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Realistic or Modern Capital H - Characters, Rules, and Setting Info



Veteran Lurker
(This is just the raw text; you can feel free to convert to BBcode if you'd like)
Codenames (if applicable):
Year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student):
Major (undecided is okay):
Appearance (photographs are preferred, but I'd accept drawings or detailed descriptions, especially for hero costumes):
Personality (at least a paragraph):
Backstory (at least a paragraph):
Abilities (if applicable) and Skills:
Relationships (optional, let other players know if it would impact their backstories):

Ever since the 1930s or so, superheroes and villains have been a part of life. Radiation gives people strange powers, eccentric billionaires build powersuits and enact vigilante justice, and mad scientists create weapons that threaten the world. By 2020, this has grown more common, with around 1% of the population possessing some form of extraordinary ability. Still, very few people have the courage to become a true hero, and those who do are viewed with amazement. Some heroes register themselves with the US government to receive public backing, while those that don't want to deal with the regulations opt for a secret identity. The first wave of heroes was based in New York City, and it's still home to more superpowered activity than any other metropolis in the world.

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This RP is set at Hudson University, a mid-size school of about 10,000 in Jersey City, just a short ride across the river from Manhattan in NYC proper. It sees students of all kinds, from all over the country and abroad. And this is easily understood, considering that the school seems to have something for everyone. It offers generous financial aid programs, and the Honors College is prestigious enough to steal top students who want a more affordable alternative to Ivy League schools like Columbia. Beyond the Honors College, the school is split into several academic divisions such as the College of Letters and Sciences, School of Engineering, and School of Business. Since Hudson U hasn't been prestigious for nearly as long as Columbia and NYU, so its code of academic conduct is less strict and it's known as a place to conduct unorthodox and questionably legal experiments.

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From a residential perspective, the majority of underclassmen live on the part of campus called the Lower 40, so named because it takes up 40 acres on the south side of campus. Lower 40 East housing is newer and more expensive, while Lower 40 West is more affordable. After sophomore year, some students stay here, but the majority will either live in fraternity or sorority housing or find an apartment off campus. There is an enormous range of extracurriculars on campus, ranging from varsity and intramural sports to entrepreneurial groups to clubs for superhero enthusiasts. There's even rumors about a secretive society called the Nether League, but if it even exists, recruitment is highly selective.

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1. Don't be a jerk.
2. Refer to rule 1.
3. Try to post at least once a week, preferably more often if your character is actively engaged in a plot that other people are invested in. Posts should be at least a short paragraph and demonstrate basic literacy.
4. Since this RP has action elements and a college setting, it will likely involve violence, drinking, drugs, coarse language, and suggestive themes. But please refrain from describing gore and explicit sexuality. Follow RPN rules, and fade to black when necessary.
5. When making characters, remember that no one is perfect. If your character is significantly more powerful than Wolverine or Spider-Man, give them a serious flaw to balance out their abilities, or otherwise some justification for why they don't just easily solve everything.
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Name: Issac Franklin
Codenames (if applicable): "Conduit"
Year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student): Freshman
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Major (undecided is okay): Electrical Engineering
Residence: Campus Dorm Room
Appearance (photographs are preferred, but I'd accept drawings or detailed descriptions, especially for hero costumes):
His suit is very... rudimentary. It consists of a hoodie, with the hood over his head, loose fitting exercise pants, and sneakers, with his mask being a ski mask with welding goggles on the eyes holes to shield his eyes. He's also developing special gloves to help focus his powers, but he hasn't been able to put them into his suit yet.
Personality (at least a paragraph): Issac is the cliche shy, socially awkward college student. Meek, a bit of a pushover, but a real stand up guy. But he's... more. He has an intense sense of justice. He always tries to do what's right, even if it doesn't benefit him. Helping people is it's own reward, but it often leads to him not really looking after himself. He also has terrible self control, and often acts without thinking, leading to him making incredibly bad calls, and his OCD leads to him obsessing over his mistake constantly. Did I mention his OCD? He has it, and it's...bad. Small things get to him, he obsesses over every little screw up and everything he could have done differently, and is incredibly hard in himself. He overthinks things to an unbelievable level, and problems are often much bigger in his head. Despite all this, and his lack of much social awareness, he is generally very polite and good natured, always wanting to see the good in people that others don't see. He is also incredibly creative, and tends to create someone useless contraptions for the hell of it.
Backstory (at least a paragraph): Issac ain't from around here, if his vernacular is any indication. He comes from the South, growing up in an average working class family. He was raised on traditional Christian values of love and charity, something he kept despite no longer practicing. His father was an electrician, so he inevitably wanted to become one. Despite this, he was never very close to his father. He was a hard man, not a bad father, just not very affectionate, leading to Issac developing feelings of inadequacy and isolation. Still, he stayed on his path, and things were pretty normal... until he turned 13. That's when his powers developed.

It was a bad day, the class clown wouldn't shut up, and it seemed like everyone was against him. As he grabbed the doorknob to his room and yanked it open, he was damn near blinded by... electricity? After gathering himself, he noticed his hand was smoking, and so was the doorknob. He tried it again, and after a bit of focus, learned he could generate and manipulate electricity. This was possibly the happiest day in his entire life! He'd always wanted to be a superhero, to help people! So that night he excitedly shared it with his parents and they...promptly shot him down, encouraging him to just focus on getting a real job. It crushed Issac, but he always had that dream, even as he graduated from high school.

Due to a raffle, he happened to win a scholarship to Hudson University. It was a hard adjustment, but he grew to like the independence. At the point, he'd grown to be able to manipulate his powers a bit better, and figured he'd give a bit of heroism a try. He started out simply patrolling the area around the campus, stopping whatever crimes he came across. Then he started becoming sort of a local hero. "Conduit," he was called, a name he liked so much he kept it. The he started wearing a costume. Well, costume was being nice, but it was a costume nonetheless. Currently, he's been at this for about a year now, with no real sign of stopping. Looks like he finally did achieve his dream...

-Quiet places


-Pop culture in general (will go on a crazy rant about why something from his childhood is genius and ahead of it's time without provocation)

-Loud people


-General rudeness
Abilities (if applicable) and Skills:
Electrical Generation/Manipulation: Self explanatory. He can create electricity, or manipulate existing electricty. From focused bolts to turning his hand into a taser, it's a good offensive tool, but he's slowly learning his limits and the weird stuff he can do with it. Currently, he thinks that with enough practice, he could reverse the polarity of his fingertips, thus allowing him to climb up certain metal objects. He's also found out that he can sort of...ride along metal objects, as well as reduce his mangetism to the ground to slow his fall, and he's currently trying to learn how to use this to sort of glide. (If you've ever played InFamous, he's basically Cole McGrath in terms of abilities.)

Engineer: He's quite a tinkerer, knowing how to build things both useful and trivial. From a very effective flashlight to a flashlight that also tases you. It just kind of depends on his mood.
Relationships (optional, let other players know if it would impact their backstories): TBD

(Hope this is okay! Wanted to get this out before I went to bed.)
Name: Elizaebeth Morgan
Alias: The Morrigan
Nicknames: Eli, Zae, Beth
Year: Freshman
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Female
Galway, Ireland
Major: 1. Logistics, Data Analytics, and Operation Management / 2. Communication, Society and Media / 3. Business
Residence: Lower 40 West, Hudson Campus

Height: 6' 1" (v)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Prismatic / Red, Blue and Green
Having recently gone through a substantial growth spurt she has grown up and out in a somewhat confusing late development, having gained several inches over a short period of time and filling out. Regardless of their previous appearance, she stands, physically and aesthetically as many would consider a beauty, resembling the ideal of many a young mind from her tailored approach though certain developments are far more obvious than overs. Standing with a well-toned athletic frame yet ludicrous curves heaving outwards through tight fashionable garments, and with how such hugging her features closely it is clear she is very aware of such despite acts to the contrary, such is however reduced when she splits. Silken strands of snow-white hair flow down freely from her head to the mid-back, framing her clear complexion and youthful features foregoing makeup. Looking outwards with an innocent expression, sparkling prismatic eyes pierce outward from below a thinly plucked brow and shaped into a perfect arch that follows their slight curves. A sleek narrow nose, a cheerful smile on full lips, and overall an idealized appearance.

Moving with a bounce to her step, soft smile and controlled grace, she can still appear capable of incredible movement speed, acrobatics, coordination, and flexibility when required much to the bewilderment of onlookers, the comment “nobody who looks like you should be able to move like that” uttered more than a few times, to which the answer “They act as ballasts” is often met with exacerbation.
*When splitting into each individual sister they can be identified normally by the different colors of their eyes, outfit and differing glasses style

Positive Traits: Calculated, Coordinated, Enthusiastic, Playful, Open, Organized, Team player, Thoughtful
Negative Traits: Controlling, Excessive, OCD, Overthinker, Perfectionist, Temper, Tripolar, Vanity,
While Elizabeth holds a prime personality, a side effect of their powers has split such between each of their three main bodies with differing aspects becoming amplified over others, an effect that becomes more noticeable in additional copies. Regardless they are commonly found together outside of classes with the odd habit of finishing each other's sentences or even alternating speech entirely. When they go after a goal or take interest in something it is not unusual for them to go slightly overboard in such, often repeating or doing far more work than normal even for relatively mundane ones.
Likes: Appearance, Arts, Collectables, Fashion, Pageantry, Reading, Routine, Sweets, Swimming, Theatrics.
Dislikes: Dirt, Interruptions, Mess, Mistakes, Rudeness, Smoke, Surprises,

Multiplicity: The user may increase the number, volume, or values of targets by increasing degrees. The Larger and object targetted the greater the effort required as well as the higher the calories expended in order to produce the effect. In order to augment this effect, it appears the user may draw sustenance and consume a wider range of items without negative effects from toxins, contaminants, or more. As a side effect of the process that granted them their abilities, it appears that many of their properties have been increased by three as well as maintaining a mental link to any self-duplicates produced. There are various applications and side effects to the use of these powers limited purely by their creativity, the full extent of which have yet to be fully explored or explained as the nuances to its use are as natural to its user as breathing making it difficult to convey what is "abnormal" and an effect of the power as it has existed for as long as they can recall, thus becoming normal to them.

Unlike many others from functional families, Elizabeth along with various others was obtained from various Orphanages through the means of the notorious con-woman Jane Doe. Jane would regularly take on various roles to suit there needs with the most notable being wealthy and affluent, arranging to fall into relationships to drain, work there way into wills, or simply to gain connections for later. It was one of these roles that had her "adopt" those who would not be missed resulting in Elizabeth and many of the other children falling into the hands of a scientist Dr Damascus.

The Process that bestowed Elizabeth with her powers involved a serious of experiments that combined mixture of the mutagenic compounds and a human-sized centripetal contraption on various genetically similar individuals, most notably siblings if possible. The believed theory was simply if you wanted to make someone more than human, then combining two or more completely would achieve that effect. The scientist's records showed three survivors of this process which caused confusion initially until the reality was revealed that there was only one, Elizabeth was believed to have survived the process through a combination of genetically identical donors, young age and Weighted probability luck.

They would eventually be released following the downfall of the doctor at the hands of other heroes and taken into the custody of the state, eventually being placed into a foster family once deemed to pose no immediate threat even if the observation was continued. During her early teenage years their merged form has taken the habit of being split in an attempt to allow them to regain some sense of individuality through regardless of efforts they tend to reunite eventually being unable to remain separated for more than a few days at the most before two will destabilize and rejoin the primary form, just which one this seems to fluctuate however with each taking on differing personalities and seemingly able to interchange as needed causing confusion. Still, it became a trend for each to attempt to pursue different fields regularly as part of their education by tackling all three suggested fields with equal enthusiasm. Within the university, she is known as a set of identical triplets with each holding a separate name and registration, as well as taking on a wide range of short term jobs in order to provide both the tuition costs and other needs with a preference for cash in hand positions. As a result, it is not unusual to find her covering for various servers, event stewards or other short-term opportunities.
Relationships: TBD
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