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♡ Can't Live With You {Can't Live Without You} ♡


☆ ᵃʳᵐʸ ☆




Muse A and Muse B find an apartment online that they both love. Though they’re strangers when they sign the lease, they agree to share the place. A few days after the move in, they start to question the arrangement.

Muse A is quiet and neat. Muse B is loud and messy. Muse A has a decent job and pays most of the rent, Muse B recently got fired from their job, hasn't told Muse A yet, and isn't in a rush to find a replacement job. Muse A is the responsible type, and Muse B couldn't take care of a goldfish. Muse A likes their privacy and Muse B is happy walking around the apartment half-naked and entering their roommate’s space without knocking.

They hardly agree on anything, from what to order for dinner to what temperature to keep the thermostat on. Just when Muse A is reaching their breaking point and on the verge of giving up the apartment they love to move back home because Muse B is driving them crazy and they can’t keep up with bills on their own, Muse A suffers a major setback/loss and Muse B is the only person who understands/can help them get through it.

Muse A: @DisneyGirl

Muse B: @Despondency

Genre: Friendship; Roommate; Romance; Drama

Number of Roleplayers: 2

"Are you going to help me undress or are you going to leave so I don't actually have to strip down in front of you?"

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"Are you a winner?" Janice Jenkins asked.

"Yes, I am a winner." Emma replied.

"I can't hear you. Are you a winner?" Janice asked again, this time with more force.

"Yes, I am a winner."


"I am a winner!!"



And so this was how the day usually started for Emma Harper: receiving inspiration from her life coaches and declaring her goals and affirmations to the universe. This morning was a little different for Emma, though, because today was her first day at her dream job and she needed all the confidence she could get. Thankfully she had her Janice Jenkins' "Yes, I Am A Winner!" CD Series in her car to keep her pumped and ready for the day and its challenges. After all, if Janice could go from being an overweight trailer park mom to a size-zero-gorgeous and wealthy motivational speaker, then surely Emma could go from being an awkward and goofy student to the best damn Elementary school teacher this city had ever seen; and when Emma hit that school parking lot pavement and made her way to her classroom, she actually did feel like a winner.

That feeling didn't last too long.


It started with a fart.

Emma's heart raced as she heard the school bell ring and watched her precious little 5th graders file into the classroom. She grinned at them with that big "Winner's Smile" (as Janice Jenkins called it) and could feel that sense of potential in the air. Oh, the things she would teach the kids of Johnson-Smith Elementary School. She couldn't wait to take a hold of those wonderful little minds and fill them with a love for numbers, language and all sorts of fun stuff they'll thank her for in their Nobel Prize speeches.

"Good morning, class!" Emma cried, still wearing that plastic Winner's Smile like some lunatic. She waited for a "good morning teacher!" from the kids but was met with total silence. Clearing her throat and moving on, Emma wrote her name on the green board and said, "I'm your new teacher, Miss Harper, and I am so excited to be---"

The speech that Emma had been rehearsing for months now had been interrupted by one loud fart coming from the back of the classroom. Immediately, the kids began roaring with uncontrollable laughter, while the kid responsible for the fart, a chubby boy with rosy cheeks who barely fit into his seat, let out a relieved sigh.

"Um, young man?" Emma said, trying to figure out how to quiet down the class. "Are you---"

"Aren't you too young to be a teacher?" a redheaded boy with freckles and a backwards baseball cap asked. "You look like you're twelve."

"Actually, I'm twenty-two," Emma told him. "But---"

"What are you wearing?" a little brunette girl asked, seeming concerned.

Emma looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a red silk dress shirt with white polka dots tucked underneath a bright yellow pencil skirt and matching red heels. She also had added on some watermelon earrings to add some spunk.

"It's my teacher outfit?" Emma said, lamely.

"It looks like Minnie Mouse barfed on a McDonald's uniform," another little girl, a blonde with piggy tails, said. "It's almost as disgusting as your earrings."

"Hey, that wasn't nice," Emma said, hurt.

"At least I don't look like a peasant, peasant." Piggy tails bit back.

"Okay, that's it," Emma said, putting one hand to her hip and using the other to point to the classroom door. "To the principal's office, young lady." Janice Jenkins always said that if you wanted respect, you had to own your authority first. Emma was going to own her authority.

Piggy tails and the red headed boy looked at each other, smirking. This teacher had no idea, did she?


Ten minutes later, Emma was tied to a student's chair with duct tape around her mouth screaming for dear mercy. The redheaded boy opened the classroom window and the rest of the kids threw her out of the first story window and onto the grass where she wiggled around for a while until someone had the heart to free her from her misery. The rest of the day wasn't any easier. From having paper planes thrown at her to more farts being let loose, Emma was ready to throw her damn self out of the window.

Looks like she was not a winner yet, after all. Janice Jenkins would not be proud.

Defeated, Emma parked her car and dragged her feet to her apartment where she planned to take a long, hot bath and then crawl into her safe and warm bed. The sound of laughter and loud music coming from the other side of her apartment door snapped her out of her mopey state. Was she at the right apartment?

She checked the number. Yup. This was her place, and there were people in there. In her aparment. Hanging out. In her apartment. Without her permission. In her apartment.

In. Her. Apartment.

"Alex," Emma said to herself. That little…

"What's going on here?" she asked, quickly pulling the door open and almost fainted from what she saw.

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