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Fantasy Capitalise This

He frowned and watched her. “He would have been alone and mourning you….” He told her. “The man with the knife that night you came into work.. he was going to kill you.”

She shook her head and leaned back into him. “Not today. For once I have time” she told him
Max frowned deeply and shook her head "What? How do you....Joseph what the fuck are you talking about?" She asked in complete confusion.

Noah smiled softly and nodded some "Well I'm glad." He murmured before kissing the side of her head "Maybe we could go on a walk? I've been missing those with you."
She smiled a little and nodded "We can do that." She murmured, yawning a little, "I have the perfect place I've been meaning to take you too." She smiled, pulling away only to take his hand and head out.

Joe frowned, not willing or even able to stop himself at this point. "It wasn't Will that was supposed to die.... It was meant to be you. But..... I may have overstepped my bounds as one of my wards and stopped it happening. So they took Will instead of you." He told her frowning. "Don't look at me like that MAxine..... You really didn't know that the people you've been working with for years now aren't human?" He asked her
Max still looked at him mortified by this point shaking her head "No, what the fuck are you talking about of course they're human!" She spat before standing up "Look I'm sorry if what I said was too much and you need space or something. I didn't mean to push you away but you didn't have to go making up lies like these to get me to leave." She said before grabbing her purse to leave.

Noah left with her and smiled softly "Oh yeah? Where?" He asked her softly as they started to head out.
“No. I’m not telling you.” She smiled, glancing up at him. “It’s a surprise.” She told him.

He frowned and took her arm gently, standing up as well. “No…. No don’t do that. I’m being serious.” He told her. “Didn’t ever question the way they move or talk or how none of them have aged a day in the past five years?”
Noah gave a small pout and shook his head some "I don't like surprises though!" He said trying to give her puppy dog eyes but sighed when she didn't budge "Okay fine fine."

Max frowned deeply and yanked her arm away from him "They're all recovering....like me." She said feeling like her world was crashing all over again.
He shook his head and grabbed her arm again, walking out with her and having to force her towards an alleyway. “I know how this looks right now but please don’t panic.” He begged, making sure she was in and the place was deserted before he let his own wings out. “What more proof do you want? I fucked up. I was supposed to watch you die and I couldn’t. So instead to punish me they kicked me out and they took will instead.”

She smiled and took his hand, “my most important plan is to teach you how to relax.” She teased him, “starting tonight. You my good sir are getting a massage.” She told him
Max's eyes went wide with horror now shaking "No..no! Why would.....why would you do that?! I should have died then! I fucking deserved it not Will!" She yelled flinching away from him as he tried to comfort her "Don't touch me!"

Noah raised an eyebrow and gave a small nod "Okay? What uh what is a massage?" He asked her blushing a bit thinking maybe she wanted to go further into their relationship.

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