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Realistic or Modern Character sheet for After the Virus

Name: Kyle Lewis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Description: He's a tall, lean guy, standing at about 6'2", with short, black, spiky hair that gives him another inch or two. He has several scars covering his body, particularly his arms, from fights and from accidents. He has a few tattoos, most of which were bad, drunken decisions.
Immune: Yes
Backstory: Kyle was born in rural Louisiana, where sweet tea flowed like a river and so did all kinds of bigotry. God forbid someone show interest in the same gender, or not want to shoot things constantly, it simply wasn't allowed. So, Kyle, being a pansexual guy who really only cared about music, he didn't fit in much with that crowd. He graduated high school when he was sixteen and took the first out-of-state free ride he got, bringing him to southern Mississippi. He expected more of the same, but it was a completely different ballgame down there, even in the smaller cities. People were far more accepting, he got a decent living from freelancing as a musician at different bars. He spent two years(will change if inaccurate) there before everything started going to hell. His best friend, a Marine, was one of the first to go, and almost killed Kyle in the process when he went after him, Kyle escaping by an inch.

Name: Sydney Lewis
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Description: Short, at about 5'5", and has an athletic frame from years of playing soccer and running track. She doesn't have many scars or tattoos.
Immune: No
Backstory: Like her older brother, she was born in a bad town for anyone with a hint of liberal in their personality, which, like her brother, Sydney had boatloads of. On the surface, she was perfect for that town. Captain of the soccer and track team, straight as an arrow, dating a football player, didn't mind hunting or fishing much at all. Unfortunately, she got stir crazy. She hated seeing the same people three times a day because there was only one post office, one grocery store, one school, it was ridiculous. She hated the fact that she couldn't take a step without running into someone she knew. So, she made plans to join her brother when she graduated, but never got the chance. Her boyfriend was among the first casualties, not as one of the ones experimented on, but simply as a casualty of war. She found her brother a few weeks in, and they stuck together, with him being as overprotective as any big brother should be in the end of the world.​
(please ignore the sci-fi gas mask and pretend it;s a normal one)​

Name: Vensa Peridot
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Immune: No
Backstory: Vensa was born in the United States to Russian Immigrants. Her childhood was one of being ignored, starvation, and abuse. Because of this, she singed up for the super soldier project, and she was accepted. She went to the facility in San Diego and started going though the training. However, she noticed the results of the other subjects and decided to run away before she became one of them.
Penelope Mendoza

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Immune: Yes
Backstory: Penelope hails from the great state of Texas. She grew up in a lower class town on the outside of Suburb Cypress. Her father was an abusive drunk who worked as a mechanic and her mother was a drug addict more interested in her next fix than her five children. Eventually, her brothers and sisters, as well as herself, were taken and put in the system, all separated. Penelope's Foster Family was an elderly Caucasian couple by the names of Sheryl and Clifford. They accepted Penelope with open arms, treating the little Hispanic girl as if she were their own. Eventually, when it became obvious that no one wanted her, the couple adopted her into their home. It was moments of blissful peace she so intensely craved. After she graduated from High School as Valedictorian and Captain of her Tennis Team, she went off to College on a scholarship. She married at 19 to her High School Sweetheart Jack Mendoza. Being the Patriotic and Right Winged people that whey were, her husband decided to give up his degree in Criminal Justice and join the Military. When he returned home, he was different... and deadly. He attacked Penelope, and in their struggle, he fell, landing hard on the his neck, snapping it. She was inconsolable.
Penelope is an extremely patriotic individual, believing her husband's death had to mean something- anything. She doesn't seek out confrontation against her beliefs, but stands strongly beside them, because who could tell her what to believe? After she ran from her husband's corpse, and her new home, she brought the duffle of guns Jack kept in the safe in their closet. She keeps them on her at all times and is well versed in their use.

Caroline Langford

Caroline is outspoken and strongly opinionated. She is smart mouthed, stubborn and often too prideful to admit (most of) her wrongdoings. She is unconditionally loyal but her crude nature and tendency to be blunt may cause her to come off as abrasive more than anything.

Caroline was born to a single mother who died shortly after giving birth to her. With no known existing relatives, she was transferred to the custody of the state where she spent about two months waiting for adoptive parents. She was finally adopted by a decent middle class couple, Rowan and Deidre Langford, who had recently discovered they were incapable of having biological children. The couple loved her as if she were their own and did not adopt any more children. Caroline performed well both academically and socially. Throughout high school she had a solid amount of friends, good grades, and participated in extracurricular activities such as volleyball. She was always bubbly and outspoken and even ran for class president during her junior year. Despite all of this, Caroline longed to know more about her biological parents and her heritage. She was the only one with the biological immunity in her family as her parents succumbed to the virus fairly quickly.​

Blair Veil




Blair grew up in a single parent household, his mother raising him and his sister alone ever since their father had died. While his mother had a very well paying job and loved them unconditionally, she wasn't able to be around much leaving Blair to help raise his sister. When the outbreak happened, Blair was at his sister's school to pick her up when the parents that were already there started attempting to attack him. He ran into a building to try to get her only to find out she was infected too. That day, he barely escaped.


Name: Elias Winter
Rank: Captain
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Immune?: No
Elias is a member of NATO, had been since the SECOND Gulf War. He was apart of the German coalition, and fought alongside just about every type of person you would meet. He led the 26th Infantry, coinciding with the 16th Engineering and 11th Armored, into the United States when shit hit the fan. He was aware of the effects, and aware that he was likely not immune, and was always sure to wear something covering his face. And just in case he always kept a gas mask on hand. His squad had deserted after it got worse, and he didn't blame them. It was bad out here. They were cut off from the rest of the world it felt.

KA-BAR Knife
FN SCAR-L, 7.62 rifle, 3 30 round magazines, 2x magnification scope with 2x flip sight, tactical flashlight/laser attachment
Beretta M9, 9mm handgun, 2 magazines, flashlight attachment

Other equipment
Satchel with medical equipment, he isn't fully aware how to use the items inside
2 M18 Smoke grenades, one white, one red

DarkSippy DarkSippy hope I ain't too op​
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