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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Luxray decided to sniff out the Torterra, walking around looking for the scent before following it running off. Lana wanted to run after him but then let him, knowing he could care for himself and come back. So she trusted him enough to stay where she was

( brb, breakfast)
Gareth ran down the hall for a bit and then ducked into a door to let Adrian run past. He jumped out and threw another egg at him, it landing in his hair. Seeing it, Gareth ran in the other direction.


Terra heard her trainer yell at her and dropped the hair before ambling off in another direction. She found a big patch of grass and began to eat that instead.

Arrietta stared at the man who was victim to Terra's gluttony with one hand over her mouth. She unfroze and stepped forward some. "I'm so sorry. She didn't mean to eat your hair. She was probably just eating everything in her path." with that she motioned behind her to the path of what now looked like freshly mowed grass.

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@Jayden Kisubo


The second Kasey left the nurse, the Mew had been rather expectant and impatient for him to come out. He wondered what that was about, because it was rather strange for him to be so high strung about the ghost type. When he asked about the Shedinja's health and how it went, he merely nodded and mumbled almost inaudibly, "Umm, i-ice...and r-rest..for t-the bruises." He glanced at the Terrakion, who had, surprisingly stayed behind the door as well. Why did they stay, he asked himself, why do they care so much? He really didn't understand, but while the Mew's presence was comforting, he just wasn't understanding of their concern for him. He was a Shedinja, and they got hurt all the time. At least the nurse knew of their anatomy, with when he was being examined, for the gaping black hole in his back that all of his species had between their six hard brown wings. If she didn't know, however, she would be but a soulless body, left in the nurses' office. At least someone knew about his anatomy, Kasey thought, and that was a little helpful for him to feel accepted.

(and yes, the soul-stealing thing is very true, and it part of the actual anatomy of a Shedinja. :3 )


Pantera looked at the Leafeon with worry. "Do you need help? I can carry you if you would like?" she asked, stopping with Lily when she needed rest. When they got to the top, she started coughing and wheezing. "Lily," she said with concern, "I'm going to carry you to your room." she finished sternly and spoke as if what she was about to do was going to happen whether she liked it or not. Pantera placed a hand around her waist with the other under her knees. With a small huff, she then lifted the girl up with ease, as she figured out that she really was as light as expected. The Hydreigon may not look it, but she was quite physically strong, so this was just another lifting task that wasn't too difficult. "So, 300, huh? Okay." she mumbled while carrying Lily in her arms bridal style as she made her way down the hall.
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Lucas ran out of the school and into the garden hoping to loose him, adrian keeps running at him yelling. Lana screams in surprise and hides behind the tree as the two run pas the group. Adrian was covered in egg and confetti as Luke was running for his life away from the angry adrian. Luxray watches Terra from a distance curious

(Yay the mutiny of pranks and lives! xD )
Draco grinned at Lory, then shook his head. "If you don't have hope of being on my radar, then who would?" He was still making her guess at what he prefered for a relationship, but thats why he did it. It amused him to see people try to figure it out. Especially since no one had ever seen him go on a date.


Gareth turned around and raced to catch up to the other two. He tackled Adrian to keep him from catching Luke.

Terra shook her head and looked over at the Luxray, wondering what he wanted. @InsaneKiller19


Aeryn smiled at Angel again then thought of something. "Oh, I'm sorry but I need to go talk to my sister. I'll see you later today okay?" With that he walked off to find Aellas. @AlannaTrebond


Lue nodded. "Yeah" They should go find their room and she knew it. She just wanted to sit out here and have some fun. She pouted but kept walking into the girls dorm area. She led the way into the dorms and found their room. When they stepped in, they finally let her hair back down. "Ah...."


Nahar breathed a sigh of relief that he was okay. "Thats great news. I'm sorry about scaring you earlier. I tend to forget that not everyone can just go with whatever comes at them." He paused and thought about everything that happened. He might have some memory loss or something because he couldn't remember if he'd been told the guy's name. "Oh, I'm not sure if we actually introduced our selves. I'm Nahar! The music teacher here, and as most can tell Mew." He smiled happily and leaned back against the wall. He noticed something flash across the Shedinja's face and frowned. "Hey, is something wrong? You seem confused or upset..."


Lily tried to protest being carried but she was too weak to fight at all. "Pantera, I'm fine.... just tired...." She kept grumbling, hating being helpless. She knew that it was inevitable that the other girl would notice there was more wrong with her than just her eyesight. She had hoped that it would be longer than this though. Lily sighed and snuggled into the girl's arms, still annoyed but also very comfortable. She felt almost safe there. @PlaguedWithInsanity


Cameron smiled at the woman's explaination. "I believe you're right Miss Alanna. If we don't understand each other then more bad things will happen to all of us." He sat down at the table and wondered where Gareth ran off to.


Ann nudged the other girls shoulder slightly and smiled at her. "Hey, its okay if you haven't been to one before. I haven't been since I was younger. I'm probably very far behind, but hey, nobody's perfect."
Luxray blushes a bit seeing that she found him, he wanted to walk up to her but kept his distance. Adrian falls and lands onto the ground before looking at Gareth. "Hmph.." he mumbled before getting up. Luke sighed and fell to the ground catching his breath, laughing as adrian walks over to him with an unamused look. "That was not funny Luke.." Lucas shrugged smiling, "It was pretty funny. Thanks Maro" he said the last part towards the Marowak
Terra walked over to the luxray, who was small in comparison, and laid down next to him. Now that she'd ate alot she was content to lay down.

"Maro!" Gareth held his club up again and walked over to both of them.
Adrian and Luke looked at Gareth confused, as Luke sits up. Luxray blushed a bit more and laid besides her looking away, his blush was visible to see
@Jayden Kisubo


Kasey smiled ever so slightly at the Mew from his reassurance. When he asked about names, he muttered his own. "Kasey.." He looked over at the Terrakion, and then back at Nahar. The Mew seemed overly happy about his own introduction, and that was quite odd. "S-Shedinja." he said, as if that wasn't obvious enough. He then crossed his arms in nervousness right as the question was asked if he was upset or not. He merely shook his head in a no. Who didn't look okay, however, was Nahar himself. But why did Kasey care, anyways? Something inside him made him feel concern for his new acquaintance, if even that. But then had an individual in blue show up, forcing Kasey to stop in his thoughts. Surprisingly had he floated just a little towards Nahar's direction, subconsciously at that, and seemed to lean towards the Mew more as if to protect him from the newcomer.


@Jayden Kisubo

Pantera held the girl in her arms tight and securely, smiling as she seemed to be very comfortable where she was. They eventually made to Lily's room, and the Hydreigon was glad that she didn't put up any sort of fight or resistance against being carried. She was not fine, but she was definitely stubborn, and that was likable in Pantera's opinion, but just not right now. They arrived at the room. "Hey, do you have the key?" she asked.

(D'aww Lily's so cute :3 )

(oh, and is there even room keys? I was just assuming..)
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Lorelei raised an eyebrow at the eevee. "Okay, then, in that case, there's a dance tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?" She asked, then planted her hands on her hips. "Otherwise, I'd have to go alone..." She added with an over-dramatic sigh.


"Uh... sure." Angel frowned slightly. That was a little odd. She shook her head and shrugged. Oh, well. Not my business. She walked to her office and started on the paperwork that she had been procrastinating for.


Katrina sat on the bed after dropping her bags against the wall, watching Lue with a small smile. She was the one that helped her handle her transformations, and her first actual friend, but lately... well, it's been a little weird. On Kat's end, at least. "What, had it up too long again?" She asked, propping her head against her hands.


Alanna nodded at the student. "I'm glad that you think so." She looked around calmly, observing everything, then taking a pokeball and tossing it, releasing an Audino. "Aduna, this is where we'll be staying for a while." She told the pink pokemon. She looked around quickly, before nodding. "Audi."


Aellas smiled at the shedinja. "I'm Aellas." She interjected, then saw her brother walk up. "Hey, did you get it done?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and planting her hands on her hips. She cast a worried look at Nahar. He still wouldn't see the nurse, she'd bet. He's probably worried about Angel's reaction. She shook her head. Stubborn.


Lyra nodded at the other girl's words. "Okay." She began working her way through the students, trying not to touch anyone at the same time.
Terra would have raised an eyebrow at the luxray if she had any. Instead she rumbled and closed her eyes.

Gareth poked them both then hugged them. He'd found he really liked hugs.


Nahar grinned at the boy when he introduced himself. "Its nice to know your name now Kasey!" He tilted his head to the side and watched the boy's reaction to his question. He frowned but then Aeryn walked up. He knew the look on his face as it was the one he had any time he wanted to talk to Angel. Nahar looked to Kasey and smiled. "We should go find your room. "


Lily looked up at the question and reached for a silver chain at her throat. She pulled on it and it came all the way out of her shirt to reveal a key at the other end. "Here...." She mumbled as she went back to resting in Pantera's arms.


Draco sighed at Lory's question. He'd been planning on ditching the dance tomorrow. "Sure. Why not?" He smirked at her as he shrugged.


Ann nodded. "Oh hey, where is your sheet that came with your letter?" She had just remembered them herself and began to dig around for her.


Lue raised an eyebrow at Kat when she noticed her staring. Of course Lue had realized a while ago that Kat didn't care what gender you were just so long as she liked you. Lue had caught her staring at girls at their old school and had asked her one day. Of course Lue didn't care either but that was because she was raised by a pokemon who couldn't push gender differentials on her. Lue walked over to Kat and grinned. "See something you like?"


Aeryn walked up to Aellas when he spotted her and smiled. "Yes I asked her to go with me to the dance."


Cam looked at the Audino and smiled. "Hello. You're very well taken care of." He looked up at Alanna and remembered about his Marowak. "My Marowak is around here somewhere. He ran off before I came to talk to you about where I go for dorms. I have this paper.... But it kinda got ripped up in the sandstorm at my place." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Huh?" Katrina was surprised to say the least when Lue suddenly spoke up- teasing her like that, no less. "What? No." She shook her head, fighting to hide her embarrassment, not knowing that the roots of her hair were turning red like they did when she was really embarrassed. She didn't want to risk her only friendship on something that was probably just a stupid girl crush.


"Try to contain your excitement, please." Lorelei said, shaking her head with a sigh. "You'll hurt my feelings if you keep that up."


"Sheet?" Lyra frowned, trying to remember what she was talking about, then blinked. "Oh." She searched her pockets, then her small bag, retrieving her invitation and a paper that came with it. "This?"


Aellas grinned. "And you're still alive! Will wonders never cease." She sad, leaning against the nearby wall. "So, are you ready for that?"
Luke and Adrian hugs him back smiling. Luke was the first to speak, "Hey Gareth...don't you have a trainer to go to?" he asks him. Luxray laid his head down staying next to terrra smiling happily, he wanted to ask if she wanted to go to the dance with him but he was to nervous to


AlannaTrebond said:
"Huh?" Katrina was surprised to say the least when Lue suddenly spoke up- teasing her like that, no less. "What? No." She shook her head, fighting to hide her embarrassment, not knowing that the roots of her hair were turning red like they did when she was really embarrassed. She didn't want to risk her only friendship on something that was probably just a stupid girl crush.

"Try to contain your excitement, please." Lorelei said, shaking her head with a sigh. "You'll hurt my feelings if you keep that up."


"Sheet?" Lyra frowned, trying to remember what she was talking about, then blinked. "Oh." She searched her pockets, then her small bag, retrieving her invitation and a paper that came with it. "This?"


Aellas grinned. "And you're still alive! Will wonders never cease." She sad, leaning against the nearby wall. "So, are you ready for that?"
(When is the dance? xD )
@Jayden Kisubo

Again with the excessive enthusiasm. Kasey just didn't understand it, and he didn't think he ever would. Why have so much 'joy' and 'happiness' over things? Especially something as little as introductions? After his answer, however, about if he was okay or not, the Mew seemed confused. Kasey looked at the newcomer, seemingly a Cobalion, that's for sure, as he was quite excited as well. Something about a dance. Oh, fun. The Shedinja rolled an eye. Then when Nahar spoke up about finding the Shedinja's room, he nodded and began to float a couple feet away from the entire group of the legendaries and motioned at the Mew, that in which where he didn't belong..not like he belonged anywhere else anyways.


Pantera smiled as the Leafeon retrieved the key promptly from a string around her neck. It was surprising that she didn't notice it before. She handed it awkwardly to her holder's hand that was gripped at her waist, as the Hydreigon fumbled around with it in her hand infront of the door. Then did she drop it from sweaty, nervous hands from the entire situation involving carrying the girl she liked. "Shit." she mumbled as she then gently put Lily down back on her feet. She bent over and retrieved the key from the floor and then unlocked the door that lead into her room.
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Nahar followed Kasey and smiled at him. "Don't worry about those two. They're brother and sister and He's trying to court my sis. The only issue is that she is oblivious and he hasn't done this before." Nahar closed his mouth suddenly and rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish gesture. "Sorry. What I mean is that even I feel left out with them. They're just really close." He looked around and then shook his head. "Hey, My room is just over here. Can we stop there. I need to sit down, I think." He smiled, slightly dizzy but not wanting the boy to say anything.


Lily stumbled when she was put down and leaned against the door frame. When the door opened she walked shakily into her room and to the bathroom. She sighed and grabbed her 6hr medicine. She took one and then stumbled back to her bed. She sat down and shook her head. "Sorry about all of this Pantera."


Aeryn crossed his arms and glared at his sister. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what she just said yes to..."


Lue grinned and stood over the top of Kat, then started to mess with her hair. "Oh? You're turning red." She was saying it in a singsong voice.


"Yeah." Ann pointed to the section with the room number. "This is your room number. Its where you'll stay for the year."
Aellas grinned. "Probably not. Would you rather she knows?" She could arrange that. Hell, she could do a lot of things. Besides, Angel wouldn't kill her. Too important, or something.


"Lue!" The rest of Katrina's hair, along with her face, turned bright red. She couldn't believe that this was happening, especially the first day. She couldn't just keep something to herself, could she? It also hurt a little that she found this so funny, although she wouldn't say so. She kept her head down so that Lue couldn't see her face.


Lyra frowned. "Why numbers? Letters are more interesting." She said, almost petulantly. Numbers were hard. "I guess... I better find my room...."
@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey stopped for a second to wait for the Mew, disregarding the two 'siblings', apparently. "Mmm..." was all he made sound of for understanding at the situation. He tightened his jaw at the feeling of a droning headache that was beginning to recur from the incident, as he began to float on once more as Nahar joined him. After explaining, the Mew seemed rather sheepish about the ordeal, somewhat uncomfortable or at unease even. The Shedinja wanted to say that he felt left out as well when the other male had mentioned it, but he didn't want to worry him any more than he was at the moment.

And then did the mention of going to the Mew's room instead of Kasey's come up. At first did he start to blush quite pink, but he did feel more at ease when he said that he needed to sit down and rest a little. "Are y-you...okay?" he asked as they made it to Nahar's room. "I-I'm s-sorry about e-earlier... It's a-all my f-fault." he apologized, looking down at the floor. It was all his fault, and there was no way to change that sickening fact that he had semi-deliberately hurt someone. Kasey felt a lump in his throat, the tightness indicating incoming tears. He tried hard to push those emotions back at things being all because of him.


Pantera's eyes widened slightly when the Leafeon stumbled when set down, as one of her hands raised quickly to steady the girl if she so needed it. She opened the door and let the other girl in first, as she then immediately made her way to the bathroom in her room. She walked shakily and weakly to the room. "Lily..?" she spoke up, questioning her in an almost 'are you alright?' manner. The Hydreigon stepped in the other girl's room and began to take a couple steps towards the way to the room's bathroom when Lily soon came out after the sound of a pill bottle with quite a few containment was made.

Lily came back into view and stumbled onto the bed in the center of the room. Once sitting down, she shook her head and apologized. Pantera rushed over to sit next to her, placing a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to herself. "What are you apologizing for? It's okay, really. Seeing all this doesn't make me see you any differently, dear." she said, being completely honest, as she brought up her other arm to wrap up the girl in her arms in a gentle embrace. She kissed Lily's cheek slowly and let her arms and hands lie dangled over her.
Adi was in the nurses office thinking about the dance that was coming up, she was so excited to go but didn't know who to really ask. She dozed off while looking at some paperwork, not realizing that her friend came in and sat on a chair on the other side of her. "Thinking about that dance adi?" Carson asked the dozed off girl, she snapped out of it and looked at him blushing in embarrassment. "Yes I am.....but I don't know who to ask though.." she sighs, "Guess I'll be going alone.." Carson frowned, "Now hold up a minute....you still got me don't you? Even if someone didn't ask you, I will be happy to accompany you to the dance" he reassured her. She smiles at him, "Thanks Carson...but lets just wait, we never know what could happen." He nods smiling a bit, "Alright...but keep that in mind just in case though." the two laughed smiling
The quiet sound of footsteps could be heard in one of the many halls inside the academy from a very aggravated looking delphox. All she could think of at the moment was of all the places in the world I could go...it had to be this dump. The school she went to before was bad enough on her already, but one where she was stuck with students all day long was far worse for her. Still feeling frustrated, Marie slammed her fist against the wall and continued on her way as if nothing had happened. She sighed and looked over to her side to find an empty room. She needed time alone, and she knew she wouldn't get it in any form room. Luckily the door wasn't locked, and she entered closing the door after entering. The classroom was a standard one, rows of desks and all other things found in a typical classroom. She walked over to a desk at the last row and sat down. She took a deep breath laid her head on the desktop. She remembered hearing from some people around the school that there was a dance coming up pretty soon. Just one more thing for me to avoid. Marie thought as she looked at the floor of the room.

The school's art room was filled with the sound of lively music as a pink haired young woman with a bright outfit on hummed to the beat. She was getting everything ready for classes that were going to start in a short while. She was beyond excited to meet her students to the point where she felt anxious about it. She put the last of her various papers for each course she taught on the tables and lowered the volume of the upbeat music playing from her computer. Bonbon took a step back and had a look at everything. Perfect! She thought. Now all that was left was for classes to begin.

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