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Fantasy Celestial War (Lore)



resident problem child
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There was once a time, where the 9 Celestials, even if they were Gods, they didn’t always act like it. They followed closely behind the one who brought them together, Spirit. She was a Queen, who kept everyone sane and safe. Her trait of Belief allowed her to persuade people into forgetting about their existence. So in their Bubble, the Celestials would just play with each other, they lived peacefully.

They trusted a small group of SE’s to keep their talismans and the entrance to their realm safe inside their school. Until a certain SE, from the Early 1800’s found their vault. She was a curious being, yet fearful of everything. Upon finding the vault, She gathered a few friends, together they worked to open the Vault.

Once open, they found the Celestials and their haven. Once student thought they were precious heirlooms, thinking to sell them for a ton of cash. The girl who found the vault shook her head. It was wrong selling them, fearful of the trouble they’d get in. So they left the vault that day, saying they wouldn’t mention anything about it. But they started an argument between the Celestials. Some turned on Spirit, yelling about how she promised to keep them al safe, but here they were found. Few stood up for her, but with less belief from her team, and her family she grew weak and scared. Afraid she’d let them down, and she-herself stopped believing in her own capabilities. A Few weeks passed after they were found and some of the students would return to check on the talismans. Looking at them. Each student interested in a certain one. The fearful girl refused to go back until a soft voice spoke to her.

“You who awoken the hidden realm. I am not as I once was. I don’t hold it against you, but you will repay me one day. I believe someone in your lineage will be strong enough one day. Once they bind to their partner, the final game will begin.”

“Who are you? Final Game?”

“I will vanish with due time, and there will be an outbreak. To start your repayment, bring the one who found us back. Convince everyone to pick up what they are drawn too. You’ll know what to do from there”

The following week she did what the voice spook. And the first war began. Although the Celestials saw it more of a game to prove who was the most powerful and who could rule until the next match. When completing a bind to their wielder, their talisman vanished into their wielders left hand. A new marking formed, and each Celestial took upon a new humanoid form. And they began to fight. And it was like that for the next games. A game of Assassination. And the Headmaster’s let it go on, knowing it was the Celestials work.

But we start the final game, Search and Rescue is the final game.Until Everyone Celestial is bound, that’s when we’ll meet again.
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Additional: Protectors of the school
The Celestials Rested in an abandoned school house, a group of teens found it and explored. Accidently finding the group of Celestials. Spirit convinced them not to tell others, begging pleading. They needed to be protected; if they fell into the wrong hands everything could go terribly wrong. (This is also early 1700's) The Teens agreed not to tell, and with this the Celestials gave each kid a fragment of themselves something to change their bloodlines forever. The teens became demigods.
Together they worked to build up the Academy to something new, it would not only hold and protect the Celestials but it would also be a safe haven for SE's to practice they're skills and learn to use them correctly.

Here's the roles they took.

Space - Dorm Advisor
Time - Event's Sceduler
Light - Headmaster/mistress
Dark - Vice-Headmaster/mitress
Water - Science Department Head
Air - Sports Department Head
Fire - Food Service Head
Earth - History Department Head
The Final War:

The War's have sometimes been actual wars and sometimes been just large games. This one is by far the largest.

In this game, it's not spoken of until its time. The Celestial Realm is rebuilding itself to a Campus similar to the Universities.

The Celestials know some info about the game. Once the Realm is rebuilt and everyone is bound there's a week before the game officially starts.
In that downtime, the Celestials are Recalled to the Realm. Taking on a new form, one of a cloaked spirit. They're called Spectres by the other students who can now see them.
This week the 'Specters' will kidnap a few people a day. Someone who shows a high affinity for their trait. Each person taken is marked with a small marking in that Celestials color below the left side of their ribs.
When A Wielder is taken, their bound marking vanishes from their hand but their birthmark is still there, and they'll be graced with a darker hue version of the taken mark.

Wielders do not remember any previous relationship they might've had with another wielder once they enter the Celestial realm. Their Memories, of being a wielder, of being bound to a Celestial are gone, but they vaguely remember that they had a marking on their hand for something.

Once Every Wielder is in the Celestial Realm, the game will be explained Further.

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