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Fantasy Character Sign-Up


Sunflower Child
This RP is being moved from another RP website, so we will be hesitant to let you sign up, but if you come from the other website, please post your character here:

(You may have up to 3 live characters. Please label your 2nd and 3rd character as (Second Char) or (Third Char))










Magic (If any):



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Name: Adam

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Occupation: Alchemist

Appearance: Tall, thin. Tanned skin. Dull white hair.

Attire: White undershirt with brown vest-jacket over it. Brown drawstring pants.

Adept: Alchemy, running.

Inept: Stressful situations, heights.

Personality: Nonchalant, easy-going, outgoing.

Magic (If any): To be revealed......

Weapon: Various herbs that are toxic if used wrong.

(First Char)










Brown wavy hair to mid back, usually tied up. Green eyes, light olive skin. Thin, small figure.


A blue dress and off white apron.


Reading and negotiation


Running, battle and social


Quiet, and calm, gets scared often. She is used to a calm life in the city.

Magic (If any):





Plain old, boring city life with parents and little siblings.


Looking to get away from the stress of the city and find adventure.
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Lucifer Beckham






Dark Hunter/Sheriff




Usually light clothing to allow him to move quickly, refuses to wear uniforms of any kind.


Lucifer thinks killing is an art and wished people took it more seriously. Very good in stressful situations, and loves to flirt and show off. However, Lucifer is very impatient and over-thinks things. He also does things on his own and is way too overconfident.

Magic (If any):


(He doesn't need any.)


Lucifer has hundreds of different weapons. His favorites being:

Pirate Cutlass


Multi-barreled Pistol

(Shown in Picture)



Always had a fascination with justice among those who are evil and believe all those who have commit a crime deserve a severe punishment, by his hand. Joined police force at age of 16, and promoted to sheriff just 2 years later.

As a solo profession, he became a Dark Hunter, someone who hunted supernatural beings and entities of evil such as demons and dark angels, vampires, ghosts, etc.


Loves to eat apples.

(I hope this is good enough..., but let me know if not. )
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Traveler/ scribe/ medicine woman/ "religious consultant" aka exorcist




still wears traditional garb of the Holy Order she grew up in, but modified, so that the skirt is higher over black trousers, and she wears a maille shirt underneath.


Ayleth is a dreamer. She's kind and adventurous, and always hope for the best, but prepares for the worst. She's motherly, kind, very sweet, and jovial. She's very optimistic and a very naive, just coming down from the mountains. Believes that she is neither judge nor jury and only fights in self-defense or defense of the third. She doesn't have much experience with people outside of the Order, but she understands most cultures, from reading. She has a lot of book knowledge, but can be foolhardy, headstrong, and overly trusting. She is, however, wise beyond her years in matters of emotion.


Healer - She's a healer. She must be in contact with the person. Cuts and bruises are easy, but a broken bone would take too much energy.

Born with Light magic: She could absorb light and make shadows, and can make/summon light in varying forms (varying forms, she can make it look like a daisy when it's a rose, or "conjure" creatures made of light - for example, a dog. It looks like a dog composed of blue light, but acts like a dog and makes noise like a dog, but cannot interact with the world besides her). Being unhappy with the magic she was born with, she's been training out of it, instead working towards Nature, enchantment, or all-around. AT the moment, she can make a small flame, write a weak protection enchantment on paper (this allows the person using it to protect and item/person for a few minutes. Reinforces armour minorly, makes damage from a weapon a bit less, etc. It's like a small buff in a game. From her training in writing and enchanting at the Order. She sucked at enchanting classes

xD ) and summon/"banish" light. Her glamour spells are limited to small things, (they must have a basis to go off of or over) and her "conjuration" to medium-small animals. She is mildly resistant to mind-tricks (part of the rigorous mental training; she knows herself too well) Her weapons are Holy, and she knows a few enchantments to banish evil (demons, unholy. Not evil like people) and due to her heavily "religious" based book knowledge, knows rituals to summon demons. She's never DO it, but she knows how. She can also Exorcise (different from banishing evil, ask me OOC if you must)

Weapons: (trained in just about all weapons to some extent, she only carries:)

Cherrywood staff with silver capped ends

Blessed Longsword

Three Blessed tamahawks

(Missing: Holy Staff)


Raised in the temple of a Holy Order, she studied battle, magics, defense, literature, holy scripts, and all of the gods. The Order was disbanded recently, so she's been travelling out of the mountains where she resided. Part of the order was rigorous mental, spiritual and physical training, and leadership skills. She is very capable of training others in the use of magic, though she may not have experienced that type before.


Lots of book knowledge on a LOT of things. Little real-world knowledge. Knows scatterings of many languages.

The mountain-men spoke a different language, that few, if any, outside of their clans know, and many of these men visited, or were part of, the Order, so she speaks their language fluently, but the whole of the Order kind of took some og words of the language as slang, so, she sometimes forgets English words, and has to use the other language, known as Na'Gik
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First Character: Dead

Name: Snowbird (Real: Castella)

Age: 14-15

Gender: F

Occupation: Acrobatic preformer, somewhat a mage.

Appearance: (Turn your head)

Attire: See above. She is pallid, with icy grey blue eyes.

Adept: Acrobatics, balance, mellow concentration, chill (temp).

Inept: In the heat of action, warmth, strong magics, distractions.

Personality: She is sweet at first, but can be stubborn. She takes plenty of time thinking anything over, and can carry on with anything much longer or harsher than necessary. Otherwise can be pretty impatient, loves to be occupied, especially in times of stress. She likes being able to be the boss of herself, and can often get into trouble for the fun of it.

Magic (If any): Ice and snow magic.

Weapon: May be changed, doesn't not currently apply.

Backstory: From a young age, she has always been good with tricks of balance and such, and has put her talent to use as a street and show preformer.

Other: Her magic is more for display than defense or offense, although she can improve.
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Name: Claire

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Merchant

Appearance: Rather short with long red hair that stops at about the middle of her back and light green eyes


(Something similar to that.)

Adept: Archery

Inept: Hand to hand combat

Personality: A bit naive but very stubborn.

Magic (If any): She can pause time for ten minutes at the most before having to wait another hour. (Doesn't know about it yet. Probably won't use it much.)

Weapon: Bow and quiver of arrows, small dagger

Backstory: She grew up with her father who taught her about keeping a store and about his adventures. When she turned 15 her father turned the family store over to her before leaving to explore some unknow and very feared parts of the land. He never returned, so she continued keeping the store.

Other: Tends to get into trouble a lot
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I've been on here. Not on NF thats why I've quit on NF. I have a few on here I participate in.



Name: Christina (Aka Chris.)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Occupation: Traveler, old shop keeper.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c241dbd3b_ScreenShot2015-04-25at5.12.04PM.png.b8ad4ff458ec478ddc22c979cdcc4ca6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c241dbd3b_ScreenShot2015-04-25at5.12.04PM.png.b8ad4ff458ec478ddc22c979cdcc4ca6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c241decd5_ScreenShot2015-04-25at5.13.00PM.png.6722e2ce0c47a1f803e7f4bd4b5692a7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c241decd5_ScreenShot2015-04-25at5.13.00PM.png.6722e2ce0c47a1f803e7f4bd4b5692a7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her glasses are for the nerdy looks that she already has and she thinks their cute.

She's great with most weapons handed to her and close/far ranged combat. Struggles with 3+ in combat.

Personality: Chris, she's very sweet but she is also funny and is very serious when it comes to friends. She makes friends easily and will tackle you if she likes you friend wise or more than. But in battle situations or anything serious that she can be sassy with, she's got some fiery come backs. Likes majority of people.

Magic (If any): Fire

Weapon: Her sassiness, knives/swords.

Backstory: She doesn't remember her family but she knows that one sibling is alive and got away from a terrible slaughter.

Other: She falls in love easily and loves to joke.



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Name: Doesn't have one.

Age: 19 almost 20

Gender: Female

Occupation: Traveler/hunter of the unknown/Partially can heal.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c242ce116_ScreenShot2015-04-26at6.05.43AM.png.b22b2f524d22cb9851d0b28834755d02.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c242ce116_ScreenShot2015-04-26at6.05.43AM.png.b22b2f524d22cb9851d0b28834755d02.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c242d0858_ScreenShot2015-04-26at6.06.02AM.png.d4a7cd10963dea80697fa54d8097a9e5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c242d0858_ScreenShot2015-04-26at6.06.02AM.png.d4a7cd10963dea80697fa54d8097a9e5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She's good with daggers and knives but she needs help in combat. Far range will be better for her as she can throw things head on and not miss, it's being hit up close she's worried about. 1 is hard enough in combat, 2 and she'll try but if she fails she'll run.



She's very sweet but she's also cautious. She's lost majority of her friends in family due to her quest to find the unknown and catch something interesting. She's very sweet but she falls in love very easily and when she likes someone she becomes very shy and can't help but blush. If she likes you more than likely you'll know. She can make friends easily but she won't fully trust them as she's used to being alone and being left, she won't make a big deal if you do leave her but she won't trust you again and she'll go off to hide.
**Warning .. she tackles.**


Magic: Ice and can heal some injuries but makes her tired pretty quickly.

Weapon: Daggers and knives.

Backstory: She doesn't remember, all she knows is that she was taken and barely remembers anything in her past. She's looking for someone or something to help her unlock that memory.

Other: Is very silly, likes hugs.




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(Second char)


Queen Ettie Genevieve Hobbs








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a62bca73dcce860fd476c8d827ac358c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50947" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a62bca73dcce860fd476c8d827ac358c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I'm


Manipulation, Organization, Loud voice


Keeping calm


Snarky and bossy, with a strong sassy side. Controlling.

Magic (If any):

Mind Mage


None, she doesnt fight


Grew up in a royal family, was always spoiled, and it reflects on her personality.



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Second Character: dead

Name: Leahnne- Nickname/Alias: Ann, Leah

Age: 93 (looks 16)

Gender: F

Occupation: Member of the Death Order

Appearance: A short and ragged black cut, with black cat ears perched on her head. She has a matching fluffy tail, and white-pale death-like skin. Along with red eyes, she also has bright red lips, not due to any cosmetics. She is five foot eight and looks on the brink of starvation until she eats someone. <.<

The first chibi is an example of her cloak.
Attire: As in both pictures, she wears a bright yellow shirt with a paw printed on it, a vivid red pleated skirt and a jacket to match.

Personality: Very odd, with the hint of a troubled mind. She is losing humanity, as she is a vampire. Her personality usually would have been mildly cheerful, but occasionally irritable. She relishes the adrenaline of a battle, and is very unpredictable in any setting. She is also commonly described as odd or distant when not fighting. Things like metronomes or fire can distract her, nearly to the point of hypnosis.

Strengths/Adept: Close range battle, strength, confusing people

Weaknesses/Inept: Long range, or tactical things (like planning), feeling much emotion (more noticeable in extremes), fire and metronomes (very good distraction)

Likes: darkness, blood, but also bright colors like reds and oranges

Dislikes: light, blues and greens, feeding off animals, water, total silence, very loud places

Weapons: A single carved-bone-handle obsidian dagger

Magic: Enhanced senses, strength and speed

Miscellaneous: She carries a set of matches in a jacket pocket

Extra: The Death Order is a collection of rogues, mages and "evil creatures" (vampires, etc) that came together against the Holy Order to hide each other, and helped contribute to it's [Holy Order] disbanding.--Her satisfaction (of feeding) usually lasts a little more than a week, eight or maybe nine days before she needs to eat again. It gets bad fast, and going two weeks-16 days is pushing to the extremes for her.

Story: Leahnne was born in Mahara to a priest’s family and being youngest of three girls. She admired organizations such as the Holy Order in neighboring Necropolis and always strived to learn about magic more than use it. However, around the time she turned sixteen, she was wandering the streets near the scene of a magical-related accident the day before, in which a cloaked traveler had been found seemingly unconscious. As medics arrived on the scene, said traveler had sprung up with unnatural strength and speed and attacked the team, sending them and several civilians to the hospitals. As she was there, a the traveler appeared without cloak, and they revealed themselves as a vampire and turned her. Realizing what she was, she tried to go into hiding for but failed after a few days. She returned, killed her sisters and faked her own death, and fled to various different cities for various time. Around the time of her father and mother’s deaths, she did return to the city, but only for the one day.
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Name: Arshwin

Age: 73

Gender: Female

Occupation: White Mage

Species: Elf



Attire: Simple white cassock

Adept: White (life) magic

Inept: Black magic

Personality: Constantly seems peeved at something, very short temper.

Magic (If any): Very trained in white magic

Weapon: Simple metal rod

Backstory: Grew up among white mages, constantly pampered by the best elven society had to offer. She quickly grew bored of it, and ran off to live a simpler life. On her journey, she met an anarchist cult obsessed with this entity called The Mist. They managed to persuade her to join them, and has been an anarchist ever since.

Other: Thinks The Mist is a crappy metaphor for the creeping inevitability of death.

Second Character: "Alive", active



Not dissimilar to this, but by my design, (she doesn't wear makeup, my pencil was just too soft when I did the face, and I know the eyes on the armour design are off kilter, I inked the eyes before I noticed. It's not my absolute best, okay? It's something xD )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150523_201004.jpg.2076c78f22966f3dcce26443ca8752d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/IMG_20150523_201004.jpg.2076c78f22966f3dcce26443ca8752d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28aa083e_Emmaliasaccessories.jpg.bad205ff0abf2fb05cc84acc9ba4f7ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28aa083e_Emmaliasaccessories.jpg.bad205ff0abf2fb05cc84acc9ba4f7ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28aa3a91_Emmaliaarmour.jpg.2c750b1f66efa6e93d5906e44c452b7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28aa3a91_Emmaliaarmour.jpg.2c750b1f66efa6e93d5906e44c452b7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


17 to all appearances






Traveler/adventurer/odd-jobber/ *to be revealed*


Attire: Almost always wears her armour, over a full sleeve, old-style white shirt, wearing black pants


Emmalia is not shy, but more soft-spoken. She does her best to stay out of things that don't apply to her, but when innocents are at risk, she can't help herself, though her assistance usually goes unnoticed and unthanked. She doesn't smile much, but mostly just observes. She's not rude or mean, but just, reserved. When she wants to, though, she can spit fire (not literally, like, she's got a sharp tongue) and will fight. She does not enjoy fighting, but is willing to if she must. She is very good at acting, and will use it to hide emotions when she has to. She managed to keep her humanity despite her vampirism, a feat no other vampire to her knowledge has done, but this makes her weaker, but stronger in that she has rage and more self-control, instead of giving into the bloodlust, losing her humanity, and just becoming a cruel, unfeeling murderer.


Enhanced healing (a lethal wound won't be lethal unless magic is negated, and wounds heal very quickly - a deep stab wound, for example, would be healed within about 8 hours. She can reach into a moderate fire and the burns will heal in minutes)

Hand - hand combat


Close-quarters fighting

Defense and offense

fantastic self-control

fantastic acting

Enhanced speed and strength

Enhanced senses, especially at night

She can go nights without sleeping, but does eventually need rest


Helping with emotions


Loud noise

Sunlight (hurts her skin when she's in it - just a burning sensation she's basically accustomed to)

Silver (the only metal that makes wounds that don't heal at an accelerated rate)

wooden stakes (specifically stakes)

Holy items (Same effect as silver)

Discovery of her species leads to attempts at murder and "execution" and often leads to people trying to hunt her down

Her blood is black, which gives her away when bleeding

Cannot enter a church of Holiness or Light. Can enter any others, though.

Bloodlust - She must drink blood. Animal blood - twice+ a week, Human - , a week and a half. Weaker than a vampire who drinks human blood would be. The longer she goes without blood, the more inclined she'll be toward HUMAN blood, and the less control she'll have. She starts to get easily distracted, dizzy, confused, and overall losing control the longer she goes without feeding. After drinking from a human, she has to basically lock herself up to keep from killing other humans; going back to animal blood is hard. When she is in bloodlust mode, she's still sharp as a whip, being capable of acting and making complex plans, but only for one thing: blood.




calm conversation

(occasionally a brawl)

kids (from afar. they're endearing.)

Stereotypical fire-side family comfort (basically just an idea to her)





violin (she plays, but does not own one)


hope, innocence



rude people


despairing people, whiners


emotional pain



Small buckler


Lion's gauntlet (pictured below)



NONE - vampirism is basically powered by black magic, so she'd set off some very sensitive magic sensors, but since she has no usable magic, it is hard to tell that she is not human. As a vampire, should she give in and lose her humanity, she would begin to gain black magic over time. Not any kind of good black magic either. However, she refuses.


Carries food and water (not for her)

flint and steel

a chain and lock

a string of keys

bundle of letters

writing kit with no ink

herbs and bandages


Can play violin

Traveled a while with an acting troupe while human

Traveled and learned from many varying groups and cultures while human


Maybe I'll reveal it >



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Status: Alive, active

Name: Adelia

Age: 16

Gender: F

Species: Human

Occupation: Rougue/mercenary

Appearance: See below. However, looks slighty younger.

Attire: http://orig08.deviantart.net/ac83/f/2011/177/d/a/rogue_by_mabuart-d3k2bat.jpg

Adept: Short-range combat, force, intimidation, horses.

Inept: Close areas, heights, magic, long-range combat, (other) animals.

Personality: She is very difficult to read the majority of the time, with the exception of being sarcastic. She is mostly calm cool and collected, but has some anger issues and can be easily upset. She enjoys fights and battles, and will easily get bored with nothing to do, in which case she'll probably pick a fight or steal something. She's the type of person who expects nothing to stand in her way, but knows better. She's set on whatever she chooses and will probably kick the butt of anyone who contradicts her very severely. Her show of emotions is like that of a rock. A violent rock.

Magic (If any): None.

Weapon: The sword and spear shown in the picture, but will only ever use one at a time.

Backstory: Her father was a solider, supporting her family well until he died, at which point Adelia ran away and made off with the sword that had been hanging on the wall of her home. She collected bits of her armor through sparring in the streets, and provided for herself by looting her opponents and stealing. When she reached the point of being able to fight for wage,

Other: She doesn't like fruit, but against her predicament prefers meat.
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Cliff Kade

Age- 21

Gender- Male

Species- Human



Can spawn beams or balls of light in the dark. He can spawn any size of beam of ball up to about 5 feet in diameter. The larger the beam, the more energy it takes. It takes a few seconds to spawn a beam, then he can shoot it out of his fingertips to the location where he wants it to be. They can't do any damage, and last for an hour.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cliff.png.6048a45a9fceab1feefa63287bdd0585.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cliff.png.6048a45a9fceab1feefa63287bdd0585.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Click to enlarge)



-Rainy Days



-Starry skies



-Awkward Silences


-Lazy people

-People who can’t sympathize


Quiet and shy, until you get to know him, then he opens up and will tell you all kinds of things about himself. He likes people and socializing. He likes telling jokes and making people laugh.


Cliff grew up in a small cottage far out in the country. It was a nice farm land on the top of a hill next to a mine. Everyday he’d get up, work on the farm, cook dinner, and go to bed. He lived with his parents and 3 other children until he reached age 18, when he moved out. He wanted to pursue something other than farm land. He wanted to become a royal and live in the city. Even though he knew it wasn’t possible, as no one cared about farmers, he packed his bags. He moved to the city, and settled down there. His life so far hasn’t been eventful... until now.


He is master of hand to hand combat and martial arts.

This is his weapon:




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Status: Alive, active

Name: Lily

Age: 10

Gender: F

Occupation: Assassin/mercenary

Appearance: Pale blue eyes and relatively pale skin. White-blonde hair. Otherwise, see pictures below.

Attire: Ignore the gun and the "S's" in the trim. Make them circles.


Adept: Mid-range battle, sarcasm, making enemies, and choreography

Inept: Hand-to-hand combat, stress, making friends, improvisation

Personality: Just like Leah. Therefore overly sarcastic, very stubborn, and pretty immature. She is difficult to trust and has serious trust issues. Vengeful to those who have wronged her. Is also unusually terrified of wolves and the rare dragons. She is cold to strangers, but can (occasionally) warm up to people if given much time.

Magic (If any): Seismic/(occasionally) sound magic.

Weapon: None

Backstory: She has only one elder sister she remembers, Adeline. Both girls fled from their home after their father's death, Adeline taking her and raising her. Lily always had a bit of magic, but simply uses is for fun. Which is killing, for her.

Name: Melissa Bluehaven

Age: 14-15

Gender: F

Occupation: Student of magic


However, she wears no makeup and is usually smiling, contributing to a cheerier demeanor.


Color code at the top.

Adept: Messy organization, (getting and doing) distraction, brutal honesty

Inept: Focus, multitasking, loud places,

Personality: She is a jumpy and somewhat quirky girl. She can be clumsy in certain places, and in total contrast very graceful in others. She is a very determined person, and quite a bit childish. Sometimes she might say a few clever or wise things and her opinion is surprisingly valuable, but she is pretty oblivious to when that happens. She's pretty inexperienced and generally uninformed of the civilized world, having grown up in the academy, stranded in a bunch of mountains.

Magic (If any): Element-based summoning




Fire=Lion or Tiger



Weapon: A smallish shield shaped like this: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130627032353/finalfantasy/images/9/97/Buckler-ffxii.png

But a wood trim and green leather

She also carries a knife styled like the third here:

And uses it to finish a hunt or in wimpy self-defense. However, all blue becomes green and black becomes brown.

Backstory: As a young girl interested in magics, she began traveling with an older sister at age ten. After about a year they stumbled upon the Sakura Academy. Melissa decided do plant herself here to study magics while her sister continued traveling. She sometimes visited, but has not for the last year, which provoked Melissa to go out in search of her.

Other: She has only performed a few of the summonings only a few times. Bear is her most common, but also the most draining.
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Name: Elaerya "Blight" Caldaerys

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: None

Skills and Abilities: Extremely bright | Observant | Can become invisible | Can read and write extremely well | Expert at telling lies | Master at trap-setting

Equipment: Whatever she can get her hands on. She tends to move around a lot and feels that equipment can hinder her or tie her down to one location.



Personality: Manipulative | Untrusting | Unempathetic | Brave | Sassy

Backstory: Blight grew up alone. Her parents abandoned her as a very young baby, and left her in the woods by herself. You would think that the wolves would’ve raised her, right? Wrong. The wolves didn’t want her. She was raised by a young boy. His name was Ether. He grew up in the woods alone just like her. He told her all of his secrets, and to this day, he is the only one she trusts. He helped her survive in the woods, and taught her to be resentful toward her parents. He taught her to be evil as he had once learned from his father, whom he murdered. She had grown to love Ether. They promised each other they would wed when they grew old enough, but the time never came.

One morning, Blight woke up to find that Ether was gone. She searched everywhere, and never found him. She believed it was the gods punishing her for something. She found a place of hatred in her heart toward the gods. The hatred grew stronger in her heart each day she did not find Ether. The day that the anger bubbled over the surface was the day she killed her parents. Since then, she has learned to control her anger. She still keeps Ether in her heart, and still searches for him in the summers. Her anger was replaced with evil and manipulation. Secrets and stealth. She found her favorite thing to do was stalk people and hold things against them. Steal their most precious things and taunt them with it. She felt it fill a gap in her soul that Ether had once left there.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/blight.jpg.5404039932b76f96909c37d2a6e12a6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/blight.jpg.5404039932b76f96909c37d2a6e12a6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Leonidas de Fahren










A nobleman's tunic, fine pants and boots, his cloak held by a and silver coated clasp; he wears a large gold medallion with a ruby center on a chain.


Convincing people, making traps, setting traps, making poisons, making up lies or stories as he goes, blocking and dodging hits, knocking someone down with one hit (He is very, very much stronger than he appears)


Taking orders, listening to new ideas


Leonidas's temper does not rise quickly under most circumstances. He is slow, calm, and graceful in everything he does. He is very good at lying to people,t hough he does not like it. He is often seen as a wise, kind old man, and very, very deep in his heart he is. However, he's been using that perception to help try to ease the pain in his heart instead. He is not entirely evil, and does have a small soft spot for children.

Magic (If any):

He can form magic traps, that once walked into, are nearly impossible to escape. He can take all of the light from a room. He can magically imbue potions to become stronger. His greatest power, however, is that he can see two things about any person he chooses: what they want most, and what they fear most.


None but the traps he sets


Once a nobleman, he has forsake his life for what he sees as his new calling. (To be explained IRP)


While he may pity others, and wishes that he didn't have to do what he sees as his job, he still refuses to listen to the counsels of others, instead keeping his mission hidden.​

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