ranking ~ 060/100
Political Abrasiveness ~ 099/100
Property Damage ~ 090/100
Lethality ~ 070/100
Rescue ~ 090/100
Tenure ~ 002/100

Total ~ 703
Ranking ~ 70.3

Characters that didn't get moved over:

Guyle Heston
A.K.A BullWhip​

  • Name:
    Guyle (pronounce like guile) Heston (Bullwhip)​
    235 Lbs (Assorted metal components, partially replaced and reinforced bone structure)​
    Body Type:
    Slender; with somewhat well-muscled, but scarred legs.​

    Primary Category:
    Secondary Categories:
    Other Magic User (Low Range Air Manipulation - Snap Casting)​

Boxxy Woodsman

  • Name:
    Boxxy Woodsman​
    17 Months​
    380 Lbs (Raw Biomass)​
    Body Type:

    Primary Category:
    Monstrous Animal​
    Secondary Categories:

Reigner To'Me

  • Name:
    Reigner To'Me​
    98 Lbs​
    Body Type:
    Very skinny, almost to the bone​

    Primary Category:
    Artifact User​
    Secondary Categories:
    Other Magic User (Necromancy, Ritual Casting)​

Theme||Withered Leaf

"I'm working on quelling my arrogance. But can you really blame me? You'd be arrogant too if you were me."

View attachment 380031
Zinnia H Enkidu




[Body Type]
Lean and mean




Magical Energy



Physical Strength


[Primary Category]
Magic User - Ice - Snap

[Secondary Categories]
Divine - Ice - Ritual
Temperature - Channeling

Ice born wolf, raised in a lawless land, a bastard born in a destitute land. Zinnia's childhood was an unforgiving one. He was born in a small mountain settlement, ruled by a tyrant. A malefic man, powerful in magic arts, claimed the small town as his own. Those who stood a chance of opposing him were eliminated be them man, woman, or child and in time no one with the power to resist the tyrant remained. Yet, right as hope seemed to flicker out, a new spark lit hope into the hearts of few. This sparks name was Zinnia.

Born as the illegitimate son of the tyrant himself, Zinnia inherited his magic. His mother hid Zinnia from the tyrant, in hopes that one day he could defeat the monster that claimed their town. So Zinnia was raised in isolation. He rarely allowed outside and very few people in the town actually knew of his existence. Yet Zinnia could still feel the oppression of the tyrant. The days were cold, the nights even colder. Food wasn't a right for the two of them, but a luxury. Despite these truths, Zinnia was never sad. He longed for the day to see his mother smile, and to achieve that goal Zinnia didn't have the time to be sad. He trained his body and his power, in preparation for the day when he could finally take down the tyrant. That day came far sooner than he expected.

It was on a quick run to the market where Zinnia encountered him: the tyrant. The man who Zinnia set out to eliminate was standing before him. Young blood boiling, Zinnia found himself overcome. Without thinking, Zinnia took action, making the first strike at the man, the monster who enslaved his home. The result of all of his training was pitiful. Zinnia was bested easily, he didn't stand a chance. The tyrant toyed with the boy, taking his time before dealing the final blow. Just before the blow that would seal Zinnia's life, the boy found an opening to escape. Zinnia ran. Ran through the streets. Ran from his home. Ran from his town. Ran until his legs gave out, then ran some more. He ran for that was all he could do. Run from the town he called home, from the town he wished to free and from the mother whom he wanted to see smile once more.

"I think I look good in glasses."
View attachment 380030

"Three hairstyles, three ways to look fabulous."
View attachment 380033

Battle Stance
View attachment 380032

Name: Yohan Dell
Codename: Avian Comet
Age: 25
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 235lbs
Race: Demi-Human
Body Type: AB-
Class Ranking: A
Hero Function: Rescue, Protection(Guard/Escort), Fighter
Hero Type: Mid-Ranged
Employer: Freelance

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Extraplanar (Other)
Secondary Categories: Magic User (Divine), Flyer (Magical), Animal (Shifter), Other, (Snap/Channeling/Ritual)

Raw Power ~ 90/100 (How powerful is their power?)
Visibility ~ 90/100 (How flashy is their power?)
Success ~ 95/100 (What percentage of the time do they win?)
Out of Combat Reputation ~ 90/100 (Are they an ass or do they donate to the kitten orphanage?)
Ranking ~ 60/100 (Each rank from Intern to S Class is worth 20 points.)
Political Abrasiveness ~ 80/100 (How disagreeable are their opinions and how abrasively do they voice their opinions? Higher is less abrasive.)
Property Damage ~ 90/100 (Higher is better. Think of it like a percentage of how often you AVOID causing it.)
Lethality ~ 100/100 (What percent of the time do they NOT kill people? Higher is better.)
Rescue ~ 95/100 (How good are they at rescuing people?)
Tenure ~ 8/100 (Each year or so constitutes a point.)

Total ~891
Ranking ~89.1


Real Name: Wackiel Valkyrie
Age: 15
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 148lbs
Race: Human
Body Type: Lean in appearance, but passes as an athlete
Backstory: TBD

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Arcane Magic User
Secondary Categories: Other (Supercharge), Artifact User (Tome Of Valkyrie)
Appearance: TBD

Name: Alfred Kinsbane
Codename: Maniak
Age: 24yrs
Height: 5ft10in
Weight: 165lbs
Race: Mostly Human
Body Type: Athletic Mesomorph
Class Ranking: N/A
Hero Function: Stealth, Combat
Hero Type: Fighter, Anti-hero
Employer: Freelance

Alfred doesnt remember much from his early childhood, he vaguly remembers seeing a stern looking man with similar features to himself, but everything beyond that was the Orion facility. He was taught to read, write, and basic arithmetic, history and science before he was cast into the training programs. Hours of weapons training, Driving lessons on various vehicles, security programs. By age 9 there was no question in his mind what he was there for when they began to train him in weapon against targets shaped like people he knew he was there to be a soldier and he made peace with the fact. After seven more years he began to grow in power drastically, they gave him a pair of swords claiming they belonged to some great ancestor of his and after a few more months of exercise and mental screens he was finally sent into the field somewhere hot and sandy where he confirmed his earlier assumptions. Everything was fine for the first couple of years but then the most annoying being he had ever met was put on his squad. The two became fast friends and after a few more years Alfred decided he and his friend deserved a better life. So he gave himself over to the persona he named Red for a few minutes. The next thing he knew His annoying friend was handing him his swords and asking him what they were gonna do...so Alfred and he hitchhiked their way through nearly a half dozen states before making it to portland and deciding to set up shop here. Together they take odd jobs as Security which has gotten them in more than a small amount of altercations, recently a few videos have surfaced of them in action thanks to a certain idiot, a fact that Alfred is positive will cause him trouble in the near future.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Alien
Secondary Categories: Psychic, Warrior

"Dont call me crazy, you have no idea how sane i am being right now."

Name: Agent 23
Codename: 23
Age: 7 years
Height: varies
Weight: varies
Race: Alien Virus
Body Type: Morphomorph
Class Ranking: N/A
Hero Function: Stealth, Combat
Hero Type: Support, Anti-hero
Employer: Freelance

Backstory: Roughly twenty years ago a small meteor passed over a small town in texas generating a so called weather phenomena that destroyed the town, however if you dig deep enough that story falls apart. In reality a nasty virus from space was unleashed upon the population of the town but no record exists of any of this. However after 13 years that same virus was exposed to 23 seperate government agents in a contained facility. All of them perished and as they burned the bodies something else formed, when they first opened the cremation chamber door it came out highly aggitated and dangerous. However as it has calmed down and learned it has drastically changed its demeanor. Now easily destracted and ever the optimist this creature thinks itself a human and answers to the designation 23. Assuming it answers at all...the subject usually opts to be as irritating as possible. In the seven years of its existence it has displayed the memories of all 23 agents exposed to the subject. Including but not limited to mothering children, playing highschool football, growing up in Ukraine, over 367 missions, and top secret information. All attempts made to catalogue this information have shown the subject to be gaining new memories at the same rate it intakes new information. That paired with its seeming inability to sleep have resulted in it being at an average adults mental capacity in only seven years with an exponentially climbing rate of retention. Due to its remarkable performance in all manner of training exercises the subject has been cleared for field operations against advice from the overseeing doctors. The subject is now considered Armed and A.W.O.L with subject Maniak. Recent internet links show the subject engaging several street thugs and posing for the cameras afterwards. Subjects location is confirmed in Portland Oregon.

Power (1-100 each, 0 is a normal human, 100 is god-like)
Magical Energy
(10(rapidly climbing.))
Physical Strength

Primary Category: Alien
Secondary Categories: Virus, Mutant

"Why do they keep calling me an it? I am a dude...i think...you know what, nevermind, i retract my question."

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