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Futuristic Character Submission [OLD]

Gonna be force updatin' either tonight or tommorrow! if you havent posted, i suggest you do!!

Name- "Hello there little ones, my name is Galmiz. Galmiz Maneri."

Age- "I'm 18."

Gender- "Last time I checked, Male."

Race- "I'm Balkinan."

Bio- "Oh, I was afraid of that... But, you have a right to know. I'm part of a race called the Balkina, a species of blood-thirsty warriors ready to spill both guilty and innocent blood to water the stones of our monuments to past kings. Being born of royal blood, I was next in line to be Faren, a king that would be the first to strike and the last to die upon the field of battle. A Great Honor that has been passed down through generation to generation of the Balkina... But, I did not wish to hurt a living soul! Refusing would mean death and accepting would mean more death... So I sneaked away into the night, escaping to an abandoned shrine of a nameless and faceless goddess.

I taught myself to recognize plants and animals, those who would heal and those who would kill. I declared myself a priest of peace, all who came to me would be feed and cared for like my own children. I gave advice through stories and folk-lore that had been traded for supplies at my shrine, it slowly becoming a place of healing and rest... But, then came the Faren, welding a strange weapon that radiated pain and fear... I had shamed the tribe by sneaking away and tossing out tradition. The king raise the weapon to strike me down, to kill me and crush all that I stood for... But, I was gone."

World- "Despite the blood-shed and the hatred, my home-land was beautiful. I have a painting, would you like to see?"


Abilities & Skills- "I am a healer, I cure both major and minor wounds and ailments. Also, i'm a priest of peace, I understand personal demons and try my best to help."

"All Balkinans are born with well-balanced tails, strong legs, and carnivorous teeth and claws make our race perfectly made for our home and close combat."

Weakness- "I won't and can't inflict harm upon a living thing unless in desperate need... Despite wearing priest armor, skin isn't as tough of most Balkinans."

"I despise having to carry such things,but my claws and teeth simply aren't in the equation. I carry a staff made of Kalik, the strongest breed of tree in my world, which I use to stun enemies. NOT to kill."
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]

Name- "Hello there little ones, my name is Galmiz. Galmiz Maneri."

Age- "I'm 18."

Gender- "Last time I checked, Male."

Race- "I'm Balkinan."

Bio- "Oh, I was afraid of that... But, you have a right to know. I'm part of a race called the Balkina, a species of blood-thirsty warriors ready to spill both guilty and innocent blood to water the stones of our monuments to past kings. Being born of royal blood, I was next in line to be Faren, a king that would be the first to strike and the last to die upon the field of battle. A Great Honor that has been passed down through generation to generation of the Balkina... But, I did not wish to hurt a living soul! Refusing would mean death and accepting would mean more death... So I sneaked away into the night, escaping to an abandoned shrine of a nameless and faceless goddess.

I taught myself to recognize plants and animals, those who would heal and those who would kill. I declared myself a priest of peace, all who came to me would be feed and cared for like my own children. I gave advice through stories and folk-lore that had been traded for supplies at my shrine, it slowly becoming a place of healing and rest... But, then came the Faren, welding a strange weapon that radiated pain and fear... I had shamed the tribe by sneaking away and tossing out tradition. The king raise the weapon to strike me down, to kill me and crush all that I stood for... But, I was gone."

World- "Despite the blood-shed and the hatred, my home-land was beautiful. I have a painting, would you like to see?"


Abilities & Skills- "I am a healer, I cure both major and minor wounds and ailments. Also, i'm a priest of peace, I understand personal demons and try my best to help."

"All Balkinans are born with well-balanced tails, strong legs, and carnivorous teeth and claws make our race perfectly made for our home and close combat."

Weakness- "I won't and can't inflict harm upon a living thing unless in desperate need... Despite wearing priest armor, skin isn't as tough of most Balkinans."

"I despise having to carry such things,but my claws and teeth simply aren't in the equation. I carry a staff made of Kalik, the strongest breed of tree in my world, which I use to stun enemies. NOT to kill."

Wrong Tab yo!

if you could, please post this into the Character sign up tab~

But I think i like Galmiz!

But just to be clear and before i accept yah and Galmiz, you have read and understand all of my rules (and by extent, RpN's rules) and guidelines in the overveiw, OOC, and character sign up tabs correct? (Especially the part where your character is Original and comes from a world YOU made?)
Neow46 said:
Wrong Tab yo!
if you could, please post this into the Character sign up tab~

But I think i like Galmiz!

But just to be clear and before i accept yah and Galmiz, you have read and understand all of my rules (and by extent, RpN's rules) and guidelines in the overveiw, OOC, and character sign up tabs correct? (Especially the part where your character is Original and comes from a world YOU made?)
Sorry! Yes I have read and understand the rules and guidelines in the overview, OOC, and Character Sign-up. Galmiz is my own creation and I'm glad you like him.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Sorry! Yes I have read and understand the rules and guidelines in the overview, OOC, and Character Sign-up. Galmiz is my own creation and I'm glad you like him.

Alllright then! Accepted!

You will be added to the next update likely around next monday/tuesday!

If you wish to join the skype group, let me know over a PM and I can add you! We usually have a few conversations going a day, but other then that, its is completely optional!
Hi, I would love to join your Rp. It symbolizes a book and I love doing book Rps.



-Physical description (or image if you'd prefer)

A tall, lean young man. He has brown hair and blue eyes as well. He is lightly tan as well. Ryan's eyes are big and he has a long nose as well. Short ears are on the side of his face as well.

-Describe their personality to a good extent

Ryan is a very shy person. He usually keeps to himself, unless someone is hurt or needs help. Most people thinks that he is mysterious because of his shyness. But if a person somehow goes through the shyness and meet him. Ryan will open up slowly. He is a kind hearted and friendly person who would rather knock someone out than kill the person. He is also the intelligent (but in some cases stupid) man because he is selfless. He will sacarfice his own body and soul to protect someone else. Even a complete stranger. Ryan is calm in most situation unless someone has died right in front of him as well.

-A Bit of bio/background story

Ryan has always lived in a world full of magic and I mean literally, in. The top surface of the planet are controlled by fearsome creatures. Giants creatures that kill any human in seconds. Ryan lived in a underground town called Terra. Inside the city, he learned a specific type of magic called runes magic. Rune magic is using magic that are inside inscribed rocks. The symbol inscribed inside the rock usually direct the magic to what the symbol represents. Example: If the small rock has the fire symbol on it and Ryan smashed it or says the magic word. The rock will explode and become fire. Anyways, Ryan has always dreamed to get out of the underground town. Until one day he got it. (Didn't want to make a long bio. sorry if it's too long)

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Ryan loves to learn. This means he can easily learn new skills (IN reasonable time of course)

Ryan has practice with a sword as well.

Ryan can do basic rune magic.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something)

Since Ryan has lived in darkness most of his life, with only a small amount of light. He can see easily in the dark, BUT this means he is blind during the day. (He is not a mole man. he is human, just can't see in very bright places)

Also Ryan is scared of huge beasts because the beast on his home planet killed many people he knew.

Weapons and clothing

Ryan wears a white t-shirt with a black jacket on top of it. He also wears blue jeans that have holes at the knees. He's weapon is a rusty sword that looks like a single sided pickaxe.

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join.

Yes, I love writing long detailed scenes and plots, but sometimes I write short because of one reason: my character can't do any action. Also if I get annoying or do anything that are against the rules, please PM me. I know this sounds rude or selfish, but only the person who makes the character can do what they want with the character. So if you want to kill me off, just notify me and I'll surly help you kill of my character
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Sorry I didn't respond to the pm, I'm still considering you're character ATM, and I'm very busy! I will get back to you on this soon! Just be patient!

Nope! Just one!

Anyways, while I still consider your character, do you understand the rules and terms of Among Gods detailed in both overview and out oc character chat? Especially the once a week commitment that I require?
Yes, I do understand the rules and terms of Among gods that are outlined in the overview and Oc character chat. I also understand the one a week commitment.
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Neuton said:
Hi, I would love to join your Rp. It symbolizes a book and I love doing book Rps.


-Physical description (or image if you'd prefer)

A tall, lean young man. He has brown hair and blue eyes as well. He is lightly tan as well. Ryan's eyes are big and he has a long nose as well. Short ears are on the side of his face as well.

-Describe their personality to a good extent

Ryan is a very shy person. He usually keeps to himself, unless someone is hurt or needs help. Most people thinks that he is mysterious because of his shyness. But if a person somehow goes through the shyness and meet him. Ryan will open up slowly. He is a kind hearted and friendly person who would rather knock someone out than kill the person. He is also the intelligent (but in some cases stupid) man because he is selfless. He will sacarfice his own body and soul to protect someone else. Even a complete stranger. Ryan is calm in most situation unless someone has died right in front of him as well.

-A Bit of bio/background story

Ryan has always lived in a world full of magic and I mean literally, in. The top surface of the planet are controlled by fearsome creatures. Giants creatures that kill any human in seconds. Ryan lived in a underground town called Terra. Inside the city, he learned a specific type of magic called runes magic. Rune magic is using magic that are inside inscribed rocks. The symbol inscribed inside the rock usually direct the magic to what the symbol represents. Example: If the small rock has the fire symbol on it and Ryan smashed it or says the magic word. The rock will explode and become fire. Anyways, Ryan has always dreamed to get out of the underground town. Until one day he got it. (Didn't want to make a long bio. sorry if it's too long)

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Ryan loves to learn. This means he can easily learn new skills (IN reasonable time of course)

Ryan has practice with a sword as well.

Ryan can do basic rune magic.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something)

Since Ryan has lived in darkness most of his life, with only a small amount of light. He can see easily in the dark, BUT this means he is blind during the day. (He is not a mole man. he is human, just can't see in very bright places)

Also Ryan is scared of huge beasts because the beast on his home planet killed many people he knew.

Weapons and clothing

Ryan wears a white t-shirt with a black jacket on top of it. He also wears blue jeans that have holes at the knees. He's weapon is a rusty sword that looks like a single sided pickaxe.

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join.

Yes, I love writing long detailed scenes and plots, but sometimes I write short because of one reason: my character can't do any action. Also if I get annoying or do anything that are against the rules, please PM me. I know this sounds rude or selfish, but only the person who makes the character can do what they want with the character. So if you want to kill me off, just notify me and I'll surly help you kill of my character
Alright good to know you understand everything!

Alright so, i like Ryan for the most part, however he does seem a little bland in my opinion, but i will assume thats what the fast learner kind of skill is for! (Im a bit of a fast learner myself actually)

Anyways, accepted, You'll be incorporated into the next update ASAP which shoooould be today assuming i dont procrastiante my butt off here!

In the meantime, i suggest you maybe take a read through ro skim through the toher characters or the recent updates and posts ot hlep you gain a better OOC understanding of the world!

And also if you have skype and want to join our skype group, shoot me a pm!
Thanks for letting me join. I usually start my characters off bland, but I usually develop their character through the rp. I kind of liked it that way. Seems more realistic lol. But thank you

Monica the Thugnificent

-Physical description

Standing at seven feet tall, four inches on top, 174 pounds of lean dark muscle, Monica is a giant among men, women, children, and small pets. He wears stainless white jeans, high top sneakers, and a heat proof fleece jacket, all of which contrasts nicely with his dark skin and darker hair.

Monica can usually be seen carrying his 200 pounds of Bose brand sound equipment all of which is neatly strapped together and hooked up to his unseen backpack underneath. Aside from some miscellaneous jewelry (all gold) that's about all to Monica's looks.

-Describe their personality to a good extent

Monica is usually a quiet guy. It's not that he's shy, he's just quiet because he understands that his voice, the voice of a giant, carries heavy power with every word he speaks. He makes sure to pantomime as much as possible while speaking as little as possible.

Additionally, Monica has a superior amount of patience, able to withstand all assaults of honor and injury before he finally finds a reason to fight back with words or fists.

Despite all this, Monica will always answer a friendly musical challenge and belt out a huge battle of musical rap stylings. And he will always have a soft hum to everything he does and says, regardless of company.

-A Bit of bio/background story

Monica is the brother to Number 4 of the Righteous Six, a six part government force leading half of the cold and snowy nation of Rapland in a centuries long war. Rapland had almost always been contested for by the Righteous Six and the National Murder-Clown Association, but Monica had never wanted to have any part of the war. He lived his life quietly, away from the press and the conflict, seeking to live peacefully on his own. He even started his own indie label, to try and recruit promising young rappers who didn't want to fight the endless war of the R6 and NMA. Things were going well. Monica had his talents lined up, his first clients had earned their own gold album, and he had established himself as a man not related to Number 4 of the Righteous Six.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. One morning, Monica awoke to the news that Number 4 was murdered in cold cream in a tragic and explosive whipped cream accident late the previous night. Obviously it wasn't an accident of any kind, just the news presenting it that way. But it didn't bode well for Monica. As heir to the Number 4, he would have to join the Righteous Six in their war against the NMA. Monica denied his birthright and fled the country and the life he had fostered, leaving his record label to his best talent.

Last he heard as he endlessly roamed Coolworld as a vagabond was that the Righteous Six was torn by a schism between the odds and evens, and that the country was falling apart under the oppressive rule of the National Murder-Clown Association.

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Monica has the impressive talent to reshape reality with his prolific rapping capabilities. He hasn't fully focused his talents as of yet, but he can do a number of simple tricks mysterious lyrics. These include instantly dry cleaning his clothes, refilling his drinks, and patching up any damage his clothes take. The only offensive lyrics he knows can knock back enemies, or depress/infuriate foes.

As the heir of Number 4, he should potentially have unlimited stamina, and lyrics that can change the bodies of his foes to his will. But he's never unlocked them, preferring to live modestly.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

Monica, whether he likes it or not, is a Rap Giant of the Righteous Six. These two facts mean he has a strange code of conduct and habits.

He's forgotten which come from his race and which come from his upbringing.

-Monica always makes noise. Anyone can tell where he is based on sound.

-Monica does not wear anything that isn't stark white

-If at anytime he is wearing inappropriately colored garb or his clothes become the wrong color, he has to stop and impulsively remedy the situation

-He won't deny any challenge, but he will try to incorporate music into the challenge

-He attempts to spare every enemy
Name: Hyperiex Morphiak



Personality: Hyperiex appears as a jokester most of the times, while also being quite energetic and almost always smiling. But he is quite ironic and he will make fun of people from time to time, though he does it just to tease them. If you get past that initial appearance he is a really intense guy with high levels of morality and quite philoshopical.

While he is indeed rather calm and very hard to anger, or annoy, it isn't something impossible. His behaviour while angry is quite unusual. In such a state, Hyperiex does not raise his voice, talk in an aggressive way, nor can any rage be written on his face. In a state of anger, Hyperiex's eyes become lifeless and wears an empty expression on his face. In this state, Hyperiex becomes quiet, cold, ruthless and attempts to attack the subject of his anger (and almost anyone who tries to get in his way) without mercy.

Backround: Hyperiex is a Bioniak of the Morphiak subrace, from the planet known as El-Bios. Apart from their supernatural condition and high thermal resistance, all Bioniaks are capable of using biokinesis in one way or another, and the differences between their capabilities depends on their respective subrace. Hiperiex was quite peculiar among his kind, personality-wise. He considered that Bioniaks had the skills necessary for helping those in need from other planets, and he was also adventurous, wanting to explore other places, outside his home planet. He searched through El-Bios for people willing to join his cause, but most Bioniaks were passive, sometimes lazy and rather egocentric. Even those who initially accepted didn't show up when the departure time came, thus his quest in finding companions ended in failure. He eventually left the planet on his own. Throughout his travels, Hyperiex helped those he could and had many adventures, but his quest still continues.


#Experienced fighter- Hyperiex faced many dangers throughout some of his adventures and thus had to learn how to fight. He knows when,where and how to hit,dodge and/or counter.

#Bioniak (alien) physiology:

  • Supernatural condition- Hyperiex is strong enough to lift up to 3 metric tons, fast enough to reach 50 mph, and his durability is slightly higher than that of a rhino. His reaction speed is high enough for him to dodge transonic attacks.

    Unusual physiological characteristics- all Bioniaks, regardless of the subrace, can see clearly in the dark and have good hearing. They may seem very similar to humans on the outside but they are quite different: they can eat almost anything as it becomes energy during digestion and they do not breathe (their nose is an energy detector of sorts; it can even detect mana and other forms of esoteric energy).

[*]Biokinesis (self)- all Bioniaks can manipulate some aspects of their biological make-up, but the type of manipulation varies from one subrace to another. Hyperiex belongs to the Morphiak subrace, thus he is able to freely manipulate some aspects of his anatomy:

  • Elasticity- he can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing him to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract his whole body.
  • Appendage generation- Hyperiex can generate extra body parts, including wings, tails, and tentacles.
  • Shapeshifting organic weapons- his limbs can become a variety of organic weapons, used for both offensive and defensive purposes (such as blades, whipfists, hammerfists, shileds, claws and tendrils). He can also cover his body with spikes.

  • Thermal resistance- he can survive in extreme temperatures, regardless if they are high or low. The highest temperature he can withstand is 500°C while the lowest is -200°C.


#He cannot eat things which are not organic. While inorganic substances/materials can be digested, they are toxic for his body, and in some cases lethal. Even if they won't kill him in most cases, they will ,however, weaken him considerably and cause him great amounts of pain.

#He is more vulnerable against powerful light and loud noises than a human.

#Electricity is extremely effective against him, causing him incredibly high pain, weakening his body, and making him unable to use his body manipulation powers.

#He is very weak against magic, to the point where even low tier spells can cause high damage.

#Once he becomes elastic, he also becomes weaker against sharp objects.
Name - True Greek Name is Χριστόφορος, (Christopher) but normally goes by Xev. Or to the ones he's close to, Chris.

Physical description (or image if you'd prefer) - Tall, 6'4 has a bit of a darker tan, blue eyes and short shaggy brown hair, and well muscled.

Describe their personality to a good extent - normally is a very quiet type of guy, is very fierce when he, or his loved or cared ones are messed with seriously, is not fearless, but will fight against almost anything if needed, can be extremely cold to rude or "evil" types of beings.

A Bit of bio/background story - was originally a son of Ares, but soon found out later he was a son of Poseidon. He then spent most of his teenage life (13-19) training with weapons, and his certain skills. His family was killed when he was young and he had been raised by an older lady ever since, he moved out at age 16 and now is a full time warrior/demigod.

Any abilities or skills your character has

Abilities to summon dead and damned souls of Ares, it drains him extremely though, he can manifest different types of swords and temporarily enhance his current Gladius/Xiphos. Since he's the son of both Poseidon and Ares, he can speak to different sea creatures and walk on water for short periods of time.

At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something) - he is very vulnerable to illusions or spells, he is very short tempered and easy to control if given the chance. His limited endurance for his powers makes him mostly rely on hand to hand combat making him an easy target for spell casters, archers, or any projectile from a distance.

And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join - he has several tattoos of covering his chest and back, all of them are different flame patterns, he has one tattoo going down the length of his forearm saying Εξωτερικές μάχες arent το πράγμα που μου πάρει τις εσωτερικές δαίμονες του που να μας πάρει όλους. In small print ( External battles arent the thing that get me its the internal demons that get us all )
-Name: Xagyg (Yogig) Calypso (I needed a last name and I love it)

-Physical description (image, because I prefer):


-Describe their personality to a good extent:

To everyone but his friends, he is cynical and sarcastic. He can be fun and joking with his friends, but for the most part will be oppressive to any he meets. Because he is very intelligent, he is quite cowardly when it comes to...well really powerful enemies. Though he stands up for his friends, he follows the power, and scoffs and being called loyal.

-A Bit of bio/background story:

In his home he was raised as a rich upper class mage. His gift was realized at a very early age, and though his parents were never very fond of his talent, he could not be stopped from pursuing his craft. He was placed under the class of the greatest arch-mage in the land, and trained for twenty years before finally going off on his own. Now, he is a master in the art of destroying his foes with Ice, Lightning, and Fire, as well as the art of Necromancy and Demonology.

Abilities: He can use the power of his soul to blast his enemies into oblivion. He can conjure something from the depths of the abyss. He can bring people from the nine planes of hell to fight for him (to an extent of course). This, is what he specialized in for 20 years, until he left to go on an adventure. He uses his robes&staff to defend himself against most magic.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

To start, he sucks at hand to hand. He needs his magic to fight hand to hand, and if there is some anti-magic place, he has NO power at all. No backup, except a little silver dagger. As for pure weaknesses, he has little to no defense against arrows or bullets or anything non magical. However, if a magical arrow or enchanted gun or something hits him, the magic will be removed, but the projectile will still be lodged (EX a fire arrow hits him, no fire damage but the arrow will hit still). He also has a small disease that causes him to cough and wheeze, to the point where blood is spilt, if he is fighting for too long or doing physical activity for too long.

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