• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character// The Popstar



One Thousand Club

You do not have to use the character sheet creator if you do not wish to, (and advanced apologies for the text intersecting the background at places). Feel free to post your own sheet, fancy BBCode is not even nesscarry, just meet all requirements. Also, big requirements being Personality and Backstory have to be at least 2 nice paragraphs, do not worry about space given in form. Later, it may also be asked for things such as weight or height, but you will not need to include them in the sheet this time...because I forgot them when making the creation sheet. Good Luck! and I hope you like a unique sheet that gives you some hints to some lore!
A further explanation of magic and music. When choosing Genre, choose only of the six types. When choosing Genre on character sheet, that will be the overall Genre your character leans toward. For spells, leave some wiggle room for growth as your spell will get stronger as the RP progresses. All spells last for the length of the song chosen for that spell.
[div class=csgform]
[div class=csgtitle] The "Lovely" Mage Archive CS Machine[/div]
[div class=csgintro] The Popstar before Elizabeth adored keeping tabs of mages in her own book, and would make sure to decorate all information in only the most loving of ways, inventing the heart shape to do so.[/div]
[div class=csglabel]Name[/div][input class="csginput csgname" type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Age[/div][input class="csginput csgage" type=text maxlength=3][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Personality[/div][input type=textarea class="csginput csgdescription"][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Appearance Image Link:[/div][input class="csginput csgimage" type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Gender[/div][input class="csginput csggender"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Genre[/div][input class="csginput csggenre"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Spell Name[/div][input class="csginput csgpower"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Spell Description[/div][input class="csginput csgability"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Song Link[/div][input class="csginput csgsong"type=text][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Backstory[/div][input class="csginput csgstory"type=textarea][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Goal in Life[/div][input class="csginput csggoal"type=textarea][/input]
[div class=csglabel]Way to Achieve Goal[/div][input class="csginput csgachieve"type=textarea][/input]

[input class=csgsubmit type=button]The Mage Archive![/input]
[div class=csgcode]

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[comment]Background Panels[/comment]
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[comment]Background Panels End[/comment]

[comment]Hearts Start[/comment]

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[comment]Hearts end[/comment]

[comment]Image start[/comment]

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[comment]Image end[/comment]

[comment]Code by [USER=34809]@Alteras[/USER][/comment]

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[div class="heart heart3"][fa]fa-heart fa-fw fa-3x[/fa][/div]
[div class="heart heart4"][fa]fa-heart fa-fw fa-4x[/fa][/div]
[div class="heart heart5"][fa]fa-heart fa-fw fa-5x[/fa][/div][/div][div class=tabholder][font=Fugaz One][div class="buttonA button"][div class=heartTab1][fa]fa-heartbeat fa-fw[/fa][/div][fa]fa-fw[/fa]Profile Type[/div] | [div class="buttonB button"][div class=heartTab2][fa]fa-heart fa-fw[/fa][/div][fa]fa-fw[/fa]Face Value [/div] | [div class="buttonC button"][div class=heartTab3][fa]fa-heart-o fa-fw[/fa][/div][fa]fa-fw[/fa]Deeper[/div][/font][/div][div class=content][div=position:absolute; top:100%; right:0; font: .75em "Fugaz One"; color: var(--color-1); transition: color 3s;]Code by [USER=34809]@Alteras[/USER][/div][div class=contentHolder][font=Montserrat]

[div class="contentBox contentA"][div=font-size: calc( 4px + (18 - 4) * (100vh - 200px) / (1280 - 200) );][div class=contentFix style="height: calc( (1.17364817766 * 9em) + 18em); padding-right: 100px;"][div=position:absolute; top:0; font: 3.5em "Fugaz One";]Super[/div][div=font-size:9em; display: block; position:absolute; top:0; width: calc(100% - 100px); height:2em; line-height: .95; font-family:"Fugaz One"; transform: skewY(-10deg); transform-origin: top right;]
[div=position:absolute; bottom:0; right: 100px; font: 3.5em "Fugaz One";] ♥♥♥♥______________[/div][/div]

[div class="contentBox contentB contentSpin"][div class=contentFix] Name: [div class="csgvalue csgnameValue"][/div]
Age: [div class="csgvalue csgageValue"][/div]
Gender: [div class="csgvalue csggenderValue"][/div]
Description: [div class="csgvalue csgdescriptionValue"][/div]


[div class="contentBox contentC contentSpin"][div class=contentFix]
Genre: [div class="csgvalue csggenreValue"][/div]
Spell Name: [div class="csgvalue csgpowerValue"][/div]
Spell Description: [div class="csgvalue csgabilityValue"][/div]
Song: [div class="csgvalue csgsongValue" ][/div]
Backstory: [div class="csgvalue csgstoryValue"][/div]
Goal: [div class="csgvalue csggoalValue" ][/div]
Motivation: [div class="csgvalue csgachieveValue" ][/div]

[class name=csgform] background: url('https://i.imgur.com/f380ElB.png'); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #A0A0A0; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=csgtitle] box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=csgintro] box-sizing: border-box; font-style: bold; margin: 10px 0; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=csglabel] box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px; vertical-align: top; width: 40% [/class] [class name=csginput] background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid 1px #C0C0C0; border-radius: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 10px; width: 60%; [/class] [class name=csgsubmit] box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 0; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=csgcode] background-color: #dedede; border: solid 1px #a9a9a9; box-sizing: border-box; display: none; font-family: 'Courier New', monospace; margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; [/class] [class name=csgvalue] display: inline; [/class] [script class=csgsubmit on=click] // Hide the current code if it was displayed hide csgcode // Get the values and store them in variables set name (getVal csgname) set age (getVal csgage) set description (getVal csgdescription) set gender (getVal csggender) set image (getVal csgimage) set power (getVal csgpower) set achieve (getVal csgability) set story (getVal csgstory) set goal (getVal csggoal) set achieve (getVal csgachieve) set genre (getVal csggenre) set genre (getVal csgsong) // Fill in the user values setText ${name} csgnameValue setText ${age} csgageValue setText ${description} csgdescriptionValue setText ${gender} csggenderValue setText ${image} csgimageValue setText ${power} csgpowerValue setText ${power} csgabilityValue setText ${story} csgstoryValue setText ${goal} csggoalValue setText ${achieve} csgachieveValue setText ${genre} csggenreValue setText ${genre} csgsongValue // Show the generated BBCode slideDown 1000 csgcode [/script]
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  • Name: Layne Friehart
    Age: 19

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Name: Ailuros Skoúros
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Image of OC: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...est/scale-to-width-down/600?cb=20121229020922
Background: Ailuros grew up in Eniarku and almost always had the motto apply to her. The world around her was almost always in chaos, but she mostly ignored it. Despite having a loving family and quite a few friends, she spent a lot of time by herself singing and writing music. In school she was one of the best, being great at singing and knowing how to play the violin very well. Ailuros never cared about that though, she loved music because of the possibilities and nothing else. Eventually her carefree attitude and lack of focus in anything else than music caused her to lose most of her friends. One day she found a stray black cat. Ailuros had always loved animals, especially cats, but had never had a pet. She took it home and named it Mavros. Mavros became her best friend, even though Mavros wasn't human. Though one day Mavros died. She doesn't know if her cat was killed or died in an accident, but one day she found the corpse of her long time companion. This is what gave Ailuros the idea for her first spell. Using Symphony of Cats she could summon her old friend, if only in a spirit form. Amazed by what she had achieved she decided she would be the very best Other Mage and maybe one day even bring Mavros back to life
Personality/ Silly and carefree. Ailuros is the kind of person who almost always seems happy and is optimistic in the worst of times. Despite her generally friendly attitude she is shy and doesn't talk to a lot of people. Ailuros sees music as a world of possibilities and an art and Dislikes using it for combat. She loves animals, especially cats and animals love her back. She is virtuoso and loves just coming up with random little songs in her spare time, even if they aren't spells. Ailuros is a daydreamer who often gets lost in thought. She never reacts to the chaotic situations she often find herself in, to her it's simply how things are and she find order stifling.
Goal/ To become the best Other mage ever and to exceed everyone's possibilities.
Decided Way to Reach Goal/ To keep practicing and learning as much as she can from others
Motivation/ To see just how much she can do.
Genre of Music/ Other
Spell Name/ Symphony of Felines
Spell Description/ The spell allows the singer to summon black cat spirits. They won't really listen to her with the strength of the spell and she can only summon one cat spirit right now.
Song Used for Spell/Walls covered in blood (oddly enough it fits)
Extra: She is part of the upper class of Eniarku
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Name: Zoey Simmons

Age: 19

Personality: Zoey is a loving girl, and will help when ever she can. She had a rough childhood and never speaks of it because the mention of her mother or father makes her flinch.
She can, however, go from being a sweetheart to being full on sarcastic mean girl. She is very smart and uses that to her advantage. Zoey is also hard to become friends with due to her attitude. She also isn't afraid to tell you when you are wrong or being dumb.

Appearance: Extra long brown hair, bright blue eyes, soft tan skin, kind but sometimes cruel smile

Gender: Female

Genre: Pop

Spell Name: Romantic Pop

Spell Description: When she sings everyone starts to fall for the wrong person creating chaos, and they have to live with the consequences.

Song Link:

Backstory: She grew up as a normal kid but when she went through a traumatic experience and is singing afterwards her magic kicks in. She has been singing ever since, and starts to enjoy the feeling because her heart was broken she wanted everyone to feel the same way. She has a little brother named Theo and she is very close with him. Her parents were killed in a fire and she now has a fear of fire.

Goal in Life: To become the best

Way to Achieve Goal: Practice all the time

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