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Dice [Characters] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide


Random Word

Three Thousand Club
No BP. You start with 55 XP to spend at character creation.
TraitExperience Cost
Attributes10 per dot
Caste/Favored Attributes8 per dot
Abilities5 per dot
Caste/Favored Abilities4 per dot
New Specialty2
Merits2 per dot
Willpower6 per dot
New Charm, Spell, or Evocation12
New Caste/Favored Charm or Spell10

Essence 2 is at 80 XP, counting the initial 55.
Craft variants welcome. At a minimum, Craft fields are specialties, not separate skills.

XP Log:
55 XP - Start of Game (80 for Sayuri)
10 XP + 10 HXP - The Battle of the Cothon
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  • 1709462403853.pngName: Droplets of Blood in the Chilly Wind
    Caste: Midnight
    Age: 56
    Totemic Anima: A swarm of Ichneuman hunters flying in a winter storm
    Apocalyptic Ability: Survival
    Limit: 1

    History Overview
    She was named Indah at birth, but if you mention that name, she will ignore you at best, and seek to put the fear of death in you otherwise.

    Her parents, being poor themselves, gave her up at a young age to the priestesses, so she barely remembers them, and any memories she might have had of them, are long buried. But the priestesses she was given to were ancestor priestesses, and they subjected the little girl to ghost possession, to act as a voice for the ancestor ghosts.

    It was a terrifying experience, but she grew to like it, as it gave her a sense of mystique, and sometimes even let her glimpse some of the thoughts of the ghost possessing her, allowing her a glimpse of their 'life' in the Underworld.

    But priestesses were supposed to remain virgin, to better serve the ancestors, and when she was young, she fell in love with a young man, and ended up pregnant. Not only was she cast out by the priestesses, but the young man refused to acknowledge their child, and so she had to find another way to survive.

    Unable to find work in the city, with a newborn child, and with the scorn of the priestesses, she left the city to live in the wilderness, exploring its secrets, discovering what's edible, and what's poisonous, and eking out a living.

    When her child grew up, she brought her back with her to the city, and began to serve as a guide to those who wanted to travel the island, making a modest income, and seeing her daughter get a good education. She worked long and hard to pay for the best education her daughter could get, sparing even some of the food from her own lips to make sure her daughter was cared and tutored.

    She was already an old woman when the Bronze Tide arrived. She knew her meager fighting skill wouldn't be of much use, but she had an ace up her sleeve. Her daughter, Sjet, was able to get into the ancient Manse under the city, and might be the only one that can activate it. And so, she led her there, and encouraged her to get it up and running, because it was the only thing that could save the city.

    When they got there, the Bronze Tide has already breached the walls, and time was short. She planted her feet at the entrance, and told Sjet to go on, and she will buy hertime, as much as she can.

    She managed to fell a couple of attackers, when a silver spear pierced her body, and she dropped, seeing her life flash before her, when a voice offered her a chance at both revenge, and to fulfill her destination.

    Oh, she did get some revenge, waking up with her hand around an ichneumon that tried to implant eggs in her blood body, and binding it to her will, and then killing more of the Bronze Tide, as they fled before her bloody corpse.
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  • Garret One Tusk.jpg 209e763d24312b93ac5cc239736fb37a.jpg Name: Garret Jakobs AKA Garret One-Tusk
    Gender: Male
    Exalt Type: Lunar
    Caste: Casteless
    Age: 24
    Totem Animal: Elephant

    *Str: 5
    Dex: 3
    *Sta: 5

    Cha: 3
    Man: 2
    App: 3

    Per: 2
    Int: 3
    Wits: 5

    Athletics: 3 - Feats of Strength
    Awareness: 3 - Join Battle
    Brawl: 2
    Dodge: 4
    Integrity: 2
    Linguistics: 1
    Lore: 2
    Martial Arts
    Melee: 5 - Spear/Lance Fighting
    Presence: 2
    Resistance: 4 - Enduring Pain
    Sail: 2
    Stealth: 1
    Survival: 1
    Thrown: 2

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  • 3bcd8cf694278da576172de9289cb348.jpg Name: Sjet
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Exalt Type: Solar
    Caste: Twilight
    Supernal Ability: Occult

    Str: 2
    Dex: 5
    Sta: 3

    Cha: 3
    Man: 1
    App: 3

    Per: 4
    Int: 5
    Wits: 2

    Athletics: 1
    *Awareness: 3 - Spotting Small Details
    **Bureaucracy: 1
    *Dodge: 3
    Integrity: 2
    **Investigation: 3
    **Linguistics: 1
    **Lore: 5 - First Age Exalted
    Martial Arts
    *S*Occult: 5 - Sorcery
    *Performance: 2
    Presence: 1
    Resistance: 2
    *Stealth: 2
    Survival: 2
    *Thrown: 3 - Slings

    *Favored Ability
    **Caste Ability

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  • Pandemos Xalax.jpg
    Name: Pandemos Xalax
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Exalt Type: Solar
    Caste: Eclipse
    Supernal Ability: Sail

    Str: 3
    Dex: 3
    Sta: 3

    Cha: 4
    Man: 3
    App: 3

    Per: 3
    Int: 3
    Wits: 3

    Athletics: 3
    Brawl: 3
    Bureaucracy: 3
    Dodge: 3
    Integrity: 2
    Larceny: 3
    Linguistics: 1
    Lore: 1
    Martial Arts
    Occult: 1
    Performance: 2
    Presence: 3
    Socialize: 3

    *Favored Ability
    **Caste Ability


  • Nott.png 6bb8d9e2578d19f92bfc09707f820a1e.jpgName: Knotmaster Nott
    Concept: Enigmatic Prophet, Subtle Architect of Fate
    Caste: Chosen of Secrets
    Age: 28
    Totemic Anima: A knot made of multicolored strings
    Faction: Gold
    Caste Sign: The Guardians
    Birth Sign: The Mask
    Limit Trigger: An unforeseen enemy or complication poses an obstacle to the Sidereal’s plans.

    The Knotmaster, or Nott, is a native to the city of Ombrelune. Born as REDACTED BY FATE of House Akechi, he spent most of his youth and young adulthood as a carefree and lazy-but-lovable rake who hung out with his cousin Sayuri and sometimes her friend Sjet. His younger cousin was always a bit more.. competent? Driven? More successful anyhow, not as much of a slacker as Nott. This created some discomfort for Nott, and he began to take more risks and made wilder schemes to 'make up' for squandering the privilege his upbringing had given him.

    Many were the occasions when Sayuri had to stitch him up after a bar-brawl, or he had asked Sjet's opinion on some strange object he had 'won at dice' (often times this was the cause of the previously mentioned bar-brawl). Sjet's mother unnerved Nott, as the woman would not only immediately see through his bullshit, but would also not put up with it. She was one of the few who he could never smooth-talk, and so she earned his begrudging respect.

    As he got more involved in the wilder side of the city's underbelly, Nott spent more time in the harbor and the multiple taverns there. It was here he met the 300 pound mountain of muscles named Garret, and Nott wisely identified this as an individual that could not only drink a tremendous amount, but would also be useful whenever various misunderstandings occured regarding property laws. What began as a fairly calculated and pragmatic attempt at securing an unwitting bodyguard soon blossomed into a genuine friendship.

    Although he often embroiled his friends into the various trouble he caused, he was equally good at getting them out of it, and it was rare that his friends had to pay the price for his hijinks.

    <Story about how he sneaks aboard Pandemos ship with Garret's (possibly unknown) help and steals a map. Said map reveals the location of First Age ruins on the island, and he takes Sjet there to investigate. The two of them becomes seperated, Nott Exalts and is whisked away to Yu-Shan, forever forgotten by his friends and family.>

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  • WORK IN PROGRESS Screenshot_20240223_193226_Pinterest.jpg Screenshot_20240316_221155_Pinterest.jpg Screenshot_20240224_195103_Pinterest.jpg Name: Sayuri
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Exalt Type: Dragon Blooded
    Caste: Wood
    Supernal Ability: --

    Str: 2
    *Dex: 5
    Sta: 3

    Cha: 4
    Man: 3
    App: 3

    Per: 3
    *Int: 5
    Wits: 3

    **Archery - ●●●●●
    Athletics -
    Awareness -
    Brawl -
    Bureaucracy -
    *Craft - ●●
    *Dodge - ●●
    Integrity -
    *Investigation - ●●●
    Larceny -
    Linguistics -
    *Lore - ●●
    **Medicine - ●●●●●
    Melee -
    Occult -
    Sorcery -
    *Performance - ●●
    Presence -
    Resistance -
    **Ride - ●●●
    Sail -
    **Socialize - ●●●
    *Stealth - ●●
    **Survival - ●●●
    Thrown -
    War -

    **Favored Ability
    *Caste Ability

[tab=Charms][tab=Combat Stats][/tab][/tab]
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  • 1000004109.png 1000003739.png Name: Conrad Utterdepth
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Exalt Type: Solar
    Caste: Eclipse

    Strength 3
    Dexterity 4
    Stamina 2

    Charisma 5
    Manipulation 2
    Appearance 4

    Perception 2
    Intelligence 2
    Wits 4

    Archery 0
    Athletics: 1
    Awareness: 2
    Brawl 0
    **Bureaucracy: 1
    *Craft: 3
    Dodge: 1
    **Integrity: 2
    Investigation: 0
    Larceny: 0
    Linguistics: 1
    *Lore: 1 - Realm Military Doctrine
    Martial Arts: 0
    Medicine: 0
    *Melee: 3
    *Occult: 3
    Performance: 0
    *S*Presence: 4
    Resistance: 1
    **Ride: 1
    Sail: 0
    **Socialize 3
    Stealth: 0
    Survival: 0
    Thrown: 0
    *War 3

    * Favored Ability
    ** Caste Ability
    *S* Supernal Ability

    Craft (Carpentry)
    Melee (Sword)
    War (Tactics)
    Presence (Persuade)
    Integrity (Resist Persuade)

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