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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Campfire CS|A Shadow Hiding Behind the Trees and a Warm Silhouette In Front of the Rising Sun|



◢ Kitty ◤
Character Sheet Paremeters - What will make me pick your character

So basically. I want yo choose the best characters from capable writers, if you're not afraid of a moderately passed RP with Semi-Lit (1-3+) paragrahed RP than you should proceed. Do take note that fancy BBcode is not required and will not make your character sheet any more or less favorable, but it's always fun to see what people make so please, be free to use whatever BBcode or Non-BBcode you want. If it's not mobile friendly, I recommend having a non BBcode spoiler attached. I am here for your characters not for your code, remember that.

It doesn't matter how long or short your Character sheet is. It can be a crap ton of information or literally 5 Sentences. If you're creative you can make a really interesting character sheet with as little information as possible and still give a clear idea of who your character is. I will have a template for those who want one, but I do encourage just making up your own.

Make you character someone you want to care about. They could be like you or nothing like you. They could be tall, short, shy or brave. They shouldn't be cliche archetypes like "The wild one" doesn't mean they can't be wild, but that should be organic, not made to fit such a roll
What I do require

I would prefer if you had more than one image/gif to portray your character (Which should be a FaceClaim), it's really ok if not, but expressions and looks can help flesh out a character a lot
Have fun with it, making characters is one of the most exciting parts of the RP. Make someone you're excited to develop and write more for, to push the story forward simply because you want to see what your own character will do next


Realistic, please! GIFs too!


A quote from your character that sums him/her up in one sentence


First and Last, Middle optional





These can be annoying, feel free to make them brief if using this model


These can be annoying, feel free to make them brief if using this model

Secret or Rumor?

A secret? A rumor? is it true? Is it possibly true but no one is sure?

Others - Maybe stuff like things other characters may know about them or such


Any preexisting relationships with other characters
If using this model feel free to edit at any time as sheets pop up
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"No, I don't kiss my mother with that mouth, but your dad is a whole 'nother story."


Aya Casparian




Female, bisexual


An artist with a demeanor that swings between moderate friendliness and insurmountable shyness. Can read a little cold but generally is easily identified by fellow pessimists as a sarcastic woman with good intentions and a dry sense of humor. Her temper can flame up easily with certain triggers but generally she keeps a cool head. Loyal to only a few, and has an indiscriminate distrust of strangers. Her poker face is near professional. Not a romantic bone in her body, but she is rarely without a partner of some casual manner. Her love for music is where her inner dreamer breaks free and she allows herself some whimsy. Aya is intelligent, but with it comes some arrogance where she can be incredibly opinionated and stubborn, and she does not back down if she believes she is right. She does not like hugs or physical touch from anybody she does not know well, and even then is not the most physically affectionate person.


Aya comes from a small Armenian family that left the country when she was a child. Her mother and father are both involved in the sciences, and did not take kindly to her desire to make music and sing for a living. They eased up when her two man band The Jaywalkers saw some moderate success in their city, and she was recently signed on to a fairly well established label. Her first album is in the works.
When she was 16 years old, her family home was broken into while her parents were away visiting friends in the next city over. She was dragged out of bed by two masked men and tied to a dining chair before the sound of sirens approached, and they fled without leaving a scratch on her. Her neighbors' teenage son had been smoking weed in the dark patio when he saw the men using a lockpick on her front door and called the police, saving her from god knows what. She has always maintained that one of the men seemed familiar, but she has never been able to place her finger on it. They were never caught, and this event has shaped her into the woman she is today. She operates with a high degree of caution around strangers, especially men, and refuses to live anywhere except apartments or condos high off the ground. She refused therapy due to her somewhat arrogant nature where she presumes she knows all of the facts and nobody else can tell her anything she does not already know.

Secret or Rumor?

In the weeks following the break in, the whispering about her at her high school was nonstop. People had noticed she seemed to have a strange relationship with one of the teachers, where he paid rapt attention to her every move and she seemed to despise being near him. If you ask her yourself, she will scoff and say it is an absolutely insane theory as he has a wife and kids, and at the very worst harbored an inappropriate attraction to her. She to this day considers him a spineless and ridiculous man and would never concede that he was one of the two men. Nearly all of her peers back then, however, could not be dissuaded, and students for years to come would whisper about Mr. Donegon's attempted assault on a student in her own home.

Another rumor about her is that she is romantically involved with her bandmate, Rafael Valero, and this is speculation based on absolutely nothing other than people assuming two attractive young individuals must be sleeping together. As a matter of fact, they are correct, but there is no romance there. However they keep it very casual and a complete secret as Rafael is interested in a woman and does not want her to be concerned about their relationship.


Will add to it when more sheets pop up, but she is friends with some of the group members and has a small crush on a present character.

OOC: I used to roleplay a ton as a kid but have not touched it in probably over a decade now (I'm 25). If I did anything wrong here please let me know, I just joined this forum and already got an introduction I spent like an hour on deleted because I posted it in the wrong thread lol


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Mi-Sun Yeoun


Mi-Sun Yeoun


5'0 ft (152 cm)



Homosexual - Lesbian

Mi-Sun is a very kind person, almost to a fault. Always there to cheer someone up if they need it. She's surprisingly mature as most people assume she's younger due to her small size. She also loves scary things and horror yet at the same time is a total baby and isn't able to indulge in her horror hobby alone. Mina was the one person that made her feel the safest. If it's for Mina's sake and memory, she will put aside her fears completely and has known to be reckless, especially in her pursuits to find her long lost lover.

Her demeanor when putting her lightheartedness aside and being completely serious is when her age is truly reflected. Calm, sagacious, and professional; Her qualities as a leader shine brightest when she's in this mindset, ready and willing to take charge. Mi-Sun cares deeply about all of her friends and thinks about them more than herself, with the only exception being Mina.

The thought of giving up on finding Mina
Mi-Sun was born in London and lived there with her parents and her sister for most of her early childhood before her parents died in a tragic accident which left the two orphans to move to South Korea and live with their Aunt. When she finished Highschool Mi-Sun moved to America to live with her cousins as her Aunt was aging and wanted to live with her own kids and have them take care of her. It took a while but she was able to adjust, and her little sister followed two years later to start Highschool in America.

While in college Mi-Sun ended up bumping into a girl, Mina, quite literally and accidentally pushed the woman into a fountain. Without any hesitation, she went to help the victim of her clumsiness only to be pulled in deliberately as some semblance of revenge, but Mi-Sun only ended up laughing at the whole situation. A few months later and they were dating. Mi-Sun was madly in love with Mina and it was reciprocated in full. Everything however came to a sudden and abrupt end when Mina had left on a camping trip with her brother Lucas. Mi-Sun was supposed to go, but a death in the family, her Aunt, sent the girl back to Korea for a few weeks. By the time the small woman returned to the states both Mina and her sibling had gone missing.

A few years after, Mi-Sun was struggling to get over the loss of the love of her life. She even dated other girls but nothing lasted too long. She would go camping constantly on the off chance she'd find something, anything of Mina. Over time camping ended up being one of the most calming activities for her, whether is was a coping mechanism or settling with the thing one thing that brought Mi-Sun closest to Mina.

Close family
Mi-Sun lives in her apartment with her younger sister Yeona.

Mi-Sun found something that may be a clue to Mina's fate.
She has cold and sadistic tendencies but keeps it to herself.
Whether that mentality is dangerous or negligible and not a real concern is unknown, even to her.

There had been a rumor about her being a Witch because of the fate of her parents, Aunt, and girlfriend.
It's a harmless rumor but one that sometimes annoys Mi-Sun but not too much.
"Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and dig, everything will be alright as long as you go out for ice cream when you're done."

Interesting fact's about Mi-Sun
Mi-Sun has trouble muting her Korean accent from her British accent, especially after saying something in Korean. She's pretty embarrassed about it despite people saying it's cute.
She doesn't like her body much despite people constantly complimenting her. She feels she's really unattractive but deep down Mi-Sun knows it's not true.
Mi-Sun works as a florist but has a nursing degree.
She still texts Mina from time to time even if it never goes through.
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Yacob "Jake" Apostoledis


"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like."

Yacob "Jake" Apostoledis



Male / Heterosexual

Jovial, laid-back, always smiling

Photography, music, tattoos, motorcycles.

He grew up a comfortable child, his father owning a small country club and golf course chain, but always opted to spend time with his mother who'd left when he was a child, only to return when he was a teen. She despised his father for the "sell-out" he'd become. Her words. She was the cool one to him; she brought him to get his first tattoo, took him to concerts, and was very close with him emotionally. His father was eager to gain admiration from him, but Jake wasn't all that perceptive to his gifts and offers for vacation.

It was ironic then, that he bought himself a motorcycle and spent weeks touring the country. And when he returned, he almost immediately set off for another country. He spent a full 2 years travelling the world with little contact back home other than the occasional instagram pic.

Secret or Rumor?
A rumour was started that his father was in the mafia when he picked Jake up from school driving a brand new Mercedes and was smoking a cigar. Another rumour went around that his mother was a prostitute.

Neither were true. Only the latter upset Jake.

None of this friend group would know he's coming, other than Atlas.

The motorcycle is a 1988 Triumph Bonneville T140.

Best Friend - Atlas
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“You know, sometimes I like to go for a ride on the middle of the night, I like the feeling that the empty streets bring”


Atlas Callahan




Male, Heterosexual




Atlas, the gearhead of the group. He seems to be very charismatic and master at small talk, Atlas is not very open and keeps most of his family issues a secret from his friends, however he always tries his best to hear and help out any friend in need of help. He is the classic person who helps others with their problems but can't solve his own.

It isn't a secret that Atlas prefers not to talk about his family considering how powerful they are, all this fame really makes him tired and going out with his friends is the only thing that makes him take his mind away from all that business side of the family. He doesn't mind talking with strangers and has a great memory remembering people.

Atlas has the unhealthy habit of staying up until late, and sometimes going out for a ride or a walk, he says it's to clear his mind and get rid of the bad things.

Atlas loves watching old slasher movies and retro electronics in general, it seems like his style has been inspired by 80s movies and aesthetic. He rarely goes out of his house but whenever he does is to go out with a friend of his.


Atlas was born the son of a famous artist who was a great painter but a very disconnected dad, for the old man it was very important to explore the old to get more inspiration and ideas for his paintings, his mother on the other side was a business woman with little to no time at all, at the end his butler was the one who took care of him for most of his life, Frederick, was the name of the butler. As Atlas grew he considered Frederick to be his second father and a very important member of his family. Atlas received various gifts and money from his parents but that wasn’t enough to replace physical affection, Frederick explained that the two were always Busy and that it was very hard for them to make time for Atlas, he understood their situation but disconnected greatly from his parents.

Around the age of 20, Atlas developed a love for racing and cars.. everyone noticed it as he was growing up but they didn't give it much thought, Frederick decided to get him into a kart competition and it soon evolved to drifting competitions, Fred saw that the boy had talent and called his parents who made a contract with a racing team to check Atlas abilities with the car. He showed great speed and talent and was hired by the team as a rookie driver.. however as his fame grew he noticed that all this fame was bad for him and all he wanted was peace, but it was a little too late to turn back now, he liked what he was doing but hated how people would try to take pictures of him as he walked on the street.

It didn’t help that his parents were famous people, which means the cameras would try their best to take pictures and write more about the Callahan family. The only place where he found peace was at his house and sometimes when he traveled with his friends. Atlas had everything, but was constantly bothered by people, which made him leave his home less and less, aside from the occasional night ride that almost always cleared his mind. He started going out for rides way more often which raised Fred's suspicion that something else was going on..


- Atlas knows how to play the guitar quite well

- Atlas drives an old Mustang Fastback 1967


Best Friend - Yacob

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Tier Westerholm
Tier Westerholm


Freckles, dimples


May 17








Monday, January 27
slide to unlock



positive traits
vivamus quis aliquet est

negative traits
aliquam erat volutpat

Swimming, horror, exploring,

bugs(especially spiders),

“The charm of horror only tempts the strong”
He doesn't worry about much. If there's something serious he needs to be concerned with it'll pop back up and then he'll deal with it.

He's a curious person and loves the adrenaline of exploring places and things and not knowing what he'll find or what will happen. This combined with the fact that he can't be assed to be concerned about things does lead to some not ideal situations. Though he does try his best to be mindful of his surroundings, so as not to be snuck up on and murdered by a homeless person in an abandoned building. He's an a adventurer through and through and if he could do that for the rest of his life he would. He doesn't like to sit still always wanting a thrill.

He really doesn't like to work.When it comes to things he doesn't want to do he's lazy. He'll procrastinate until the last day of the world and still barley get whatever it is done. But working is a necessary evil. Though he would prefer to relax, have a snack, and hang out with friends.

Tier comes from a small family of four with only one other sibling, his older brother of four years Beckham. His family is originally from Sweden but moved to the U.S when Tier was eight due to his parents change in job. America is certainly different than Sweden so there was a bit of getting used to not only the weather but the culture in America.

When he first started school he had a hard time making friends. Mainly because a few kids thought his accent was odd and something to be made fun of. However, Beckham put an end to any kind of bullying before it could really get out of control and before Tier could tell them to knock it off himself. He's never been afraid to stand up to people it's more a matter of them not being worth the time at the moment.

Now with his brother off starting his life and Tiere in college he's lucky to have a good group of friends to chill with and get up to who knows what with.
code by valen t.


"I just love it, you know, suddenly I'm sailor moon, and everyone is here for that. so, yes, so... you wanna get bubble tea??"


Lilly Maja Sandberg




Cis female


On first glance, Lilly seems ditsy, clumsy and distracted. She is often caught staring into space, sometimes even mid sentence. When she is talking, to you, expect a topic change every now and then, you have to really keep reminding her to stay focused on something important. She is always smiling, talking about the things she likes and complimenting people on their outfits. She gravitates towards people who are sad, and tries to make them smile. She doesn't like to be sad in front of others herself though. She absolutely hates to be pitied or treated like a child, although she acts very child like a lot of the time. She loves mysteries, fantasy worlds and cosplay. She loves colourful clothing, cute stationary and sweet treats. Everything that makes her feel like something other than the person she is.


Lilly grew up in an apartment in the city of Lund, Sweeden with her father. It wasn't her blood father, but a young, single man who had adopted her when her mother had surrendered her as a toddler due to problems with addiction. She had a happy life with her father, and had fond memories of her time growing up there. Lilly loved anime, and cosplay and absolutely adored things like hamtaro and sailor moon, every day she would be hanging out with friends, and kind of avoiding schoolwork. Her teachers actually noticed that she may have adhd when she was in primary school. Her father gave her every opportunity to help herself. he booked her in with therapists and tutors. He loved her, and supported her. She actually had it pretty under control, and was achieving decently through her schooling. She wasn't the best in academics, but she was a little prodigy when it came to arts.

When she was about to enter her first year of senior schooling, and had just celebrated her 16th birthday, when her father had a fatal accident at work. At the same time, her birth mother had been trying to track her down. It turns out her adoptive father had been ignoring her after she'd reached out to him. Within the month after his death, she was being whisked outside of her beloved Lund, to the USA to live with her birth mother, who was 10 years sober, and had wanted to reach out for years.

She began schooling in america, having only a basic level of English from her schooling. She basically attached herself to a group of friends so that she wouldn't be alone. She continued, outwardly, in the same happy-go-lucky, cutesy persona that used to feel natural to her. She made friends easy, because, although she had a weird accent and she was kinda odd, she was very charismatic. She knew how to become that throw away friend that everybody uses as a distraction, or to have fun with. Her English was something she worked hard on. She was good at speaking, but not so good at writing and reading. She basically couldn't deal with the stress of English writing class, and maths. She loved art though, and continued to pursue her love of Cosplay, often attending festivals with hopes to go pro one day.

Her ADHD was very present, and a bunch of anxiety came along for the ride, and her mother caught on pretty quickly and sent her to a therapist. Her mom wasn't exactly the most stable person herself, and Lilly never felt like she could turn to her due to the fact that she had her own problems to deal with. The group of friends she followed like a bad smell were a bit of a coping mechanism to her.

After highschool ended, and she was struggling to hold down the simplest of jobs, she felt rather lost again. It now took a lot of effort to hang out with friends and she always had issues finding a date that suited all of them. She figured collage wasn't for her, and decided she was going to do some kind of trade. She stumbled upon flouristy one day when a friend of her mothers's daughter began doing it. She ended up starting work in that, with the help of her mothers friend, and is slowly working through her issues.

When the idea of a camp trip came up, Lilly was so excited she thought she might burst. A chance to see everyone again, it couldn't be more picture perfect.

Secret or Rumor?

Others - Maybe stuff like things other characters may know about them or such


Any preexisting relationships with other characters
If using this model feel free to edit at any time as sheets pop up




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Basics eris falling asleep.giferis chatting.gif

Name; Eris Parker

Age; 23

Ethnicity; African-American

Gender; Female (she/her)

Sexuality; Bisexual


General Character; Eris is a little rough around the edges. She’s not the sunshiniest and her initial expression can be intimidating. But the people who braved her stern face found a down to earth young woman with a practical approach to life. Surprisingly understanding of others. Serious but amicable. She’s a hard worker with a simple sense of humor. Its pretty easy to make her laugh, although she often hides this to maintain her persona. She keeps to herself, she knows she looks scary, but someone in trouble will never be ignored. Close to her remaining family. Severe with herself, has high standards for her work. Really loyal to her existing friends loves to see them happy.

Fears; something happening to her dad, puppets (yep).

Loves; her family, a good joke, learning a new life hack, or something new in general, crafting, working with her hands, a good view: sunsets, mountains, beaches etc, and apple cider.

Hates; feeling like a burden, someone dismissing her time and effort. She doesn’t like asparagus. Also talking about her mom.


General; Eris was raised by her father who traveled all across the United States to do his work. He worked as a technology consultant for new and some well-established companies. Her mother was only briefly a part of their lives. Her father while incredibly intelligent lacked in some common sense/ every day areas although he was always endearingly tried his best. So from a young age Eris learned a lot of life skills ranging from cooking to mechanics. She quickly learned to enjoy accomplishing things on her own and enjoys doing things for other people. Eventually, her father left her with his sister and cousins to be raised in a more stable environment since living with him on the road meant she often had to switch schools or neighborhoods. As an adult Eris still lives with her aunt and pays her own way and as a plus fixes anything that needs fixin.

Family; Her father, aunt, and two cousins, and a grandma on her father's side.

School; Eris got her bachelor's in English. then spent some time in community college racking up certifications 1 or 2 for different trades.

Work; Eris does a lot of gig work since she’s learned a lot of trades. This ranges from fixing a computer or helping fix a friend’s car.



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"Hey, it's all good."


Cyrus Takeda




Male / Heterosexual


Cyrus is caring and friendly, always trying to find common ground with everyone he is with. While this often means sacrifice on his end, his empathetic nature remains one of the strongest qualities about him. He's optimistic about life in general and is very patient. Internally, Cyrus is an over-thinker and tends to be in his head, but he hides this very well. Social, humorous, and playful, he pursues good times, even if that means simply being in the same room with friends. However, he also has an adventurous side and he loves being out and about, too.


Cyrus grew up in Pennsylvania with his mother and uncle. His father disappeared when he was 3, leaving little to no memories behind. His mother was a hardworking nurse and his uncle assumed a father figure role, becoming one of the most important people in Cyrus' life as a result. As a boy, Cyrus was very busy. He loved reading, playing musical instruments, and singing. Up until the present time, those remain to be his favorite activities. By the time he graduated high school, Cyrus decided he wanted to become a music teacher and enrolled in his town's community college. Passing with flying colors, he continued his undergrad studies in Manhattan and is currently working on graduating from there.

Secret or Rumor?

It had been rumored that, for almost two months, Cyrus had a relationship with one his high-school teachers. Thankfully, the rumor was so ridiculous, that few believed it.

After getting his driver's license, he went on a solo road trip to find his father. After being successful, Cyrus returned home, very different from when he had left.

Others - Maybe stuff like things other characters may know about them or such

- Cyrus has been known to be a little of a push-over. He's not confrontational and avoids arguments (unless he's very passionate about the subject at hand).
- His favorite food is pepperoni pizza.
- He is a very slow and defensive driver, sometimes to an excessive degree.


Currently none.

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