• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Campus Life at Huntsville University

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
NO SMALL FONT! Not everyone make a female character! There are some males in the world. Trust me. I do have the right to reject any character. Coding does not guarantee acceptance though I do like to see pretty sheets rather than bland ones. Make sure you have read the rules before creating a character. Your sheet is your application so I would love to see length and effort! If you wish to play two characters, one must be male and one must be female. I would also like to see different ethnicities, too! :D You guys can wait to fill out the House section of the sheet. Waiting for the tab to be added.

Full Name - First Middle Last.

Nickname - Not Optional.

Birth Date - This takes place in 2016, so based birthdays around that.

Age - College Age 18-25?

Gender - Male or Female?

Sexuality - Homo? Bi? Pan? Hetero?

Relationship Status - Single? It's Complicated?

Sexual Active - Yes? No? Don't Kiss and Tell?

Classification - Freshman? Junior? What?

House - Which house are they in?

Major - What's their major?

Minor - What's their minor?

In Depth Appearance - Here, I'd like at least a detailed paragraph of your character's appearance. Include everything even clothing style, tattoos, piercings and scars, if applicable.

Habits - At least three.

Hobbies - At least three.

Likes - At least seven.

Dislikes - At least seven.

Fears - At least two.

Personality - At least two paragraphs.

Place of Origin - Where were they born?

History - At least three paragraphs detailing their life up until the point they are at now.

Miscellaneous - Make sure you have read the rules.
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Hong Min Ji



Hong Min Ji

(That's how it would be said in the country she comes from aka South Korea)




January 21, 1995







Relationship status:

Singer "DATE ME"

Sexually active?

Not at the moment




Theta Chi




Graphic design

Misc: I guess college... I know, I'm lame

Face claim:

Jeongyeon of Twice



Min Ji has big dark brown eyes, that can be considered far apart. Her mouth is small, which fits well with her face. The tip of her button nose curves up ever so slightly. She has brown hair that cut short to her ears. She'll sometimes take the hair in the middle of the top her head and put it into (I guess ) a ponytail (seen in a few of the pictures). She stands 5'4 with a slender build of 108 pounds. She keeps her slender build by going to the gym and working on her cardio. Yes, she's fast enough to run away from you.


Min Ji tends to wear tom boyish looking clothing, but each of her outfits have a bit of feminine essence incorporated into them. A lot of her outfits are more on comfortable side rather than the uncomfortable high heels and a dress. Once and a while she will dress up in high heels and a dress, but that's rare. She always carries around some cute, bulky phone case (that of course protects her phone).


Min Ji doesn't wear much makeup. She usually just wears eyeliner, bb cream, powder, and either a red or pick lip.


Min Ji has on tattoo and it's located on her wrist. It's a tattoo of a tiny heart.

Scars: Min Ji has a scar on the space between her thumb and pointer finger because she cut herself (by accident) while making food.


Min Ji was born and raised in Seongnam, South Korea. Her family was a middle class family. She was born a bit too early. She cried a lot as a baby due to gas bubbles always being in her stomach. As a toddler, the gas bubbles disappeared and she became a chubby, cheerful toddler. She wasn't that social when her parents took her to the park or anywhere. At the park she would just usually just sit in the sand pit, and threw around sand, occasionally getting it in her eye.

School. Min Ji got pretty good grades due to her excessive studying. Her two siblings were born while she was in elementary school. Middle school came around and her parents gathered enough money to send her to an all girls private school. For the longest time she was pretty pissed at her parents for sending her there. She ended up loving it there. She made plenty of friends. She stayed in that school all through middle school and high school. During high school, she took English classes.

In a flash, Min Ji was done with school. She had to get her life together. She really wanted to improve her English and the best way to do that was to come an English speaking country. The U.S! The U.S seemed like a great place to come to. She could improve her English and go to college. After months of begging and convincing her parents to let her go, they let her go. She applied to Huntsvile university and surprisingly got accepted. Her freshman year of college was pretty rough because she didn't know anyone, she wasn't the best at English, and she didn't know where anything was. Now it's her junior year of college and she likes to think she has a pretty good grasp on the English language (and she does). She still has an accent and she'll occasionally mispronounce a word. She has an Instagram that she mainly uses for posting the photos she has tooken, but a selfie will take appearance on there once and a while.


























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Major WIP

?Alisa Hanae Eirene?

Nickname: Alisa or Lisa

Age: 18

Gender: ?Female?

Birthday: ?May 6 1998?

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Single Pringle

Classification: Sophomore

Sexual Active: Unknown

Major: Writing/ English creative arts.

Minor: Graphic Design

House: Zeta Nu Delta

Nationality: Greek
I know you said paragraph, but I already had a list written.

Hair: Mocha Brown, but she tends to dye it.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 179

Muscle: Lean, barely shows.

Eyes: Naturally a grey, but she wears false colored contacts to make them fit her look.

Piercing: A simple nose and upper lip piercing. No earrings.

Tattoos: Black and Pastel pink Sakura tree and birds on her shoulder.

Scars: None.

skin: Tan, but not a golden glow some people believe.

Clothing Style: Anything comfortable and casual.

Persona: Cocky, Reserved. Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings. Can be insensitive to the hardships of others. A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. Clean, thorough, detail-oriented. Avoids mistakes. Logical and analytical. adventurous and spontaneous. Realistic. Does appreciate strangeness. Conventionallikes countercultures. Rarely follows the rules. Not Punctual. Finishes tasks. Irresponsible but, dependable. Interested adventure . Would rather be jobless than funless. Holds people to high standards and does not accept apologies easily.

In Depth

Origination: Even though both her parents have strong Greek origins, you can sometimes see a bit of Russian from her father or Italian from her mother.

Roleplay setting: Detailed Settings
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Mitchell Queen


Full Name - Mitchell Majok Queen

Nickname - Mitch, Magic,

Birth Date - January 3rd, 1997

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Straight

Relationship Status - TBA

Sexual Active - Yes ;)

Place of Origin - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Classification - Junior

House - Sigma Chi Delta

Major - Sports marketing/management

Minor - Communications

In Depth Appearance - Standing at exactly 6'3, Mitch would consider himself the average guy, not insanely good looking but definitely not ugly. His appearance is rather interesting due to his culture, he's a mix between black and white. His skin is on the lighter side and he has bright blue eyes. His features are more towards the white side of his biracial combination and can often lead to confusion among others. He has an athletic build that's still on the skinnier side.

He has no tattoos aside from one on his hand. He also has no peircings. However, he has a few barely noticeable scars mostly along his left side.

His usual clothing consists of hoodies or plain t-shirts, jeans and grey or black Nike Roshes.

Personality - Mitchell is anything but shy, he's a go getter, a hustler. He works for things, and doesn't quit once he's started. He's very committed in whatever he chooses, he prides himself on loyalty whether it be to a team, his house, a friend or even a girl. He always goes for having a good time, partying, drinking, breaking rules, anything it takes. He can come across to those who don't know him as obnoxious and reckless, and admittedly, he does like to one up people and make sure he's taking things the farthest. There are lines he won't cross however. He is protective and caring of those he's close to as well as people getting discriminated for their race. He stands up for whatever he believes in but can go with the crowd in negative or positive ways if he doesn't have an opinion on the matter.

History - Coming from a biracial family, Mitchell grew up getting bagged for his race by people at school, the city and even his own family. Both of his parents had done drugs casually around the household, his older brother following in their path of substance abuse. He however managed to stay away from that specific bad influence but still had to deal with the damage his family was under.

When he was younger, he was closest with his older brother Michael. They played together, walked to school together, and played basketball together. He never really understood until he grew up why people looked at him funny, the dark skinned kids saw him as white, but the light skinned kids saw him as black. No matter how they saw him, he never developed an understanding of the racism until he was in the tenth grade, a sophomore in high school. He was treated differently by everyone, getting called out on stereotypes by either race. He often tried to avoid the topic of his colour until he finally gained confidence in himself after a pep talk from another biracial figure in his life, his coach who had respect.

Unfortunately, even with his newfound confidence his life at home hadn't changed much. On the way home him and his brother got jumped. As a ninth grade boy he was relying on his brother to fight back and protect him. Instead, Michael fled, leaving Mitchell to get beat by a group of guys he had nothing to do with. He knew they were after his brother, probably for drugs or something, but he left the scene alive (with wounds) and didn't bother pressing the situation.

The year Mitchell graduated high school, his mother had passed away. Beat to death by his own father. This is when he decided he wouldn't return to the neighbourhood he was from, the worst part of Toronto. He found his way, getting accepted to university on both academic and athletic scholarships, the help he needed due to the lack of money. He enjoyed his time away from home, he felt safer. He continued playing basketball, focusing on school. He soon found a new lifestyle, Sigma Chi Delta teaching him new ways and new confidence.

Habits - Drinking, Slurring words, playing with rubics cubes in any situation

Hobbies - Rapping, basketball, watching sports

Likes - Watching pro sports, vanilla cupcakes, partying, biracial people, attention, music (hip hop / rap), space/astronomy, the color gold,

Dislikes - Losing, feeling betrayed, liars, racism, fried food, violence, being alone, silence, sitting for long periods of time

Fears - Being unable to help people in a terrible situation, becoming like his family.

Miscellaneous - A generic home or school type setting :)


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Malia Campbell

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Dominic Thompson

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{ "I walk, I look, I see, I stop, I photograph." }-Leon Levinstein




Full Name |

Abigail Destinee Chu.

Nickname |

Abigail has an array of nicknames that she likes to be called by some of her peers. She of course likes to be called Abby, because people are too lazy to call her by her full name unless their an adult though. Most people know of her beautiful middle name and gave her the nickname Des. It's not her favorite nickname but she accepts it anyway.

Birth Date |

September 1st; 9/1.

Age |

Twenty-One; 21.

Gender |


Sexuality |

Heterosexual. Though she doesn't just fall for any male that's able to walk, he has to have a certain presence about him. He has to have an intelligent mind set along with a great personality. Other than that, he is not the one for her.

Relationship Status |

Recently Single.

Sexually Active |

No. Though, she is not a virgin.

Classification |


House |

Alpha Theta Pi.

| Major |


Minor |


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In The Mirror


In Depth Appearance |

Abigail stands about five foot six and weighs about one-hundred and twelve pounds. Even though it may not look like it, Abigail is athletically built due to her training in Martial Arts. Abigail naturally is a brunette but she has dyed her hair to a pure, raven black color. Abigail eyes are a chestnut brown color. Abigail has her bottom two earlobes pierced, like any other girl would have. She has a tattoo of her birthday in Roman numeral form and zodiac symbol on her left ankle. Abigail style is a bit up and down. One minute, she's dressed in girly girl attire that consists of blouses, skirts and heels. Another minute, she'll have this grunge appearance about her, which consists of anything leather and black such as a jacket, jeans and heeled boots. Most of her clothes are color coordinated with each other but most are just thrown together.

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These Things I'll Never Say


Habits |

• When angry or arguing, she switches her language from English to Korean or mispronounces some of her words • Always flipping her hair to the side • Stutters before she is about to tell a lie • Has a weakness of rescuing stray animals • Has a slight OCD problem • Always early for meetings or appointments •

Hobbies |

♦ Photography ♦ Scrapbooking ♦ Archery ♦ Martial Arts ♦ Social Media ♦

Likes |

Being a part of ???

Social gatherings

Most parties

Her friends

The college lifestyle

Reading old and new books

Smiling & Laughing

Starbuck's Coffee

Dislikes |

Guys that are players


Smelly people

Drug users

Cold weather

Being sad

Reality Tv

Racist comments

Fears |

• Tight spaces • Clowns • Physical abuse • Dying young •

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My Defining Traits And Past


Personality |

Intelligent. Of course, that is one word to describe Abigail's personality as she has a high intelligent level. And her intelligence just isn't applied to school work neither. She also has social intelligence and can interject herself into almost any conversation. Though, she has to be careful not to show her bluntness at the same time. Abigail's very blunt but only when it comes to certain things. Someone asks her to be brutally honest with them, she will without hesitation. She has been known to hurt a few feelings with her words but at the time, she doesn't care but when she thinks about, she truly does care. She is creative when it comes to doing things for the sorority such as making signs, coming up with ideas and even coming up with certain themes for parties or whatever else they may be doing.

Abigail is accepting when it comes to adding new members to the sorority, although she isn't really accepting of putting the pledges through grueling and awkward stages throughout their trials. She is also accepting to any kind of race, sexuality and gender as she sees a person for what's on the inside and not the outside. If someone was to make plans with her, she'd need a minute to think about it because she is so indecisive about making plans with others. Whatever someone else is doing, she'd be happy with whatever their doing, as well.

Overall, she is not a bad person to befriend as she'll give anyone at least a chance to make some sort of impact in her life. She is always looking to make new friends outside of her sorority and hopefully they last long around her.

Place of Origin |

Seoul, Korea.

History |

Abigail was born on a beautiful fall day to two wonderful parents, Ken and Anna Chu. She was born at the Seoul hospital, which is also the capital of Korea, as well. Growing up, whatever she wanted, she got even as a little girl. Her parents spoiled her to the T. She honestly liked being spoiled but at the same time, hated it as well. Her parents always wanted to see Abigail do something with her life, no matter what it was as long as she was happy. Abigail grew up in Seoul, Korea until the age of four when her mother got a promotion at work but the job was only available within the United States. Of course, it meant more money for her and the family so her father agreed that she should accept the offer and when she did, they were on the next flight out of Korea and to the United States - California, to be exact.

Growing up within the California lifestyle wasn't as much different as growing up in Seoul. Everything was pretty much the same until Abigail had to be enrolled in elementary school as she attended Beverly Hills Elementary. She was heavily bullied because she wasn't originally from Beverly Hills and because she didn't have that look like everyone else. She heard a lot of racial slurs from people and went home and begged her father to home school her. They didn't as they felt like this was setting her up for real life since people are going to talk about you till the day you die. Abigail continuously went to school after her parents talk with her head held high and she became somewhat of a Queen Bee in kindergarten. She was impressed how the tables have turned so quickly against her first few days enemies.

A few years went on and she still remained at the top of Beverly Hills food chain as the Queen Bee. Her life became a bit easier that way as she hated that she had to change her complete attitude around just to make friends but she had to do what she had to do. Her mother was quickly rising in the ranks at her job as well while her father stayed at home, watching over her and even training her in Martial Arts, something she loves till this day. Her father showed her everything he knew, even how to meditate and clear her mind, which is something she did periodically.

Moving forward to high school now, Abigail had finally be accepted into the Beverly Hills lifestyle fully even though she had retired her Queen Bee status to someone else. She was much happier within the lifestyle now and even made a few more friends to join her clique. Though now that she was in high school, she had to seriously think about her future and where she was heading from that magic moment. She joined the Drama Club and Photography Club and became an instant sensation due to her ability to take magnificent pictures and even act the way the teacher wanted to bring the role to life. She even started writing her own criticism for the plays and showing it to the drama teacher, who loved what she wrote about the shows since it was the truth. Abigail was granted a critic blog with the school newspaper, which is an offer she could not refuse and people raved on and on about her writings from the drama club.

As high school was approaching to a close, Abigail's parents made sure she sent in a ton of college applications. Of course, with her 4.0 GPA and 29 score on the ACT, she was likely to get accepted anywhere but the one college that stuck out to her was Huntsville University as she toured the campus before even deciding on it. She was impressed with the campus lifestyle and even what the college had to offer its students. She didn't really want to join a sorority when she toured the college because they all looked like stuck up snobs, in her own personal opinion though.

The time had come for her to graduate from high school, which she did and received her diploma. She got a lot of hugs from teachers and students alike as everyone was going to miss her but she promised them that she was going to visit during her breaks, if she can. She started at Huntsville and was immediately approached by some girls from Alpha Theta Chi. She heard their words and told them that she'd think about and indeed she did. It took her about a month to join the sorority and pledge her life to the sorority. She had to endure some grueling tasks but preserved through the challenges and was able to become a Alpha Theta Chi girl, who are not all that bad when you get to know them.

Abigail still attends Huntsville University and is still apart of Alpha Theta Chi. She loves the girls, or her sisters with all her heart and she'll do almost anything for anyone of them, honestly. Abigail is really focused on her studies more than the sorority though and hopes that her sisters respect that and not give her any mess about it. She still finds the time to manage to hang out with the sorority for events though since they do need her for coming up with themes and ideas. Abigail hopes to remain apart of Alpha Theta Chi until she graduates from Huntsville so that she can be someone else's big sister, as well.

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Mae Jeong-Hwa ?


?21 ? Male ? Bisexual ? K.appa Alpha?


Date of Birth: January 5, 1995

Status: Single

Sexually Active: No

Classification: Junior

Major: Fashion Design

Minor: Photography

Misc: Schools


Jeong-Hwa stands at around 5'11 and has fair skin with a few scars here and there from childhood accidents. His hair is naturally dark brown, but he dyed it blonde when he was 18. His eyes are an average dark brown. He is naturally thin, so he has a hard time building muscle. He works out as much as he can, so he has managed to get a slightly athletic build. One of his predominant features are his broad shoulders. He has two piercings on his left earlobe, though he doesn't regularly wear earrings. It's no surprise that he's stylish considering he's a fashion major. He prefers simple looks, but likes to spice them up with accessories. Sometimes he wears clothes he has designed himself.



Jeong-Hwa is a friendly person. Despite knowing it's advised against, he tries to make friends with everyone, even members of other houses. He's nice to everyone he meets unless they give him a reason to be mean. He doesn't see the point in being needlessly rude to someone. Benevolent, compassionate, and altruistic, he's always worrying about others. He often forgets to look out for himself because he's too busy stressing over his friends. Some even jokingly call him mom, as he nags and scolds his friends at times.

Some may see him as a bit of a pushover, considering his trusting and caring nature. Sometimes he can even be a bit naive. Once you take it too far, though, he can become a completely different person. Something he will never stand for is you messing with someone he cares about. Anyone he snaps at doesn't feel too nice when he's finished, either. All in all Jeong is a wonderful friend to have, as long as you don't anger him, that is.


-Always carries measuring tape without fail

-Bites his lip when he's lying and/or about to lie

-Stops in front of most reflective surfaces to check his appearance

-Has a slight accent when speaking English

Hobbies: Sewing, Designing clothes, Taking photos, Modeling for other students

Likes: Fashion, Baking, Cooking, Sweet food, Friends, Music, Sunshine

Dislikes: Bullying, Arguments, Negativity, Alcohol, Smoking/Drugs, Rain, Insects

Fears: Heights, Swimming (rather, drowning), Being left alone by his friends


Place of Origin: Busan, South Korea

History: Jeong-Hwa was the first born child in his family of 4, with two younger siblings. His family was pretty well off, but his parents also had to work a lot. When his younger siblings were born when he was 8 and 10, he had to take care of them himself. He cooked for them, bathed them, took them to school when they were old enough and overall cared for them like they were his own children.

Jeong's love for fashion grew when he was around 15. Despite it being seen as feminine, he liked looking at his female classmates' magazines and designing clothes he thought the models would look good in. He even convinced his parents to buy him a sewing machine so he could make clothes for his siblings. He has a better machine now, but he still keeps his first one in his dorm.

Jeong moved to America a few months after turning 16. He begged and begged his parents to move in with his cousins in America, because there weren't any fashion schools in Korea that he felt were good enough. After a lot of convincing, he moved to America with his eyes set on Huntsville. It wasn't a top of the line school, but its fashion major program was often praised.

At first it was difficult as he only knew basic English and he had to adjust to American culture. He adapted to it very quickly though, and by the time he was accepted to Huntsville his English was amazing. He may stumble on harder words but has no problems in most cases. When he graduates, he plans on starting his own fashion company.


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Full Name:

Parvati Ria Kaur, aka "Paro"


20 (29.02.1996)





Relationship Status:


Sexually Active:

Not anymore

Place of Origin:

Bengaluru, India




Bilingual Education


English Language


Theta Chi


I don’t know why I want to say coffee shop, but I’ll say… forest!


Paro is a 5’2, skinny girl. She has long legs, narrow waist, and small shoulders. Her fingers are long and slim, and her nails are always perfectly filed and painted. Paro’s dark hair is unbelievably thick and, in length, reaches her breasts. She has a diamond-shaped face, small, round nose, and brown, almond eyes. She always makes sure to discreetly accent them with eyeliner or eyeshades. There’s always a sparkle in her eyes, that makes her seem positive and enthusiastic, and it is stressed by thick, brown, arched eyebrows. Parvati likes to feel comfortable, so casually she wears V-neck tops or tanks and jeans or leggings. Her clothing always has to be colourful, so her tops very often have many embroidered patterns. For bigger occasions, she puts on tight dresses, usually with lace punching or flowers. When it’s a family or national celebration in India, she always wears a colourful bindi between her eyebrows, and many parts of jewellery, such as gold rings and gilded earrings.



She always sings in the morning, takes shoes off before entering a house, puts lotion on right after showering.


Going to the theatre, museums or operas, filling colour books, playing the cello.


Children, flowers, foreign languages, ancient history, sculpture, smell of new shoes, wind in her hair when she sticks her head out of a window in a driving car, sound of string instruments.


Boredom, fighting, world news, taking selfies, people talking about her hair, white colour, using dictionaries.


Paro’s biggest fear is sailing, though she has always wanted to take a cruise around the world, she would never do that. She’s also scared of spiders — the smaller, the worse!


Parvati always tries to help everyone that might need help, in every way possible — whether it’s a question about class or a relationship advice. She always has something motivational to say. She’s very supportive and kind. Paro has great respect for traditions, religion, and elder people. A smile almost never leaves her face, and there’s this tang of enthusiasm in her voice whenever she speaks. She’s very ambitious and often takes up many things at once, and later she can’t take care of everything. Paro loves art and goes to the theatre or museum whenever she can. It helps her relax, escape into another world, away from her problems and issues. She likes to wonder about the author’s emotions while he was creating his piece, and enjoys finding details and unexpected elements. She loves children and wants to give them the best, so she always spends one hundred percent of her energy on them, showing them as much love and affection as she can find within herself. She believes that the people we would be in the future are born in our childhood selves, so she always tries to ignite passion and empathy in kids. Paro is thirsty for knowledge, she always wants to know the most, what leads her to asking, sometimes really weird and out of place, questions. Some people don’t approve of her uncontrollable curiosity. If she’s passing a room and a thought of what can be in there appears in her head, she doesn’t think anymore — she just opens the door. She’s a loud talker and a lively person — she hates boredom and will never sit still and just observe. She has to take, even the smallest, part. Parvati never thinks before she speaks, she always says what’s on her mind, without beating around the bush, and if someone doesn’t stop her, she can keep talking for hours, about anything.

She loves to teach others, and always gives out useless trivia. It’s hard to embarrass her, as she believes that whatever she does and whatever she says, comes from her inside, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Parvati is quite stubborn and rarely changes her mind. If she believes in something, she’ll stick to it with all her strength. She almost always thinks she’s right and others are wrong, but she tries not to brag. She does many things at once, and always tries to do them perfectly, what makes her stressed and drives her mad. She’s very emotional and it’s easy to make her laugh, cry, or angry. She doesn’t hide her emotions, so whenever she’s mad, she’ll just yell at everyone around her. She tends to make serious decisions when she’s out of control.


Parvati was born in a rich, traditional Indian family. Her father worked while her mother took care of her and her siblings. She has two brothers and a sister — all of them younger than her. When she was little, she used to take cello classes. She was a great player and won many competitions. As a late teen, she had to decide if she was going to continue to pursue her musical career, and she decided not to. She felt music and art was just for fun. It was relaxing, it was important to her, but she’d started feeling like everyone expected something from her. Music was no longer an escape, but something that you escape. And even though she likes listening to music, and often plays, she wants to do it for fun.

After making this decision, Paro had to make another one — what she will do instead. Traditionally, she should get married and start a family. But her entire life she’d been searching for answers, and she wasn’t going to stop it now. She made a deal with her parents — if a university accepted her as a student, they wouldn’t make her marry anyone. Her father was happy with the deal, as he wanted his children to get to know the world and get a little independent, but her mother was horrified. The entire family had to convince her it was a good idea to give Paro some freedom, and after months her mom agreed, believing that after her daughter gets a lesson of life, she’ll come back, asking her to find her a husband.

Parvati always spent lots of time with children, she grew up being the eldest child, her entire life has been like a practice for a teacher’s job, so she simply thought doing it professionally could be a good idea. She didn’t think it was tiring, nor did she ever thought it would be different from carefree plays she’d been having with kids until then. Paro was never a nerd — learning, understanding and knowing always came naturally to her. Ever since she was a child, she always wondered how things happen and why. With her natural curiosity, she’s always been quite a good student, so she easily got accepted into her hometown college. There, Paro met a boy and fell in love. They had been together for a few months, it was her first relationship, so she believed it would be eternal. When he suddenly ended the relationship, without any explanation, Parvati was devastated. The school was really small, so she used to see him every day, what didn’t make her feel any better. Every time she saw him talking with another girl, laughing with his friends, or texting someone, she was going crazy. She wasn’t jealous of him, she was jealous of the fact that he seemed to have moved on easily, whilst she was stuck in one place. She felt robbed from her energetic, curious, happy self. As if someone separated her from herself, and there was nothing she could do to take it back.

One day, driven by anger and pushed to the limit, she dropped out of school, hurt and exhausted of seeing someone she considered ‘the love of her life’ happy without her. She was planning on not telling her parents about it until she would find another college, where she could continue with her studies. With her natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, a thought of ending her education at that moment didn't even come to her mind. Her mother, however, found out about Paro's plans to change school. When she realised the girl had already left and hadn't found a new college yet, she took her chance and considered the deal to be off. She was happy to find Paro a good husband, and married them in a month. The bride didn’t approve of her husband; although he had the money to have a big family, she wanted to be loved and free, not dependent on a man she met on their wedding day. She’s always been that kind of person who had to share their feelings and stories. Every time she came home from school, she sat down with her mother and grandmother and told them her entire day — from the second she woke up, to the moment she sat down with them. Never leaving any details behind! And when her father came, she did the same thing. And while playing with her siblings and their friends, she shared with them any important or interesting facts she had learnt that day. Her husband, on the other hand, was completely different. They barely even talked, he was never home, and Paro felt like they knew nothing about each other. She spent a few months with him, being the perfect wife everyone, including her ancestors, wanted her to be. But she never loved her man, and nor did he love her. And no matter how hard she tried to cover that, she knew it was still there. Therefore, when she found out he wasn’t faithful to her, she ran away. Everyone always taught her that marriage is saint. Paro knew and understood that, but she also had her pride, and she wouldn’t let anyone treat her the way her husband did.

Her dad showed her mercy and took her for vacation, so she could rest from everything. She still wanted so study, and she didn’t even want to hear about the possibility of coming back to her husband. And that’s when she applied for Huntsville University. Her father seemed to understand her, and he let her go. At night, when Paro’s husband was out of town, she went home and packed her things. She perfectly realised that a woman can never get divorced, and that leaving her husband was socially equivalent to being a tart. Again, driven by anger, sadness, but also excitement for the new life she could have, she left, knowing that if she ever came back, neither her family, nor her friends, would ever accept her again.
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no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide




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Theo Martin


  • full name

    Theodore Hugo Martin



    birth date

    August 16, 1998


    18, almost 19


    Transgender Male


    Asexual Biromantic (preference for males, but will still date females)

    relationship status

    Single (PM if interested)

    sexual activity

    Not Sexually Active
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a wip, whoops

Ellis McAllister


The Basics
Full Name: Ellis Ryan McAllister

Nickname: Rye-bread

Birth Date: March 15th, 1994

Age: 22

Gender: Transgender Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single [pm me if interested!]

Sexually Active?: No, not at the moment

Misc.: Coffee shops

Digging Deeper
Appearance: Wild, long blonde hair drapes down and rests upon Ellis' broad shoulders, framing his round face. Though he enjoys long walks through campus, he's very tall and slightly chubby. Stormy grey eyes contrast deeply from his pale skin, and although they often hide behind a cloud of sleepiness, his irises show just how expressive he can be. Because he sleeps so often, he tends to dress for maximum comfort-- beanies, slightly large hoodies/jackets, sweatpants, etc.

Habits:lip biting, sleeping in, daydreaming, staying up late, procrastinating

Hobbies: video games, photography, sewing, reading, listening to music, drawing

Likes: rainy nights, hot chocolate, movie marathons, big cities, swimming, cold weather, dogs, cuddling, doodling

Dislikes: hot weather, bugs, large crowds, too much attention, cooking, parties, drinking

Fears: heights, bugs, small spaces

Personality: Somnolent in nature, Ellis can be easily found slacking off, eagerly trading responsibility for an idle moment. His thoughts usually match his equally as tired eyes, though he isn't unintelligent at all; his mind is deeply complicated yet mimics a lax river. What he lacks in energy, he makes up for in humor-- being able to fill a room with laughter is something he prides himself on.

History: Though Ellis was born under the name of Lucille (something he vigorously denies and refuses to talk about), he quickly showed that he was no ordinary kid; he never cried, never once threw a fit over something he couldn't have, and the days seemed to wash over him by as though they were waves of a vast, glittering ocean. As if he was in a permanent daze, he trudged through school and life in general. The things he learned came naturally to him, and no subject in school ever held his attention for long. His adoptive father quickly grew agitated with Ellis-- his grades were okay at best, he never truly socialised as a 'perfect child' would, and he was bringing stray dogs home all the damn time for no reason. When his guardian took to emotionally manipulating him, Ellis picked up a habit of doodling often, voicing his thoughts through a pen or pencil rather than through words.

Place of Origin: Lansing, Michigan
Classification: Junior

House: K.appa Alpha

Major: 2D Animation

Minor: Studio Art





The Basics


| Full Name |

Christian Mason Andrews.

Nickname |

Christian likes to go by the name Chris, more than anything else. Sometimes he'll even introduce himself as Chris instead of Christian.

Birth Date |

November 9th; 11/9.

Age |

Twenty-five; 25.

Gender |


Sexuality |

Bisexual. Isn't afraid to flaunt it around, neither.

Relationship Status |

Recently Single.

Sexual Active |

Oh, yeah. Uses protection, too and has only slept with people he's dated.

Classification |


House |

Beta Gamma Omega.

Major |

Dramatic Arts.

Minor |


In The Mirror


| In Depth Appearance |

Christian's appearance have given him that "Boy Next Door" type of nickname though, he doesn't like it but he'll never say it out loud. He stands about six foot two with a weight of one-hundred and forty-five pounds of muscle. Christian's body has a very sculptured and toned out body, due to him being very athletic and from working out. His eyes are a hazel green color though in the right amount of lighting, they appear to be a pure hazel color. Christian's has a sun kissed complexion to his skin due to him being out on the beaches and just outside in general. He has chestnut brown locks of hair that he likes to keep a bit messy and unkempt. People think he is attractive either way so he just sticks to having his looks appear the way they are. Chris usually wears short sleeved shirts, whether it be buttoned up and collared or just a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts and long pants. He has an assortment of clothes and an array of Moccasins, Sperry's and Vans shoes. He has a few pairs of sandals, too but only wears those for the beach.

These Things I Will Never Say


| Habits |

♦ Bites his lip when nervous or flirty ♦ Runs his hand through his hair ♦ Is fluent in Spanish & ASL ♦ Binge watches Netflix ♦ Cracks his knuckles ♦ Stutters whenever he is nervous ♦ Cannot drink a soda without ice ♦ Looks at a list of goals constantly ♦

Hobbies |

• Video Games • Surfing • Archery • Listening to music •

Likes |

California Beaches Working Out Men & Women Video Games Kissing & Cuddling Positive Atmospheres Surfing Horror Movies Partying

Dislikes |

Clingy People Negative Environments Severe Weather Homophobic People Any kind of Tea Petty Arguments Raising his voice Hookups

Fears |

♦ Drowning ♦ Spiders ♦ Dying Dishonorably ♦

My Defining Past And Traits


| Personality |

Chris has a huge ego but he wasn't always like that. He used to be kind and caring but not anymore. Chris is not a mean person, he just doesn't think before he speaks sometimes and it can be pretty annoying. He is also a huge goofball, always telling jokes or playing jokes on others. He knows his boundaries and will never mess with or attack anyone personally and professionally. Chris is a great person to be around and he'll befriend almost anyone. He is a very positive person, always finding ways to lift up others and himself. He hates it when someone comes around her and they are negative towards him and others. Ben will probably remove herself from that person but first speak his mind on the matter. He is somewhat of a sensitive person as well. He tries his best not to wear his feelings on his sleeve but he cannot help it. Other people's words get to him very easily and he'll be strong all day in front of their face but when he is alone, he'll either cry or just be silent and not talk to anyone for awhile. Overall, Christian is the person you would want to hang around with all the time. He'll always sticks up for what he believes in and his friends.

Place of Origin |

Huntsville, CA.

History |

Chris has been living within the area of Huntsville since birth but was kept inside for most of his life. By the age of five, his mother hired someone to come to the house and teach him the basic learning essentials at the time, which were English, Math and History. When his lessons were over, his mother had to go work along with his father so a nanny was hired to take care of him. She was sweet and bubbly, just like his mother and that was probably the reason she was hired. Her and Ben always stayed up late watching television and just talking in general. The nanny he had lasted about a year until it happened. His father came home early one evening and the nanny slept with him. His mother found out about the matter a couple of months later and immediately divorced her husband and took Chris with her.

During that time, his mother didn't want to hide her precious jewel anymore. Chris was given what was called a Huntsville makeover and everything was removed, meaning the pimples and zits but it took a few months of dieting for him to lose the weight that he had gained. When he went out in public for the first time, he was a little kid in the candy store. Ben touched almost every object he came in contact with and picked up then sniffed every thing. When him and his mother went out to eat one day, a modeling agent came up to them and sat herself down, talking about this and that then got down to business about modeling. His mother told her that she'd think about but Huntsville pleaded for him to at least give it a shot. So, she did and he became an instant sensation though very envious by many others. People loved him and he was even on the cover of Teen Vogue for two months back to back.

When Christian turned sixteen, his mother moved him into high school. There, people knew him because of the covers of magazines and articles that he's been in. He became popular very quickly and rose up to the ranks within the week. Chris loved it at high school but really couldn't wait until graduation so he can go to college, which he applied for during his Junior year. He wasn't accepted into Huntsville University until his Senior year of high school. His mother was excited for him and even drove him to the campus tour. He loved the aspect of the campus and what it had to offer so when he graduated high school, he immediately moved into one of the dorms.

His time at Huntsville University was up and down though. He was a pledge for Beta Gamma Omega and his frat brothers adored him as they were impressed with his knowledge and overall attitude. He stills attends Huntsville University and is still apart of Beta Gamma and is now their president.

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AGE - 21



RELATIONSHIP STATUS - Single, and rather ?just have a one time thing with someone

SEXUAL ACTIVE - Oh definitely

Shanna is short and curvy. Her breasts are in a scale between medium and large and she has a nice size butt. So you could say that she has a hourglass figure, that she loves to show. She has long curly that goes down to her breast. She has dark brown eyes, but she sometimes wears her glasses but she's usually wearing contacts. She prefers to wear things that define her curves. But when she's dressed casual she's in shorts or jeans. But she's always wearing a croptop. Occasionally she wears skirts. She has a tattoo that runs down her wrist. She also has one that on her ribs.
Shanna is very funny and childish. She is very sarcastic and hot headed too. So many people try to stay on her good side. She is a totally goofball around her friends. She's also very friendly, she makes friends easily.

But when she's partying she's another person. She's insanely flirty. She appears to be someones dream girl. She is a party animal. Whenever there's a party she's there. She just get's in the rhythm of the beat and looses herself. She's still a fun person at the party though. Just remember this, don't be surprised to see her gone after having "fun" the night before.

Shanna was born into an average family. She had a brother and a sister. She had a normal family. She and her brother were totally goofballs, creating a ruckus together. She and her sister were like best friends. They told each other everything. They were inseparable.

Soon Shanna went to high school. Let me tell you this, everything changed. High school was no way like middle school. And because Shanna didn't know the change she was bullied about it. They didn't like her looks, or her style. All she had was her intelligence. But that still didn't happen. She had lost all hope.

Her family helped her get over it. Her older siblings told her that college is different. And they were right. Your social class in High School didn't matter in college. And she took notice of that. She changed completely, She became a part person. She became the person everyone liked. And she wasn't faking this. This was the person that was kept deep on the inside. And now at college she's free and she's gonna try and make these years one of the best in her life

I like school, competition, or drama settings

- She always bits her lip.

- She twirls her hair when nervous of bored.

- She always has her camera


- Parties

- Dance

- Alcohol

- Friends

- Starbucks

- The internet

- Photography


- Hangovers

- Staying in one place

- Lovey dovey stuff

- Know it alls

- Clingy people

- Losing

- People who act like they know her
- Film making

- Photography

- Dancing

- Growing up

- Death

- Getting pregnant young

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Name: Cierra Nicole Monticello

Nickname: CiCi, Brooklyn

Birthday: June 17th 1997

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single Pringle

Sexually Active: Yeah....

Classification: Sophomore

House: Zeta Nu Delta

Major: Criminal Justice

Minor: Photography


In-Depth Appearance:

Cierra stands at only 5'3", her parents are also pretty short, so no surprise she is too. She has been able to keep her weight around 110 lbs, because she works out so much she has not only a petite build but an athletic/muscular build as well. Naturally Cierra has dark brunette almost black colored hair, but she has recently gotten ombre colored highlights on the tips of her hair. She has a nice dark brown color to her eyes, unfortunately her eyes haven't lightened. Breanna has quite a unique style, which is in a way a direct reflection to where she grew up and who she grew up around with. Typically you will see her in either Nikes or Air Jordan's, she typically will wear shorts or jogging pants, if needed she will wear a dress but only when it is really important. She isn't much of a colorful person, she wears mostly black shirts, or basic solid colors with logos on them. She will always have her nails done, and she loves her jewelry so she wears at least a necklace and earrings everyday. As far as make up goes, she tries to keep it as simple and natural as she can, not going too crazy with different types of eye shadows or lipstick.








+ Constantly reapplying lipstick or gloss

+ Always wears her hair down

+ Picks at nails

+ Plays with rings, bracelets or necklace when bored

+ Constantly playing with her hair


+ Dancing

+ Street Art

+ Photography/ Film making

+ Video Games

+ Cooking

+ Watching TV


+ Coffee

+ Rainy Days

+ Rap/ Hip Hop

+ Horror Movies

+ Police/ Cop shows

+ Photography

+ Going to the movies

+ Going shopping

+ Her Family

+ Parties

+ Boys

+ Her Home Town


- Liars

- Cheaters

- Loosing

- Fighting

- Heights

- Fish

- Romance Movies

- Homework

- Being Woken up

- Being Sick

- Overly Emotional People

- Country Music


x Death

x Loosing her family

x Snakes

x Disappointing her parents


Oh where shall we begin, well lets start with some of her positive traits, Cierra first things first is a nice person. She is always full of energy and always being hyper and excited to try something new. She is by no means shy, she has never had an issue going up to random people and introducing herself or asking them something, and she doesn't plan on stopping. She is quite caring, and will fight for those she cares about, and for those who are too afraid to stand up for themselves. She can be supportive and have a shoulder you can lean on or just be the person to come to if you just need to talk. But she won't just let you throw yourself a pity party, she will help you get back on track. Regarding school, she doesn't mess around, although she likes to go out and party but she makes sure to put her school work first, doing well and graduating means the world to her. The last positive thing to mention is that she doesn't get offended easily, she knows she comes from a city that everyone likes to make jokes about.

Now for the bad, first things first, she is a loud mouth, she has no problem saying what is on her mind. That magical little filter in most peoples head saying what or not what to say, well Breanna never had one. She is an aggressive person, she does have a short fuse and has been in a few too many fights probably over nothing. She is a very detailed person, she can go a bit overboard when trying to get something done like a project for school, it has to be 100% perfect or else she would probably loose it. Cierra seems to keep all her sad emotions inside, she won't show if she is sad or upset, she doesn't want others to see that she isn't really this big bad ass she plays herself up to be. She also has a big issue trusting people completely, there are those she will tell things too, but not everything.

I N - D E P T H


Well before we can get to Cierra, we must start with the two that made it all possible, her parents Vincent and Selena. Vincent grew up in Brooklyn, his parents opened up a little bakery filled with Italian styles desserts and foods. Selena and her family, had just moved to Brooklyn from Spain, while they weren't the richest family, they had enough to start a life here. Both Vincent and Selena went to the same high school, which could be only described like west side story, two gangs and two members fall in love although everyone told them it won't work out. But the two of them didn't care, and they made it work and after 3 years of dating the two of them got married, it was small, actually one 4 people showed up. But things turned for both the better and worse when Selena got pregnant.

After 12 hours of labor, Cierra Nicole was born weighing 6 lbs and 9 oz. Her grandparents at first weren't really sure what to think about their half Italian half Spanish granddaughter, but once they met her they fell in love. Although before her birth, no one in either of Vincent or Selena's family seemed supportive or interested. Vincent was forced to work more and more hours to get enough money for themselves and their unborn child. After a few days in the hospital Selena and Cierra were discharged. The first few nights were tough, Cierra really didn't like to sleep for very long so she was up just about every 3 or 4 hours. Cierra's grandparents were good at coming over and helping out when ever they could, offering different pieces of advice on how to take care of Cierra. As Cierra grew up, she mainly was off at daycare or after school programs, both of her parents had no choice but to work full time, some times she would have to stay with their neighbor or her grandparents. Cierra would always look out the window looking at the streets, she seen many drug deals going down, a few fights and homeless people walking by.

As Cierra went into school, she really wasn't sure where she fit in, she used to be shy and would just keep to herself and not interact with the other kids. But one day one of the older kids started picking on her, calling her names and pushing her around, one of the girls in her class stood up for her. Cierra at that point realized that she couldn't be this weak little girl, she had to learn to stand up for herself, and once she gained more and more confidence she seemed to get more and more friends. Most of Cierra's friends lived in the other side of town, which was far scarier and tough than her neighborhood. Going into high school was even more terrifying, Cierra was forced to go to a different high school than her friends, mainly because the school districts seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Cierra had a tough time at first, she was by no means a push over but by that point she really wasn't all that popular. For the first two years she mainly focused on her grades, and would worry about making friends later. One day a mass text was sent to basically everyone in the school, talking about a huge party, Cierra figured it would be something interesting to go to this would be her first party. Once she got there she surprisingly had a lot more fun than she ever expected. After graduation, Cierra had applied to Huntsville and thankfully got accepted into the criminal justice program. Most people seemed to be really surprised that she wanted to go into the criminal justice program, but she had always wanted to work as a medical examiner, but adding in her love for photography, she decided on being a crime scene photographer.

Miscellaneous: Realistic (School, reality shows etc)

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  • Full Name - Calvin Gregory Pine

    Nickname - Cal

    Birth Date - March 30, 1995

    Age - 21

    Gender - Male

    Nationality - Latvian

    Sexuality - Heterosexual

    Relationship Status - Single

    Sexual Active - No

    Classification - Freshman

    House - The Freshmen

    Major - Management Accounting

    Minor - Business Law

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Name: Chun Soo Hyun

Nickname: Sookie

Birthday: March 19, 1997

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Sexually Active: No

Appearance: Sookie has bleached blonde hair that falls down to her mid back area along with dark chocolate colored eyes. Her skin is pale with a bit of a yellowish tint. Her body shape is a bit lanky though she has a track runner's legs. She often puts her hair up in two buns on the corners of her head or a simple messy up do.

Her clothing style is surprisingly quite simple considering her confusing personality. She often wears a simple sweater or tee with jeans or a shirt. Occasionally she'll wear a nice shirt or two but you shouldn't expect much for clothing from her.

As for makeup, she doesn't normally wear it unless she feels the need to.

She has a few tattoos on her arms. Which include a few rings (I guess you could call them) wrapping around her wrists and forearm. Nothing too impressive.





To most people, Sookie is a very confusing individual. Though to her, she's just doing what she does best.

Reserved: Sookie tends to keep to herself more often than not. It's not that she's shy or very introverted, she just doesn't like to talk much. And she likes to formulate her thoughts before speaking.

Contemplative: Along with being reserved, Sookie thinks more than talks. I mean, what else are you going to do, if you don't talk much right? She often drifts off into space and forgets what she was once doing or what situation she's in.

Blunt: Although when she does speak, Sookie is very straight forward and frank seeming not to care about the reaction she would get from it. She would obviously get some negative reactions from hot heads which effects her relationships with people. She doesn't like lying to people and she almost always feels the need to tell the cold hard truth.

Spontaneous and Unpredictable: Sookie is the most random person you will ever meet. One minute she'd be doing something completely normal and the next thing you know, she's hanging off the ceiling (Just an example). She mostly does this just to see the look on their faces.

Threatening: It seems as though just having a straight face can be enough to scare someone off or have them ask her, "Hey, why are you sad?" or "Why are you so angry?" Some people decide to keep their distance from her misleading looks while others find it as a way to strike up a conversation with her.


Habits and Quirks:

- Sookie tends to forget things, a lot. If she hasn't seen your face after a month or so, she'd probably forgotten your face or your existence.

- She often mumbles or talks to herself.

- She speaks louder around colleagues and age mates but mumbles around authority figures.

History: Sookie grew up with her mother(Hytae), father(Seonok), and older brother(Jeong) in South Korea. Her mother and father fought frequently because of their mother's addiction with alcohol. At the time, Soo didn't know what was going on because she was only around seven years old and Jeong was thirteen. Her brother tried his best to protect her from the chaos going on at home.

Eventually, Jeong couldn't take the fighting anymore and he stood his ground. He confronted them about it during one of their arguments, and he was immediately slapped. Since then he disowned his mother. She left soon after the scene.

After their divorce, her father opened up a business and it soon grew. He became the CEO of his own company and word soon spread. His company became well known around the country. Soo and Jeong were treated like royalty, and they made many friends and enemies. Despite this, Soo was still a cheerful and bubbly kid. She was very outgoing and she had many friends over the years. Unaware of how terrible the media could be, she loved the attention she got at the time. She was oblivious of the fact that all the people that pretended to be her friends just to get free stuff or money.

As she got older she realized how selfish and greedy her 'friends' were and she had a full out mental breakdown from it. Because of this, word got around about her breakdown and people kept their distance from her. Soo began to stay in her room often and go online or focus on her studies. She adopted a fake identity and people accepted her for who she was. This helped her develop her weird personality, being more open around others. Even when she's never really seen them face to face.

Since her father's monopoly grew so large, they had to move to expand their business. Sookie never bothered to tell anyone about her father considering her past. After isolating herself for so long, her hard work paid off and she received a scholarship from Huntsville University.




Doodling (occasionally)

Taking care of succulents

Place of Origin: South Korea

Likes(+)and Dislikes(-):

+ Internet: It allowed her to connect to people more and be herself. despite going under a fake name.

+ Her succulents: Taking care of her plants relaxes her for some reason. It just seems to give off that calming vibe.

+ Pastels/Bright colors: They're just pretty to look at.

+ Thunderstorms: On rainy days, Sookie anticipates the thunder and lightning. As a child it used to scare her, but now that she's older they make her more relaxed.

+ Chocolate: Sookie absolutely adores chocolate. If you handed her a box of chocolates she would go ballistic.

+ Fairy Lights: A great decoration to add in any colored room.

+ Drawing: Even though it's pretty stressful at times, it lets her vent her feelings out without actually writing words.

- Attention: After her experiences with the media, Sookie doesn't wish to be the center of attention.

- Human Contact: Sookie doesn't like to be...touched, hugged, high fived, etc. For some reason she just doesn't like to make skin on skin contact with people.

- Her mother: Considering all she's been through, she doesn't want to see her face again.

- Ice cream: She finds it annoying how easily it melts.

- Uncomfortable clothing: When she was younger, her mom dressed her up in tight dresses and itchy jewelry and bright bows. She hated it since then.

- Exercise: It's too tiring.

- Children: In the eyes of Sookie, children and babies are disgusting versions of human beings that ask more questions than need be.


Bugs: They're disgusting creatures that serve almost no purpose in the world.

Forgetting the ones that matter: Sookie has developed Short Term Memory Loss over the years and she worries that she'll forget the people that matter most to her.

Failing: Since around high school, Soo has never bothered to join sports yet she was able to do well in all classes. Failing anything now would effect her emotionally.


Classification: Junior

House: Theta Chi

Major: Art

Minor: Sports

Misc: School, College, etc.


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James Edward Lloyd

("But it's Jamie.")

Twenty Four Years Old

("March 4th 1992.")


("And that makes me pansexual.")

Relationship Status?

("Single AF.")

Sexually Active?

("No. Not until I find the right person.")


("It took me a few years to get here...")

Alpha K.appa

("It's kind of a nerdy frat.")

Major: Apparel/Textile Design

Minor: Sociology


Jamie is short and that makes it hard to stick out in crowds. Maybe that's why they took to wearing heeled boots as a kid- a habit they have never left behind. They are very fashion-forward, as a future designer, and is very conscious about how they dress. They dress mostly masculinely in loose, non-revealing clothing but they are not opposed to wearing female clothes. They wear a lot of hats. They only wear make-up if they are going out or to a party. Their hair is naturally red and due to their narcolepsy, they often look tired. Jamie used to feel very insecure about who they were as a person, so they can look rather shy to other people. But they come out of their shell very quickly in social situations.

Habits: Nail Biting, Skin Picking, Constant Sleepiness

Hobbies: Drawing, Sewing, Studying

Likes: Parties, Good Art, People/Crowds, Debate, Classic Movies, Pressed Flowers, Honest People, Trashy Magazines

Dislikes: Pretension, Drinking, Unfairness, Being Short, Photographs, Books, Reading, Narcolepsy

Fears: Non-Acceptance, Hospitals

Jamie is quietly confident. They are stubborn and don't like accepting help from people, as they like to remain "independent". This is a great flaw of theirs. However, they are confident to speak/debate publicly on issues that are important to them. They aren't argumentative but they will speak up if they feel they need to. They don't mind people making fun of them, as long as it's only playful, but serious insults really upset them. Jamie is narcoleptic and though they try to keep it under control, they can often fall asleep if they're bored or tired. They aren't self-conscious about it though they find it a little annoying. Despite being in Alpha K.appa, they are interested in both fashion and parties, (though, they tend to focus more on their studying than partying. They really want to do well in college).

They consider themselves to be a people-person because they tend to get along well with males, females, and everybody in between. They are taking sociology for the same reason. Jamie doesn't like to talk about their mother or their past because they find it embarrassing; however, they aren't shy about the fact that it took them a long time to get to college. They are always happy to help people out, especially when it comes to fashion, since that's their forte. However, they also hold grudges for a long time and find it very difficult to forgive people. They do like to draw but only as a hobby and much prefer fashion design- they won't show people their drawings. They sometimes work themselves too hard and need to be told to take a break.


Place of Origin: Seattle, Washington

Jamie was raised by their mother in Seattle and grew up with two sisters, both older. Having been designated male at birth, they always felt a little left out as the only "boy" in their house. Their father had left before they were even born. Luckily, their sisters treated them as if they were no different and liked to dress them up in their old clothes. Jamie loved it. They realised pretty young that they weren't just male and went back and forth between calling themself a "boy" or a "girl". In their teens, they finally came to terms with the fact that they were neither. They have been happy with their identity ever since.

They moved out when they turned eighteen because they stopped getting along with their mother- a lady who didn't approve of them being pansexual/genderless/wearing make-up/going to clubs in the slightest. They decided to skip out on college because they figured they didn't need it- they were fully prepared to work instead and went through several different jobs, never being able to hold one down for too long. Jamie wasn't diagnosed with narcolepsy until they were twenty, so they just thought that they were lazy for most of their life. They were relieved to find out that it wasn't their fault that they kept falling asleep.

Jamie lost their apartment three years ago because they couldn't afford to pay rent anymore and hadn't for a few weeks. They were sleeping in their car for a few months after that, until their mother found out. She was furious they hadn't contacted her for help. Their mother agreed to help them out, as long as they went to college and got control of their life. She's paying Jamie's way through college but they intend to get back on their feet as soon as they finish. Jamie is happy at college.

Miscellaneous: College/High School

Note: I suck at coding and I'm sorry about that.


I'm a whale



Ashton James Seo


Bun (like bunny... I guess)


Birth date:

April, 24, 1995







Relationship status:

Lonely and single

Sexually Active?

"Heh... That's not for you to know."




K.appa Alpha




Studio art


Still college

Face claim:

Lee Jong Suk



Ashton has a slight baby face, making him appear a bit younger than he actually is. His nose is thin and the tip of his nose slightly curves upwards. His eyes are dark brown. His lips are naturally a pinky tone. His are a bit pouty. His hair is dark brown and it's usually styled in bangs. He stands 5'10 with a weight of 148 pounds. Not trying to brag or anything, but he has some toned abs. (Seriously I die when he see them).


Ashton has a pretty good style. He usually wears a pair of skinny jeans, accompanied by some type of shirt. He likes to wear turtlenecks. He'll sometimes wear a jacket with that. As for shoes, he usually wears either Jordan or Converse. He always has some type of earrings in, due to having multiple piercings on each ear.


None at the moment


He has scars in random places on his body, due to running around and acting stupid as a child and an adult.


Place of origin:

LA, California

Ashton was born on a rainy April day to his wealthy Korean parents. He was relatively happy baby and never did anything bad, When the toddler age came, that's when he became a little shit. He'd draw on the walls and throw things. The baby sitters usually had to explain how Ashton even got into the permanent markers. Thankfully, he doesn't do that anymore.

Ashton has been going to private schools since kindergarten. His parents always wanted a good education for him. Studying at home for 1 or two hours was a must every night. Ashton actually glad that his parents made him do that because it paid off. Studying is still a big part of his life.

High school ended and it became the part of his life where he didn't know what to do with his life. Looking for colleges was must. Both him and his parents wanted him to go to a good school. They came across Huntsville University. This school seemed pretty good and he could do what he wanted to do there. He applied not long after, he got accepted. His parents threw him a party before he went off to college. There was friends, family there, who gave him advice, money, and tips. Now, it's his junior... What exciting new things will happen this year?



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Harley Warstroke




Harley Elise Warstroke


Skater bitch


December 21








If you were to ask she would tell you that she is currently in a relationship






Alpha Theta Pi


Accounting and Finance





Harley is far from being a tall female. She stands at approximately 5 foot 4 inches tall with rosy-pale skin that is completely blemish free. She always compares seeing her with a pimple to seeing Taylor Swift without red lipstick. It might happen very rarely and when it does people definitely notice. Harley is a beautiful combination of her Caucasian mother, who gave her the blue eyes she loves so much, and her Hispanic father. The long black hair, that currently has a purple ombre, which cascades down her back freely was a gift from her father. Black hair seemed to run in his family.

The girl has a total of 5 piercings between her two ears. 4 regular piercings on her earlobes and an industrial bar on her left ear.

Harley's outfits usually consist of the colors purple and black on her good days. However, on her off days she can be seen wearing brighter colors like yellow or pink. Though her outfits vary depending on her mood about things the one thing that remains the same throughout all of it is her white sneakers. That has to be a signature though it has some wondering how they never seem to get dirty.



Harley excels at analyzing connections, allowing her to be a flexible thinker and formulate original concepts. As a result, this also means that Harley can be rather manipulative, as finding others' weaknesses comes easily to her due to her natural ability to make connections in her environment. She has a high self-confidence due to her upbringing and is a strong believer that with the right amount of money you can fix any problem that you might have. The girl is rather arrogant and stubborn when it comes to the way she likes to handle things, often refusing to listen to the opinions of those around her. This confidence also makes her judgmental and often coming off as quite critical.

Upon meeting her, Harley comes off as a quiet and reserved girl. She is eclectic, the word her mother used to describe her because no other word seemed to fit. She grew up being a polite and model young woman in front of her parents but that sweet facade quickly faded when they left. Even as a child she enjoyed stirring up trouble to see how things would play out. Harley learned to read people years ago so she know when her bitch-like attitude has gone too far though that never seems to stop her.


Mental games • Analyzing people • Shopping • Autumn • Stargazing • Accounting • Music


Overly-emotional people • When someone can't handle her jokes • Laziness • Betrayal • Idiots • Blueberries • Kids



Being overly critical

Using people for her own amusement


Fear of Falling




Harley comes from a wealthy and reserved family. Her father is the ideal gentleman who decided to marry her mother because she was a nice piece of arm candy. Surprisingly, the two fell in love somewhere along the line before she was born.

Harley was homeschooled by multiple higher education professors from a young age. That probably explains why she feels so entitled to everything. In the down time she was allotted throughout the day she would spend her time with her father. It was this time that she developed her love of both math and money.






I do not believe that I have one.

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I know I care too much
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I know I care too much
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I know I care too much
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I know I'm not your mother
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I know I'm not your mother
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I know I'm not your mother
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But I just can't help it
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But I just can't help it
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But I just can't help it
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I want you to be happy
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I want you to be happy
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I want you to be happy
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Yes, I want to be a nurse
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Yes, I want to be a nurse
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Yes, I want to be a nurse
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I don't care what you say
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I don't care what you say
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I don't care what you say
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Nursing is not just for women
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Nursing is not just for women
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Nursing is not just for women
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It is my dream and I will achieve it
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It is my dream and I will achieve it
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It is my dream and I will achieve it
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Full Name

Florence Kari Lamoureux



Birth Date - This takes place in 2016, so based birthdays around that.

4th of January 1996

Age - College Age 18-25?


Gender - Male or Female?


Sexuality - Homo? Bi? Pan? Hetero?

Bisexual (Maybe Pan, she doesn’t know enough to say)

Relationship Status - Single? It's Complicated?


Sexual Active - Yes? No? Don't Kiss and Tell?


Classification - Freshman? Junior? What?


House - Which house are they in?

Theta Chi

Major - What's their major?


Minor - What's their minor?

Arts, French


Florence is that ‘girl next door’ kind of pretty. theres nothing extra special about her, nor is there anything overly hideous about her. She just looks like your average girl. Her face is oblong shaped and maybe slightly too long. Her eyes are hazel, but mostly brown over green, and framed by a set of fairly naturally long eyelashes. Her nose is straight and narrow, and her lips are fairly thin. She has high cheekbones and she keeps her eyebrows plucked thin. Her hair is long and thick and dark chestnut brown in hue. She has no bangs and her hair is parted down the middle. Usually it’s left out and rather wild. It is very long, sweeping the top of her breasts.

She has a thin and lanky build. She stands rather tall at 5’8”. Her shoulders are narrow and her arms and legs are kind of scrawny. Her bust is about a B cup, and her hips are smaller giving her kind of a boyish build. Safe to say she doesn’t look very strong at all. She has no tattoo’s and only her ears are pierced, but she hasn’t worn earrings in so long that the holes have probably closed up.

She is not too fussy about clothing, or makeup. Sometimes she dresses up, other times it a t-shirt, hoodie and black jeans. She has a lot of Band shirts that she wears on occasion, but mostly to bed. Her clothes are ALWAYS ironed and washed though, she isn’t scruffy.


- Keeping everything tidy

- Getting lost in thought

-Singing in the shower





-Watching cult movies

-Wine, wine, wine


Likes -

-Art (Making and observing)

-Wine, mostly white

-Speaking french to impress people


-Public Speaking

-Rock music


-Funny People



-Being on her own

-Bossy people

-Judgemental people



-Spicy Food





Fear of small spaces

Fears being friendless/forgotten about


Florence is a very uncomplicated girl. She says what she means, gets straight to the point and is who she is no matter what others think. She is all about expressing opinions and deep conversations. She likes people a lot. She likes getting to know different types of people. She thinks it helps her grow as a person herself. She is a very curious person, and often cannot let something go if she is curious about it. She’s easygoing and easy to get along with. She doesn’t judge early, and can take a few blows from a person before she gives up on them. Flo has a very long fuse, and it is rare that she will yell or go red in the face. When she is mad she tries to stay calm. You will never not know it if she’s angry with you, however. It is the first thing she will tell you. She doesn’t beat around the bush or wait for the other party to figure it out, she tells them to their face.

Florence is flawed in that she can be a little to blunt. She doesn’t believe in telling people they are excellent at something they aren’t, or leading people to believe she likes them if she doesn’t, or answering a question untruthfully just because it’s what they want to hear. Because of that, she has rubbed people the wrong way, and lost friends that way. She has also made friends this way: Flo will always stick up for someone if she believes she should, without thinking about it. She will go out of her way to defend those being picked on, or compliment people she thinks deserve it. Because of her love for teaching, she is good with children. She has a very hands on teaching method, and her goal in life is to help adolescence find out who they are and what they want to do. Art is her passion, and she wants to give it to as many other people as she can. She wants to inspire and mould a generation of artists.

Genrally, Flo is rather positive and cheerful, but she is also over-emotional, and gets sad easily. Emotions show on her face, she never hides them, she probably couldn’t if she tried.

Place of Origin - Where were they born?

Burgundy, France


Florence was born in france to a very successful lady. She owned her own fashion line and was a very successful fashion designer. Her name was all over all the expensive clothing stores, worn by all the rich and successful people. Her father owned a bakery. He had split with her mother about a year after Florence was born. He was such a kind, humble man, who loved his little store and found a second family in those he hired as staff. She tended to stay with him most of the time, and would visit her mother every now and then when she wasn’t too busy. Her mother wasn’t a bad person, but she had never particularly wanted children. Flo hadn’t been planned, her mother had just forgotten to take her pill one day.

Her father had been overjoyed. He’d wanted a little boy or girl all his life. He raised Flo to be who she was today: Passionate and a go getter. He encouraged her to do whatever she wanted too in life. One day her mother moved country over to America due to work. Florence barely talked to her now and they drifted apart a little. Her father was now her only active parent. She spent her days helping him with his shop and drawing in her arts book and attending primary school.

One day, Florence came home from school and saw her father asleep in his armchair. She was concerned because he was supposed to still be at work. She placed a hand on his shoulder but he wouldn’t stir. When she touched his skin, it was cold. Shen she felt for his heartbeat it wasn’t there. He wasn’t breathing either. He’d had a heart attack and had died. The answering machine on the phone had like 8 missed calls from his staff members at the bakery.

After that, Florence, still a young kid at the time, was shipped over to america to live with her mother. She didn’t know enough english, and she didn’t want to leave france, but she had no choice. Her mother wasn’t too happy about the move either, but she didn’t say this to her daughter. Flo learnt English and went to an american school, which she found very strange. But she made a lot off good friends, and she decided, even when she was 18, she would stay here. Her friends got her into rock and roll and she educated them on the best french cheeses. She did decently in school. She loved her arts teacher over all of them. She was a big influence on Flo’s future. Florence loved the way she talked about art. She learnt so much there.

After high school she had decided upon a university and she applied right away. When she got accepted she was so pleased. She immediately found her home within Theta Chi, over all the others. they were nice girls, and she got along with them. And so continues her adventure.

Miscellaneous -
I like a good drama filled slice of life!
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Full Name

Gale Alexander Quintero


Gale has always preferred just being called Quinn and has gone by it since elementary school.

Birth Date

November 27th, 1997







Relationship Status


Sexually Active





‘The Freshmen’




Doesn’t have a minor planned out. Quinn figures he’ll likely be too busy being an architecture major to have a minor. Although, if he were to choose it would have to be computer science.

In Depth Appearance

Quinn has never been known to have a stand-out appearance among a large crowd. His day-to-day style of clothing consists of a generic T-shirt or a rolled up long sleeve, paired with straight fit jeans and one of several half-beaten casual dress shoes. Often times in high school he was mistaken for a pot-headed loner, judged purely off his appearance. Although the part about smoking was never true, he wasn’t known to be quite a social kid in either.

His height doesn’t help him as an easy-to-spot person either, being an average 5’ 10”. His dark brown hair is only slightly managed; keeping it short over the ears on the back and sides, gradually lengthening as it gets closer to the top and front sides of his head. The ends of his hair naturally curls in a chaotic pattern, but only enough so that wouldn’t be seen as straight and neatly kept. Matching the color of his hair is his brown eyes—likely taken from his Spanish ancestry. Quinn’s jawline, nose, and chin are bold and defined but don’t contribute to any brutish look about him, it gives him a recognizable face. His eyebrows merge sharply into the bridge of his nose with the impression of a constantly focused expression.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Screenshot_3.png.7357aba8d0ad5f339204d9bf415c0dc6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Screenshot_3.png.7357aba8d0ad5f339204d9bf415c0dc6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hastily getting dressed for any casual day ~ using thumbnail to chip away at phone case little by little to stay concentrated and keep from falling asleep ~ getting frustrated when trying to explain something ~ playing with fingers or cracking knuckles when he is nervous or anxious ~ over-tasks himself or is driven to do more than he is required, sometimes for the worse ~ indecisive when it comes to decision-making


organizing work space perfectly ~ designing abstractly ~ reading thick books ~ listening to and playing music ~ computer games ~ rock climbing ~ writing in a blog he keeps hidden from everyone


personal space ~ electronics ~ music ~ camping ~ rain ~ people with initiative ~ relaxing environments ~ dressing nicely for the proper occasion ~ tea


people constantly intoxicated or high ~ hot weather ~ sex ~ being around too many extroverts ~ having a problem he can’t solve ~ being called Gale ~ hypocrites


the ocean and deep natural bodies of water ~ dark and enclosed outside areas ~ dying without being content ~ falling behind in school


Quinn spends a lot of time in his room, usually on one of his computers working on a project he made for himself. He’s always orderly and makes sure he can be somewhere he feels like he doesn’t have to get up. Most of the time he’ll have a cup of tea an arm length away so it’s a safe distance from his work. Even though he spends a lot of time on his own projects ranging from designing 3D models of his favorite book characters to painting his desk in an array of simple shapes and colors, he always puts his school work first, whether he half-asses it or not. Outside of his own work, he keeps himself busy inside by playing video games or music. His father had always played guitar so when he was young he learned how to play and expanded into bass and piano as well. The only physical activity he leans toward is rock climbing, but even that is a side-thought to him.

Socially, Quinn has never been a master at making friends or being charismatic. Occasionally he will juggle with maintaining one or two friends he can spend some time with, but it’s always been difficult with his family moving several times. He’s honest with everyone, sometimes he’s so honest it’s taken harshly and with offence, but it’s never his intentions. Being separated from people for the majority of his life also made social interactions awkward from time-to-time. He never got a perfect grasp of sarcasm and isn’t quick to include himself with group activities. When he does, he’ll often prefer not to be there.

As far as college so far, he isn’t sure what house to be a part of and still wants to do some looking around before making a decision. That is, if he does.

Place of Origin

Quinn was born on the East coast, but ended up living in San Francisco, California for the last 3 years of high school.


Some of Quinn’s most fond memories are when he used to play at his father’s work in the Boston Navy Yard as a small child. He always had some cars he took to play at the nearby playground and race down the slides. There’s a giant grass yard that was ideal for running in and made a great jungle for his toy army men to chase each other down in, or throw paper airplanes he made from stationary in his dad’s office during the summer when the wind wasn’t strong enough to ruin the flight. The Navy Yard was also where Quinn discovered his love for computers, where he would play internet games on his father’s computer when he wasn’t using it. Some days he would go for hours and would mess with general settings to change the look of the computer.

The first time his family moved was when Quinn was 6 years old to Virginia. It was a personal goal for his parents to pursue a life across the states hopping from one National Park to the other. His mother and father insisted that he stay busy and gave him his first laptop to do home school assignments and keep him entertained. Quinn later moved on from the laptop and built his own computer when he was in middle school. He learned basic computer coding languages and started a blog during his freshman year of high school in Arizona his favorite place to blog and biggest source of inspiration was once again, going to his father’s place of work. Only this time he could now look over the Grand Canyon. It was the last time in his life that he could remember enjoying being outside regularly.

The latest stop and the end of the family journey across the states was Golden Gate Park in California. There, Quinn never particularly enjoyed life in the city. Sure, there was a lot of things to do, but after a year it got old. Everything to
be done had been done several times over. The only good thing that came out of living in the smelly city was his found love for the architecture all around him and an internship he got working with computers where occasionally he was allowed to take spare parts home to help him build two more computers and inherit another laptop over the years. Quinn was sick of moving, but he didn’t want to stay in the city. When the time came to look for colleges, he wasn’t going to choose anything local.

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Personally my favorite kind of rp is detailed sci-fi. Not your average space exploration, laser gun, super-tech sci-fi, but subtler sci-fi. It’s hard to describe, but I don’t think it’s entirely necessary considering that this rp doesn’t correspond to it.



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JenniPerson said:
Yes, I want to be a nurse
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Yes, I want to be a nurse
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Yes, I want to be a nurse
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I don't care what you say
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I don't care what you say
no slide
I don't care what you say
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Nursing is not just for women
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Nursing is not just for women
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Nursing is not just for women
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It is my dream and I will achieve it
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It is my dream and I will achieve it
no slide
It is my dream and I will achieve it
no slide


I just realized my character has many similarities to yours I'm so sorry I will alter mine.

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